Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 88: The “rogue” emperor! The princess is humiliated

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However, Wang Shouzhe was just complaining.

If he really dared to have such an idea, Di Zian would probably have a reason to ignore the government affairs and come directly to Wang Shouzhe to fight for his life.

Besides, if we really talk about blood relationships, in fact, some of the Wang family’s bloodline also exists in the Wu family’s bloodline.

After all, during the heyday of Dingguo Palace, marriages to the royal family were inevitable, and there were also many marriages to direct lineages. As a branch of the Changning Wang family, naturally they cannot escape the relationship.

If we really want to discuss it in detail, it will be unclear.

That’s all!

Wang Shouzhe sighed deeply.

Serving such a great emperor is really tiring.

No, Di Zian is becoming more pretentious now, complaining about being tired all day long. Either he asked Wang Shouzhe to come out personally, or he asked to send a few more Wang family elite disciples to assist him.

Today, the eldest son Wang Zongan is still in charge of the Dala Desert development plan, and the eldest grandson Wang Guangzhao and several outstanding young disciples have also been sent to Guilong City to assist.

Isn’t that guy trying to be lazy like Emperor Longchang before he ascends to the throne?


About the same time.

The Wang family studied outside.

After several expansions, Zhuwei Lake’s water area has doubled its original size. Now, as one of the foundations of Wang’s Great Spirit Gathering Array, a high-grade water spiritual vein is buried beneath it.

Nourished by the aura of Yuanshui, the aquatic plants on the shore grow luxuriantly, full of vitality and aura. Even the spiritual fish and frogs in the water are more fresh and plump than before.

The breeze blows, and ripples appear on the water. From time to time, there are a few small boats passing by. It has a poetic and picturesque charm, and the scenery is really beautiful.

At this moment.

There is an additional barbecue stove on the leisure and water-friendly platform beside Zhuwei Lake.

Emperor Longchang, who was politely “invited” by the clan guards, was sitting by the stove, roasting spiritual meat and fish happily.

The reason why he was not arrested was because he was regarded as the distant “elder” of Wu Langniu of the Wang family, and he was just invited out.

As a result, Wu Langniu and Li Xian of the Wang family got a little respite and were allowed to stay with them temporarily.

At this moment.

Wang Dalang and the other five wolves were squatting next to the barbecue pit, their noses twitching and their saliva almost dripping down.

As a small sapling, Wang Lixian is half-slumped on the platform. Her long roots pass through the gaps in the water-friendly platform and penetrate deep into the river embankment, absorbing nutrients from the earth.

As a tree, Wang Lixian does not refuse meat, especially delicious meat. Her resistance is not strong.

“Wang Dalang… Wu Niu, you guys, let me tell you.” Emperor Longchang skillfully roasted the meat, took out the spices carefully prepared in the imperial kitchen from the treasure ring Pixiu, and sprinkled them on it, as if he was an elder instructing him. He said, “Whether you are a wolf or a human being, you must maintain a heart of learning as long as you live.”

“You have grown up now, and you must learn to be independent. As for your studies, I will never pamper you. You must study hard and strive to be useful to the Wang family and Daqian. Wolf. Come, come, eat meat.”

As Emperor Longchang divided the meat, Wu Langniu of the Wang family quickly devoured it, nodding her head “woo woo woo”. I really admire the great grandpa. Not only the barbecue is so delicious, but even his words are so reasonable.

Wang Lixian separated a few branches and wrapped them around the barbecued fish. The roots penetrated into them, and the barbecued fish were absorbed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Xian’er, as a legendary tree of life, you have to eat more.” Emperor Longchang looked at her kindly and said, “Come on, come on~ Eat slowly, your great emperor is still here There are many.”

Emperor Longchang never imagined that Wang Shouzhe’s natal spiritual plant would be a tree of life. I really don’t know how many lifetimes of **** luck that guy has accumulated, but he was able to get such a great opportunity.

It really makes him envious and jealous.

