Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 96: Shou Zhe! How many cards do you have? (Ask for monthly ticket)

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If Prince Dexin had to guess a hundred times, he would not be able to guess that the situation would be like this.

The unbreakable ancestral blessing space was actually broken by a plant. And as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the ancestor he feared the most.

The ancestor’s look in his eyes suggested that he wanted to eat people.

On the side, Xiao Limo’s face only changed slightly, and an extremely complicated look flashed across his eyes, showing pain, despair, but also a bit of relief.

“Ancestor, there is a misunderstanding. This is all a misunderstanding.” Prince Dexin was so anxious that he was sweating profusely and still wanted to struggle for his life. “I received the intelligence that the Wang family was a spy of the Scarlet Moon Demon Dynasty. …Maybe, maybe my information is wrong.”

Emperor Longchang did not speak, but just looked at him quietly.

The leading soldiers of the Marshal’s Guard Battalion also looked at him silently, but there was strong anger and hatred deep in their eyes.

They all understood that the old thief Dexin had seized the lifeblood of the Grand Marshal and forced him to participate in the murder of Prince Hao.

After that, he used this as a threat and planned to murder Emperor Zi’an again.

On the other side, Emperor Zi’an and Wang Shouzhe, who had retired after their success, also silently stepped back a little, watching all this with solemn expressions.

For a while, except for Prince Dexin’s defense, there was no other sound in the venue, and the atmosphere was horribly depressed.


As Prince Dexin spoke, he gradually felt something was wrong, closed his mouth, and looked ashen.

Even if he didn’t know what happened outside the sheltered space, just by looking at Emperor Longchang’s eyes, he understood that Emperor Longchang knew everything.

I am completely finished!

Emperor Longchang no longer looked at him, but slowly raised his head to look at Xiao Limo.

In addition to anger, the emotions in his old eyes were much more complicated.

Compared to his descendant Dexin, he actually valued Xiao Limo more and even trusted him more than anyone else.

But I never thought that Xiao Limo could hide so deeply.

“Your Majesty.” Xiao Limo bowed deeply, a look of complete relief flashed in his eyes, “My lord, I will die!”

“Death is not a pity.”

Emperor Longchang gritted his teeth with hatred.

After a pause, the emperor said: “The guard camp obeyed the order and captured the two rebels Xiao Limo and Dexin, and escorted them back to the military camp to await my fate.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The guard battalion was ordered to take action, and immediately stepped forward to capture Xiao Limo and Prince Dexin, and put the divine shackles on them.

Just when the soldiers of the Guards Battalion were about to **** them back to the main camp, Prince Dexin suddenly shouted: “Wait! Ancestor, I have something else to say.”

“You evildoer! You have admitted everything yourself, so what else can you say to defend yourself?” Emperor Longchang shouted angrily.

“Wang Shouzhe, it turns out that all this today is your conspiracy.” Prince Dexin did not look at him, but glared at Wang Shouzhe angrily, like a salted fish that refused to rest in silence, “I don’t understand! Why, why would you do this? Do you know that I am going to attack you today?”

As soon as these words came out, even Emperor Longchang couldn’t help but stare at Wang Shouzhe, as if he wanted to hear Wang Shouzhe’s explanation.

Prince Dexin and Xiao Limo did not regret dying, but Wang Shouzhe was too scheming. In such a complicated situation, it was possible to predict in advance and carefully lay out a big bag waiting for Dexin to rush in.


Facing the complicated looks in everyone’s eyes, Wang Shouzhe sighed deeply: “Tianyan, let’s talk about it first.”

As soon as he finished speaking.

One of the personal guards of Emperor Zian walked out slowly.

In front of everyone, she reached out and took off her helmet, revealing a waterfall of long hair and a beautiful face.

This woman is none other than Tian Yan.

She bowed respectfully to His Majesty, but it was not the etiquette used by ordinary people when meeting the emperor, but a military salute.

Facing Emperor Longchang’s puzzled eyes, she suppressed her excitement and said, “Your Majesty, my real name is ‘Zhou Hongye’. My father’s surname is Zhou and his given name is Bowen. He is a general under Prince Haojun. ”

Zhou Bowen?

