Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 58: Void defense array plan outside Shenwu World

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This is the time.

The two saints understood Wang Shouzhe’s thoughts and couldn’t help but laugh and cry.

The head of the Shouzhe family is really good at climbing up the pole. No wonder, such a small world of divine martial arts has risen in just a thousand years.

However, this matter is their own business in the Shenwu World, and it is not inconvenient for the two saints to interfere.

After they looked at each other, they simply cut to the chase and said: “Master Shouzhe, we see that the talents of the eldest young master Youyue, the eldest daughter Jinlu and the second young master Youxuan are all rare in ancient times.” (“Wang Junlu” Changed to “Wang Jinlu”, the previous article has been changed, thank you book friends for reminding the error.)

“The two of us hope to accept our two children, Jin Lu and You Xuan, as our disciples.”

In just a few words, the two saints showed their sincerity and directly gave the conditions for inheriting the mantle.

In the master-disciple inheritance of Xuanwu monks, there are categories such as registered disciples, disciples, outstanding disciples, core disciples, direct disciples, and disciples.

The first three categories are actually so-called “disciples”, and their relationship with the master is not that close. In many cases, even the teaching is done by core disciples or direct disciples. Once you reach the core disciple level, the master will be a little more serious about imparting guidance.

But the direct disciples are different. Generally, masters will regard their direct disciples as their children and will spend a lot of effort to cultivate them.

When away from home, the personal representative is their face, but they can act on behalf of the master to a certain extent. They have great power and also bear great responsibility.

But the disciples of Yibo are different.

The word “yibo” means property. The so-called “yibo disciple” is essentially the successor designated by the master.

After the master retires in old age or dies, the disciples will inherit everything from the master, including inheritance, wealth, authority, social status, connections, etc.

Just like Emperor Zi’an inherits the throne of the Great Emperor, and just like Ying Lingzhu will take charge of the Tao Palace in the future. Usually the master’s attitude towards his disciples is closer than to his children, and his teachings will naturally be more attentive.

The two saints were so sincere, and Wang Shouzhe did not refuse.

The formation cultivation of these two people is already the best in Dongxia Divine Continent. If the two of them want to develop in formation in the future, it is naturally the most suitable for them to become their teachers.

However, he did not agree directly. Instead, after thinking for a while, he said: “Shouzhe understands what seniors Langya and Tianjue mean. In principle, Shouzhe is happy to see this matter come to fruition. . However…the two children are still young. For now, Shouzhe would rather have them have a complete childhood and adolescence.”

“I understand, I understand.” Holy Lord Langya hurriedly echoed, “The words that Patriarch Shouzhe persuaded the children earlier were so enlightening that I couldn’t help but think of the time when I was young and learned the Tao of Formation from my master in my hometown. Those years. Alas, twenty or thirty thousand years have passed, and I still think of my senior brother who made things difficult for me, my senior sister who secretly took care of me, and my master’s scolding me with a straight face, as if it happened yesterday.”

“Yes, the memories of childhood can be remembered for a lifetime. They are very important to children. We can afford to wait for decades, centuries, or hundreds of years.” Tian Juesheng Zun Ye also said with a smile, “In the meantime, the two of us will stay here. We can not only build some formations for the Wang family, but also take the time to teach the children some basic formation knowledge. If you are interested in this thing, you have to I’ve been trained since I was young~”

In the eyes of the two saints, a hundred years of skill is just a snap of the fingers, but if you miss such a rare genius disciple, you will really miss it.

With their talents, they might one day be able to derive their holy diagrams of formations and Taoism to the level of Taoism books, which would be considered worthy of generations of sage ancestors in their lineage.

“In that case, let’s wait until they reach the age of eighteen before making their own choices.” Wang Shouzhe agreed with a smile, “Also, the two holy seniors should not give them resources and gifts at this time. In order not to interfere with their normal growth, we will wait until they are eighteen years old.”

Okay, okay~!

The two saints were immediately overjoyed and looked at the two “disciples” with indescribable intimacy.

It’s not that they didn’t take a fancy to Wang Youyue, who has a stronger bloodline talent, it’s just that Youyue has a pure earth element talent, and it is ideal to practice the pure earth element in the future.

Secondly, Wang Youyue is the direct eldest son of Zhenger Ba Jing, so it is impossible for him to go to the Taoist Palace to inherit their mantle.

After having this relationship, the two sages Langya and Tianjue became much closer to Wang Shouzhe. The sage Langya said: “The head of the Shouzhe family sent Mr. An Ye over, saying that some large formations need to be built. I wonder if there is any construction plan?”