“Hey~~Thank you, Grandpa Emperor.” Wang Lixian said gratefully.

“You are so polite, you call me the Great Emperor Grandpa, you are my granddaughter, my biological granddaughter.” Emperor Longchang said with a kind and kind face, “Your Great Emperor Grandpa has decided, in order to let Xian’er have a healthy and safe life for you. The environment where you grew up, Grandpa Emperor will stay in the Wang family to protect you and teach you.”

While talking, he pulled out more than half of the barbecue and fish and gave them to Wang Lixian.

Wang Wulang Niu was immediately dumbfounded.

This is a transfer of favor~~I suddenly felt that the meat in my mouth no longer tasted good.

“Hey, Grandpa Emperor is so good.” Wang Lixian said happily.

Just when Emperor Longchang was personally serving barbecue to Wang Lixian and Wang’s Wulang Niu, a tall figure appeared beside the waterfront platform.

This man was wearing a white gown, he was calm and elegant, and he had a great bearing.

This figure is naturally Wang Shouzhe.

He bowed his hands and saluted the emperor on the hydrophilic platform: “Your Majesty is here to visit the Wang family. I am sorry for the delay in greeting you from afar. Please forgive me for my sins.”

“Hey, Shouzhe is here.” Emperor Longchang smiled and waved enthusiastically, “Come on, come on, I’ll roast another batch of spiritual meat and let’s eat together.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Wang Shouzhe left as he was told, but his heart was filled with endless thoughts.

His Majesty is worthy of being an emperor who has lived for three thousand and hundreds of years. His face is as thick as a city wall. He has done such a thing and still acts like a normal person.

“Shou Zhe, try the spiritual meat I grilled. This oven was given to me by Liyao back then.” Emperor Longchang looked like he was familiar with it. On the Wang family’s territory, it was really… Don’t treat yourself as an outsider.

Wang Shouzhe was speechless. After eating a few symbolic bites of the barbecue, he said, “Your Majesty is coming to visit my Wang family. Shouzhe is not able to greet you. I am really worried.”

The implication is of course to ask the emperor, couldn’t you have informed me in advance that you are coming to visit?

Emperor Longchang secretly rolled his eyes.

If I informed you, wouldn’t it give you a chance to hide your tail? At that time, how can I grab your pigtails, how can I make a shocking reversal and slap you in the face?

It’s a pity that Wang Shouzhe manages the territory so impregnably that no water can penetrate it. The old man was noticed by Wang’s minions before he even started taking action.

If he hadn’t run quickly when he saw the opportunity, he would have been caught in Wang’s “private prison” unless he used force to resist.


In this three-thirds of an acre of land, he manages the territory so carefully that he really thinks of himself as the “Emperor of Earth”.

Emperor Longchang was thinking inwardly, but on the surface he calmly changed the subject and commented: “Shouzhe, your plan for the main residence of the Wang family is really majestic. With such a spirit gathering array, once Once completed, over time, the main residence of the Wang family will become a truly beautiful place, which will ensure the continuity of the Wang family’s legacy for thousands of years~~”

“Even when I arrived at this place, I felt a little reluctant to leave.”

As Emperor Lingxu, his knowledge and vision are beyond the comparison of ordinary people. He could tell almost at a glance that the spirit gathering array planned to be arranged by the Wang family’s main residence was extraordinary and could not be arranged by ordinary array masters. .

Wang Shouzhe’s expression froze and he said politely: “If your Majesty likes it, you can stay at Wang’s for a while and treat it as a vacation.”

There is no such thing as “all the land in the world is royal land” in the narrow sense. The private land owned by the Wang family has all been officially registered in the official register. As long as they pay taxes according to regulations and do not commit any of the following crimes A particularly serious crime. Nature belongs to the Wang family for generations, and no one can take it away at will.

Just like when the Wang family defeated the Liu and Zhao families and squeezed them out of Ping’an Town, they did not have the right to add their land to the Wang family’s name at will. You still have to go through the formal process of purchasing and transferring.

