Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 91: Winning! I want them all

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The figures who came here are Duocai Zhenjun, the deputy general manager of Rising Sun Bank, Sanbao Zhenjun, the third pavilion master at Duobao Pavilion headquarters, and Yao Yongwen, the ancestor of Lingxu of the Hanyue Yao family.

These characters are the three creditors with the largest amount of funds raised by Wei’s mortgage this time.

[Xu Sun Bank], [Duobao Pavilion], and [Yao Family Air Transport] are all famous large-scale commercial organizations in the Immortal Dynasty. Especially Xuri Bank and Duobao Pavilion have more than one family behind them, and their relationship network is extremely complicated. .

Not only many top aristocratic families have some shares in it, but even the Immortal Emperor lineage and Immortal Palace have a lot of shares.

For this reason, the business models of Rising Sun Bank and Duobao Pavilion are relatively independent. They have a complete set of self-contained rules internally and are not very constrained by aristocratic families or even the royal family.

In these two organizations, shareholders only enjoy the right to dividends and the right to sell shares every 100 years, but have no decision-making power.

The Wei family is actually one of the shareholders of these two organizations, owning a small portion of the shares. During the family’s heyday, they also had many business dealings with these two organizations. Otherwise, it would not be possible to borrow so much money at once. .

As soon as the three people appeared, they all began to ask Wei Dongyu for debts.

Seeing that Wei Dongyu was about to pout in anger, Wei Deming, the second ancestor of the Wei family, hurriedly stopped the disaster relief, rose up in the air to support Wei Dongyu, and held his hand to the passerby: “Deming has seen a lot of wealth. True Monarch, True Monarch of Three Treasures, Ancestor Yongwen. Mingyu and I borrowed the money, so I should handle this matter.”

Zhenjun Duocai is a chubby middle-aged man, wearing a splendid robe, with a kind face and a kind face, and does not look aggressive at all.

He smiled with a look that said “harmony brings wealth” and said: “It’s the same. It would be best if Brother De Ming handles this matter. Previously, your Wei family borrowed 120 million immortal crystals from our Rising Sun Bank. The collateral is part of the mineral resources of your Wei family. Originally, according to the logic, we did not need to be so anxious to ask you for money, but now that such a big thing has happened to the Wei family, we, Xuri Bank, are also afraid.”

The Three Treasures True Monarch of Duobao Pavilion is a middle-aged man wearing a scholar’s robe. He looks gentle, elegant and quite graceful.

Hearing this, he also sighed and said: “Our weapon refiner has studied the new armor of Xuanjia Division. It is really ingenious in design and has great future. According to the estimates in our cabinet, the future of Xuantie Ingot will be The price fluctuation should be between one hundred and two hundred Immortal Crystals, and it is impossible to rise back to the original price. Brother Deming, if you lose, you lose. Just lose in a more dignified way, and don’t be so shameless and make people laugh.”

“True Monarch Duocai and True Monarch Three Treasures have finished what I have to say.” Patriarch Yongwen of the Yao clan nodded and said, “We, the Yao clan, will lend a total of 60 million immortal crystals to the Wei clan. It’s a small sum, brother Deming, why don’t you pay us back first.”

The expression on Patriarch Wei Deming’s face has turned extremely ugly, and he repeatedly raised his hands and said: “Why are you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sots? Crystal.”

“Brother Deming, it’s not that I don’t give you face. It’s just that with the Wei family’s current situation, what’s the point of extending the grace period?” Duocai Zhenjun sighed and said, “I will help you settle the account. You guys The Wei family has lost at least 300 to 400 million immortal crystals this time. Even when the price of black iron ore is relatively high, your family’s income, excluding family expenses, will not be able to pay off this debt in two to three hundred years.”

“Now that the price of black iron, your family’s main project, has plummeted, and the general trend is very unfavorable, it will be good if your annual income can barely cover your family’s frugal expenses. Repaying the debt will definitely be far away.”

“Brother Deming, please don’t go against the general trend.” True Monarch Three Treasures also had a look of helplessness on his gentle and elegant face, “According to the contract, we can mortgage your family’s minerals, but your family must also rely on We rely on minerals to make a living. We are all businessmen, and we will have to cooperate if we can’t make ends meet in the future. I don’t want to break up with you.”

