Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 98: Shouzhe is promoted to Zifu! Anye is about to get married

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The reason why Wang Shouzhe went to such a far away place for promotion was because he had no choice but to do so. Being promoted to the Purple Mansion Realm at the age of one hundred and thirty is indeed an exaggeration.

If you can be low-key, of course it is better to be low-key.

Of course, Wang Shouzhe doesn’t particularly care if he can’t keep a low profile. After all, the Wang family is no longer what it used to be. The combination of apparent strength and hidden strength is amazing even to Wang Shouzhe himself.

What’s more, the Wang family has made great contributions to Daqian, is married to the royal family of Daqian, and has a deep relationship with Lingyun Holy Land. The saint of the semi-autonomous county in southern Xinjiang is also his sister.

In just one-third of an acre of land in Daqian Country, the power is already deeply rooted.

Under normal circumstances, no blind person would come to trouble Wang.

At the same time.

Outside the small island, hundreds of miles away from the small island, a huge ironclad ship is parked. On the ship, the golden emblem representing the Wang family is shining in the sun.

At this moment, on the deck of the armored ship, one after another, either majestic or ethereal, stood.

These people are naturally the Wang family members headed by Wang Longyan and Liu Ruolan.

Because the family head’s promotion to the Purple Mansion Realm is of great importance, this time, except for the ancestor Xiaohan who was ordered by the ancestor Longyan to stay in the family, all the other important figures of the Wang family came.

Even Wang Zongan, who was busy digging the canal, took time out and ran back all the way.

At this moment, although there were many people standing on the deck, almost no one spoke. Everyone’s attention was focused on the small island in front, waiting silently.

Waiting for that moment to come.

I don’t know how long this has passed.

Finally, Wang Shouzhe, who was concentrating on polishing his profound energy and consolidating his foundation, suddenly felt like his own profound energy and soul had reached a very harmonious and satisfactory level.

One point less is shallow, one point more is overflowing.

He understood that the time had come.

Wang Shouzhe made a prompt decision and immediately began to attack the bottleneck of Zifu Realm.

When ordinary geniuses advance to the Purple Mansion realm, the reason why they need the assistance of elixirs is entirely due to their insufficient understanding of the laws.

Wang Shouzhe, as a peerless genius-level cultivator at the pinnacle of the Heavenly Realm, does not need psychic pills to assist his breakthrough when he is promoted to the Purple Mansion Realm. He only needs the heat and opportunity to advance naturally.

Just because he already had a relatively deep understanding of the laws of heaven when he was in the heavenly realm. Not only had he fully mastered the minor magical powers, he had developed a variety of ways to use them, and he had even mastered some of the minor magical powers. the law of extension.

If Wang Shouzhe’s bloodline had not been transformed for a short period of time, his understanding of magical powers would have been even better, and he would have even touched the threshold of true magical powers.

When the understanding of laws is far higher than one’s own level, promotion naturally becomes a matter of course.

It probably took less than half an hour for Wang Shouzhe to successfully break through the bottleneck and open the Zifu Divine Aperture. The whole process went incredibly smoothly, even without any hiccups.

If those talented people who had gone to great lengths to break through the Purple Mansion Realm and even narrowly escaped death knew about this, they would probably go crazy with jealousy.

The moment Wang Shouzhe broke through.


Somewhere, the heaven and earth suddenly reacted.

In an instant, rays of light fell down and enveloped his body. Countless spiritual energy gathered towards him crazily, pouring into his body one after another, tempering and transforming his body.

Wang Shouzhe felt that his physique was getting stronger almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The profound energy flowing in the meridians has become more and more solid and powerful under the tempering of this force, and is gradually transforming in a more powerful direction.

His strength is increasing crazily at a terrifying speed.

At the same time.

The situation between the sky and the earth is changing, and thick clouds are beginning to gather. Soon, it turned into a huge tribulation cloud.

After a while, in the calamity cloud, a thunder calamity began to brew.

Zi Mansion Tribulation Thunder!

For Xuanwu monks to break through, the Lingtai realm is the easiest, and there are almost no strange phenomena. Only when they break through to the Heavenly Realm, will strange phenomena appear, and three tribulation thunders will appear. When they break through to the Zifu realm, the tribulation thunders will appear. It will become six paths, and its power will increase geometrically.

“Hiss~ Is this the Thunder Tribulation of the Purple Mansion Realm? It’s too powerful!!” On the armored ship, the captain Wang Wanganghao couldn’t help but take a breath of air.

