Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 62: My road to Shenkun

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Although Sheng Yaokun had not personally experienced those past events, he often heard his father’s emotions when he was a child.

Recalling her father’s expression at that time, she was filled with emotion. She couldn’t help sighing and babbled, saying that the sixteenth-level Shengkun clan leader and Taoist master’s mount was missing as a backstage, and now Dongxia Divine Continent Shengkun The life of the clan is getting worse and worse.

In just one hundred thousand years, the Dongxia Shengkun clan has gradually dropped from the original forty-five-headed Kun clan to the thirty-headed Kun clan.

And because the Shengkun clan eats so much, once they gather together, they can easily devour all the resources in a place. Therefore, in order to avoid fishing in the lake, the Shengkun clan usually does not gather together for a long time.

Most of the time, they would only gather together when major events happened within the clan and were summoned by the saint elders. Usually, they were scattered in various areas of Dongxia Divine Continent, trying to find ways to support themselves.

The most common job they do is to rely on the local holy dynasty to “herd fish” for them.

The “herding fish” here does not refer to the kind of herding fish that Anye took Zong Kun to the East China Sea to eat. Instead, he grazes and raises the Void Sea Spirit Fish in the Void Sea and Sky Lake.

As we all know, Void Sea and Sky Lake is actually a gathering place of energy in the void.

Because of the gathering of light and energy, many void creatures will naturally be attracted. The strength of these void creatures starts at the ninth level, and when they grow up, most of them can reach the eleventh or second level of strength, and most of them live as a group.

The Void Sea Spirit Fish raised in each holy dynasty are selected from these void creatures, and are bred through targeted screening.

The human race has been raising Void Sea Spirit Fish since the time of the Immortal Alliance. It can be said to have a very long history.

There is nothing we can do about it. After all, elders such as Daluo Shengzun and Hunyuan Taoist consume huge amounts of meat on a daily basis. If they only rely on hunting in the Void Sea, it is impossible to supply them. Therefore, large-scale breeding began during the Immortal Alliance period. .

As for the Shengkun family, because of their excellent spatial ability, mobility, and natural understanding and deterrence of the void sea spirit fish, most of them are natural fish farmers. Relying on the skills of “fish herding”, He can barely support himself.

However, without the care of the sixteenth-level Holy Kun and Dao Palace, the Kun clan has naturally suffered a lot of hidden losses in the past hundred thousand years, and they often dare to be angry and dare not speak out.

After chattering for a long time, Elder Shengyao Kun finally explained the purpose of his visit: “Clan Chief Shouzhe, we have also heard that the current Taoist master of Taichu Dao Palace has already reserved Yibo disciples in advance. We want to make Young Master Zong Kun The patriarch returns to the Taoist palace, hoping that he can be recognized by the disciples of the Taoist master…”

“I understand.” Wang Shouzhe listened patiently and nodded with a warm face. “What you want, Elder Yao Kun, is to let Zong Kun hug the thigh of Taichu Dao Palace in order to become the next generation of Taoist masters.” Work hard for your mount?”

The plump and handsome face of Sheng Yao Kun blushed slightly.

Before, she thought it was nothing to ask Zong Kun to hold Dao Palace’s thigh, but since she came to the world of Shenwu, even in just a few days, she has realized that in this world, whether it is material life or Spiritual life is extremely rich.

The Shenwu Wang family is also an extremely top family member. They look extremely wealthy and are very particular about food and clothing. Zong Kun can be regarded as growing up in a honeypot in this family…

“This…if the head of the Shouzhe family is reluctant to let go of the young patriarch Zong Kun, then the only choice is to let Zong Kun, Yu Lei, and Yu Kun sisters get married as soon as possible, hoping to give birth to the next generation as soon as possible, and then hand it over to Taichu Dao Palace. “Sheng Yaokun made the second suggestion weakly.

In short, three words remain true: Kun should be a mount.

Wang Shouzhe glanced at her, the expression on his face was still warm, but his eyes were slightly strange: “Elder Saint… Do you know who is the disciple of Taoist Master Hongzhen?”

