Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 76: Shou Zhe overturned the Great Court Meeting (please subscribe, please vote)

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Even Taishi Ankang, who had always supported Wang Shouzhe, had his eyes twitching. Shouzhe, Shouzhe, I invited you to come to the capital earlier to solve the problem.

As a result, you started squatting at home as soon as you arrived. Every time I saw you, you said there was no rush, there would be operations later.

Is this the result?

What kind of genius operation is this? He dares to refuse even the emperor’s summons…

“Your Majesty.” Prince Dexin was full of energy and went to the battle in person. “You have a great love for the Wang family. I hate that Wang Shouzhe not only is not grateful, but also dares to be spoiled and resist the order. If he is not severely punished, how will your Majesty’s face be?” Save?”

“Your Majesty.” Prince Deshun took a step forward and defended, “Since ancient times, wizards have had many quirks. Shouzhe is an unparalleled wizard. Maybe there is some reason why he didn’t come?”

“What’s the reason? It’s obviously because I’m jealous that Your Majesty refused to approve the new reform plan of Longzuo County. It’s obviously because I’m jealous that Your Majesty didn’t support him when the Third Department inspected taxes.” Prince Dexin said bitterly, “This is What use do narrow-minded people have when there is no emperor?”

Afterwards, Prince Dexin and Prince Deshun, two shameless old ghosts, started to quarrel in the Dingqian Palace. They even rolled up their sleeves, as if they were not convinced and wanted to go out and fight.

Emperor Longchang also had a headache when he saw this. When he was young, these two guys, Dexin and Deshun, were considered the favored sons of heaven. They were one of his right-hand men when he was fighting everywhere.

At first, their relationship was quite strong, but they later fell out after some conflicts. They were always against each other, noisy and noisy all day long. After that, Deshun went to live in seclusion by the West Sea in anger, and no longer interfered with the military and political affairs of the DPRK and China.

To this day.

Emperor Longchang seemed to have a headache as if he had gone back to the past. Among all the princes, they were the two who caused the most trouble.

“Okay, shut up.” Emperor Longchang’s face was as cold as ice.


There was silence in Dingqian Hall.

Longchang is the Great Emperor after all. He has lived for three thousand and hundreds of years and has never seen any big storms or waves.

Immediately, he looked at Xiao Xiangzi with sharp eyes and said, “Do you know why Wang Shouzhe resisted the decree? What did he say?”

The emperor’s pressure scared Xiao Xiangzi to the point of turning pale. Although his status in the official inner guard is not low, and he is already one of the four commanders of Jixiang Ruyi, at this moment, it is still difficult to resist the emperor’s vague pressure: “Return, return to your Majesty. Guard, no, Wang Shouzhe’s fellow said, ‘It’s all because he is too thin-skinned and can’t accept this imperial edict.'”

Too thin-skinned?

What kind of crazy reason is this?

Many of the civil and military officials in Dingqian Palace felt baffled. It was a rare honor to be summoned and commended by the emperor. Does this have anything to do with being thick-skinned?

“Your Majesty, could it be that Wang Shouzhe has seen too little of the world and is worried when he comes to Dingqian Palace to meet the Holy Spirit?” Old Yao on the side spoke in a low voice, “After all, he is from a sixth-grade family in the countryside. He has never seen a big man. It’s normal to feel a little intimidated by the situation.”

Emperor Longchang glanced at him angrily, Bah, old Yao, you piece of shit, how much did you charge the Wang family? Helping you speak so effectively? However, his expression finally softened, and he snorted: “Other than that, does he have any other explanation? If that’s all, I will still punish him.”

“Your Majesty, Wang Shouzhe also said, ‘Since Emperor Ziwei Xuandu founded Daqian, the family has been protected by Daqian and has been able to have a stable place to thrive.'”

“Every aristocratic family is originally a member of Da Gan, and should assist Da Gan in governing the country and the people, and guarding the land and protecting the country. As for paying taxes according to regulations, it is the most natural duty for a family that enjoys privileges.”

“If you don’t pay taxes and I don’t pay taxes, when will Daqian become stronger?”