“In my opinion, instead of continuing to carry on, your family should admit its failure and honestly sell off some fixed assets, such as magical treasures, Taoist tools, magical inheritance sites, etc. to repay debts. I will wait for you in the future After turning over, you can add more.”


Ancestor Wei Deming screamed sadly.

The old saying goes, “When a wall falls, everyone will push it back.” This is what we are talking about.

After all, he has lived for more than two thousand years, so he can naturally understand the actions of the Three Treasures True Monarch and others. The Wei family had actually done similar things before.

But I can understand it. After all, it is my family that has to pay the price now. Whether it is a magical treasure, a Taoist weapon, or a place where magical powers are inherited, it is the heritage accumulated by the family from generation to generation, so naturally it cannot be sold first.

“True Lord Duocai, True Lord Three Treasures. We have 600,000 units of black iron ingots in our hands. I wonder how many immortal crystals can be deducted? Can the unit price be 300 immortal crystals?” Wei Deming asked pitifully with his hands raised. .

“Difficult!” Zhenjun Duocai shook his head and said, “I remember that two hundred years ago, the unit price of black iron ingots was only two hundred fairy crystals. Now the price is too high. Especially nowadays, the new armor uses a lot of black iron. The magnitude has been reduced, and your family is accumulating large amounts of mines, and the inventory is greatly overflowing. It is expected that the price of black iron will be very low in the next hundred years. Also, in order to survive, your Wei family will inevitably increase the mining of black iron ore…”

At this point, he shook his head again. Needless to say what he said next, everyone present would naturally understand it.

In the past, the supply of black iron ingots was less than the demand, and the overall price would naturally continue to rise. However, now the supply exceeds the demand. If the supply is increased, the price will only fall further.

In a few years, the price of black iron ingots may not even be able to maintain the unit price of one hundred immortal crystals.

“For your 600,000 units of black iron ingots, our Duobao Pavilion can charge eighty immortal crystals per unit.” True Lord Sanbao suggested, “This price is quite risky for us, after all. The large inventory of black iron ingots will have to be sold until the end of the Year of the Monkey. God knows what will happen in the future if they are not kept intact.”

Eighty Immortal Crystal?

Wei Deming was shaky.

The highest price quoted for the Black Iron Ingot was 1,300 Immortal Crystals, but the price plummeted to 80 Immortal Crystals! The ups and downs of life are really exaggerated.

But he understood that the Three Treasures True Monarch did not lie to him.

He, Wei Deming, has also seen with his own eyes how the price of black iron ore has risen step by step, and even the Wei family has played a lot of part in it. Now it’s just a matter of time and place.

“Eighty Immortal Crystal? The risk is not small. Brother Sanbao still needs to think about it again.” There was some doubt on Zhenjun Duocai’s chubby face, and he frowned and advised, “If the Wei family is willing to make a large increase every year in the future, If we reduce the production of Xuantie Mine, this deal can still be done, otherwise, the price will easily penetrate the Eighty Immortal Crystal.”

Want to go any lower?

Wei Deming’s face changed. He gritted his teeth and said, “The package price is 50 million immortal crystals. I hope the Three Treasures True Monarch can help me.”

“In that case, it will simply be worth your 50 million immortal crystals.” True Lord Sanbao thought for a moment and nodded, looked at him again, and solemnly advised, “Deming, your Wei family is a millionaire.” It has not been easy for the family to develop all the way. Remember this loss, and remember to do things down-to-earth in the future. Everyone’s duty is divided into people, and don’t think about taking shortcuts.”

Wei Deming’s face turned red at what he said, and he said hurriedly: “Thank you for your teachings, Zhenjun, but I don’t know if Zhenjun can first transfer the 50 million immortal crystals… For the rest of the debt, our Wei family is willing to spare some magical power The place where spiritual treasures and supernatural powers are inherited is auctioned by Duobao Pavilion.”

After saying that, Wei Deming glanced sheepishly at the True Monarch of Enlightenment who had transformed into a giant enlightenment tree and was staring at him from afar.

“Forget it.” True Lord Three Treasures looked helpless, “Give me the list of magical inheritance places to be auctioned, and I will go back and prepare for the auction. As for True Lord Enlightenment… Oh, just let him follow me. Right.”