Therefore, the current Wang family’s main residence (formerly Ping’an Town) naturally belongs to the Wang family. When the emperor comes, he is just a guest.

However, when Wang Shouzhe spoke, he was only polite.

Compared with the environment of the palace, although the Wang family’s territory is not useless, it is indeed several levels behind in terms of luxury.


Emperor Longchang’s eyes lit up, and then he stroked his beard and pretended to murmur: “Since it is Shouzhe who invites you, I can’t deny your face. It just so happens that I just recognized Xian’er as my granddaughter. , just stay to cultivate feelings.”

“What?” Wang Shouzhe broke into a cold sweat, “Your Majesty, when did this happen?”

“Just before Shouzhe comes.” Emperor Longchang waved his hand and said, “You don’t have to worry about this matter. This is also because of you, Wang Shouzhe, who has made great contributions to the Daqian Kingdom this time. You don’t have to worry about the government and the opposition. There will be criticism from above and below. At my age, if I recognize a registered granddaughter, I don’t even have to look at their faces.”

What he said was as if recognizing Li Xian as his registered granddaughter gave the Wang family a huge advantage.

The muscles on Wang Shouzhe’s cheeks were twitching, and it was difficult to control his expression.

You obviously want to flirt with Xianzhi, what are you pretending to be?

Your Majesty is so shameless… I can only say that the emperor is truly worthy of being an emperor, and ordinary people are really incomparable.

There is just one more concern…

Wang Shouzhe was a little confused. He glanced at Emperor Longchang and asked cautiously: “Your Majesty, you want to accept Xian’er as your registered granddaughter. Shouzhe is naturally extremely honored. It’s just that we are of this generation…”

Hearing this, Emperor Longchang rolled his eyes and clasped his hands behind his back with an arrogant look on his face: “Shouzhe, don’t overthink it, I don’t mean that. Let’s discuss our own affairs~~ From now on, we will still have a pure relationship between monarch and minister. , don’t have any wrong thoughts.”

The words and expressions seemed to be full of disgust for Wang Shouzhe.


Wang Shouzhe also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be better not to have that intention, otherwise he would really be unable to serve this willful emperor.

However, when he saw Wang Shouzhe’s relieved look, Emperor Longchang became angry and his face turned dark: “Wang Shouzhe, what is your expression? Do you dislike me?”

“I don’t mean that.”

Wang Shouzhe handed over his hand, but his heart felt as if ten thousand horses were galloping past.

This is really “only the state officials are allowed to set fires, and the common people are not allowed to light lamps.” Do you really think that you didn’t see the emperor’s disgust just now?

“It’s best if you don’t mean this.” Emperor Longchang smiled with satisfaction, waved his hand and said, “I will stay in your Wang family for a while, and teach Xian’er by the way. I am not a hypocritical person, you There is no need to serve personally, so you can do whatever you need to do.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Wang Shouzhe accepted the promise with his hand, looking very respectful and obedient, but in fact he was very tired.

Hey~ Who told him to be Emperor Lingxu? He has big fists and thick arms, so I can only follow him.

Fortunately, this is just a short stay.


At the same time.

Xinping Town.

Compared to the original Pingan Town, Xinping Town is located closer to the sea to the east.

Its land area is also very vast, four or five times larger than Ping’an Town. There are mountains, hills, lakes and rivers within the territory. Even Shen Tai Lake, the largest lake under Wang’s jurisdiction, is within the scope of Xinping Town.

Wang’s most important water conservancy project, the overall design and planning was completed at the beginning of the land reclamation of Xinping Town.

According to the original plan, the criss-crossing rivers and lakes were all connected. Excavation was done where necessary, embankments were repaired where embankments needed to be repaired, and gates at various places were added. A dense waterway network was constructed.

Don’t underestimate this waterway network.

You must know that the air transportation capacity is still relatively limited and land transportation is not fast enough. The role of rivers and inner lakes is very huge.

