Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 87: Invite King Chaoyang to stay in Donggan (please give me a monthly ticket)

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After hearing Wang Anye’s words, Dr. Jinghong was relieved to be angry to death.

In the Immortal Dynasty, although he was not among the strongest healers, he was still quite famous.

Chaoyang King’s illness is caused by the accumulation of old injuries caused by fighting on the battlefield again and again. The poison she received was also left behind by a high-level extraterrestrial demon in the Lingxu realm she killed, making her very difficult to deal with. .

Many saints from the Immortal Dynasty have taken action, but they are helpless against the poison and injuries. Even the Immortal Emperor and Immortal Lord are unable to recover.

A mere little kid dared to talk so brazenly that he wanted treatment.

“Go, go, don’t make trouble here.” Jinghong waved his hand impatiently.

With his temper, of course he wanted to teach this ignorant kid a lesson, but he didn’t dare to make fun of King Chaoyang’s life.

Wang Anye frowned, but said patiently: “The biggest feature of the wood mysterious energy is healing and dissolving. If you suppress the injuries and toxins in this way, you will not only cure the symptoms but not the root cause, it will make the next attack more violent. ”

“Bah, don’t you think I don’t understand?” Jinghong said angrily, “If it can be cured and resolved, why should I use such a bad strategy? Get out of here quickly, you are delaying His Highness’s treatment. No matter how many lives you have, it won’t be enough. .”

Wang Anye has a good temper, but it does not mean that other beings have good tempers.

Before Wang Anye could say anything else, his magical power, the Infinite Ring, was already the first to lose control of her temper: “Hey, you old guy, it’s just that you don’t have the ability. Our family can be cured by An Ye. , why don’t you let him treat it?”

“I’m just afraid of being robbed of my credit.” The two beauties of the Sword Formation also appeared from the treasure book in his spiritual platform. Two pretty girl spirit spirits, one on the left and one on the right, one holding a sword and the other holding a sword. Holding the formation board, sharp words were bombarded at Jinghong like cannonballs, “Some people are narrow-minded, have deer-headed and rat-like eyes, are jealous of talents, rely on their elders and sell them, they boast loudly, but their skills are weak~”

“You! You guys!!”

Jinghong was besieged by a group of “young ladies” and was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please don’t curse. Dr. Jinghong just doesn’t understand me yet.” Wang Anye also had a headache.

The Qi Ling girls around me are all very unique. The more there are, the more troublesome it will be if they quarrel. It’s a good thing that Sister Qi is still sleeping in the storage ring right now, otherwise it would be even more “lively” if her old man came out.

“Then, let An Ye give it a try.” Chaoyang King glanced at the two concubines of the Sword Formation, and his face, which was filled with gray and deathly air, was extremely calm.

Life and death are already very indifferent to her.

“Your Highness, this…” Jinghong wanted to persuade him again.

“Okay, anyway, the best result is to live for a few more years.” King Chaoyang waved his hand calmly, “I have made up my mind, no need to say more.”

Her tone was still very calm, but when she raised her eyes, there was an unquestionable air, and her majesty was revealed inadvertently.

Jinghong had no choice but to retreat, but he still stared at Wang Anye warily, ready to take over immediately if any problems occurred.

“Your Highness, please forgive An Ye for Meng Lang.” Wang Anye stepped forward and held his hands.

“No problem, Mr. An Ye, please feel free to do so.” Chaoyang King raised his arm, as if he was letting Wang Anye do what he wanted.

Wang Anye was not frightened. He stood where Jinghong had just been, reached out and put his hand on her wrist, and injected his profound energy into her body.

Although Wang An majored in swordsmanship and formation, this does not mean that his treatment skills are weak. For the wood bloodline, treatment is an instinct engraved in the bloodline. The only difference is the strength and focus.

Wang Anye was influenced by Wang Shouzhe’s bloodline, and there was naturally a weak source of life flowing in his bloodline, which was fundamentally different from the ordinary wood bloodline.