Emperor Longchang thought for a while and had a vague impression: “I remembered it. He is the child of the Zhou family of Junwu. I saw him when he was a child. At that time, he was also listed among the top ten outstanding military and military officials. One of the young men later became Prince Hao’s right-hand man.”

“Yes. It’s him.”

Tianyan did not expect that Emperor Longchang would still remember his father after so many years. His nose felt sore for a while and he almost lost control of his emotions.

She took a deep breath, stabilized her emotions, and then told everything.

It turned out that her father was the adjutant of King Hao, responsible for dividing the troops to meet King Hao. As a result, he delayed the battle, which indirectly led to the death of King Hao. He was later sentenced to a cannon fodder camp to atone for his crimes, and eventually died in the cannon fodder camp. .

But Tianyan secretly went to the cannon fodder camp and met his father. Zhou Bowen told her that he had been wronged and had been delayed and framed with false information and false orders.

Zhou Bowen can become the adjutant of King Hao. His knowledge, ability and means are naturally extraordinary and comparable to those of ordinary soldiers. It is not easy to deceive him with false information and orders. In addition, the military has its own set of rules for transmitting intelligence. If someone is not familiar with the military, they will easily be exposed if they rashly transmit false information.

He reviewed the whole thing in the cannon fodder camp, thought over and over again, and finally came to only one conclusion: the matter was most likely related to the top brass of the army, otherwise it would be impossible to be so watertight.

There is even a possibility that this matter is related to the dispute between the generalissimo and the emperor’s son.

After all, the false orders and false information were all stamped with the Generalissimo’s seal, and the seal marks were all genuine, otherwise he would not have been so easily fooled.

After the accident, he immediately wanted to find the texts of the false intelligence and false orders, but found that all the texts that should have been kept in the military camp were missing.

It was as if the marshal had never given those orders.

Without any evidence, he could only die unjustly.

In order to clear her father’s name, she changed her name and entered Tianque with some connections. She worked hard to become a senior member of Tianque and used Tianque’s channels to start investigating what happened back then.

The first target of her suspicion was the lineage of Prince Kang as the vested interests.

She worked so hard to recruit talents and gather information for Emperor Zian. On the one hand, she did not want Prince Kang to ascend to the throne. On the other hand, she actually hoped that Emperor Zian would re-investigate the case and return her money after he succeeded him. My father is innocent. If my father and Prince Hao are still alive, they can rest in peace.

Over the years, although she could basically judge from various signs and some fragmentary indirect evidence that the Grand Marshal and Prince Dexin teamed up to trick King Hao to death.

However, one of the opponents is a military marshal, and the other is a prince of the royal family.

This is a big deal.

If there is no solid evidence that can really make a final decision, and there is no complete and unshakable chain of evidence, there is nothing they can do. Even Di Zian felt that part of the evidence chain was too subjective. Once presented, it would most likely be overturned by the other party’s loopholes.

Fairy Tianyan had no choice but to turn to Wang Shouzhe, hoping that he could help.

When she finished speaking, Wang Shouzhe continued: “Your Majesty, although the evidence chain is not sufficient, Dexin does have a clear motive for committing the crime, and some circumstantial evidence also points to him. The suspicion of committing the crime is very high. But Shouzhe has never been able to figure it out. Why did the Generalissimo go so deep into the dispute between the emperor and his son? Moreover, the matter has been going on for so long that it is almost impossible to obtain solid evidence. The only ones who know the whole truth are probably the actual participants at the time.”

“Therefore, Shouzhe could only set up the situation in front of him, lure the snake out of the hole, and use Prince Dexin’s psychological state to lure him into telling the truth.”

“It can’t be that simple!” Prince Dexin roared unwillingly, “How can you be sure that I will take the bait when you set up this trap? All action plans are decided by the king himself. Is it possible that you still have demons? Can magic control my thoughts and actions?”

“That’s right.” Emperor Longchang also frowned, “Why do you think Dexin will definitely act at this time and take this kind of action?”

