Puppet Curse Chapter 1013: New world


bsp; At the end, Hong Mo fainted in an unknown mood, calm and… gratified, right? In short, this guy Foji was solved, although the final ending was not perfect. He was not killed by him, but a cosmic change caused by Foji’s own evolution and detachment.

Hong Mo thought he was dead, so when Hong Mo regained consciousness again, he seemed a little surprised.

The surroundings were dark and seemed a bit void. Hong Mo could feel that there was an invisible restraint that was absorbing his power at all times. Although this power does not exceed Hong Mo’s regeneration power, it also prevents Hong Mo from exerting 1% of his original strength. Whenever he generates a little power, it is sucked away.

Hong Mo sensed that the power that was sucked away was used to transform and expand the world.

What is going on?

Hong Mo was preparing to take a closer look at the situation in this space, when he suddenly discovered that there was another person floating in front – Foji. As soon as Hong Mo put on a wary fighting stance, he immediately noticed Foji’s appearance… It turns out that this space not only absorbs the power of red ink, Foji did not escape this constraint. The current Foji is similar to Hong Mo. Every time he generates a trace of strength, it is sucked away by this space, leaving nothing behind. It is even worse than Hong Mo.

In any case, the abnormal changes here can be said to be caused by Foji, so Foji is the big one.

“What’s going on?” Hong Mo retreated from his hostility. No matter what the relationship between the two was before, it is time to put it aside now. Talking about fighting in this state can only be stupid.

“I don’t know, in short, this void space is constantly absorbing our power, as if it is expanding.” Foji said. Foji didn’t have any hostility. In fact, he woke up much earlier than Hong Mo. In this kind of space where no one could talk, it was great that Hong Mo could wake up.

“Don’t you know.” Hong Mopan sat down and let the energy be absorbed by this space at will without blocking it.

“What do you think of this change?”

“Ha, how do I know? Do you think my experience can match yours?” Hong Mo shook his head.

“Don’t belittle yourself, human beings have unique potential. Do you know how long it took me to reach where I am now, and how long it took you to reach where you are now? Maybe you have a different opinion. “Foji shook his head and looked at Hong Mo expectantly.

“Hahaha.” Hong Mo laughed for a while. “I don’t know if I should be happy to be praised by you. Well, I’ll just tell you my opinion.” Hong Mo said.

“All ears.”

“Let’s talk about detachment first. I don’t know what kind of state it is, but literally, detachment means transcending this world. In other words, you are so powerful that the world cannot tolerate it, and you have jumped out of this world. The world.” Hong Mo said, gesturing with his hands while looking at Foji.

Foji nodded, obviously understanding Hong Mo’s words easily.

“Well, since we have jumped out of the original world, then, based on the current situation, I think this is a new world in the making.” Hong Mo said.

“A new world?”

“My speculation, do you know the theory of the Big Bang? In fact, in China on the ancient earth, there is a legend about the creation of the world. According to the legend, before the heaven and the earth were divided, Pangu created the world, and then our world came into being. And then, Daozu Hongjun appeared…” Hong Mo slowly told the legend of ancient China.

“You mean, I am Pangu, and you are the extraterrestrial demon?” Foji said suddenly.

“Hey, why have I become an alien demon?” Although Hong Mo didn’t care, he still complained slightly.

“Hahaha.” Foji smiled indifferently, and then carefully looked at the changes around him, combined with the current situation. “I’m afraid, your guess is true.” Foji suddenly said after a long time.

“Ha~!” Hong Mo sighed after hearing this.

“Are you not very happy?”

“I’m so happy, what fun is there in Creation? There are many people in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, I’m the only one trapped in this place. And, even if it is really Creation, do you think the Patomi Star Territory gave birth to “Can you compare with the legendary God of the Universe? The most you can do is create a world with a few rules,” Hong Mo waved his hand.

“That’s right. I heard that the Scarlet Devil Mansion seems to have a world of its own.” Foggy said.

“Almost, the world of consciousness.” Hong Mo said, remembering something, took out his own little world, and found that there were some things in it, and even a few creatures. The panda in the small world that Hong Mo accidentally caught last time has grown bigger and bigger.

“Small world?”

“Well, there are still a few little guys. Although they probably can’t come out now, they can relieve their boredom in the future, so they won’t be so bored just facing you.” Hong Mo said, taking a look at the people in the small world. biology. Hong Mo tried it and found that with his current strength, he couldn’t pull these guys out of the small world. He probably wouldn’t survive even if he pulled it out.

“There are still creatures in the small world?”

“Oh, a fat panda, a nine-feathered bird, a blue-striped python, a thunder-footed rhinoceros…” Hong Mo said slowly.

“Not many, the creatures in your little world.”