Under the treatment of Wang Anye’s mysterious energy, the hidden wounds in Chaoyang Wang’s body began to slowly ease at a very slow speed. Even the demonic poison in her body began to be resolved bit by bit under the influence of Wang Anye’s mysterious energy. .

Limited by Wang Anye’s cultivation and the rarity of the original power of life in his body, this process was very slow, but as time passed, the deathly aura on Chaoyang King’s face actually faded a lot.


Master Jinghong’s eyes widened in surprise. What’s going on with this kid?

He knows best how difficult Chaoyang King’s injury is. Over the years, he didn’t know how many ways he had thought of and how many treatment plans he had tried, but he could only temporarily suppress it, but could not truly treat it.

Can this kid really heal such a serious injury? And looking at Chaoyang King’s condition, it seems to have improved significantly?

What is the origin of this boy’s bloodline, so he is so powerful?

“Great, His Highness’s injury can be saved!”

The maids were also overjoyed, and their eyes changed when they looked at Wang Anye.

Prince Chaoyang is the pillar of the Chaoyang Palace. Her injury is not only related to her, but to the rise and fall of the entire palace.

Originally, King Chaoyang’s injury was getting more and more serious, and they were all worried about their future. But if there was hope that King Chaoyang’s injury could be cured, everything would be different.

Seeing that everything is changing for the better.


As if sensing a crisis, the demonic poison in Chaoyang King’s body suddenly became restless, and suddenly turned into a mysterious and dangerous torrent rushing towards the direction where Wang Anye’s profound energy was pouring in.

But in the blink of an eye, it dissipated the profound energy that Wang Anye had injected into her body. It followed Wang Anye’s fingers on King Chaoyang’s wrist and rushed towards him, trying to bite Wang Anye back!

Chaoyang King’s eyes were sharp, and he immediately wanted to suppress the demonic poison with his cultivation.

However, she is no longer in her prime now, how can she still be suppressed?

Seeing that the poisonous gas was about to pour into Wang Anye’s body, a trace of death appeared on King Chaoyang’s face again, and Master Jinghong’s expression changed drastically.

“Not good! Mr. An Ye, be careful!”

He immediately rushed forward to take over and suppress the magic poison.

However, before he could stand still, Wang Anye’s eyes sharpened and his momentum exploded.

A powerful force suddenly swept through the room.

At the same time, Wang Anye’s phantom of Dharma – a tall and green tree also appeared behind him.

As Wang Anye was promoted to the Purple Mansion Realm, the power of his bloodline had awakened to the seventh level. Even the phantom of the Dharma was much more solid than before, and his appearance gradually changed slightly.

The big green branches and leaves are spread out, the red and black trunks are tall and straight, and the crown of the tree is as thick as an umbrella, shrouding Wang Anye in the shadow of the big tree like a giant pillar.

The rich cyan light bloomed, and the vast power filled the entire room.

With the blessing of powerful bloodline power, Wang Anye’s whole body was filled with profound energy, and he actually resisted the invasion of the demonic poison in the midst of lightning and flint.

The two forces, one green and one black, used the bodies of Wang Anye and Chaoyang King as the battlefield, and they suddenly reached a stalemate.

“This is…”

Looking at the phantom of Dharma behind Wang Anye, Chaoyang King’s eyes flashed, and a rare look of surprise appeared on his face that only slightly changed color even when the old injury recurred.

Others may not recognize this tree, but she has seen it before.

The royal family has a very rich collection of books, some of which are top-secret materials that only a handful of people are qualified to access. As a princess of the Immortal Dynasty, she has extremely high authority, so she naturally knows more than others.

She had seen this tree in the notes left by successive Immortal Emperors.

That note records what the third-generation Immortal Emperor saw when he was exploring foreign lands outside the world. It was written in it that she once saw a Taoist tree in a small world outside the sky. Its trunk was red and dark, and its leaves were green. It was actually like glass, connecting the sky and the earth, supporting a world.

Because the tree is so special, it was specially illustrated. Therefore, King Chaoyang was very impressed by it.

Although Wang Anye’s Dharma Appearance has not yet borne fruit, other parts are almost exactly the same as those in the illustration, making it difficult for her to admit her mistake.