“Today, His Majesty summoned Shouzhe to commend him at the court meeting because the Wang family was just doing their duty to pay taxes and maintain local tranquility, and to respect him as a ‘model tax payer of the aristocratic family’. Shouzhe was just doing his best. It’s just a trivial duty for a noble family. I feel ashamed of His Majesty’s kindness and I don’t want to make the world laugh. I can only boldly resist and disobey the decree.”

Xiao Xiangzi said Wang Shouzhe’s words word for word, with sweat dripping from his forehead. He knew that this time, he had unintentionally acted as Wang Shouzhe’s pawn.

Whether this one might have angered His Majesty, or he was slapped to death is still unclear.

There was silence in Dingqian Hall, and the expressions of the civil and military ministers all had their own wonderful expressions. Some people were moved by Wang Shouzhe’s words, and their expressions were both shocked and moved, but also deep in thought.

Some civil and military ministers looked disapproving, with a hint of ridicule on their lips.

Everyone said that Wang Shouzhe was powerful. After he decided to support Prince An, he turned his hands into clouds and rain in a short period of time, and he just raised Prince An to the point where he could be on par with Prince Kang.

I thought he was a proud person, but I never thought he was someone who was just trying to gain fame.

Are there similar incidents in history?

Of course there are countless of them, but they just use “reasonable resistance to the decree” to enhance their reputation and reputation. The biological reasons are so high-sounding that no matter how angry your Majesty is, it is impossible to punish him with this.

Otherwise, it is time for His Majesty to “go down in history”.

“Haha~short-sighted and extremely stupid.” A certain civil servant who claimed to be very intelligent sneered in his heart. Wang Shouzhe’s move seemed smart, and on the surface he gained a good reputation for himself, but in fact, it had endless consequences. He offended too many powerful people.

Secondly, by using His Majesty’s summons for a commendation to build up his reputation, His Majesty will not blame him face to face after being provoked, but he must keep it in his heart. When he gets the opportunity, he will make up for it with profits. .

As expected.

The face of Emperor Longchang changed several times in a short period of time, and he burst into laughter: “Shou Zhe said it well, it is the duty of a family to pay taxes, and it is understandable to be ashamed of receiving commendation. .”

On the surface, I look like I understand you Wang Shouzhe, but in my heart I feel MMP.

Well, Wang Shouzhe, I have already forgiven you somewhat, but I didn’t expect you to take advantage of my summons to gain your reputation. Hum, let’s see how I deal with you later.

But Wang Shouzhe’s reasons are high-sounding, and it is really difficult to argue with them in this Dingqian Palace.

All civil and military officials agreed with the emperor, Your Majesty is wise.

Just when everyone thought the matter was about to be revealed, a man came out to report: “Your Majesty, I have something to report.”

This man was dressed in a fifth-grade official uniform and stood in the middle and back rows of the courtiers. However, this person’s appearance and temperament are majestic and majestic. Even if he is only a fifth-grade idler, no one dares to underestimate him.

Because this man is the magical seed of Dingguo Duke, Wang Zhouhui is known as “Little Dingguo Duke”.

“Oh? If Zhou Hui has something important to say, please tell me.” When Emperor Longchang saw that he was from Dingguo Palace, he was ready to scold him out of habit. However, when he thought that now was the time to promote the Wang family and restrain the Zhao family, he naturally wanted to give Wang Zhouhui face.

Besides, Wang Zhouhui is no longer young now, and it is estimated that he will go into seclusion soon, looking for opportunities to break through to the magical realm. By then, he will be regarded as one of the pillars of Daqian Kingdom.

“Your Majesty, I just saw a few colleagues nearby, with sneer on their faces when Shouzhe mentioned that paying taxes according to regulations is just the duty of the family.” Wang Zhouhui said with an indignant expression, “Because of my colleagues Because of my kindness, I won’t mention names.”

As soon as this was said.

The faces of a group of colleagues around him suddenly changed, and they all secretly cursed Wang Zhouhui’s shamelessness. Naturally, expressions cannot be used as evidence… But now, all of them are invisibly attracted to him. medicine.

Emperor Longchang also had a sluggish expression and said a little impatiently: “Zhou Hui, if you want to impeach me, write a memorial, but you have to have some real evidence.”

