Puppet Curse Chapter 1011: Black hole-like


bsp;Hong Mo stretched out his right hand in an inviting gesture, but with an excited and cruel smile on his face.


It was a simple word, but Foji on the other side suddenly laughed excitedly, which was very similar to Hong Mo’s expression. In the subspace of time and space, the two people started fighting again without any scruples. This time it was completely different from before. They were really full of firepower without any reservation.

…Full text typed by hand

The battle between the two affected the space vortex, causing violent explosions at both ends of the space vortex, both in the star field and the galaxy. Suzuyin and the others used all their strength to open up the three-dimensional defense field inside the spaceship, and the energy index inside the spaceship plummeted.

Fortunately, this spaceship can be said to be the most technologically advanced spaceship in the Patomi star field. Continuously rolling and impacting in the violent tearing of space… In the end, he could only be helplessly thrown in one direction. Although Suzune wanted to find Hong Mo, she had to be responsible for the other people in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, so she prioritized saving the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

With a whoosh, the spaceship was suddenly thrown out of the void of space and plunged towards a place at super-light speed. Please come to “” to see the latest chapter

“This is it.” He stabilized his body inside the tumbling spaceship and said doubtfully.

“The Milky Way is the solar system.” Suzune continued, pointing to a galaxy that was moving away from the side of the spaceship. Although they haven’t returned to the Milky Way for hundreds of years, they immediately felt a sense of familiarity when they saw this chaotic galaxy. Is this a reaction to my hometown?

Izayoi? Diya was born on the planet Kashiwa Jupiter and has never seen the solar system before it feels strange.

“Stabilize the spaceship’s return to the space vortex.” Suzune said immediately.

The personnel inside the spaceship immediately began to operate the spaceship. The energy index began to rise rapidly. Soon the spaceship stopped from being thrown away at super-light speed. The spaceship that had just stopped immediately flew towards the direction of the space vortex again. When passing through the solar system, Izayoi stood on the edge of the spaceship and watched carefully.

A huge whirlpool-like galaxy has the prototype of a planet in the center, and there are many broken meteorite belts on the periphery. The stars and planets in this galaxy are completely indistinguishable, and it is almost the same as the Patomi star field.

“Retreat…” Lingyin looked ahead and spoke suddenly.

The spaceship immediately began to move away from the position of the space vortex, and then everyone saw the existence of a huge black hole that had expanded from the previous position of the space vortex toward the surroundings. Everyone who saw this knew that the space vortex was abnormal due to the battle between Hong Mo and Foji. The spaceship once again headed outward to avoid and finally hovered at the edge of the solar system.

The light has been sucked away and ordinary technological equipment cannot detect any information at all. Only the strong ones in the universe can see what’s happening over there with the help of their perception field.

“The solar system is deviating.” Chu Lingxin calculated the position of the solar system based on the coordinates of the ancient constellations of the earth and finally said.


“Well, the entire solar system is being sucked towards that black hole.”

“What is a black hole-like thing?”

“It is a special cosmic environment that is very similar to a black hole but is not a black hole.” Chu Lingxin pushed up her glasses. “Obviously this is not a black hole, otherwise it would be impossible to escape with the performance of this spaceship. But even if it is not a real black hole, the entire solar system is unexpectedly being attracted to it.” Chu Lingxin explained.

The spaceship has been here for two days. Apart from the black hole-like changes, there is no danger. So Fran, Chu Lingxin, Hei Yanshu and many other people in the Scarlet Devil Mansion came out of the small world and looked at the solar system in the spaceship. Changes await results.

“Dad…” Lingyin ignored the conversation and murmured inaudibly.

“Don’t go there now.” Chu Lingxin reminded her as she passed by Ling Yin.

Lingyin did not answer when she heard the words, but her body trembled slightly and then relaxed. Ling Yin has absolute authority in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, but if there is anyone in the Scarlet Devil Mansion who can control Ling Yin, then besides Hong Mo, the only one is Chu Lingxin. Of course, Chu Lingxin never does that kind of unnecessary thing, unless in a situation like this, she doesn’t care but reminds her.


As the eldest lady of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Suzune cannot act recklessly for personal reasons at this time. What she needs to think about is that the entire Scarlet Devil Mansion comes first.

Hearing Chu Lingxin’s reminder ringtone, he didn’t look back but closed his eyes. For the next time, Lingyin kept the spaceship in place and carefully avoided the black hole-like space. This stay lasted for several months, and then the black hole-like space began to slowly shrink and finally disappeared.