“Of course there is a plan.” Wang Shouzhe said, “However, I have some other ideas now. Can the great formation of isolation between heaven and earth that the senior mentioned before be activated again?”

“It is extremely difficult to build this array. I naturally don’t have the ability to build it from scratch. However, I think the foundation of this array is still there, but it is gradually failing due to disrepair. If it takes some time, it can be supplemented by The precious materials should be able to reactivate the power of the [Sun Star] and [Lunar Star] and activate the isolation formation again.” Saint Langya said with a cheerful face, “Of course, because the formation level is extremely high and the coverage range is extremely wide. Specific repair plans and materials must be given after a comprehensive inspection. These materials are valuable, so the owner of the house is asked to be mentally prepared.”

“Okay, I’ll leave this to Senior Langya.” Wang Shouzhe nodded slightly.

The Great Isolation Formation between Heaven and Earth was an unexpected gain. If it could be successfully repaired, it would undoubtedly be another layer of protection for the world of Shenwu, and he was quite happy.

However, even if there is a large isolation formation, the formations that should be arranged still need to be arranged.

Wang Shouzhe took out two copies of the [Void Defense Formation Plan Outside the Shenwu World] and handed one copy to each of the two saints: “The needs of our Shenwu World are all listed in this plan. I’d like to bother you two seniors. Give me some pointers.”

The two saints took it and started reading it casually.

When they first started flipping through it, both of them looked a little careless.

In their concept, no matter how powerful the world of Shenwu is, it is still just a small place, even if it is a defensive formation.

However, before they read a few pages, their eyes widened.

What is a three-dimensional defensive and offensive formation?

What does it mean to have a design that can threaten the Dao Lord level?

Do you want to be so exaggerated? !

What is the reason that makes you, Wang Shouzhe, so greedy for life and afraid of death? Who are you targeting?

“The two seniors should also understand.” As if he had anticipated their reactions, Wang Shouzhe still drank the immortal tea calmly and said calmly, “There are still seventeenth-level void beasts in this world. What should we do if such a mythical beast passes by the world of Shenwu, feels a little bad, and forcibly attacks us?”

What a **** of defense against the seventeenth-level void beast!

The two saints were also drunk.

It’s not that there are no such beasts in the vast void sea, but there are not only very few mythical beasts that have reached this level of strength, but they are also unlikely to wander around in the void sea at will.

In the entire millions of years of Dongxia Divine Continent’s history, there are only two records of void divine beasts passing by, averaging once every five hundred thousand years…

Besides, how big is Dongxia Divine Continent? How big is the world of Shenwu?

Given the scope of the Shenwu World, there is no guarantee that a divine beast will pass by in a million years.

“Master Shouzhe, it seems a little uneconomical to spend so much money and material resources for such a small chance, right?” Tian Jue Shengzun didn’t quite understand Wang Shouzhe’s thinking, “We really have to build it according to the specifications you planned. After the entire formation project is constructed, six to seven hundred Chaos Spiritual Stones will be needed to start, and the construction period will be no less than a thousand years.”

“So cheap?” Wang Shouzhe was slightly surprised, “I thought I was getting nine hundred thousand Chaos Spiritual Stones.”

Sage Langya: “…”

Tianjue Shengzun: “…”

The two saints hardly had a mouthful of old tea to spit out.

Is six to seven hundred Chaos Spiritual Stones still cheap? Why does this tone sound so inhumane?

Taking a deep breath to relieve the depression in his heart, Saint Langya explained: “The Tao Master’s letter of introduction said that some materials are allowed to be purchased from the Tao Palace warehouse at internal prices, so they are more expensive than those from the outside world. Much cheaper.”

“Then I really have to thank the Taoist Master.” Wang Shouzhe was slightly moved, “I thought the Taoist Master was quite stingy before, but it seems that I wrongly blamed him.”

Holy Lord Langya’s eyes were dark: “Master Shouzhe, you did not blame the Taoist master wrongly. He is indeed a bit hesitant about spending money. He said before that he would be given an internal purchase price for the materials, but he probably did not expect that the master’s efforts were so huge. …If this old man knew about it, I’m afraid he would be so angry that he would vomit blood.”

He could already predict that after learning about Wang Shouzhe’s construction efforts, Taichu Taoist Master must have regretted it and began to think about it, “Is it easy for me to save some materials for my family in Hongzhen?”

“Ha~~Then let’s follow this plan. If it’s not enough, we can continue to add more items.” Wang Shouzhe looked as if he regarded the Chaos Spiritual Stone as dirt.