“If you go home a few times, you won’t be so surprised and look like you have never seen the world.” Wang Zongan, who was standing next to him, glanced at him, with a somewhat unhappy look on his face.

“Father, don’t I also want to help the family open up sea routes?” Wang Wanghao shrank his neck, a little aggrieved, “There are many islands between Daqian and Tianji Continent, the ocean currents are complex, and sometimes there are some inexplicable Affected by the energy tide, unpredictable situations will inevitably occur. It was an accident that Longyan ancestor and grandma were promoted to Zi Mansion, and I did not mean it.”

“Okay~ Be quiet.” Wang Zongan was too lazy to talk nonsense to him.

Can he still not know the virtues of his second son?

This boy has been clamoring to go out to sea for adventure since he was a little boy. If his father hadn’t stopped him, he would have run away long ago.

Later, after this kid’s son An Rui got married and had a child, his father relaxed and let him go to sea. As a result, the kid couldn’t wait to organize people to follow Long Wuji to go to sea. From then on, he was out of control, often counting Not to mention not going home for a whole year, sometimes I am unlucky and encounter unexpected situations at sea, and I have not been home for ten years.

My father has said many times that we should have more backup plans to avoid being unable to cope with emergencies. As it turned out, this boy had gone to the dog’s belly because he simply needed to be dealt with, which made Wang Zongan have the urge to break his legs.

As he spoke, the sky became darker and darker.

A series of thunders gathered in the calamity cloud, and the rolling thunder became stronger and stronger.

There was also a terrifying coercion in the sky, as if the entire sky was pressing down, crushing the humans on the ground into pulp.

The hearts of everyone on the armored ship began to rise unconsciously, and no one was in the mood to speak anymore.


There was a flash of light in the calamity cloud, and the calamity thunder that was brewing to the extreme broke through the sky and flew down.

The light is blazing.

Like a blade cutting through darkness, it is sharp and powerful, carrying terrifying destructive power that can tear apart space.

However, Wang Shouzhe seemed not to have seen the calamity thunder at all. He didn’t even lift his eyelids and handed everything over to Wang Lixian.

And Wang Lixian did live up to his expectations.

The thunderbolt that looked extremely powerful and powerful struck **** the energy shield she had opened, but the energy shield only shook for a moment and then stabilized again.

The terrifying power of thunder spread like a snake on the surface of the energy shield, creating a gorgeous sound and light effect, but it still failed to shake the energy shield at all.

It was only then that bursts of muffled “rumbling” sounds were heard in the air, which made people panic.

Everyone in the Wang family looked at this scene from a distance, feeling relieved and at the same time they couldn’t help but sigh.

The Tree of Life is indeed a fairy plant, and its strength is indeed powerful. Although ordinary seventh-level alien plants can withstand the Zifu Thunder Tribulation, they cannot withstand it so easily.

Just when everyone was sighing, the second thunderbolt was brewing and fell from the sky, followed by the third and fourth…

It was not until the sixth thunderstorm that the brewing speed suddenly slowed down.

This is the last thunder tribulation in the Zi Mansion Thunder Tribulation, and it is also the most powerful one.

At the beginning, the ancestor of Fire Fox almost failed to resist the last thunder tribulation. If it were not for the protection of Wang Shouzhe’s life profound energy, he might have fallen directly to the thunder tribulation.

But when it came to Wang Shouzhe, even the last thunderbolt didn’t cause much trouble.

After Wang Lixian swallowed the fairy energy stored in [Ancestor Panpan’s Blessing], she ignored Di Zian’s request for her to return it… She said that she had already returned it once during the experiment. Why? Do you want her to pay it back a second time?

Di Zian tried hard to argue with her, saying that during the experiment, she absorbed it once and returned it once. Then during actual combat, it was absorbed once more and should have to be repaid twice.

When Ke Lixian insisted on doing the experiment, she had already returned the spirit spirit once. It would be better to kill her than to do it a second time.

Di Zian couldn’t argue, so he had to accept his fate. The treasury would pay for his majesty to go to the Immortal Dynasty to recharge his energy with the real immortal boss. Although His Majesty is not willing to drag his old face to seek the true immortal, who made him recognize his registered granddaughter as a scumbag?

Then after Wang Lixian worked hard to digest the fairy spirit, she also gained considerable benefits.