“Your Majesty, this matter is a bit complicated.” Wang Shouzhe was helpless.

When the emperor comes, it will be troublesome and in the way.

“It’s complicated to say it.” Emperor Longchang glared angrily, “This matter is so big, do you still want to be vague about it?”


Wang Shouzhe pondered for a while and then said: “This starts from when Cao Youqing caused trouble in my Longzuo County and Long Wuji forced me to join Prince Kang.”

“Isn’t that too far?” Emperor Longchang glared, “Who are you fooling?”

“Your Majesty, at that time I felt that the dispute between the emperor and his son was too risky, and I did not want to be implicated, but the pressure exerted by Long Wuji and others was too great. Therefore, I had to consider the gains and losses if I was involved in the dispute between the emperor and his son. and safety.”

“Based on this, we need to thoroughly investigate and understand the experience and character of the ‘future lord’ King Kang, as well as the people around him who have major influence on him, their experiences and personalities, as well as comprehensive information about King Kang’s opponents, etc. , is it reasonable?” Wang Shouzhe said innocently.

Emperor Longchang stared.

It’s reasonable, you soul!

It’s just a small aristocratic family who took refuge with the Lord~ There were so many aristocratic families who lined up in advance, how come you were the only one who organized such a big battle?

However, he agreed: “Be cautious and thoughtful.”

“Weichen knows that the formation of a person’s personality is often related to a series of internal and external factors such as family of origin, life experience, psychological trauma, etc.” Wang Shouzhe explained, “I discovered at that time that Prince Dexin was very concerned about the dispute between the emperor and his son. Extremely persistent, when King Kang was still young, he always instilled in him concepts such as, ‘You were born at a good time, you must be the emperor’s son’, ‘You will be the future emperor’ and so on. In short, he devoted his life to Unfortunately, all of this is pinned on Prince Kang.”

“At that time, when Prince Kang was in his prime, Prince Dexin was bragging all over the world, saying how excellent he was in teaching Prince Kang. He also mentioned that when Prince Kang was young, he was taught too harshly. The example of being severely punished by Prince Dexin when he said “I don’t want to be the emperor’s son” proves that thanks to him, Prince Dexin, Prince Kang has achieved such achievements.”

Prince Dexin’s pupils shrank as he was being escorted by his guards.

He did not expect that Wang Shouzhe would investigate in such detail, even investigating the details that he had almost forgotten.

“It can be seen that Prince Dexin’s obsession with inheriting the throne is far more than that of Prince Kang. Even if Prince Kang may give up, Prince Dexin still has a chance to make a comeback. , there is a high possibility that they will not give up. If you let it go, it will be a hidden danger sooner or later.”

“But Dexin is a prince. We can’t just come and kill people without saying anything to avoid future troubles, right? If we do this, His Majesty will not let us go. Therefore, build a safe and controllable space and release It is naturally the most reasonable way to use bait to attract the hidden danger to actively enter and then explode.”

“Guilong City is not a good place to take action, but Southern Xinjiang is remote and the mountains are high and the emperor is far away. It is a good place to show off one’s talents. Therefore, Emperor Zi’an first released a plan to conquer Southern Xinjiang, with the purpose of letting Prince Dexin saw the hope and future, and stabilized it for the time being, instead of going all out and making a crazy counterattack on the spot.”

“As we all know, Prince Dexin is not a good-tempered master, nor is he very patient. I specifically asked Emperor Zian to continue delaying the plan to conquer southern Xinjiang, gradually wearing away Dexin’s patience. When his patience is exhausted, it is possible that When he loses control, let him know how to calm him down, and when his patience is gone, let him know again.”

Emperor Longchang interrupted angrily: “You kid is very calculating. But how do you know where the bottom line of Prince Dexin’s patience is? Maybe his heart will break down and he will take risks directly?”

“No matter how patient Dexin is, he is still stronger than Your Majesty after all. After all, he has greater external environmental constraints than Your Majesty. When Your Majesty loses patience, Dexin also loses patience…” Wang Shouzhe said truthfully, “I am Based on His Majesty’s rhythm.”