Are there any additional items?

The two saints looked at each other.

The current plan can definitely dissuade Taoist-level beings. If we add another item… is it possible that he really wants to kill Taoist-level beings?

However, if we cooperate with the Great Isolation Formation of Heaven and Earth and re-plan the structure of the three-dimensional formation, it may not be entirely impossible.

In this way, the two saints stayed and continued to improve the three-dimensional formation protection system planned by Wang Shouzhe.

At the same time, the miniature ninth-grade spiritual vein brought by the Taoist master from the two saints also arrived in Wang Shouzhe’s hands.

After waiting for so long, he finally got the ninth-grade spiritual pulse, and Wang Shouzhe was also very happy. In the following days, he will study the placement and planting of the ninth-grade spiritual veins.

In the busy life, life flies by.

More than a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Because of Wang Shouzhe’s endorsement, during this period, San Xiao only focused all his energy on starting a business while attending classes step by step.

At this time.

Xinping guards Zhe Avenue, in the renamed [Yuhe Building].

As one of the top buildings on Shouzhe Avenue, the rent of Yuhe Building is also among the most expensive among similar buildings.

However, the top three floors of Yuhe Building were all taken over by a company.

This is a whole three floors. In this building where every inch of land is precious, it is so majestic to cover three floors~

The full name of this company is [Daqian Changning Donggang Chen’s Xinghai Development General Division].

Yes, it is the property of the Donggang Chen family, Wang’s in-law family, and its main business is to open up the Void Sea.

The company has more than ten small development teams under its name, and it also acquires various Void Sea resources from various wild groups.

Of course, most of the acquired Void Sea resources are ruins, garbage and other materials. Although these materials have been damaged, because the quantity is large enough, they can still make a lot of profits from them by re-smelting and extracting them before selling them.

Sometimes if you are lucky, you can get some seemingly worthless treasures when collecting scraps, but in fact they are very valuable.

The president of the Development Division is named [Chen Xiuwu].

He is the direct eldest son of the Chen family in Donggang, and the eldest son of Wang Shouzhe’s sister Wang Luoyin and Chen Fangjie. Of course, he is also Wang Shouzhe’s direct nephew.

With such a status, there are only a few people who can compete with him in the entire Changning Guard. Therefore, Chen Xiuwu has enjoyed excellent resources since he was a child and has grown extremely well.

The business of developing the General Directorate is also booming in his hands, and the wealth is rolling in.

At this time, Chen Xiuwu was already over a thousand years old, but he still looked only in his thirties. He had a mustache on his face and looked quite mature and steady.

And his personal cultivation has reached the early stage of Lingxu Realm.

This kind of cultivation speed, as long as it is not compared with the Wang family’s monsters, is relatively top-notch among the entire younger generation of Changning Guard.

This day.

The Chen Xinghai Development Division is as busy as ever.

On the top floor, there was a visitor in Chen Xiuwu’s CEO office, which covered several thousand square meters.

That was a middle-aged man who had cultivated in the early stages of the Purple Mansion Realm.

He was sitting on a large sofa made of Void Vicious Crocodile skin, but his buttocks were only halfway up. He kept scanning the huge and empty office, looking a little restless and feeling weak in his heart.

Logically speaking, a monk in the Purple Mansion Realm would not be frightened by the thousands of square meters of flat floor.

But this building is one of the most expensive buildings in Xinping Town. Even those big companies with big names are considered very prestigious if they can rent hundreds of square meters here as their headquarters, let alone an entire floor?

The rent of one hundred square meters alone was enough to make this Purple Mansion Realm monk gasp.

“Yingda, don’t be nervous.” Chen Xiuwu, who was sitting opposite him, smiled lightly, looking quite mature and charming, “I heard from your family some time ago that you disappeared on the edge of the Realm of Destruction, and I still took care of you. I was nervous for a while. It’s a blessing that you can come back alive now. I heard that you also picked up some valuable things and sold them. Sure enough, you will be lucky if you survive the disaster~”

The man named “Yingda” stood up hurriedly after hearing this: “After I came back, I heard from my family that Senior Xiuwu had sent someone to help our family when our family was in crisis, so I came over immediately to thank Senior.”

Chen Xiuwu waved his hand indifferently: “It’s just a trivial matter. Some blind snobs thought you died in the Realm of Destruction and had some inappropriate thoughts. I just sent someone to warn you. After a while.”

“For you, this may be a small thing, but for me, the Tantai clan, it is very important.” The middle-aged man solemnly handed over his hand again, “In any case, I would like to thank Senior Xiuwu for his kindness.”