“Well… our Shengkun clan has relatively little information. We only know that the current disciples of the Taoist master are unparalleled geniuses, and their future strength may exceed that of ordinary Taoist masters.” Shengkun Kun shook his head, “Whether it is a sect Kun, or Zong Kun’s children, follow each other, it will be very beneficial to think about it.”

“I understand.”

Wang Shouzhe nodded slightly, but did not express his position on the spot. Instead, he turned to Wang Zongan and said: “Zongan, go to the Alchemy Directorate yourself and invite Senior Hongzhen over. By the way, notify Baosheng and Lingzhu to come to me. A trip to the courtyard.”

“Yes, Father.”

Wang Zongan bowed his hands respectfully, then exited the small courtyard, used his spiritual thoughts to locate the rooftop of the Alchemy Directorate, and then casually tore open the space and arrived instantly.

At this moment, Saint Yao Kun, the [Great Sage of Swallowing the Sea] in the small courtyard, still looked a little confused.

What does it mean to invite Senior Hongzhen to come over?

Is it possible that this Wang family has any relationship with the Taoist master? But even so, isn’t it a bit far to go to the Tao Palace to invite the Tao Master?

“Elder Saint, don’t be anxious, and wait patiently for a while.” Wang Shouzhe guessed what she was thinking with a glance, and took the time to pour a cup of fairy tea for Sheng Yao Kun himself, “This is the fairy tea of ​​enlightenment. , it can clear your mind and concentrate your mind, which is somewhat beneficial to understanding your own original path.”

Immortal teas of this level, such as the Immortal Tea of ​​Enlightenment, are very useful for Xuanwu monks who are below the True Immortal Realm or whose bloodline has not yet awakened to the eleventh level, and can speed up the realization of the avenue of supernatural powers.

However, for Wang Shouzhe, whose bloodline has awakened to the twelfth level, and Sheng Kun, a fifteenth-level powerhouse, the effect of Enlightenment Immortal Tea is much weaker, and long-term drinking is required to be of any help.

But even so, this is an extremely rare immortal drink.

Nowadays, Wang Chenlun, the Wang family’s own sacred plant, has begun to produce small amounts of [Samsara Sacred Tea] after his body gradually recovers.

However, the effect of the Holy Tea of ​​Samsara is quite different. Drinking a small amount can wash away worries and make people feel relaxed and happy. But if you drink too much, or if the drinker is too weak, part or most of the memory will be washed away!

Even, it may be turned into a blank slate later.

The effect is actually no different from the Long River of Reincarnation, but its intensity is just a few steps lower than the Long River of Reincarnation.

The family has also discussed the functions of the Holy Tea of ​​Reincarnation. For example, can drinking it after a breakup make you forget your worries? Another example, treating a certain personality disorder?

In short, normal people probably have no need for the Holy Tea of ​​Reincarnation, and no one is trying to understand the Great Way of Reincarnation for the time being. Therefore, the Holy Tea of ​​Xu is useless and is still stored in Wang Shouzhe’s storage ring.

Let’s not talk about gossip for now.

While Elder Sheng Yaokun was doubting, Wang Baosheng and Ying Lingzhu, who had received the news, had already rushed to Wang Shouzhe’s courtyard.

Not long after, Taoist Master Taichu teleported over angrily after receiving the news. As soon as he showed up, he stared at Wang Shouzhe with a rather unkind expression: “Master Shouzhe, I heard that your Wang Zongkun was the one who lost his Taoist palace. Hatched by the Kun egg?”

Tao Master Taichu had vaguely heard before that the Wang family seemed to have a Kun.

But there are many Kuns in the world, and he will not casually doubt that Wang’s one is the one that was lost in Dao Palace. But what Zong An just said seems to have confirmed that Zong Kun is the one lost in Dao Palace. How can he still sit still?

“Senior Hongzhen, please be patient. Let’s take a sip of tea and calm down.” Wang Shouzhe took out some reincarnation holy tea and made a pot for him alone, with a relaxed attitude, “This matter is not urgent, let’s take our time. Chat.”

“This tea… smells so good~” Taoist Master Taichu suddenly smelled the rare fragrance of tea and couldn’t help but take a sip. The taste was so wonderful that even his soul seemed to be washed and became light.

Great tea!

He couldn’t help but drink several cups of tea, and suddenly he felt a little ecstatic and his worries were gone.