Emperor Longchang couldn’t control himself and kicked Wang Shouzhe in the face.

Did you regard me as a model of patience during those times when you were in a relationship?

Also, what are external environmental constraints? Doesn’t the implication of your words mean that no one controls me, that I have no patience and like to do whatever I want?

If I hadn’t looked at Xian’er, An Ye, and Ruo Lan, I would have beaten you on the spot, believe it or not?

Under the Emperor’s uncertain expression, Wang Shouzhe continued: “After doing this several times, it was finally time for Emperor Zi’an to go on an expedition.”

“Prince Dexin has been tortured for decades, and his patience has almost been exhausted. As long as he still wants to make a comeback, he will never give up this golden opportunity. As long as he has a plan, he will definitely I took action this time because I missed this village, and God knows where the next store will be.”

Prince Dexin’s expression was extremely ugly.

Wang Shouzhe actually had a good grasp of his psychological ups and downs, controlling his emotions through external conditions, and making all his actions and ideas fall under his control.

This man is so terrible!

“I’m also curious. Although you can control him, he will take action this time.” Xiao Limo, another being held in custody, frowned and said, “But why are you so sure that Dexin will choose to take action when the Saintess changes? Do it in Gu Shen Village?”

“Back to Generalissimo, we have spent decades managing Southern Xinjiang to form today’s structure, which is equivalent to conquering Southern Xinjiang in disguise. Conquering Southern Xinjiang has become just a formality.”

“With a conquest plan without any hard-fought battles, Emperor Zi’an only needs to guard the Chinese army all day long, and then he can smoothly win the great power of the sky and completely consolidate Emperor Zi’an’s position.” Wang Shouzhe said calmly, “If you give Dexin ten thousand courages, he won’t dare to take action in the Chinese army, right? Moreover, he can’t just watch Emperor Zi’an achieve unparalleled achievements, right?”

“In such an unbalanced and anxious state of mind, as long as we reveal a single flaw, he will be like a jackal that has been hungry for decades and suddenly sees a piece of meat. Strong desire overwhelms reason, and it is easy to Taken the bait.”

“Besides, Miss Yuqing has abandoned the secrets and turned to the bright side, and is determined to be loyal to Emperor Zi’an. With her on the side, beating the drums and confusing one or two, it will naturally become more natural.”

“Luo Yuqing?!” Prince Dexin suddenly stared at the hundreds of personal guards and roared like a mad dog, “Luo Yuqing, you bitch! You actually eat everything!”

In the guard camp, Luo Yuqing, pretending to be a guard, flew down gracefully, took off his helmet, saluted Emperor Longchang, Emperor Zi’an, and Wang Shouzhe respectively, and then said to Prince Dexin with an indifferent expression: “I Originally from the Immortal Dynasty, I was invited by Gong Yangce, the great genius of Lingyun Holy Land, to form ‘Breaking Dawn’ together. I originally thought that Gong Yangce and King Kang were both passionate and dedicated to fighting for the rise of mankind. Aspiring people.”

“Unfortunately, both Gong Yangce and King Kang disappointed me. Not only did they fail, but they failed very ugly. King Kang even exposed all his true colors of hypocrisy. After that, we ‘Breaking Dawn’ was wanted, and the sisters and brothers I had trained were dug out one by one and captured alive. Just when I was so anxious, I met the emperor’s son An and the head of the Shouzhe family.”

“After a heart-to-heart talk all night long, I found that Emperor Zi’an is the real master in my mind, and the head of the Shouzhe family is a good minister who is rarely seen in a lifetime. I, Luo Yuqing, am willing to lead the ‘Breaking Dawn’ to fight for them Fight and follow them to witness the rise of humanity and the bright future of exorcising demons.”

Luo Yuqing said these words sonorously and forcefully, with piercing eyes, as if he had really found his destiny.

However, in comparison, Dexin, who was “betrayed”, was not so happy.