The Three Treasures True Monarch still has a lot of face. When the Enlightenment True Monarch asked for compensation of 100 million immortal crystals, it was Wei who interceded through the Three Treasures True Monarch’s channels and changed the 100 million immortal crystals offered by the lion’s mouth to five Ten million.

“Junior, thank you, True Lord.”

Wei Deming bowed deeply and was extremely grateful to the Three Treasures.

“Now that the matter has been resolved, Senior Wu Dao should not stay in other people’s top-quality spiritual fields anymore.” True Lord Three Treasures laughed loudly and called to True Lord Wu Dao, “Let’s go, come to my Duobao Pavilion As a guest, I’m here to entertain you senior.”

“Okay, since Sanbao has spoken, of course I have to give you face.” Zhenjun Wu Dao took out the roots in a dignified manner, transformed into a human form again, flew into the air, and said to Wei Deming, “Boy Deming , as a Lingxu Realm monk, you are still very young, and you still have a long way to go in the future. When you have time, you should straighten out your Wei family’s style, and don’t bring any more disasters to the family.”

“Thank you, Senior Wu Dao, for your teachings.” Wei Deming saluted, “After this, our Wei family will definitely learn lessons and improve ourselves.”

“Okay, okay, it’s all gone.” Zhenjun Wudao waved his hand and said, “Young boy Xiayang, don’t watch the fun anymore. Let’s go and accompany me to Duobao Pavilion to eat. Drink.”

After everything is over.

The True Lord Enlightenment and Zhennan Wang Concubine Xia Yang followed True Lord Three Treasures to Duobao Pavilion as guests.

Another half month has passed.

In the Lingzhu Garden of the Northern Territory Prince’s Mansion.

Wang Fugui and the King of Zhennan sat across from each other and started a fierce fight with black and white pieces.

Compared with Wang Fugui’s calm and calm appearance, King Zhennan had a serious expression and sweat was faintly shed on his forehead.

After a while, Wang Fugui’s chess skills have improved significantly, and his chess moves have become more cunning and tricky, making it difficult for him to resist.

“Your Highness lost again.” Wang Fugui used his fingers to kill a big dragon of Zhennan King cleanly. The scene was extremely ferocious.

“No more playing.” King Zhennan threw the chess pieces in his hand on the chessboard and rolled his eyes at Wang Fugui, “Fugui boy, don’t you know how to respect the elderly and the virtuous? You have to mess with the chess surface. So ugly?”

“As the saying goes, the chessboard is like a battlefield, how can we give in to something like this?” Nuan Mengyu, who was accompanying him at the side, blinked his big eyes and said innocently, “Besides, ancestor Xia Yang, you only have more than two thousand Years are not considered old, nor are they…”

“Okay, okay.” King Zhennan hurriedly interrupted her slander, took out the account book and handed it to Wang Fugui, “Fugui, this is a summary of the battle to encircle and suppress the Wei family. You can take stock of it yourself. .”

As soon as this matter was mentioned, King Zhennan became very excited. For no other reason than this win was too big.

“The compensation for mistreating the Tree of Luck is 50 million Immortal Crystals.” Wang Fugui also began to take inventory one by one. “With the help of the Helan Han family, we short-sold 150,000 units of black iron ingots to get a 170 million, of which 50,000 units of black iron ingots were swept up in the early stage, and 30 million immortal crystals were successively spent. Please note that this is a personal advance payment by the King of Zhennan.”

“It cost 25 million immortal crystals to scan the goods through some aristocratic families and retail investors. The sale price was 50 million immortal crystals. After deducting the commission, the net profit was 20 million immortal crystals.”

“The repurchase of 610,000 units of black iron ingots through True Lord Duobao Pavilion Sanbao costs 60 million immortal crystals, of which 10 million immortal crystals are benefits.”

“In other words, after deducting various expenses, we made a net profit of 150 million immortal crystals, plus 610,000 minus 130,000 black iron ingots in stock.” Wang Fugui quickly combed through the accounts. Out of data.

Since black iron ingots are strategic materials, in order to encourage the trade and circulation of black iron ingots, the Immortal Dynasty made transactions in this area tax-free, and only took 30% of them as tax at one time after they were dug out.

“You actually made so much?” Fan Mengyu on the side didn’t expect that the final result would be so terrible.

Even though she came from such a background and never lacked money, she was still frightened by this data.