But that tree… is clearly a Taoist tree!

You must know that the Dao tree is a more powerful existence than the fairy tree, and its essence is close to the existence of heaven. It is a miracle that one world can breed one.

How can such an existence appear in the phantom of human beings? !

This matter was beyond her knowledge. King Chaoyang was stunned and confused, but could not think of a reason for a while.

At this time, Wang Anye’s face, who was in a stalemate with the demonic poison, gradually began to turn pale.

After all, he only has the cultivation level of Zifu Realm. Even though his bloodline is powerful, the total amount of profound energy in his body is still at the level of Zifu Realm. When the power of bloodline is fully exploded, the profound energy consumption is huge, and he can maintain It will inevitably become more and more difficult.

“That’s enough. You’ve done your best…” Chaoyang King sighed.

But before she finished speaking, she saw Wang Anye gritting his teeth, turning his hand, and a green leaf suddenly appeared in his palm.

The leaves are shaped like the palm of a hand, only the size of a palm, but they are as green as if they were carved from jasper, exuding vast and majestic power of life.

Pinching it with five fingers, the leaves suddenly shattered in Wang Anye’s palm.

The vast power of life surged out, and before it could spread, it poured into Chaoyang King’s body under the control of Wang Anye.

A green light surged.

Almost instantly, the surging black poisonous aura in Chaoyang King’s body was knocked back by a wave, as if it had hit a huge wave head-on.

A small portion of the black magic poison at the front was forcibly dispersed, turning into wisps of black mist and dissipating without a trace.

Under the impact of the vast power of life, the black demonic poison that had originally gathered into one force and attacked the city like an army was quickly defeated and had to be dispersed into wisps again, and was gradually dissolved.


The vast sea of ​​life force poured into her limbs and bones, filling the gap in her vitality. Almost in the blink of an eye, Chaoyang King’s face visibly faded away from the gray color, and then became rosy little by little.

As expected, it is a life-saving trump card made from the leaves of Grandma Lixian. It is really easy to use~

Wang Anye breathed a sigh of relief and took back the hand on King Chaoyang’s wrist.

Zhenren Jinghong rushed forward nervously to check his pulse.

“This, this, this, this…how is this possible?” The expression on his face changed continuously, and soon changed from nervousness and apprehension to surprise and disbelief, “It actually got better. Not only the residual alien poison A lot of it has been resolved, and your vitality has been replenished… Your Highness, in your current state, as long as you don’t take action, you can at least live for several more decades!”

He was so excited that he almost burst into tears.

This is definitely the most effective treatment since he started treating Chaoyang King!

“Having said that.” Wang Anye didn’t have much joy, and still looked worried, “But His Highness has accumulated too many injuries over the years, which has seriously damaged his body functions, and the alien poison lurking in his body is very difficult to control. At present, only the exposed part has been resolved, and traces of the alien toxin are still everywhere in His Highness’s flesh and blood meridians…”

“It doesn’t matter.” King Chaoyang looked much better and said gratefully, “I am lucky enough to be able to live for several more decades unexpectedly. My illness not only tired Mr. Anye, but also cost you. A life-saving trump card. I, the Chaoyang Palace, will compensate you for this.”

“Your Highness, please don’t take it to heart. You have made so many contributions to the human race. Anye’s mere loss is nothing.” Wang Anye has been with Emperor Longchang since he was a child, so he naturally understands that Ling How important is the late stage of the Void Realm to human beings? He said with a cup of his hand, “Your Highness’s top priority now is to heal the old wounds, remove the remaining poisons, and then slowly nourish the body and gradually make up for the source of the losses. Only in this way can danger be turned into safety.”

“This is easier said than done.” Chaoyang King sighed, “The part that has been cured now is just the tip of the iceberg. The young master has already used up his trump card.”

“Your Highness, there is no need to worry. Anye’s great-great-grandfather and his natal spirit Zhilixian have much stronger healing abilities than Anye. The life-saving trump card just now also originated from my great-grandfather’s ability.” Wang Anye said, ” If your Highness has time, why not go to our Dongqian Changning Wang family to recuperate? In any case, the result will not be worse than now.”