His eyes were so furious that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

“By the way, not only did I abandon the dark side and join the bright side, but Wa Bak also changed his mind and joined His Highness Emperor Zi’an under the persuasion of the head of the Shouzhe family.” Luo Yuqing blinked her beautiful eyes and said righteously, “This is Shouzhe. As the master of the Zhe family said, ‘Those who have attained the Dao will receive many aids, while those who have lost the Dao will have few.'”

“Damn it, **** it~Pfft!”

Prince Dexin finally couldn’t hold back a mouthful of blood and almost fainted.

Not only was he being counted on by Wang Shouzhe from the beginning to the end, but even the most valued subordinates around him had secretly taken refuge with Wang Shouzhe.

How can we not lose in this situation? If you don’t lose, you’ll be damned.

“Alas~~” Xiao Limo let out a long sigh, “The master of Shouzhe’s family has far-reaching plans, and he has a deep understanding of people’s hearts. Dexin’s defeat is not unjust.”

“Shouzhe once studied the generalissimo’s use of troops, which made Shouzhe admire him, but it’s a pity…” Wang Shouzhe said regretfully, “One step is wrong, every step is wrong, everything is wrong. It’s really disappointing. .”

“It’s not a matter of regret. It’s all Xiao’s fault for getting to this point. No one else is to blame.” Xiao Limo shook his head and said, “It’s because Xiao doesn’t have the courage to accept the reality. It’s also because Xiao has a selfish and narrow mind and is unwilling to fight. The Xiao family was humiliated by me and fell into decline, so they were willing to be coerced by Dexin.”

“Wang has no control over Marshal Xiao’s affairs. Let His Majesty worry about it later.” Wang Shouzhe shook his head.

“Hmph!” Emperor Longchang glared at Wang Shouzhe and said, “You are very calculating, but you are just afraid that you are not cautious enough? Aren’t you afraid that the personal guard camp will rebel with Xiao Limo? You didn’t tell me the reason earlier. Isn’t that right? , luckily I followed you and acted as a king bomb for you at the critical moment, shocking the whole audience.”

“Your Majesty, you must have confidence in yourself. The military family you have worked hard to build during your reign has a high sense of honor and loyalty.” Wang Shouzhe said calmly, “These hundreds of Generalissimo’s personal guards , behind them are dozens or even hundreds of military families, large and small. After they fully understand the reason, how many people will give up their family’s honor and loyalty and follow the rebels to rebel?”

“We are loyal to the Emperor and have no second thoughts towards the Daqian. Please tell us from the Emperor.” Hearing this, the soldiers in the Grand Marshal’s Guards Battalion hurriedly expressed their opinions, “We are just suffering from Xiao Li.” Blinded by ink.”

Seeing this, Emperor Longchang finally felt a little better. At least, the army’s loyalty was still there, and his thousands of years of management were worthy of it.

He waved his hand: “Although you were deceived by Xiao Limo about this matter, you chose to hesitate when Emperor Zian gave the order. You can avoid the death penalty, but you cannot escape the living penalty. After this incident, you will all be in the cannon fodder camp to atone for three years!”

“Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty.”

All the soldiers in the guard camp replied in unison.

The punishment is not severe, but the cannon fodder camp is very dangerous, and there is a risk of death no matter how short the time is.

“Your Majesty.” Wang Shouzhe was slightly moved when he saw this, and said from the side, “The development plan of the Dala Grand Canal has entered the final stage. Many rocky lands are very difficult to open. It is better to let them do hard labor to dig the canal. …The Grand Canal can be connected early and produce economic effects.”

It is already very luxurious for monks in the Heavenly Realm to work as coolies. It is comparable to humanoid excavators. What’s more, there are three bodyguard commanders from the Purple Mansion Realm. If they go to dig mountains and dig soil, their efficiency will be even worse. Than humanoid Godzilla.

However, as soon as Wang Shouzhe said this, the soldiers in the personal guard camp looked at him angrily.

They are top-notch personal guards, and their future development direction is to be in the middle and high-level positions of the army. It is their duty to fight monsters outside the territory. Even if they sacrifice for this, it is an honor. But the hard work of digging mountains and digging soil… this is an insult to them. !