Transportation, irrigation, flood storage, drainage… these functions involving waterways are all key to the overall development of people’s livelihood.

If the Wang family’s nostalgia and reluctance to leave their “ancestral land” had not been taken into consideration, it would have been more suitable and cost-effective to use the entire Xinping Town as the Wang family’s main homestead.

There is a small delta near the bell mouth of the lower reaches of the Anjiang River, and a wide river channel leads to the interior of Xinping Town at the angle. Where the river narrowed slightly, Wang built a large gate named “Xinping Gate”.

This “Xinping Gate” has many functions.

But one of the most important functions is the Kundao Gate.

As Wang Zongkun grew bigger and bigger, his food intake became more and more alarming, and the Changning Wang family’s expenses on feeding also increased day by day.

With Wang Zongkun’s promotion to the fifth level, even the Wang family’s wealth can no longer support such a large expenditure. Naturally, Wang Zongkun’s upbringing was changed to the form of “half feeding and half grazing”.

Every once in a while, the powerful elders in the clan are asked to take Wang Zongkun for a walk in the ocean, to satisfy Wang Zongkun’s growing appetite by preying on aquatic beasts with abundant “reserves” in the ocean. .

Of course, for some well-known reasons, the elders usually take Wang Anye with them when they go out to herd.

However, as the strength of Wang Anye and Wang Zongkun increased rapidly, one person and one Kun joined forces, and they had sufficient self-protection ability in the deep sea. This “grazing” job was completely let go to Wang Anye.

This day.

An Ye took Wang Zongkun, who had had a full meal, and swam from the mouth into the river, slowly swimming towards the Xinping Gate.

On this trip to sea, everyone and Kun “gained” a lot. Even though Wang Zongkun had a separate space in his belly dedicated to storing food, he still felt a little overwhelmed, and even his posture when swimming became a bit lazy, as if he was taking a walk to eat.

At this time, Wang Zongkun’s strength has reached the sixth level. Although he is still under adulthood, his size has become very huge. Even though the river outside Xinping Gate has been opened very wide, it seems a bit cramped for a fish to swim in, and it cannot move at all.

Under the sun, its streamlined body is like a moving fortress, exuding a strong sense of oppression, as if it has the majesty of a deep-sea “dragon whale”.

Wang Anye sat cross-legged on Wang Zongkun’s back, taking stock of the harvest from this trip to sea, thinking about what to give to the elders at home, and what to leave for his younger brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces and nephews.

Thirty years have passed, and Wang Anye has grown into a young man with a beautiful tree facing the wind.

Now that he is forty-two years old, he has been promoted to the Heavenly Realm in the past few years, and his strength is no longer the same as it was back then. Even compared with the royal family, which has many talented people, his cultivation speed is definitely the second. First echelon.

Wu Yiluo and Wu Xuening have the resources of the royal family to support them, but their current strength is not as good as his.

Of course, in the Wang family, he can only be regarded as the second echelon now.

After all, Wang has too many perverts.

However, this is only temporary. When he becomes stronger, he can follow Ji Wuchen’s instructions and go to the inheritance place left by his master to receive further inheritance. At that time, both his strength and bloodline qualifications can be improved again. Maybe he can successfully enter the first echelon of the Wang family.

While Wang Anye was counting the harvest without any distractions, unknowingly, one man and one Kun were getting closer and closer to the Xinping Gate.


A medium-sized inland river patrol boat sailed slowly in the wide river.

This kind of patrol boat specializes in maintaining law and order in the jurisdiction, that is, it will arrest all kinds of people who are detrimental to the jurisdiction. At the same time, it is also a warning to those with evil intentions to be more honest in the Wang family’s territory.

This patrol boat is numbered 003. It is composed of two Lingtai Realm monks as captains and deputy captains, and the rest are ten soldiers of the middle level or above of Qi Refining Realm. In addition to cold weapons, they are also equipped with new [shotguns] Gun], [Thunderbolt] and other hot weapons.