He was so surprised that he couldn’t help but ask Wang Shouzhe: “Master Shouzhe, this tea is a rare and holy product. What kind of holy tea is it?”

“The holy tea of ​​reincarnation.” Wang Shouzhe said calmly, “Drinking it has the effect of calming the mind and forgetting worries.”

Taoist Taoist Master Taichu’s hand immediately twitched, and he almost swung the teacup directly into Wang Shouzhe’s face, and his expression became a little angry: “You are watching Wang’s theft of eucalyptus hair, and you want to take the opportunity to wash away the memory of this Taoist Master. , so you can get away with it?”

Although he has never drank the Sacred Tea of ​​Reincarnation, the efficacy of this tea is still recorded in the Immortal Alliance’s historical miscellaneous notes.

“Senior is a Taoist-level powerful person. What an earth-shattering existence. How can the Holy Tea of ​​Reincarnation do anything to you?” Wang Shouzhe smiled and reassured, “At most, this can calm down the senior’s mood a little, so as not to be too upset.” Too impulsive.”

“That’s true. This pot of Samsara Holy Tea can really only help my Taoist master. Even if it is seventeenth-level Samsara Divine Tea, this amount is far from being able to deal with this Taoist master.” Taichu Dao The master looked slightly proud, but then his expression became stern again, “Wang Shouzhe, don’t talk to me here about him. Regarding…do you still have the Holy Tea of ​​Reincarnation?”

“There are only two taels left. If senior needs it, Shouzhe can give it to me.” Wang Shouzhe took out an exquisite porcelain tea can and forced it to Taoist Master Taichu.

“Two taels less is better than nothing~” Taichu Taoist Master said so, but he put away the tea can as if he had found a treasure, “The legendary holy tea of ​​reincarnation contains a trace of reincarnation. The implication of the Great Dao is that proper drinking can wash away distracting thoughts and clear the heart. If you drink it in moderation for a long time, the true spirit will develop some resistance to the law of reincarnation, and can retain more memories in future reincarnations.”

“Is there such a miraculous effect?” Wang Shouzhe raised his eyebrows in surprise, and held his hands in admiration, “Senior Hongzhen is indeed knowledgeable and memorized. This cultural heritage is really beyond the comparison of small tribes like us.”

“Wait? What did this Taoist Master just think of?” Taichu Taoist Master suddenly noticed something was wrong. After thinking carefully, he frowned and looked at Wang Shouzhe with a solemn expression, “Let me ask you, this Where does the Sacred Tea of ​​Reincarnation come from?”

“My ancestor Wang Chenlun is the Sacred Plant of Reincarnation.” Wang Shouzhe said calmly, “Senior, do you have any questions?”

“What’s the problem?” Taichu Taoist stood up abruptly, and his eyes suddenly became sharp as he looked at Wang Shouzhe, “The dog thief who robbed our Taoist palace owned a sacred plant of reincarnation. You Wang family There is Kun and there is Samsara Sacred Plant, could it be that you are the ones behind the scenes?”

“Senior… our Changning Wang family has only been established for more than a thousand years!” Wang Shouzhe couldn’t laugh or cry, “How can we bear the name of the mastermind behind the theft of the Taoist palace more than 100,000 years ago? However, Shouzhe does know who did it.”

“Who is it?” Taoist Master Taichu raised his eyebrows.

“It was done by a person named [Zhang Yunxiao]… Well, to be clear, he was the Shenwu Holy Emperor of our Shenwu world a hundred thousand years ago.” Wang Shouzhe did not hide this.

This matter is basically an open secret. As long as Taichu Dao Master is determined to investigate, it will naturally not be hidden. His old man was just distracted by the alchemy, and he forgot to track down the theft a hundred thousand years ago.

The Divine Martial Emperor?

Taoist Taichu was startled, his expression slightly dazed.

But soon, he came to his senses, and his eyes gradually focused on Wang Baosheng beside him: “I remember this, Taoist Master. There is a widespread rumor that Baosheng is the reincarnation of the previous Holy Emperor. Don’t tell me this… …It’s you! You stole the treasure house of our Dao Palace!

Speaking of what happened next, Taoist Master Taichu started rolling up his sleeves and getting ready to beat someone up.