Dunggan Country?

Chaoyang King suddenly smiled and said: “Speaking of Dongqian, I think of Longchang and Holy Master Jiang.”

“Your Highness still recognizes the Great Emperor and the Holy Lord?” Wang Anye was slightly confused.

“How can you not recognize it?” King Chaoyang sighed, “How many Lingxu realms do our Hanyue Immortal Dynasty and the allies have in total? Speaking of which, Longchang is two hundred years older than me. This old man This guy is not an easy man either. When he was young, he ran around in the Immortal Palace and caused trouble everywhere. Later, as he got older, his face became thicker and he would go to the Immortal Court or the Immortal Palace from time to time to build relationships and gain resources.”

“By the way, that old guy also borrowed the money from our Chaoyang Palace and hasn’t repaid it… Oh~ that’s all, let’s not mention it as a trivial matter. I heard that the dispute between the emperor and his son in Donggan has been over for a long time, and Longchang is now Are you going to die soon?”

“Uh…Grandpa the Great Emperor is still very much alive and well.” Wang Anye smiled awkwardly, “I guess he still has a lot of life left in him. Now he and Grandpa Holy Lord have been visiting the Wang family for a long time. If you go there, you will definitely be able to meet him. Hold them.”

He never dreamed that Grandpa Emperor would still be in debt everywhere.

“Old Longchang… his life span is long enough…” King Chaoyang was speechless, “That’s all, I have nothing to do anyway, so I will go to your house to chat and visit old friends.”

“His Royal Highness can visit the Wang family as a guest, which really makes the Wang family proud. I will send a letter to my family, and the family will make appropriate arrangements.” Wang Anye felt relieved.

He admired heroes like Chaoyang King who had been fighting outside the territory all year round and made countless contributions to the human race. He couldn’t bear to see her injured and tortured in her later years, and she was rushed into a hurry before she was 3,500 years old. Fall.

If I can save her, I will be making a contribution to the human race.

“In that case, I also wrote a letter to Wei Dongyu.” King Chaoyang sneered, squinting his eyes, “That old Wei Dongyu has always been narrow-minded, and his methods of doing things cannot be said to be fair. He is probably still there now. I have no intention of dealing with you, at least I have to let him know that if he has any grudges, he can do so according to the rules of the Immortal Dynasty, and he should not have any evil thoughts in private.”

“Anye thanks His Highness.”

Wang Anye immediately stood up and thanked him.

Would Wang Anye not appreciate the kindness?


Da Qian returned to Longcheng.

The inner garden of the palace.

Ever since Emperor Zi’an began to serve as regent and supervise the country, Emperor Longchang has handed over all the government affairs in his hands as if he can’t wait.

The same is true in the inner palace.

At the same time that Wu Mingyuan was granted the title of “Emperor’s Son”, the original Anjun Princess Gongye Qingrui was also granted the title of Emperor’s Concubine. With the help of royal resources, her own qualifications were upgraded to the rank of Great Tianjiao, and she obtained the true royal method. inheritance.

Even some other resources and forces that were originally in the hands of Emperor Longchang were gradually handed over to Emperor Zian.

It can be said that, except for the palace that still represents the status of the emperor, Emperor Longchang left almost nothing of his own in the palace.

Nowadays, in the Daqian Palace, Emperor Anzai is basically in charge, and he will officially succeed to the throne after he reaches the magical realm.

The Humble Administrator’s Pavilion, which was originally used as the official office of Emperor Longchang, has long been vacated and has now become the inner study of Emperor Zi’an.

At this moment, in the Humble Administrator’s Pavilion, two young men with impressive bearing and outstanding appearance were sitting behind the desk in order of priority, drinking scalding hot tea while handling a series of government affairs.

These two people are naturally the emperor’s son An, who is currently ordered to supervise the country as the emperor’s son, and his right-hand man, the young patriarch of the Wang family, Wang Guangzhao.