“This is an elite army that I have cultivated with great difficulty.” Emperor Longchang also said angrily, “You actually let them do hard work.”

“It’s a penalty anyway. If we open the Grand Canal as soon as possible, our economy will be better off.” Wang Shouzhe argued rationally, “With more money, we can cultivate more and more powerful armies. . We have been poor for too long, we must seize the time to develop.”

Open your mouth on the economy and keep your mouth shut on the economy. Wang Shouzhe, don’t you mean to accuse me that Longchang only knows how to spend money but not make money? Really annoyed!

However, what Wang Shouzhe said still makes sense.

Longchang frowned impatiently: “Okay, that’s up to you. Your personal guard camp will be dispatched to dig the canal. You will obey Wang Zongan’s command and work for ten years to atone for your sins.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Although the soldiers in the guard camp were full of resentment towards Wang Shouzhe, they did not dare to disobey the emperor’s order.

“Are you satisfied now? If there is anything else, please tell me quickly.” Emperor Longchang was in a very bad mood today, almost dying of anger, and in the end he was manipulated by Wang Shouzhe.

This time, he should not come to southern Xinjiang to watch the fun! The most important thing is that in Wang Shouzhe’s plan, he, Wang Zhao, does not exist at all.

“This time, His Majesty is also present for the Southern Xinjiang Joint Expansion Plan. Let’s simply have a more solemn ceremony where the old and new generations sign a contract together.” Wang Shouzhe said and shouted, “Jing’er, Please come with Saint Dai.”

“Yes, fourth brother.” Wang Luojing responded and walked away.

No more than ten breaths later.

Saint Maiden Dai and Wang Luojing gathered at the scene.

Seeing the emperor, Saint Dai bowed obediently and then stood with her hands tied.

“This time, I would like to thank Her Majesty the Holy Lady for supporting Shouzhe’s plan.” Wang Shouzhe said with a cupped hand, “If you have no objections to the surrender agreement drawn up by Emperor Zi’an before, you can take this opportunity to sign it together. Anyway, Your Majesty It’s all here…”

Emperor Longchang secretly rolled his eyes again.

What does ‘all come’ mean? Are you just reusing it by the way?

“I have no objection to the previous terms. If Emperor Longchang signs the contract on the spot, the ceremony will be more formal.” Saint Dai said.

“Okay, since we have shown sincerity and taken good care of the Holy Gu clan.” Wang Shouzhe said calmly, “For the sake of long-term peace and stability in the future, Shouzhe has a small proposal.”

Saint Maid Dai has already understood Wang Shouzhe’s power, and immediately said humbly: “I am all ears.”

Wang Shouzhe looked around the guard camp, then glanced at the ashen-faced Prince Dexin, and said, “I heard that when Prince Dexin was young, he met a foreign youth on an overseas battlefield. Considered a confidant.”

Prince Dexin paused and looked at Wang Shouzhe in disbelief: “You, you, you, how did you know?”

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt like he was being stupid again. Luo Yuqing, the person who specializes in intelligence, has been lurking around him for decades, constantly spying secretly, and deliberately targeting him. How can he have any secrets?

As long as Wang Shouzhe is willing, he can even know the color of his concubine’s underwear.

“That young man from a foreign country happened to be a nobleman of Southern Qin.” Wang Shouzhe said, “The case of King Kang’s smuggling from Southern Qin actually indirectly exposed that identity. When it comes to smuggling, there are always two sides. Cooperation is all it takes, how can there be unilateral smuggling? Therefore, how can I let go of this line?”

“Shouzhe, you mean that Wu Chengsi’s smuggling case is related to this **** Dexin?” Emperor Longchang couldn’t help but feel chest tightness again.

“Not only that, my guess… is just a random guess.” Wang Shouzhe said, “If Prince Dexin really kills me and Di Zi’an this time, he will definitely frame me later. Where will the spoil come from? ?The best stolen goods are the traces of the Demonic Dynasty’s magical skills, or some special artifacts, etc.”