Not only has her strength increased to the middle to late seventh level, but the most important thing is that the degree of concentration of energy in her body and the total amount of energy that can be accommodated in her body have increased. This has increased the defensive power of her energy shield and Combat endurance has been greatly improved.

At this moment, the benefits of these improvements are fully demonstrated.

When the last tribulation thunder fell, the green energy shield that Wang Lixian had opened was violently turbulent. The surface was almost completely covered by the violent thunder, and it was impossible to see the situation inside from the outside.

The terrifying power is enough to make monks with insufficient cultivation weak from fear.

But in the end, the energy shield still held on and was not broken.

Wang Shouzhe did nothing during the entire Zifu Thunder Tribulation from the beginning to the end. He just lay down easily under the protection of Wang Lixian.

If the talented people who had gone through so much trouble to survive the thunder calamity of Zi Mansion knew about this, they would probably be jealous beyond recognition.

After the thunder tribulation, feedback from Heaven also came quickly.

Wang Shouzhe felt an inexplicable force pouring into his blood, making him feel like he was soaking in a hot spring, with his blood boiling and his momentum rising.

Fortunately, when he was promoted just now, his body was baptized and tempered by the massive amount of spiritual energy gathered, so that he could withstand the pressure of the bloodline power that increased sharply in a short period of time.

In just a short moment, his bloodline level awakened to the seventh level – the Great Holy Body.

You must know that the genius who has the potential to achieve Zifu only has two levels of blood when he is in the Qi Refining Realm. Even if he is promoted to the Zifu Realm, he only has the fifth level of Taoism.

Wang Shouzhe’s bloodline level at this time is twice as strong as the ordinary Zifu realm.

If a fight really breaks out, he alone may be able to match the strong men in the middle and late stages of the Zifu realm. If Wang Lixian is added to the mix, although he is still unable to defeat the magical power realm, he can protect himself with his own tricks. Not a big problem anymore.

If you give him some more time to digest the advantages brought by the Dacheng Holy Body and strengthen his magical powers, he may not be afraid of the magical realm. After all, except for a very small number of magical power realm monks at the level of emperors and saints, most of the magical power realm monks have the same belly bloodline level, that is, the Dacheng Holy Body, which is consistent with Wang Shouzhe.

Such information made Wang Shouzhe feel much more at ease.

“Shouzhe, congratulations.”

Seeing that Wang Shouzhe’s tribulation was over, the armored ship quickly approached. Ancestor Longyan couldn’t wait for the armored ship to dock, so he flew directly, like a snowy giant, passing hundreds of miles above the sea, and landed on the island.

Behind Patriarch Longyan, Liu Ruolan floated over like a wave of water, and landed in front of Wang Shouzhe in an instant, smiling sweetly: “Husband, congratulations.”


Wang Shouzhe was also very happy.

Over the years, not only has his own strength been steadily improving, but the population and overall strength of the entire Wang family have also been growing crazily at a speed that is unimaginable to ordinary people.

Today, including himself, the Changning Wang family already has nine Zifu realm combat units.

It’s almost time to be promoted to a fifth-grade family after preparations are made.

In addition, after so many years of preparation, the dowries for the Emperor’s Mansion and Rongjun Prince’s Mansion are almost ready, and An Ye’s marriage should be officially put on the agenda.

Coupled with the search for the Shenwu Army Officer Academy, the development of special combat plants in the Purple Mansion Realm, and a series of development plans that Wang currently has on hand, there are still many things for him to do next, and I am afraid he will be busy. .


As Wang Shouzhe was promoted to the Purple Mansion Realm, it was another five years later.

Time has come to Longchang three thousand two hundred and sixty-five years.

Longzuo County.

Meandering southward from Longzuo County, there is a Hengduan Mountain Range called the “Dongshan Mountain Range”.

Tracing back to its roots, the source of “Dongshan” is the Tianlong Mountains, one of the major mountain ranges in Daqian, and is a transverse branch among its several branches.

The Dongshan Mountains are not majestic and steep, but they stretch all the way east to the East China Sea, which also isolates Longzuo Nanliuwei from most other areas of Longzuo County.

The ancestors dug a winding transportation corridor in the weak part of the Dongshan Mountains, called the “Dongshan Corridor”. In the steep part of the Dongshan Corridor, there is also a majestic Dongshan Pass.

On both sides of the corridor, there are two acropolises on the right and left of the corridor.