Of the two, Di Zian’s temperament is more assertive and domineering, while Wang Wangzhao’s temperament is more calm and indifferent, with a sense of calmness that does not bother him.

However, after having been in charge of national affairs for many years, both of them have the air of command.

The two held teacups in their hands and discussed while reading the memorial. Often a few sentences can decide the implementation of a national policy.

National trends are all in this room.

Snow is piled up outside the house, but the inside of the pavilion is still as warm as spring under the influence of the formation.

On the desk, agarwood curls, red plum blossoms bloom, and the clear sunlight shines through the window lattice on the two busy figures, like a fleeting light, with an indescribable smell.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, these two central figures who hold great power and command are actually suffering.

Da Qian has seven counties and one capital, with a vast area and many aristocratic families. The amount of government affairs that need to be handled every day is huge, and it forms a thick pile on the desk.

Even if the two people are extremely efficient, it still takes more than half a day to handle the day’s government affairs.

This does not include those matters that are hugely controversial and need to be discussed at the court meeting before a final decision can be made.

It was already halfway through the application period, and only a few thin volumes of the thick memorials were left in front of the two of them. The two of them slowed down their pace and could stop to take a breath and take a break.

“I finally understand why my ancestors were so eager to hand over government affairs to me. This government affairs is so grueling. I have only been doing it for a mere hundred years, but I can’t stand it anymore. I have been working for thousands of years. It’s terrible.” Di Zi’an smiled bitterly and rubbed his shoulders.

Although with his Purple Mansion Realm physique, sitting for such a day would not really cause backache, but the mental fatigue is real.

It would be fine if these government affairs were all important matters concerning the country. The key point was that more than half of them were caused by various forces. The various departments were arguing with each other. There was endless back and forth, but he still couldn’t escape.

As the emperor’s son, balancing the relationships between various forces and departments in the country is one of his duties.

“Who says it’s not~”

Wang Wangzhao sighed.

If they hadn’t known that this was a hard job, how could my grandfather and father have tried so hard to shirk it, and neither of them would have been willing to come? It was because he had no ability and no say in the family that he was forced to take over the drudgery of assisting Emperor Zi’an.

He picked up the tea cup and took a sip, took a breath, and said quietly: “If your highness is annoyed, why not hurry up and arrange a marriage for Prince Sheng, so that you can have more children as soon as possible. When there are more children and grandchildren in the family, you can naturally Leave these tedious chores to your children and grandchildren.”

This is what his grandfather did back then.

Facts have proved to be quite effective. His grandfather Wang Shouzhe now stays at home every day and lives a very carefree life.

When this matter was brought up, Di Zian also had a headache: “I would like to. But Shengjun is my only son, and there are many taboos when choosing a marriage partner, so it is really difficult to choose.”

After he was named the emperor’s son, his son Wu Shengjun also received a lot of benefits. He relied on the resources of the royal family to upgrade his qualifications to the level of great genius. In the past few years, he had been successfully promoted to the purple mansion realm and was named “Prince Shengjun”. “.

It’s just that the timing of Wu Shengjun’s birth was not coincidental. At that time, the battle between the emperor and his son had already begun. Most of the aristocratic families were in a wait-and-see mode and were unwilling to marry their own genius, which delayed Wu Shengjun’s marriage.

After Wu Mingyuan was named the “Emperor’s Son”, everyone was willing to marry their own prodigy’s daughter. However, as the only son of Emperor Zi’an, Wu Shengjun was not suitable for marrying any aristocratic family in the country.

What’s more, as Wu Shengjun is a great genius, it will probably not be a problem to achieve the realm of supernatural powers in the future. He is also the only legitimate son of Emperor Zi’an and has a distinguished status. It would be a pity to be matched with a woman with the talent of a genius.

How can a woman with great talent be so easy to find?

There is a Wang family in Changning, but the seniority and everything are not suitable, and the Wang family is free to marry women by themselves, especially the women who have reached the age of great talent, all of them have many ideas and lofty ideals…

Now Wu Shengjun’s best choice is to marry a great genius from one of the many first-class and super-class families in the Immortal Dynasty, or to marry into a royal family of another country.