In addition, the captain and deputy captain are also equipped with a storage ring, which contains some important supplies, such as ammunition, healing medicine, and some strange but useful plant seeds.

One of the captains is Shentu Hongyi. He was born as a commoner in the Wang family’s jurisdiction. He received formal education in the Wang family’s clan studies. He also graduated with excellent results and became a key training target of the Wang family.

Shentu Hongyi, who is now sixty or seventy years old, has reached the third level of Lingtai realm and has become a backbone general under the Wang family. He has a keen sense of smell, is calm and down-to-earth, and has a good academic background. He married a girl from the Wang family who was also educated by the Wang family.

Therefore, Shentu Hongyi’s future within the Wang family is not low.

In the Daqian Kingdom, in addition to places like Guilong City where people gather, or places like Lingyun Holy Land where elites gather. Anyone who is in the Lingtai realm is not weak in terms of status or strength, and can be considered an elite.

The deputy captain’s name is Wang Ansong, and he is a direct bloodline disciple of the Wang family. His father’s name is Wang Guangbai, and he is the second son of Wang Zongsheng, a core disciple of the Xuanbing Palace lineage of Zifu Academy.

Wang Zongsheng entered the Zifu Academy at a young age. Although he was not as dazzling as Wang Luojing and Wang Luoqiu, he was still a small success. However, his greatest achievement was to hook up with a senior named Zhou Wenfang in the academy.

Zhou Wenfang is a direct descendant of the Longzuo Zhou family. She had outstanding talent since she was a child and was admitted to the palace. She was placed high hopes by the Longzuo Zhou family.

Long Zuozhou belongs to a long-established sixth-grade family. The core business of the family is cloth and upstream and downstream industries, and they are very good at growing mulberry and raising silkworms. Among them, Zhou’s clothing store is the most high-end clothing store in Longzuo County.

Some mid-to-high-end clothes in the store can easily cost tens of thousands of gold, and there are even top-end items worth hundreds of thousands of gold.

Wang Shouzhe’s wedding dress on his wedding day was custom-made by Qian’s family at Longzuo Zhou’s, and it cost a huge sum of money.

Therefore, the Zhou family is considered a wealthy family among the sixth-rank aristocratic families, and has certain ambitions to compete with the fifth-rank Zifu aristocratic family.

After Wang Zongsheng and Zhou Wenfang got married, they mainly lived in the academy, living a life like a “fairy couple” living together. They went out to do tasks and play jungle together, which was very carefree and comfortable.

However, no matter how beautiful the couple is, they still have to have babies when they should. At Wang Shouzhe’s urging, the two gave birth to two sons and one daughter, and the children grew up in the family.

The second son Wang Guangbai gave birth to Wang Ansong.

Time really flies by.

Now Wang Ansong is thirty-three years old and has become a young and promising young man.

This is how the family is, reproducing from generation to generation, and the population becomes more and more prosperous.

Wang Ansong wore a standard Xuanwu uniform and looked capable and heroic. Unlike his grandfather Wang Zongsheng, who practiced physical training, he had a well-proportioned and slender figure and a handsome appearance.

Now that his talent and bloodline have reached the second level of Little Tianjiao, his cultivation has reached the second level of Lingtai Realm. Among Wang’s peers, he is not the best, but he is not bad either. Earn more merit points, There is still a chance to move from the current fourth rank of the family to the third rank.

At this time, Wang Ansong was sitting in the patrol boat with a golden sword, interrogating the two suspects he had just arrested with a serious expression.

Because the two suspects surrendered relatively quickly, and they were an old man and a girl. The patrol only handcuffed them in accordance with convention and rules, and did not specifically abuse them.

But Wang Ansong’s eyes were very wary, and the soldiers aimed their shotgun spray directly at them, looking quite nervous.

“You two, you’d better tell the truth.” Wang Ansong said seriously, “Who was the person who tore open space to escape before? What treasures did he use? Where are you from, and what is the purpose of coming to my Xinping Town? What?”

