Puppet Curse Chapter 1010: Excited


bsp;The expressions of the two people changed instantly, becoming extremely serious and dignified!

The moment the aperture under Hong Mo’s feet opened, there was a buzzing sound, and the meteorites under their feet began to shatter rapidly and silently. For no reason, it automatically collapsed into the finest dust. Only an area under Foji’s feet was still intact.

The technology in the Patomi Star Territory is still very good. A group of people in the space station crowded together and looked at the two people intently. Seeing the meteorite under their feet suddenly shattering, the group immediately started making a noise.

“What’s wrong? What kind of attack is this? I didn’t see it at all.”

“What a **** attack, the two of them haven’t even moved at all. It’s because the meteorite couldn’t withstand the ability field of the two of them, and it broke automatically.” The director of the space station took a sip of wine, cursed, and continued He didn’t even move his eyes.


In an instant, the red ink disappeared from the place, and then appeared in front of Foji, with five fingers piercing it. With a smile on his face, Foji also disappeared and appeared directly behind Hong Mo. His right hand suddenly closed – twisted.

Hong Mo retracted the five fingers of his right hand, but a little bit of escaped power suddenly penetrated through the fingertips. An extremely sharp penetrating force instantly penetrated countless meteorites along the way. Almost instantly, you could see this complex meteorite belt exploding in a straight line.

If the people inside the space station could still tell that Hong Mo’s first attack was the aftermath of the five-finger penetration, then the battle a moment later was completely beyond their ability to distinguish. It was completely impossible to see where the two of them were. They could only see the meteorite belt exploding continuously, and the space began to distort continuously.

A mental ripple swept through, and the group of people were stunned for a moment, and then they all fell to the ground.

Psychic shock!

The impact on the soul obviously affected the group of space station staff who wanted to be witnesses, and all died directly. However, even though they died, the instruments in the space station continued to work stably, transmitting the fighting situation here to the entire Patomi star field.

In the battle between Hong Mo and Foji, of course they will not deliberately target these people, but they will not deliberately avoid these people. However, the luck of this space station is indeed good. In addition to the initial mental shock, the subsequent energy shock , but it didn’t even reach here. Therefore, a battle scene with no clues at all was transmitted.

There are no clues. Yes, in the battle video recorded by this space station, there are no human figures at all, just the scene of the meteorite belt being broken. Whether it is Hong Mo’s speed close to the speed of light or Foji’s ability to move freely in space, it exceeds the limit that these technological products can capture.

Hong Mo and Foji did not move their positions anywhere. Even if they were fighting, they were only limited to this small area. Under the battle between the two, the space continued to vibrate, and huge cracks had occurred. However, neither of them had any intention of stopping, and their movements became more and more fierce.

Physics, energy, soul, consciousness, attacks from several aspects are all integrated into one. Just a seemingly ordinary attack causes an impact that is so strong that it is unbelievable. The violent impact continued to wreak havoc on the surroundings, and even Suzune and the others who were watching the battle from a distance could not help but frown.

With a click, the five fingers of red ink penetrated directly into Foji’s right palm.

The action that was originally extremely fast was frozen in one moment! Foji had a smile on his face, and Hong Mo’s expression was equally calm, as if he was not fighting, but just chatting. However, Hong Mo’s right hand instantly penetrated Foji’s defense and suddenly penetrated Foji’s body.

With a pop, Foji burst into pieces, leaving no nearly complete bones.

However, Hong Mo’s eyes were closing and opening at the same time, completely shattering the mental illusion around him. At this time, Foji’s attack had also landed on Hong Mo. With just one finger, an extremely violent twisting force instantly spread to Hong Mo’s body, and then Hong Mo’s body instantly became fragmented.


After Hong Mo recovered half of his body, he hit Foji with a strong elbow. At the edge of the elbow, extremely solid and sharp power instantly began to tear apart the surrounding space crazily.

Foji’s body disappeared in an instant, and Hong Mo also disappeared here. A shattered space crack suddenly appeared on the spot, sucking in the surrounding broken meteorite belt.

“I’m actually very excited.” Hong Mo’s originally calm face suddenly looked slightly excited and ferocious, and he stopped saying this at the same time. Before Foji could realize what the red ink meant, the two of them bumped into each other hard.

There was a buzzing sound, and the ringtones in the distance suddenly felt a trembling sound sweep through their ears. Then they saw a huge space crack suddenly appear in the center of the battlefield, spreading directly to the space not far away. swirl. Lingyin and others were stunned for a moment, and then they saw Hong Mo and Foji directly entering the space crack and falling into the space vortex.

“Go in!” Lingyin said when she saw this scene.

Without any objection, several people immediately entered the spaceship, and then suddenly plunged into the space vortex.

Not long after, the surrounding space gradually closed. However, countless cracks gradually appeared around the originally stable space vortex. The cracks on the space vortex are still expanding, and there are continuous violent energy impacts inside. The violent energy impact that appeared out of nowhere in the dark void looked like a starburst, extremely gorgeous.

However, due to these impacts, this space vortex has become increasingly unstable and distorted.

Over the Patomi Star Territory, the space station is still floating quietly in the distance, and the instruments inside faithfully transmit everything that happens here back to the Patomi Star Territory. The twisted space vortex suddenly trembled, and then a devastating shock wave swept away in all directions. The surrounding meteorite belt was instantly damaged, including the space station.


Half a month later, Kashiwa Jupiter, the planet closest to here, received the footage from the space station. When this scene was known to the top brass of Kashiwa Jupiter, it was instantly transmitted to other planets.

Obviously, the filmed battle between Hong Mo and Foji was just an appetizer. It is estimated that they have no chance to see the real battle. Both the Scarlet Devil Mansion and Foji have entered the space vortex. If nothing else, the space vortex will be destroyed due to the battle.

“It’s such a pity. I plan to wait a while and go to the Milky Way to see it.” Snake Shadow shook his head slightly after seeing the picture transmitted back.

“The space vortex was destroyed?”

“Eighty percent is that the space vortex was originally the product of the planet’s explosion. It is not very stable. It is expected to change again this time. As for whether it will be destroyed, it is hard to say.” Snake Shadow explained.



Foji saw Hong Mo’s expression, felt the aura of improvement in Hong Mo’s expression, and immediately judged that Hong Mo was not joking, but was really excited!

“Let yourself go. With your tepid appearance, you still want to find that opportunity?”

Emotions can also be contagious. Feeling Hong Mo’s slightly excited emotions, Foji’s aura gradually boiled, and the force field around him began to distort directly. Moreover, Hong Mo is right. If you want to find that opportunity, it is absolutely impossible to be so careful. Most of these opportunities are unintentional. And this kind of accident is in the real battle.


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