“There are not many in the first place. My little world is not Gensokyo, and it is not very suitable for biological life.”

“Tell me, if we really create a new world, would they be considered the innate creatures you mentioned?” Foji asked again.

“How do I know…” Hong Mo was speechless and threw a bottle of wine from Little World to Foji.

The two chatted casually, slowly letting time pass by. In fact, both of them have basically determined that their current state is the creation of the legendary chaotic period. However, this creation is obviously not a huge world like the universe, so it does not appear chaotic. On the contrary, the two people at least have someone to talk to, so they will not just fall into a deep sleep and wait stupidly.

What is certain is that this newly emerged world will definitely not be as vast as the current universe, but it is worth looking forward to.


After three hundred and fifty-six cosmic years, the Scarlet Devil Mansion finally found a suitable planet for life in Virgo, the twelve golden constellations of the Milky Way. There are some creatures on this planet, but they can only be regarded as having undeveloped intelligence. After the appearance of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, this planet ushered in a complete change.

After the Scarlet Devil Mansion entered this world, its first decision was to actively guide the evolution of humanoid creatures on this planet. Of course, it is impossible for the Scarlet Devil Mansion to take care of these people one by one. Just like the genetic virus that was spread on the planet Cypress, the creatures on this planet began to gradually evolve towards the appearance of humans.

At the same time, the humans in Gensokyo gradually entered this new life planet and began to gradually thrive. Under the guidance and education of these humans, this planet became a new civilized planet in less than two hundred years.


This earth is obviously not the earth in the solar system, but the name given by the Scarlet Devil Mansion. When this planet was named earth, the new planet that was forming over there in the solar system was also officially named the sun star.

Although the level of civilization of the New Earth is still far from that of the Patomi Galaxy, the Scarlet Devil Mansion no longer intends to interfere and simply allows the planet to develop independently.

Gensokyo relies on the earth to exist in a dependent relationship, and has become a legendary place hidden by gods. Those humans who have left Gensokyo will never have the chance to enter Gensokyo again if they do not have the opportunity. The guardian angels, blood demons and goblins in the Scarlet Devil Mansion gradually began to leave Gensokyo and do what they like on Earth and the Milky Way.

It doesn’t matter whether you are exploring the galaxy or enjoying a leisurely life on the new earth.

The entire Scarlet Devil Mansion is gradually getting on the right track. In addition to constantly paying attention to the changes on the Sun Star, the Scarlet Devil Mansion has also begun to gradually explore the Milky Way. Heiyan Shu, Bashang, Wang Xie and others are restless, especially those who have been resurrected. They have not experienced the battle in the Patomi star field, so they are extremely enthusiastic about exploring the galaxy.

Suzune, Fran, ?D Ye, Long Meiling, and Yakumo Murasaki were a little tired, so they stayed at the Scarlet Devil Mansion with peace of mind, waiting for the return of Hong Mo.

Although the Scarlet Devil Mansion has various secret techniques of reincarnation, Suzune did not use them because, in Suzune’s understanding, she insisted that Hong Mo would be fine and one day, she could return to the Scarlet Devil Mansion.


The time when the Scarlet Devil Mansion came to the new Earth is called the New Calendar. Because the Scarlet Devil Mansion seldom intervened in the secular world, the secular world soon gradually forgot about the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Only those who became leaders of the secular world knew some news about the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

The Scarlet Devil Mansion is the real master of this world!

In the 1000th year of the New Calendar, the Millennium Celebration, not many people in the Scarlet Devil Mansion have settled in the small mansion of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Most of them have gone out and have different experiences. On the day of the Millennium Celebration, Gensokyo was also opened, and those who had gone out of the Scarlet Devil Mansion came back to reunite and began to celebrate the Millennium Celebration.

The gate to Gensokyo is open. Although it is generally impossible for ordinary people to discover it, there are still some changes on the new earth.

“Where is here?” A guy who got lost by chance said stupidly while looking at the strange and beautiful scenery in front of him.



After I finish writing this essay, I will take a two-day break…, no, I can’t take a break. The editor asked me to submit two outlines. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I will upload one or two chapters for trial reading related to the works of this book, and then everyone can vote to see which book they like more.

Because it is related to works, friends who have not subscribed can still go to the official website to check it out, and by the way, you can vote in the book review area.

Both books can be regarded as follow-up chapters of Origin. One starts from the blue Saturn in the Patomi star field, and the other starts from the earth inside the gate of time and space. I won’t say the specific content, but everyone can look forward to it.

The goblin is so lazy that he didn’t even create a book fan group, and he didn’t even have a deputy moderator for the novel… After going through Guagua’s education, I decided to seriously revise it for the next book. For those who are interested…ah haha, I’m really not used to doing these things. Let’s talk about it later. Take a rest.


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