Wang Baosheng’s expression was still very calm, and he said calmly: “I am indeed the reincarnation of the Shenwu Holy Emperor, but I am not a thief. That was Zhang Yunxiao’s doing!”

“Aren’t you his reincarnation?” Taoist Master Taichu’s face was full of anger.

That boy Shenwu Shenghuang did too much harm to Dao Gong. Not only did he severely slap Dao Gong’s face, but he also caused a series of negative consequences.

If it weren’t for him, how could the senior sister disappear? If the senior sister was not missing, how could she be…

“What does Zhang Yunxiao do have to do with me, Wang Baosheng?” Wang Baosheng looked innocent, “Everyone here may be the reincarnation of someone’s true spirit. The only difference between them and me is just a little bit left. Just a memory.”

Taoist Taoist Lord Taichu was lucky enough not to be mad to death.

The thief Zhang Yunxiao is dead and has been reincarnated. If this debt is not yours, Wang Baosheng’s, who will be yours?

He immediately rolled up his sleeves and said: “No matter what I say, it won’t be wrong to give you a good beating first to vent your anger. If you hadn’t caused this Taoist master to lose a Kun, I wouldn’t have been a slave for the rest of my life. !”

He really felt a little unfair.

You must know that before him, the Taoist masters of the past dynasties were very promiscuous, because with the sixteenth-level holy Kun on their side, they could often harass people everywhere when they advanced, and they could escape far into the void when they retreated. They were flexible and maneuverable, and they could move in a coquettish way. They are all quite difficult beings in the Dao Lord world.

But it was a good thing for him. Without the help of the 16th-level Saint Kun, he would be lame. Most of the time, he could only choose to be patient.

Thinking about the former Taichu Taoist, and then thinking about himself, he felt aggrieved, aggrieved and sad.

It’s all this guy’s fault!

However, before the Taoist master could reach Wang Baosheng, Ying Lingzhu had already stepped in front of Wang Baosheng and protected her husband: “Master, our Baosheng is right. The one who stole things is Zhang Yunxiao, how can you blame Baosheng?”

“Lingzhu, even you are protecting him?! You are the disciple of this Taoist Master.” Taichu Taoist Master’s heart ached a little.

The senior sister was taken away by the Wang family, the apprentice was taken away by the Wang family, and Kun was also taken away by the Wang family. There were also world tree species, basalt eggs, Kun… and even a bunch of half-immortal beasts and half-immortal plants. …and various resources… Wait, there seems to be a Chaos World-Destroying Pearl!

That’s not all. During this period, he was scolded every day by Jiuyang Dan Sage for not being able to make alchemy. That old boy was now Wang Shouye’s alchemy master.

But even so, he still had to shamelessly attend the class, but he had no choice but to say that Jiuyang Alchemy Sage was indeed capable, and he was also quite knowledgeable in the refining of Dao Dan, which inspired him a lot.

This also caused him to be in pain and happiness during this period, with extremely complicated emotions.

This Wang family was simply born to oppose him.

“Okay, okay~” Wang Shouzhe saw that Taoist Master Taichu’s expression was getting worse and worse, so he hurriedly came out to smooth things over and said, “What happened in the past is in the past. Even if this debt has to be settled on Wang’s head, we have to Sit down together and discuss the solution.”

“Okay, how do you solve it?” Taoist Taichu took the initiative and drank several cups of “Sacred Tea of ​​Reincarnation” before sitting down again.

At least this thing can really relieve his inner depression ~ ugh ~

This back-and-forth between a few people seemed to be very long, but in fact it only lasted a few sentences. Elder Sheng Yao Kun from the Sheng Kun clan was still waiting for Kun until now. ~

Several Kuns stared at this scene with their eyes wide open, looking at this scene in great surprise, as if rows of question marks were popping up on their heads.

What’s going on?

How come the legendary Taichu Taoist Master and the disciples of Yibo are all in the Wang family?

And what about Zhang Yunxiao and the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor?

“What I mean is that the senior Kun clan member is also here, so why not take this opportunity to make some arrangements.” Wang Shouzhe coughed twice before he had time to say, “Our clan Kun is not yet fully grown up. I think I can go to the Dao Palace to inherit his father’s sixteenth-level Holy Kun Orb.”