After passing Dongshan Pass and then to Langzuowei, we entered the six southern guards of Longzuo.

Of course, all the passes and acropolis here were not built overnight. They have also witnessed the historical process of Longzuo County growing from small to large, from scratch, and expanding outward bit by bit.

One city, one guard, one pass, one town.

Each acropolis has experienced a “career from the border to the hinterland”, representing the continuous expansion of human habitat.

Just like the “Zhouxuan Pass” and “Shouzhe Pass” that Wang once built, they have gradually been reduced to hinterland passes. This is the same reason.

In the eyes of the aristocratic families in Longzuo County, the former Sixth Guards of South Longzuo was a remote place in the countryside, and there were even stereotypes of “vicious beasts running rampant” and “poor and backward”. If a child from a big family was transferred to Nanliuwei to guard the property, it was called “distribution” in the past.

But now.

Nan Liuwei has become synonymous with “wealth”, and aristocratic families of all sizes have gradually escaped poverty and embarrassment and are living a good life.

These all stem from the rise of a family, the Changning Wang family.

Many times, the rise of a noble family is often accompanied by actions such as strife, annexation, and blood-sucking. It will also lead to the decline and demise of many noble families. At most, the difference is between violent means and gentler means.

But the Wang family in Changning is different.

The Changning Wang family has never objected to cooperation with other aristocratic families. As they rose, they brought rich alliances and partners one after another.

As long as the family is willing to cooperate, the Changning Wang family can take you to make a fortune and fly together.

It is this core concept of expansion that has made the Wang family of Changning so famous in Nanliuwei that it has almost reached the point of “covering the sky with one hand”, and its influence has penetrated into all aspects of daily life.

To express it in the sour words of Emperor Longchang, that is, within the scope of the South Six Guards of Longzuo, Wang Shouzhe’s words are more effective than his Longchang words, and he is always “unreasonable and complaining”. Wang Shouzhe’s fellow is the South Six Guards. “Emperor of Earth”.

If “Dongshan Pass” is closed, one can be called “the Great Emperor” behind closed doors.

Wang Shouzhe was too lazy to talk to Emperor Longchang about his sour grapes remarks and simply turned a deaf ear.


The number of carriages passing through Dongshanguan and entering Nanliuwei was obviously much larger than in previous years.

One of the carriage teams was very large, consisting of more than two hundred heavy-duty carriages. Each carriage was pulled by four heavy-duty Northland draft horses.

Judging from the flags on many of the carriages, they belong to several different families in Monan County.

What was mounted on the first carriage was a flag decorated with a blue dragon. Apparently, there was a royal caravan in the procession. Judging from the details of the flag, it should be the flag of Wu Chengze, the prince of Monan County.

The rest of the banners also represent some powerful families, including the Huangfu family of the fifth rank of Monan, the Wang family of the fifth rank of Monan, the Mo family of the sixth rank of Monan, as well as some other sixth-rank and even seventh-rank families. flag.

The first carriage is made of light sandalwood wood. The wheels are wrapped with a layer of tires made of a mixture of wear-resistant sandalwood resin and spiritual animal skin. There are also wheels on the base of the car. Equipped with shock absorbers produced by Wang’s Refining General Division, it can maximize the comfort of driving.

The interior decoration of the carriage is even more luxurious and comfortable, taking into account lighting, heating, cooling, independent bathroom and other functions, just like a small mobile palace.

This is the “Palace Chariot” developed and produced by [Wang’s Weapon Refining Directorate], a luxury product born after integrating Wang’s “people-oriented” weapon refining concept.

Because the technical strength is temporarily inferior to that of Gongye’s Weapon Refining Workshop, [Wang’s Weapon Refining Directorate] has been following the product line of “civilianization, mass production, and modularization” in recent years.

Although most people currently travel long distances by flying chariot, there is still a large market for “palace chariots”.

The reason why Wang produces such luxury goods is that after developing various new technologies, many technical by-products will appear, and technology cannot be wasted. Secondly, it is also because Wang has a natural advantage in the production of raw materials.

As Wang Shouzhe’s bloodline talent continues to strengthen, his catalytic cultivation of various plants, including spiritual plants, has reached incredible levels.

Through his hands, many kinds of very practical economic plants were cultivated. Quite a few of them were unimaginable by others before.

This includes Lingbai, which can produce high-quality resin glue in large quantities. Its products can replace most of the functions of rubber and have better performance.