“Have you contacted the Han family? Do they want 130,000 black iron ingots in stock, or fairy crystals?” Wang Fugui looked calm, as if he was just doing a normal thing.

“They are scolding you…” King Zhennan chuckled, “The Han family is extremely embarrassed now, not only for inventory, but also for fairy crystals. In short, it is a loss no matter how you calculate it.”

“Then give them 130,000 yuan in inventory. Anyway, after this, the price of Xuantie ingots in the Immortal Dynasty will never rise again.” Wang Fugui said after a while, “For the sake of Mengyu’s reputation, we said It’s easy to borrow ten and return thirteen, so we can’t miss half a black iron ingot from them.”

“Then let’s do it. I will talk to them later in the name of the Immortal Weapon Department, and buy the 130,000 black iron ingots at a slight premium to expand the inventory accumulation of the Immortal Weapon Department.” King Zhennan was excited.

The inventory of black iron in his Immortal Weapon Department has not been so fat for a long time.

Wang Fugui nodded and said: “According to the previous agreement between me and His Highness, once the plan is successful, I will donate 50,000 units of Xuan Iron Ingots to Xuanjia Division.”

“Only 50,000?” King Zhennan’s face turned dark. “Fugui, you have gained weight all of a sudden. A mere 50,000 is too little, isn’t it?”

“Your Highness heard that there was a donation of 50,000 yuan, wasn’t he already very happy?” Wang Fugui glanced at him, “I still remember clearly that His Highness was almost drooling at that time.”

“One moment and another~” King Zhennan was very thick-skinned, and he didn’t feel any pain at being disliked. Instead, he continued to talk with a shy face, “It’s all my fault that I was too young and had little knowledge. I thought fifty thousand black iron The number of ingots is already astronomical! Rich, you can ask other departments to drink some soup too~”

“Okay, let’s donate a total of 100,000 yuan.” Wang Fugui waved his hand.

Anyway, the Xuantie ingots were obtained through free prostitution, so he didn’t feel bad. On the contrary, establishing a good relationship with the Immortal Weapon Department will be quite beneficial to the future development of the Wang family.

This Immortal Weapon Department is probably one of the richest departments in Immortal Court.

“Fugui, you still have 370,000 units of black iron ingots left, why not sell them to the Immortal Weapon Department?” King Zhennan said eagerly, “I can offer you 120 immortal crystals per unit.”

“Not for sale.” Wang Fugui flatly refused, “One hundred thousand of these units have to be kept to build new armors to complete Xuanjia Division’s orders, and we have to transport the rest back to the Wang family. Our Wang family and Daqian , we also need to build new types of armor and various spiritual weapons, and the demand for black iron is not low.”

When he was at home before, he had overheard his grandfather talking about the lack of black iron. Although I don’t know the exact number of gaps, this batch of black iron shipped back is probably enough.

“Fugui, please don’t deceive me.” King Zhennan spit out a mouthful of old blood to death, “How many black iron ingots can your mere Dongqian Kingdom consume? That’s a full 270,000 units. Black iron ingots are enough for you to build seven or eight hundred thousand new sets of armor!”

“It’s not needed now, but it doesn’t mean it won’t be needed in the future.” Wang Fugui was not moved at all, but said confidently and yearningly, “Sooner or later, our army in Daqian Kingdom will also become pure spirit stage and above. Army, we will become the strongest ally of Hanyue Immortal Dynasty when the time comes.”

The All-Lingtai Realm Army? Nothing is so easy! ?

Wang Zhennan didn’t believe it at all.

However, Fugui is now a rich man. Out of due respect for the rich, King Zhennan still laughed and said: “Okay, okay, I will wait and see.”

“There is one more thing.” Wang Fugui said, “Is the temporary auction held by Duobao Pavilion about to begin this time? I heard that the Wei family is going to sell more than ten magical treasures and three magical treasures this time. A place of inheritance?”

“Fugui is also interested in these?” King Zhennan asked curiously, “Which magical inheritance place have you chosen? Are you going to take a photo of it for your Wang family?”

“No, I want them all.” Wang Fugui said calmly while chewing on the spiritual fruit.

“…” Zhennan Wang Hanran.

Which family in this world has not accumulated the inheritance of magical powers slowly over the years? Haven’t you seen that the royal family of Donggan Kingdom only has eight places where magical powers are inherited?