“The Yinsha Sect is the common magic nest of Southern Qin and Western Jin. If the Southern Qin people help, it will be easy to get these things.”

“Besides, if Dexin really kills the emperor’s son An and I, Wang Shouzhe, no matter how well the lies are crafted, it will inevitably arouse His Majesty’s suspicion and investigation. It may be best for me to solve the problem. There is no other way than to create a war and introduce Southern Qin and Western Jin to attack Daqian by luring wolves into the house.”

“By then, when Daqian is in trouble, His Majesty will naturally not have the time to suspect and investigate. At this time, Dexin only needs to find a way to get Wu Chengsi back, and then let him go to the battlefield and attack After the troops retreated from the Southern Qin and Western Jin Dynasty and performed great achievements, they could wash away the filth of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country on Wu Chengsi.”

“Since His Majesty has no other suitable successor, Wu Chengsi still has a good chance of reaching the top with proper operation.”

“Of course, if during this process, some manipulation is done to the Emperor and something unexpected happens to the Emperor…then the probability of success of the plan will be even higher.”

“Slander!” Prince Dexin was trembling all over and his face was pale. “You are a naked slander!”

“I said, I’m just guessing, I’m just standing in your position and giving you an idea.” Wang Shouzhe didn’t wait for the emperor to be angry, and glanced at a kind of personal guard camp, “I heard from Yu earlier Qing reported that Dexin was suspected of secretly inserting several spies into the guard camp to act as extra trump cards to prevent changes~~”

Xiao Limo on the side was also shocked and said: “Dexin did place several generals in the guard camp. I thought they were all his subordinates!”

As he spoke, he looked at Prince Dexin in disbelief: “Dexin, you actually colluded with the Southern Qin royal family?”

Dexin suddenly collapsed to the ground.

Originally, he thought that he could cooperate with those people during the **** and take the opportunity to escape. With his own magical power level cultivation, as long as he can escape, he will have a foothold even in Southern Qin.

Who would have thought that his last trump card would be dug out by Wang Shouzhe!

Now, it’s all over!

The Guards Battalion also reacted at this time and took action immediately to form a circle of encirclement, surrounding the three of them. Because those three people, like Luo Yuqing and Dexin, were all non-staff personnel assigned to the guard camp.

The situation just now was so chaotic that they actually ignored it for a while.

“Your Highness Saint Dai.” Wang Shouzhe glanced at the three of them, and then said seriously to Saint Dai, “In order for Southern Xinjiang and my Da Gan to better cooperate and coexist, and to better implement the surrender plan, naturally We want to draw a clear line with another neighboring country – Southern Qin. You are a smart man…”

Saint Maiden’s eyes flashed.

Wang Shouzhe wants her Holy Gu Clan to surrender.

However, with an army of 100,000 people standing at the gate, she naturally had no room to refute, and immediately said knowingly: “Since we, the Holy Gu Clan, are determined to live a good life with Da Gan and develop common prosperity together, Naturally, we will follow the path to the end without any double-mindedness. Don’t worry, Master Shouzhe, no matter whether he is a nobleman of Southern Qin or an emperor, he will definitely die today.”

After saying that, she made a move.

In an instant, the Holy Gu Celestial Silkworm, which turned into a cocoon of light, emerged from the cocoon again, making bursts of sharp insect sounds.

The overwhelming power of the ninth-level holy Gu rushed towards the three people.

“?” Emperor Longchang looked at him sideways, “Didn’t Saint Dai just terminate Tiancan’s life contract?”

“Well…Your Majesty, she was acting just now…” Wang Shouzhe said honestly, “Even Prince Dexin knows to prepare extra trump cards, so Shouzhe must also be on guard.”

Emperor Longchang’s scalp felt numb after hearing this.

What do you call “defending against one hand”? How many trump cards have you kept?

At this time, Emperor Longchang felt some sympathy for Dexin.

It was so unlucky to meet Wang Shouzhe, my opponent! No wonder Wang Shouzhe disliked him for following him. Wasn’t he afraid of being robbed of the limelight? Emperor Longchang thought about it viciously, as if he were trying to save others by himself.



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