“What do you mean?” Taichu Taoist Master looked stunned, “This is the Holy Kun Orb of our Taoist Palace.”

“After all, is it not something that belongs to the Shengkun clan?” Wang Shouzhe glanced at Taichu Taoist Master, “Actually, we have also inquired about relevant information and learned that during the Immortal Alliance period, there was a large group of Kuns attached to Within the Immortal Alliance, its leader was a seventeenth-level Shen Kun. However, Shen Kun unfortunately died while fighting the Jinggu Clan. Later, when he fled with the Immortal Clan, the remaining Kun group had to be divided into several branches.”

“Among them, the Dongxia Divine Dynasty is semi-attached to the Taoist Palace of Taichu. They use the method of becoming the Taoist master’s mount and contributing to the Taoist palace to exchange for living space and resources for the clansmen.”

“Yes, this is also recorded in the history of our Dao Palace.” Ying Lingzhu nodded, obviously knowing this matter, “It’s just that because the Kun egg from the previous generation disappeared, this level of contact between the two parties has Weak.”

“In the past 100,000 years, the Shengkun clan has suffered a lot~~” Wang Shouzhe sighed, “In order to support themselves, they had to spread out to work for people and herd fish, and they also had to suffer all the looks and stares. They were humiliated, but they didn’t see Taoist palace come out to support them. I feel that Taoist palace was not very kind this time, so he didn’t miss the old relationship so much.”

As soon as this was said.

The fourteenth-level and fifteenth-level holy Kuns present were all filled with indignation and felt sad.

These words made Taoist Taoist Master Taichu blush: “It is true that I ignored this matter.”

In fact, because of the disappearance of the young patriarch, the Shengkun clan came to the Dao Palace to cause a big fuss. However, because of Ying Linglan’s disappearance, the Dao Palace itself was also very worried. Since then, there have been no clues. Naturally, this matter was dropped.

As for choosing another Kun to inherit the sixteenth-level Holy Kun Orb…

It is not that Taoist Master Taichu had not considered it, but on the one hand, the Tao Palace had an agreement with the previous generation of Shengkun clan leader that the orb could only be passed on to his heirs. At that time, Wang Zongkun just disappeared and did not prove his death. On the other hand, The effect of the sixteenth-level Holy Kun Orb is very overbearing. When the previous generation of Holy Kun left it, it had already designated a successor and bound it with a divine mark, so it is almost impossible for other Kuns to inherit it.

Of course, if Wang Zongkun died, it would be another matter.

Unfortunately, the actual situation is that there is no if.

The Dao Palace chose to keep its promise and wait for the heir to the Shengkun Orb to return, and the Shengkun family did not give up the search. Naturally, the Shengkun Orb was never inherited. As a result, this wait lasted for a hundred thousand years, and it was only now that Wang Zongkun found his tribe and recognized his ancestors.

To be honest, if it hadn’t been mentioned again now, Taoist Master Taichu would have almost forgotten that he still had the Holy Kun Orb in his hand.

“In this case, as a dependent worker, it is reasonable for Kun to find another employer when he is frustrated, right?” Wang Shouzhe said again.

Sheng Yaokun over there was confused.

We have indeed suffered a bit, but we are not discouraged and want to change employers. Besides, there is nothing else these days…

But before she had time to speak, Wang Shouzhe had already looked at her and promised sincerely: “Our Wang family is a very good partner. I can’t guarantee it, but I can guarantee that I will never give up. Kun is hungry.”

Not hungry?

Sheng Yao Kun and other Kuns swallowed their objections instantly and looked at Wang Shouzhe eagerly: “Master Shouzhe, are you, what you said is true?”

“Not only are you not hungry, you can also reproduce and expand your tribe to your heart’s content.” Wang Shouzhe promised extremely seriously, “I, Wang Shouzhe, have no other abilities, but I will definitely do what I promised.”

At this time, Taoist Master Taichu was a little anxious: “Master Shouzhe, you can’t poach someone in front of me~~ Besides, Kun’s appetite is really big. I’m afraid that the entire clan will kill the Wang family, no, will The world of Shenwu is in ruins.”