Up to now, the solar system has completely deviated from its position to the direction of the previous space vortex and has shrunk dozens of times. In the center of this whirlpool of the solar system, a mutilated planet hundreds of times larger than the earth has appeared. Even the people in the Scarlet Devil Mansion couldn’t figure out what was going on.

“To put it simply, the black hole-like space sucked the solar system in. The strong attraction caused the chaotic meteorite belt in the solar system to condense together faster, so this new planet was formed.” Chu Lingxin explained road.

“What about the space vortex?”


“Of course I know it disappeared.” Lingyin said loudly and suddenly looked at Chu Lingxin. However, Chu Lingxin’s eyes were very calm and she just looked at Lingyin quietly for a moment. After that, Lingyin turned her eyes again and looked at the tattered planet in the center that had not yet completely condensed.

“Ha” Chu Lingxin sighed and the ring tone was obviously concerned and confused.

“Obviously the battle between Hong Mo and Foji triggered changes in the space vortex, causing the space vortex to form the black hole-like space and then attract the solar system to it. However, this black hole-like space is obviously not a real black hole, so it is not stable. It lasted for a few months and then disappeared, so the solar system was not sucked in. Instead, the attraction of the black hole accelerated the formation of new planets.” Chu Lingxin began to explain slowly after seeing Ling Yin calm down. .

“This is just an unknown change in the universe, so there is no mysterious power in it. And Lingyin, you should believe in Hong Mo’s strength. It’s useless to worry like this.” Chu Lingxin finally said A word of comfort.

“Can we enter that space now?” Lingyin asked after being silent for a while.

“Although there are still some cracks between people, I believe that there are others who have no problem with you. Even the spaceship cannot move easily in such a chaotic meteorite belt.” Chu Lingxin couldn’t help but agree when she saw Suzin’s expectant eyes. said.

“Then I’ll go inside and you can enter the small world.” Lingyin said without any hesitation.

“That’s true.” Chu Lingxin smiled and entered the small world.

“In two groups, I will be with ?d Ye, Fran, Long Meiling, Yakumo Murasaki and you.” Suzune said.

“Yes.” Several other people also nodded, and then several of them flew out at the same time and rushed towards the still-forming planet in the center. Although black holes have accelerated the formation of this planet, the planet still seems extremely chaotic and the various fragmented meteorite belts on the periphery have become more dangerous.

How many people are approaching this planet? D Ye followed the side and rear of the bell and carefully guarded the bell. Although it is basically impossible to encounter danger with Suzune’s strength, it is Diya’s duty to protect Suzune. After flying for a period of time to avoid the chaotic energy flow of the meteorite riot, Lingyin and Dye finally arrived on this new planet.

The newborn planet looked extremely broken and desolate without any signs of life.

Lingyin stood on a huge meteorite fragment stuck diagonally on the surface of the planet and looked at the earth below in unusual silence. It was too quiet. Apart from the sound of meteorites constantly hitting the planet, there were no other traces of battle at all. In fact, the Scarlet Devil Mansion has been paying attention to the changes in the solar system, so it has long known that the battle between Hong Mo and Foji is obviously not here.

Knowing that this was the case, Lingyin just couldn’t rest assured.

Suzune put her index finger between her eyebrows and closed her eyes. The perception field opened. This was different from the normally open perception field. The specially opened perception field instantly expanded again to the original range and expanded dozens of times to cover the radius. Thousands of kilometers of everything are covered in it.

In Suzune’s eyes, all kinds of information flowed and she was in a super mental state, processing all the information constantly. After a moment, Suzune opened her eyes and frowned.

“Miss”? Dye called softly.

“Let’s go over there.” Lingyin said, taking the lead and flying towards the other side.

There are countless natural storms on the newly born planet. It is a natural Jedi. However, this environment obviously cannot stop the current Ringtone and ?d Ye from flying forward every thousands of kilometers. Ringtone Will open the perception field once and search carefully. It’s a pity and of course… there isn’t any.

After more than a month, Suzune and Fran found no useful information.

“What should I do about my sister?” Fran asked.

Lingyin seemed not to hear Fran’s question but silently looked at the constantly forming planet. Dad is definitely going to be fine. Although he is obviously convinced, but… what is this uneasiness in his heart.


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