“My uncle said that one has to remember the past and be affectionate.” Chen Xiuwu said with a smile, “Your Tantai family has a relationship with my Chen family, and Lingzu [Heyu Patriarch] also has a relationship with my father. As brothers, although Patriarch He Yu has passed away, his descendants are in trouble, how can we, the Chen family in Changning Donggang, sit idly by and ignore it?”

Because the Wang family has always insisted that they are the “Wang family of Changning”, even though the Donggang Chen family has developed to its current scale, they still call themselves “Chen family of Changning Donggang”.

In this life, Chen Xiuwu admired and curry favor with Wang Shouzhe the most. He would always call him “my uncle or whatever” when he was out.

When Wang Shouzhe was mentioned, the man named [Tantai Yingda] also showed excitement. He unconsciously raised his hands in the direction of Wang: “Shou Guogong is our Daqian Saint. In my family and Yu When the ancestor was still alive, the younger generation always listened to his old man talking about the Lord Shou.”

Yes, this [Tantai Yingda] is a member of the Tantai Heyu branch of the Tantai clan in the East China Sea. At the beginning, Tantai Heyu also received a lot of development bonuses due to his good relationship with Chen Fangjie. .

It’s a pity that when he was young, he loved to play and emptied himself out. As a result, he became weaker and weaker as he advanced in his cultivation. He never broke through to the realm of supernatural powers throughout his life, and he died at the age of less than 800 years old.

As soon as Tantai and Yu died, the Tantai family suddenly became more difficult. Therefore, Tantai Yingda, the seed of the Zifu at that time, followed the pioneering fleet to explore the Realm of Destruction. As a result, he accidentally encountered a void storm. The void ferry he was in was involved in the storm and suffered heavy losses. He was also This time he disappeared accidentally.

When he first disappeared, everyone was somewhat afraid of him, but as time passed, the rumors that Tantai Yingda was dead became more and more intense, and the Tantai family was naturally bullied in various ways.

Fortunately, the Tantai family turned to the Chen family at that time, hoping that the Chen family could help out for the sake of their ancestors, so Chen Fangjie left the matter to his son Chen Xiuwu to handle.

Although Chen Xiuwu was ordered to help at that time, he also knew that the help Chen could give was actually very limited. If the Tantai family could not stand up on its own, it would inevitably continue to decline.

As a result, even he did not expect that Tantai Yingda would actually come back alive after many years.

After a few words of greeting, Tantai Yingda took out a jade-like object and handed it over cautiously: “Senior Xiuwu, this is one of the resources that this junior obtained at the risk of nine deaths. . I asked someone to identify it, and it seems to be the core component of the Jinggu Armor, but it was seriously damaged. But even so, the other party paid a high price.”

“This is the only thing in this junior’s house that is worth two small coins. I hope senior can accept it so that I can express my gratitude.” Tantai Yingda said with a very respectful look.

“Oh? The core component of the Jinggu War Armor?” Chen Xiuwu took it over and took a look at it, and then he appraised it out of habit, “It is indeed the core chip of the War Armor, but the damage has been very serious, and it is impossible to judge what level it is. However, you have to understand that most of the chips that can be unearthed in the ancient battlefield are the most common soldier-level armor chips of the Jinggu clan… plus the serious damage, they are worth three to five top-grade spiritual stones.”

However, the Jinggu clan is small in number and elite, and the lowest soldier-level Jinggu armor has a combat power of about eleven levels. Even if it is just the core chip of the eleventh-level armor, it is indeed a good harvest for Tantai Yingda in the Caizi Mansion Realm.

“Tell me~ Yingda, you came to me this time. In addition to expressing gratitude, you should have other things to do, right?” Chen Xiuwu played with the core of the armor for a while and didn’t pay much attention to it.

He thought that it would be of no use if he kept this thing in his hands, so he might as well give it to the kid [Jin Lu] to play with.

Tantai Yingda was a little embarrassed when his intention was guessed, but he still said shamelessly: “Ancestor Xiuwu is wise, I want to borrow a sum of money from your company to buy a small void ferry.”

As soon as he said this, Chen Xiuwu’s face suddenly became a little more solemn: “Nowadays, void ferry boats are scarce, and a second-hand one is worth dozens of top-grade spiritual stones. I’m afraid your family can’t afford a loan, right? This loan, The risk is a bit high…”

To be honest, it has been three or four hundred years since the death of Tantai and Yu, and the relationship between the two families has naturally become more and more fragile as time goes by.

If it’s a simple matter, Chen Xiuwu can help if he can, but in business, he can’t benefit others at the expense of himself.