There is also fast-growing sandalwood that has been developed and optimized.

Under the influence of Wang’s Spirit Gathering Array and Wang Lixian, the fast-growing soul sandalwood can become useful in just a few years.

Although the wood produced by Susheng Ling Sandalwood is not as thick and strong as some spiritual woods, it is extremely light, insect-resistant, corrosion-resistant, and is much stronger than ordinary wood. It can also exude the refreshing sandalwood fragrance. Fragrance.

On the current market, this is definitely the most cost-effective material for making flying chariots. The excess materials were used to build “palace chariots” to generate additional income. After all, the market for palace chariots is huge, far larger than the market for flying chariots.

The low cost of main materials, coupled with Wang’s expertise in modular design and assembly line production, are enough to allow Wang to quickly occupy the market.

Depending on the materials used and the level of luxury, the price of palace chariots ranges from 10,000 dry gold to hundreds of thousands of dry gold, not including the spirit horses or spirit animals that pull the cart.

Up to now, the total sales of palace chariots in Daqian Country has reached thousands, and the future market is worth looking forward to, at least it is a large market worth hundreds of millions.

There is no way. As the Wang family develops better and better, the number of outstanding members of the family increases, and the financial pressure becomes more and more obvious. Only by continuously opening up financial resources can we cope with the growing financial pressure.

This “palace chariot” is a luxury version, plus two third-level spiritual horses pulling the cart. Its total value is almost equivalent to a spiritual bird chariot, and its owner is Wu Jinghao, the young prince of the Wang family of Monan County.

At this time, Wu Jinghao was lying comfortably in the carriage, accompanied by two beautiful maids.

Opposite him sat the “Royal Sea”, one of the two former Monan overlords.

At this time, Monan Wangwanghai was no longer the young boy he was before. He was dressed in luxurious Xuanwu attire, had a mustache, and had deep and upright eyes. He was obviously a mature and steady young man.

With his outstanding talents and the long-term and unremitting cultivation of the Monan Wang family, Wang Wanghai, who is 120 or 30 years old this year, has already reached the third level of the Heavenly Realm.

Even in a fifth-grade family full of talents, such a cultivation can be regarded as a key member.

Of course, Wang Wanghai cannot compare with the top ten outstanding young people in Shangjing City, let alone the perverts of the Wang family. But compared to most people in this world, it is already much stronger.

But compared to most people in this world, he is already much stronger. There is a high probability that he will achieve the Purple Mansion realm in the future, which can be regarded as a superior person.

Originally, according to logic, for escorting gifts, just find an elder in the Celestial Realm in the family.

But the young prince Wu Jinghao had to show off his newly purchased “palace chariot” and had to drag the royal family along with him. The two took the initiative to ask for escorts to deliver wedding gifts. No, they left for several months.

“Hey, this road… is really flat. The main road can at least accommodate four carriages driving abreast. How much will it cost?” It was Wu Jinghao’s first time coming to Longzuo Nanliuwei. Naturally, everything he saw was new.

“This is called a two-way four-lane. Did you see the two yellow lines in the middle? We have to keep to the right and cannot cross the yellow line. When we reach the main road in Changningwei, there are two-way six lanes.” Wang Wanghai said listlessly He replied, Chang Ning Wei has been here a lot, but he is not like Wu Jinghao who has never seen the world.

As we get closer to Changning Guard, there are gradually more vehicles on the road, and flying chariots fly by in the sky from time to time.

When the convoy arrived at Changning Ferry, the so-called two-way six-lane was actually jammed!

There are carriages everywhere, all kinds of carriages. Judging from the carriage flags and signs, they all come from different families.

Not only that, there are also an endless stream of ships in the Anjiang River.

“Shi Hai, aren’t we half a year ahead of schedule?” The little prince Wu Jinghao’s scalp was numb, “The Changning Wang family’s queue is too big. It’s just the wedding of the eldest grandson of a direct descendant. There are so many people ahead of schedule. Come give me a gift, it’s much more grand than my weddings in previous years.”

Actually, Wu Jinghao was just complaining. He also knew that the Wang family was not what it used to be. That boy Wang Anye married a great talent of the royal family, and he married two of them at once.

This kind of good fortune really makes all the young men in Longzuo County envious.

This time, Wu Jinghao came to congratulate him and also wanted to see how powerful Wang Anye was and how capable he was.



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