Old Yao has lived for a thousand or hundreds of years, but he has never been as embarrassed as he is today. If you say run away, of course you can run away, but what can you do if you run away? Isn’t it just a joke to call Shouzhe for nothing? Your Majesty has been implicated…

Of course, Wu Xuening was also extremely embarrassed. Fortunately, the Wang patrol team was relatively well-behaved. As long as they did not resist, there was nothing transgressive.

“Young man, I’ve said it many times, it’s better to ask your Shouzhe family master to handle this matter.” Old Yao said helplessly, “You don’t need to be so nervous, we won’t hurt you.”

“It’s ridiculous, how can my fourth old man be so easy to meet?” Wang Ansong said coldly and angrily, “We have arrested Dongfang Qiong, and he has confessed you. I remind you that we should treat people like you with obvious consequences. Our patrol team has the right to punish malicious suspects.”

“Young Master Twelve, you are too kind-hearted. I don’t think you need to talk nonsense with them. Some criminals are like this. They won’t cry until they see the coffin. It’s better to be punished according to the law.” A certain soldier suggested.

“Have you heard it too?” Wang Ansong said seriously, “Based on your current crimes, whether according to Daqian Law or Xinping Town Local Security Regulations, we have the right to use torture, so why not save some face for each other.”

At this point, Wu Xuening finally couldn’t stand it anymore, turned around and said, “Grandpa Yao, this is too embarrassing. This matter is indeed our fault, why don’t I reveal my identity.”

“This is the only way.” Old Yao had no choice but to say, “Just tell me your identity.”

In order to satisfy the emperor’s bad taste of pretending first and then reversing the incident to create a sense of satisfaction, the two of them suffered a lot of grievances along the way.

After getting Lao Yao’s approval, Wu Xuening breathed a sigh of relief and said to Wang Ansong: “Are you also a member of the Wang family? The twelfth in your family?”

“Yes, I am Wang Ansong.” Wang Ansong is an outstanding graduate of ethnic studies, and his temperament and demeanor are naturally good. “Girl, if you recruit me from the ground, I will apply for a reduction of your guilt.”

“Actually, this is a misunderstanding. We are our own people.” After Wu Xuening let go of her knot, she thought of someone again and felt a little embarrassed.

“One of our own?” Wang Ansong raised his eyebrows, as if he didn’t believe it.

“My name is Wu Xuening, and I am the little princess of the royal family.” Wu Xuening bit her lip and said a little shyly, “Your seventh brother Wang Anye and I are friends.”

“So he is a friend of Seventh Brother? Or a little princess of the royal family?” Wang Ansong frowned, stood up, and walked over with a kind face, “That was really a flood that washed away the Dragon King Temple, and the whole family People no longer recognize a family.”

“That’s natural. I also recognize your Lilong and Yingxuan.” Wu Xuening smiled sweetly, “Ansong, we are all our own people, you can untie it now…”


Wang Ansong roared angrily, “A spy who incites civil unrest still dares to amuse me like this? The little princess who is still in the royal family knows my seventh brother…”

After a pause, Wang Ansong roared surprisingly angrily: “Who is the same as you, a witch like you? Why don’t you pretend to be my seventh brother’s unmarried daughter-in-law? How about pretending to be my seventh sister-in-law?”

Wu Xuening was yelled and took two steps back. Her eyes were a little dazed. What do you mean by pretending to be An Ye’s wife? I do…

Oh no, no, no, no~

While Wu Xuening was in a daze after being scolded, a low cry of “dragon whale” came from outside the boat, oooooooo~~

At the same time, Wang Anye’s gentle laughter came from the return of Muyu: “Isn’t this patrol boat No. 003, Twelve, Twelve, are you on duty today?”

“It’s Brother Seven.” Wang Ansong’s face lit up.

But Wu Xuening’s expression suddenly became dull, and she secretly thought something bad was wrong.

It’s over, it’s over, how could it be such a coincidence that I met An Ye? My unlucky image has been seen, what should I do?



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