“No, since my father said it, it will definitely be able to feed Kunqun.” At this time, it was the second generation ancestor Wang Zongkun who had been silently aside, who spoke. He patted his belly and looked embarrassed. He said, “My food has been very good since I was a child. I am only over a thousand years old, and I am already about to be promoted to Xiankun. Dear clan elders, the Taoist Palace of Taichu looks down upon others, so let’s quickly find another employer. There is a saying What do you mean…”

“That’s right, that’s the one… I’ll make you indifferent today, but I’ll make you unable to reach high tomorrow.”

The Kun elders were stunned when they said this, and immediately felt a sense of elation and elation.

They all looked at each other and couldn’t help but groan in their hearts. If the Wang family could really afford to support them, why not…

“Don’t worry, everyone.” Wang Shouzhe gave them reassurance with a smile, “We have discovered many sky lakes near the sphere of influence of Shenwu World, and there are quite a few void fish beasts of high levels in them.”

“I also heard that Kun Qun is very good at ‘fish herding’. How about we do this, let’s jointly set up a fish herding company, each holding shares, jointly develop Void Sky Lake, and develop the fish herding industry. In this way, It can not only satisfy the food intake of the Shengkun family, but also make money.”

As soon as this was said.

The elders of the Shengkun tribe immediately became extremely excited: “Clan Chief Shouzhe, how big are those Tianhu lakes? If they are small, I’m afraid the fish production will be too little.”


Wang Shouzhe nodded affirmatively: “Let’s not talk about other things. Although the entire Zhenze Region only occupies a corner of the Immortal League, it is not small compared to the entire Dongxia Divine Continent. This place is also There is no other human race, so we can take over them all, and then slowly develop the fish husbandry industry. Let alone dozens of Kuns, we can even raise hundreds or hundreds of them.”

“It turns out that this is Zhenze Territory!” Sheng Yaokun had obviously heard of this place, and his eyes suddenly became extremely excited. “There is such a place in the blood inheritance of our Shengkun clan, which is an excellent fishery. .Great, great~~!”

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity that our Shengkun clan has lost the inheritance of Shenkun! Otherwise, even if the real Shenkun has not yet appeared, as long as a Kun who inherits the Shenkun orb ascends and shouts, the scattered four gods can be The Kun groups in the continent are unified.”

“Shen Kun, I think it may not be impossible.” Wang Shouzhe thought for a while and then drew a pie for her, “Our Zong Kun once swallowed a fourteenth-level Immortal Kun Orb. After that, our Wang family He also helped him to have the potential of the fifteenth level. If Zong Kun can find his father’s sixteenth level Holy Kun Orb, when the two are superimposed, he will have the peak potential of the sixteenth level.”

Whether it is the Holy Kun Orb or the Immortal Kun Orb, its essence is actually similar to the human race’s Immortal Scriptures and Holy Pictures, and its effect on improving qualifications can be superimposed.

If Wang Zongkun inherits the sixteenth-level Holy Kun Orb on the premise that he already has the fifteenth-level potential, the effect will naturally be much better than directly inheriting the sixteenth-level Holy Kun Orb. Even if he does not reach the seventeenth-level potential, It can also reach the peak potential of the sixteenth level.

“At that time, our Wang family will work hard, such as looking for the lost Shen Kun orb, or finding other ways to help Zong Kun regain his bloodline! Shen Kun may not be just a dream, why bother to give it to others? How about being a mount?”

Listening to the future blueprint drawn by Wang Shouzhe, the elders of the Shengkun clan all had golden eyes, as if they had seen the entire clan return to its peak, and even their breathing became rapid.


They suddenly reacted and turned to look at Taoist Taichu with “pay back the money” eyes. If you want to achieve that kind of future, the sixteenth-level Holy Kun Orb in the hands of Master Taichu is indispensable.

Taoist Taoist Master Taichu was so excited that he was not angry to death.

Wang Shouzhe, is this your solution? !

Not only do you want to poach Kun Qun, you also want to take away the Holy Kun Orb!

Wang Zongkun was also confused.

My father is indeed his father, the greatest thinker and strategist of the Wang family. In the blink of an eye, he has even planned his future path for Shen Kun.



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