“Sure enough, Shouzhe is right. Even His Majesty doesn’t care about it?” Wang Zhouhui looked shocked and lamented, “No wonder all the big and small aristocratic families in the world think that tax evasion is normal. Things. Today Zhang San leaks a little, and tomorrow Li Si steals a wave. If things go on like this, the country will be ruined. Your Majesty, you can’t tolerate it any longer.”

Emperor Longchang’s face turned dark. When did I ever say that it was normal for aristocratic families to evade taxes? The way you pull off the big hat looks familiar. Could it be that Wang Shouzhe taught you this again?

“Wang Zhouhui, of course I will not think that it is right for aristocratic families to evade taxes, let alone condone it.” Emperor Longchang said with a hint of anger. He finally wanted to praise the Dingguo Palace, but unexpectedly his good intentions were eaten by dogs. .

“In that case, Meng Yuanbai, the director of the Sancai Department, was derelict in his duties.” Wang Zhouhui immediately pointed the finger at Meng Yuanbai.

“I ¥%*…” Meng Yuanbai, who had been silent until now, raised his eyelids and hurriedly shouted, “Your Majesty, you are wronged. Yuan Bai has always tried his best since he took charge of the Sancai Division.”

“Since you are trying your best, why is tax evasion so serious among aristocratic families all over the world? It is even so serious that every aristocratic family feels that it will be fine as long as it is not too excessive? Isn’t such a trend your fault, Sancai Si? “Wang Zhouhui’s words were righteous and stern, blasting Meng Yuanbai like a cannon.

Meng Yuanbai’s heart skipped a beat and he secretly thought it was not good.

Wang Shouzhe had just used his hand to force him to stab Anguo Gongfu half to death with a knife. He was still in shock and terrified. He didn’t know how to face the Zhao family and his benefactor Zhao Hongbo in the future.

Unexpectedly, he is already in such a miserable state, is Wang still unwilling to let him go? Wang Shouzhe was taking revenge, blatant revenge, to retaliate against him for making things difficult for the Wang family.

“Your Majesty, I have been wronged.” Meng Yuanbai hurriedly complained to Emperor Longchang, “The aristocratic family has been evading taxes for a long time. Isn’t this a tacit and well-understood habit?

“Ouch, Master Meng is wrong.” Wang Zhouhui said with a smile, “Did you falsify your previous tax inspection on the Changning Wang family? Or maybe the Changning Wang family had tax evasion, but you lied about their tax returns Being clean is a role model for a wealthy family to pay taxes? Master Meng, you are committing the crime of deceiving the emperor.”

You are bullying your sister.

Meng Yuanbai cursed endlessly in his heart, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and the ominous premonition in his heart became more and more serious, but he could only cry out: “Your Majesty, I am wronged. The Wang family of Changning does not have any tax problems, all The reports and accounts are kept in files in the Sancai Division, and His Majesty can send people to check them at any time.”

“Mr. Meng, I’m sorry, it was Zhou Hui who wronged you.” Wang Zhouhui hurriedly apologized, “Mr. Meng’s case-handling ability is indeed second-to-none. In a short period of time, the case was settled [King Changning] The tax evasion and evasion case, and the Anguo government smuggling and collaborating with the enemy and treason case can be described as vigorous and resolute actions with extraordinary methods.”

“Wang Zhouhui, watch your words.” Zhao Zhicai of the Zhao family jumped out and said angrily, “This is [Zhao Zhikun’s smuggling and collaborating with the enemy case]. This is his personal behavior and has nothing to do with the Anguo government, and it does not involve treason.”

“A raccoon dog of the same kind, just trying to survive with a broken arm.” Wang Zhouhui sneered, “Aren’t people in the world stupid?”

At this time, even [former chief minister of the cabinet] Zhao Hongbo frowned slightly and said: “Dong Guo, please take care of your Wang family members and don’t slander our Zhao family without any basis or evidence.”

“Uncle Zhao Hongbo, you are allowed to smuggle and collaborate with the enemy, but you are not allowed to talk about it?” Patriarch Yinda, the Duke of Dingguo, rolled his eyes and said, “You are really overbearing.”

“You…” Zhao Hongbo’s eyes were slightly sharp.