“As for me, as an elder, I still want to advise you. If you want to continue to develop the Realm of Destruction, it is best to rely on the cooperation of powerful families at the beginning. Good luck once does not mean good luck all the time.” Chen Xiuwu Kind advice.

As long as you are exploring the Void Sea, there is no absolute safety.

As long as you explore, there is a possibility of accidents. It’s just that the strong have a strong ability to withstand accidents, while the weaker ones like Tantai Yingda have a weak ability to withstand accidents. Maybe they won’t be able to withstand another accident. Good luck.

“Yes, yes, the senior’s lesson was right, it was Yingda Menglang.” Tantai Yingda was sweating on his forehead and felt a little weak.

This is also the time.

The communicator on Chen Xiuwu’s desk suddenly rang. He pressed it and heard a hurried inquiry from the front desk.

When he heard this, his face immediately lit up with joy, and then he couldn’t help but reprimanded: “What else are you trying to pass on? Bring those three little ancestors in quickly. What, they’re already in? Okay, okay~~”

As he said that, he hurriedly hung up the communication.

At this time, outside the president’s office, a calm middle-aged man had already walked in with three young children.

These three little dolls are wearing the most popular styles of children’s clothing. Their facial features are very similar, but their temperaments are completely different. One is full of domineering strength, while the other is slender and weak. Liu Fufeng, a person with a graceful demeanor, like a gentleman.

Although they are still young, they already seem to have a bit of good grace.

Chen Xiuwu immediately greeted him with a smile on his face: “You Yue, Jin Lu, and You Xuan, are you three clansmen out of school? Why do you have time to come and play with the ancestors?”

Tantai Yingda looked at the door, then at Chen Xiuwu’s reaction, and immediately stood up from the sofa very wisely, walked to the edge and waited silently.

“I have met the ancestor of Xiu Wu Biao.” The three little ones of the Wang family saluted respectfully.

“Don’t be formal.” Chen Xiuwu smiled kindly, and casually took out various candies and snacks from the cabinet on the side to entertain them, “I heard our Chen Haoran talk about your deeds, and I have been studying recently. You work very hard, even that brat in our family was made to study seriously by you.”

In fact, Chen Xiuwu also heard that his boy Haoran has now worshiped Wang Youyue as his boss… as if he was following his lead.

That boy, tsk tsk, has a lot of vision. He is worthy of being my son, Mr. Chen. He already knows how to hug someone’s thighs at a young age.

Soon, the three little ones made their intentions clear in just a few words.

“What kind of holographic game do you want to make? Do you want to get specific void navigation charts and all information from our company for reference design?” Chen Xiuwu was a little surprised, but he immediately agreed, “No problem, of course no problem… you three Just open your mouth, let alone just the information, the whole company can be moved.”

Tantai Yingda, who was standing aside, kept his head down the whole time, but he was puzzled in his heart.

What are the origins of these three little babies, and why does the ancestor of Xiuwu flatter them like this?

Poor Tantai Yingda has only been back for less than half a year. He has spent more than half of this time recuperating from his injuries and has no idea of ​​the origins of the three little ones.

As long as he comes back for a longer time, there is a high probability that he will hear from others about Baosheng’s great achievements in marrying three wives, and he will naturally know the identities of these three little ones.

At this time, Chen Xiuwu just handed the battle armor crystal core to Wang Jinlu and said, “I originally planned to give you this gadget, but you came just in time to save me a trip.”

Wang Jinlu took a look at the seriously damaged core chip of the armor, and frowned slightly: “Ancestor Xiuwu, this seems to be the core component of the fifteenth-level Jinggu armor, where did you get it from? ”

“Fifteenth level?” Chen Xiuwu was startled and his expression changed. “Jin Lu, are you sure? Why do I look the same as the eleventh level?”

“Although the chip is seriously damaged, the core material is different from the eleventh-level one.” When Wang Jinlu mentioned the professional issue, his expression became extremely serious, “My mother and I disassembled the fifteenth-level set in our family together. I have seen the core of the battle armor inside. Although the two are very similar, the information carrying capacity of the chip itself and the ability to withstand energy impact are completely different. As long as you carefully screen the breath and energy fluctuations of the chip, you can determine Difference.”

Except for the Wang family, probably no other family would dare to dismantle the fifteenth-level Jinggu armor for fun.

Hearing what she said, Chen Xiuwu immediately believed her judgment.

But then, his heart skipped a beat, and he immediately stared at Tantai Yingda with stern eyes: “You kid, where did you get this thing from?”



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