Although the Wei family seems to have a lot of places to inherit magical powers, they have been saved for more than 10,000 years. It would take a long time to feel distressed if one is missing. Three of them at once are already a strain. Bones, the foundation has been shaken.

Fugui planned to have all three in his first move, which is really domineering.

What King Zhennan didn’t know was that the Changning Wang family had a really big gap in the land of magical power inheritance.

The gathering of geniuses and monsters in the family is of course a good thing on the surface, but now the family does not have enough places to inherit magical powers. If this continues, it will inevitably delay the cultivation of the clan members.

Wang Fugui is very aware of his grandfather’s concerns in this regard. As the most beloved descendant of his grandfather and the new generation heir of the family, Fugui feels that he has an obligation to share the family’s worries.

Another half month later.

The Duobao Pavilion headquarters, located in the most prosperous place in Fairy City, ushered in a temporary auction today.

The two crowned kings, the North Territory King and the Zhennan King, took Wang Fugui and Yu Mengyu into a luxurious box and began to wait for the auction.

This is a high-end auction, and at least the core figures of the Fourth-Rank Family are eligible to participate. Those who are qualified to sit in the box must at least be in the supernatural realm, and those in the luxurious boxes are all big shots.

Soon, VIPs from all walks of life arrived one after another.

The host of this auction turned out to be Sanbao Zhenjun, the third pavilion master of Duobao Pavilion.

Seeing that everyone who should come has already arrived, he started the auction calmly: “You distinguished guests must already know that this auction is held temporarily, and most of the items are from Jing’an Wei Family. Let’s take a look at the first magical treasure first.”

“This is a dagger-like magical treasure called ‘Shadow’… The starting price is 2.2 million fairy crystals, and each bid will be no less than 50,000 fairy crystals.”

“Two million two hundred and fifty thousand.”

“Two million three hundred and fifty thousand!”

Amidst loud shouts of price, the price was quickly raised to 2.8 million, and then the price increase slowed down.

“Three million and two million!” Wang Fugui raised his sign resolutely, and then successfully won the “Shadow”, adding a magical treasure to his family.

“The second item is the magical treasure [Diewu]. This is a lancet…”

“Three and a half million!”

After a fierce competition, Wang Fugui won again.

The third item… the fourth item… the ninth item… the twelfth item!

A total of twelve magical treasures were all acquired by Wang Fugui with his “strong financial resources”.

During this period, no one dared to deliberately raise prices. Firstly, they could not figure out the details of Wang Fugui’s wealth. Secondly, the people in the same box as Wang Fugui were the King of the North Territory and the King of Zhennan. They dared to do anything in front of these two people. Making trouble, how hard is it to think about it?

However, Wang Fugui also consumed about 50 million immortal crystals for this.

“The next auction is a treasure hall for the inheritance of supernatural powers and true methods. This treasure hall is called [Xuanhuang Palace], which is the inheritance place of an earth-based true method.” True Lord Three Treasures introduced, “Currently, it still has An opportunity to inherit the true law. The starting price is 39 million immortal crystals, and each increase in price must not be less than 500,000 immortal crystals.”

Because of the love that the Three Treasures True Monarch took care of, the Wei family also completely admitted defeat this time, and did not dare to fool Duobao Pavilion with the depleted magical power and true law inheritance place.

“Senior Sanbao.” Wang Fugui said in a clear voice, “If I take pictures of this inheritance place, how should I transport it back to Dongqian?”

“Sir, our Duobao Pavilion has the business of demolishing and installing inheritance sites. We charge one million immortal crystals for dismantling and installing them. If you want to transport it to Donggan, you can ask the Yao family to transport it by air.” Sanbaozhenjun It was also a polite reply.

“Okay, I’ll offer 50 million immortal crystals.” Wang Fugui made a huge offer.


As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar at the Duobao Pavilion auction.

The final transaction price of a serious place of inheritance is indeed almost this price, but no one has directly bid 50 million for it, right?

Who doesn’t come to a normal auction just for the money? If you can get it cheaper, it’s cheaper. Even if it’s only half a million, that’s good, right? After all, it’s all my family’s money spent.

Who took this photo with you?

Isn’t this fairy crystal of yours brought here by the strong wind?



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