For this matter, he has been sending people to various countries to inquire about the situation a few years ago. He hopes that good news will come back~

This time.

Xiao Jizi, the commander of the inner guard who was guarding outside the Nuan Pavilion, knocked on the door and reported in a low voice: “Your Majesty, Commander Xiang wants to see you.”

It seems that there is new news from Tianque.

Di Zian and Wang Guangzhao looked at each other, and then ordered outside: “Xuan.”

“Yes, Your Highness.” Xiao Jizi immediately took the order and left.

When Emperor Longchang left, he took Lao Yao with him, but did not take away the four commanders of “Jixiang Ruyi”.

Now, they have become the eunuchs around Di Zian, and are respectively in charge of Di Zian’s daily life, external relations, and private treasury and other important matters.

Obviously, from the beginning, these four commanders were the team trained for the “emperor’s son” who would take over the throne in the future.

Among them, Xiao Xiangzi succeeded Lao Yao and became the new leader of Tianque.

It was also when it was time to take over that Emperor Zi’an knew that the master behind Tianque was actually Emperor Longchang.

God knows how indescribable Di Zian’s expression was when he first learned about this.

Of course, he was the only one who didn’t know about this matter. Wang Shouzhe had already guessed it early on.

After all, the existence of Tianque was too special. Besides Emperor Longchang, Wang Shouzhe really couldn’t think of anyone else who would provide intelligence support to Wu Mingyuan “for the sake of Princess Qingluo.”

No more gossip.

Xiao Jizi left only for a moment, and Xiao Xiangzi was led into Nuan Pavilion.

“Your Highness.” After receiving the greetings, Xiao Xiangzi reported the latest information, “The latest news from [Tianque] is that the shipyard across the West Sea has almost been built. The first batch of three ships [ The construction of Kunwu Giant Boat has begun, and the construction period is expected to be about ten years.”

“Haha~ Yinsha Sect really spent a lot of money and actually built three docks at once. It seems that their funds for the next few years will have to be on these Kunwu giant boats.” Emperor Zi An He smiled slightly and didn’t pay much attention to it. “Let them leave this matter to them. We will just act according to the plan.”

“Yes.” Xiao Xiangzi bowed to accept the order, and then reported another matter, “In addition, there is an important news from the Northern Zhou Dynasty today. Emperor Qingfeng of the Northern Zhou Dynasty recently released the news that he will be publicly known as Luojia When the princess chooses a son-in-law, all outstanding young people under the age of 250 within the Immortal Dynasty’s sphere of influence can participate.”

“Publicly selecting a son-in-law?” Di Zi’an was stunned for a moment.

This is rare.

“Yes. It is said that this Princess Luojia of the Northern Zhou Dynasty has a beautiful appearance and excellent reputation among the people. She is also a proud figure and is extremely favored by Emperor Qingfeng.” Xiao Xiangzi reported, “Because she was unwilling After feeling wronged by this little princess, Emperor Qingfeng made the unprecedented announcement that he was going to publicly choose his son-in-law among all the countries and immortal dynasties. Because His Highness had previously ordered his servants to pay attention to the talented women from all countries, so Xiao Xiangzi became the first to choose his son-in-law. When I got the news, I came back to report it.”

“Princess Luojia of the Northern Zhou Dynasty… I have a vague impression of this girl. She is indeed a talent.” Wang Wangzhao recalled for a moment and quickly remembered, “Speaking of which, this princess is not yet one hundred and eighty years old. , is several dozen years younger than Prince Sheng, and their qualifications are similar, so they are a very suitable marriage candidate.”

“It’s true.” Di Zian was also a little impressed.

Tianque will not only collect domestic intelligence, but also intelligence from other countries, including Northern Zhou intelligence. Some of the more capable descendants of Emperor Qingfeng are also listed on their side, but the information is not so detailed.