“That’s enough!” Emperor Longchang frowned, interrupted the fight between the two princes, looked at Wang Zhouhui and said, “Zhouhui, you have something to say.” He had already felt that Wang Zhouhui jumped out now Speaking of things, I’m afraid it’s by no means simple.

“Yes, Your Majesty. Since Master Meng Yuanbai can find out the Wang family in Changning, he is very capable, so he can also find out the tax evasion crimes of other aristocratic families.” Wang Zhouhui finally revealed his true face, Yi Zhengci Yan said, “But why can the Changning Wang family be found out? Other aristocratic families can’t be found out?”

As soon as these words came out, Quan Dingqiandian was shocked and secretly thought that something bad was going to happen. Something big was going to happen.

“Is it possible that Daqian’s tax laws and the dignified Chief of the Sancai Department, Meng Yuanbai, have become a sharp sword in the hands of the powerful? Investigate whoever you want to deal with? Investigate whoever you want to protect. Who do you protect?”

Wang Zhouhui swept the entire audience with his eyes impassionedly: “I suggest that since Lord Meng Yuanbai is so capable, it is better to check the taxes of every aristocratic family and even the royal family from top to bottom.”

“Never wrong a good person, and never let a bad person go.”

Wang Zhouhui’s words were like throwing a large stone into the Dingqian Palace, causing waves to rise immediately. Daqian Wang family instantly offended everyone.

“Your Majesty, you must not do it, you must not do it!” “A thorough investigation of taxation from the beginning is such a big deal, it must be considered in the long term.”

“Shut up, everyone!” Ancestor Yin Da, Duke of Dingguo, shouted angrily.

The power of the veteran magical power realm swept across the whole place as vast as the sea. Even some princes and other ministers of the magical power realm were slightly frightened. That old guy Yin Da seemed to be improving in strength.

Even Emperor Longchang was shocked. An old guy like you, Lord Dingguo, dared to unleash your power and show off your authority in front of me, the great emperor. Do you still take the emperor seriously? Mom, you have just been promoted to acting chief minister of the cabinet, and now you are so arrogant?

“Shou Zhe once said that paying taxes to the public is the foundation of the country, and tax evasion is undoubtedly the foundation of the country. The royal family is the first rank, and should set an example for us second and third rank, and we who are in the third rank should set an example for the middle and third rank. The third grade should set an example for the next three grades.”

The Patriarch of Dingguo Gong Yinda said loudly: “It is recognized in this country that tax inspections are inevitable. We should start with the third-level inspections first to set an example for the world. Since I, Dingguo Gongfu, proposed this motion , we can start the investigation from our Duke Ding’s Mansion.”

“Meng Yuanbai, I have ordered you to immediately lead a team to our Duke Ding’s Mansion, conduct a thorough investigation from top to bottom, and restore the innocence of our Dagan Wang family. Let the world take a look. Daqian, there is no tax evasion at all!”

The rest of the aristocratic families, especially the Zhao family and some royal families, almost fainted. Your Dingguo government must pay taxes according to regulations. After all, the emperor has suppressed your family for thousands of years. He pulls your Wang family’s pigtails every day. If you don’t keep it clean, wouldn’t it be a ghost?

At this time of confusion.

Wu Mingyuan, Prince of Anjun, took a step forward and said to Meng Yuanbai with an angry look on his face: “Master Meng, please give my royal family a clean slate. Our Prince of Anjun is willing to accept a comprehensive tax inspection. Don’t let the world think that I am a royal family. It’s a poisonous insect that lies on Daqian’s body and **** the blood of all people.”

“That’s well said.” Prince Deshun also agreed, “Please Sir Meng, please also return the innocence of Prince Deshun’s Mansion and Prince Dexin’s Mansion. We, the royal family, will not tolerate your empty slander. Check, Feel free to check, no, you must check!!”

In Dingqian Hall, everyone’s expressions changed.

Meng Yuanbai almost fell to the ground. This, this is a big event, and it is a big event that will be recorded in the annals of history. That Wang Shouzhe was so cruel and calculating.

Dingqian Hall was overturned before anyone arrived.

And he, Meng Yuanbai, once again fell into the hands of Wang Shouzhe, swinging his sword at each of his political opponents!



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