“Your Highness, our Daqian is now trying to open up the trade route with the Northern Zhou Dynasty. If we can marry this princess, not only will Prince Sheng’s marriage be settled, but the business affairs will also be much easier to negotiate. For The future development of Daqian will be extremely beneficial to me.” Wang Zhao thought for a moment and said in a deep voice, “Your Highness, I suggest that we immediately form a delegation to accompany Prince Sheng to the Northern Zhou Dynasty and make every effort to marry Princess Luojia back to Daqian. Do it.”

“Okay, this is a great thing.” Di Zi’an waved his hand and decided without hesitation.

He was worried about his son’s marriage, so there was a public selection of a son-in-law in the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Isn’t this just giving him a pillow for sleeping?

How could he disagree?

He happily calculated it and felt a little uneasy, so he continued: “Muro Zhao, you should handle this matter yourself. I won’t worry if you leave it to others.”

“In addition, when I go to the Northern Zhou Dynasty this time, I will inevitably have to compete with the young talents from other countries or immortal dynasties. Except for Shengjun, you have picked up the young talents of the right age from each family in Guilong City. Call them all and go to the Northern Zhou Dynasty to support Shengjun. We can’t lose the battle…”

After saying this, he paused and then looked at Wang Wangzhao: “Hurry up and send a message to your grandfather. I know that your family has hidden many powerful young talents. At least two of them will be our great ones. Support the scene. This is a matter of promoting the prestige of my country. Wang is also a member of the army, so it is naturally his duty to do so.”

When he talked about this, he couldn’t help but want to grind his teeth.

He has been coveting the outstanding young talents of the Wang family for a long time. Unfortunately, Wang Shouzhe always excused them because they were still young and needed experience, and refused to give him orders. This made him angry to death.

This time, he had to pick out a few of whatever he said.

“Uh…, I can only try my best to fight for this matter, but it depends on what my grandfather wants.” Wang Guangzhao said helplessly, “Your Highness, you also know that my status in the family, as a young patriarch, is… …Otherwise it wouldn’t be possible…”

The royal family Zhao was depressed, and Emperor Zian was certainly even more depressed. Every time he heard the royal family sigh and express that he was sent to the imperial capital, he felt deeply disgusted.

It’s all Shouzhe’s fault, he didn’t set a good start for the family.

Di Zi An angrily thought to himself that one day when he had some free time, he would definitely go to Changning Guard to play a few games of chess with him.


The main residence of the Wang family in Changning

Shouzhe’s courtyard.

Wang Shouzhe is concentrating on helping Wang Zongkun with his homework.

Liu Ruolan, on the other hand, was busy in the kitchen, personally preparing some ingredients for Zong Kun known as the “sacred brain supplement”.

Whenever the children at home are busy with homework, she will show off her “good wife and mother” style, concentrate on studying with them, and use various methods to help them supplement their nutrition.

Every child comes here like this. Facts have proved that the success rate is quite high.

As for Zong Kun, he was floating on the desk, controlling the water flow to roll up a pen, and brushing the test paper with all his strength.

There was no expression on his round head, but his heart was filled with tears.

These past few months have definitely been the most painful days of his life. I start working on the questions as soon as I open my eyes every day. I go to class in the morning and go to bed at night. I only have a little break at noon. I am still working on the questions even when I am dreaming at night.

After working so hard, I still have to take my mother’s “love supplements”.

What kind of evil did he believe in in the first place that he actually wanted to ask his father for extra lessons? Is it okay if he doesn’t make up for it?

Woooooooo~ Sister Jingjing, I regret it~~Why don’t you come to pick me up~~~

“A sneeze, a sneeze~”

While the family was having a good time, Wang Shouzhe suddenly sneezed twice without warning and could not help but frown slightly.

I don’t know who is speaking ill of him behind his back.

That’s when.

Suddenly, a confidant from outside hurriedly came to report: “To report to the family master, there is news from His Majesty Longchang that he was injured in a conflict with someone while drawing the best spiritual pulse.”


Wang Shouzhe frowned.

Although Emperor Longchang’s strength is at the bottom among his peers, he is still in the Lingxu realm. Who can injure him?

Could it be that there was a conflict with the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom?



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