Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 52: Outbreak! Doyuan Dan makes big profits

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Taoist Taichu stared at Wang Shouzhe for a long time, then gritted his teeth and said quietly: “What you said does make some sense. The world of Shenwu is located in a remote location and is facing various pressures, so it is appropriate to support local construction. ”

“This Taoist can give you two letters of introduction, one to [Holy Lord Langya] and one to [Holy Lord Tianjue]. The former is best at giant city-type defensive formations, and the latter is better at various kinds of defensive formations. Regarding offensive formations, such as the [Void Dark Destruction Thunder Formation] that you like very much, Tianjue Saint is better than Qianzhen Saint. I have heard of the Qianzhen man who is better at building space movement formations.”

As he spoke, he wrote two letters of recommendation, stamped them with the special seal of Taoist Master Taichu, and handed them to Wang Shouzhe.

Wang Shouzhe stood up respectfully and saluted: “Thank you, Senior Hongzhen, you are truly worthy of being the Dinghai Shenzhen of Dongxia Divine Continent.”

“You are here to put a high hat on this Taoist master.” Taichu Taoist waved his hands in disgust, “I only wrote this letter of introduction for the sake of senior sister, Lingzhu, and You Xuan. But when it comes to the Holy Lord At this level, unless it is a major matter concerning the fate of the human race and life and death, our Taoist master will never force their will. How to persuade them depends on you.”

“Shouzhe understands.” Wang Shouzhe’s expression remained unchanged and he still thanked him.

Then, he turned to look at his great-grandson: “An Ye, I will leave this matter to you. You must give the two saints face and respect.”

Wang has always been eager for talents and has great respect for professional talents. The greatest respect for talents is undoubtedly to give them enough money and face. On this point, Wang has always been very sincere.

“Yes, great grandfather.”

Wang Anye accepted the order with his hand, then respectfully reached out to take the recommendation letter and sat down next to him.

In this small courtyard, there are many elders gathered, and Wang Anye can only sit in the back even with his seniority.

But Emperor Yong’an, who just listened and said nothing, was secretly amused.

He knows Wang Shouzhe’s methods too well.

If Taoist Master Taichu said that he forced them to come over, it would be easy to say, but now the Taoist Master has shown that he will not force the will of the two saints…

Doesn’t this mean that as long as they are willing to stay in the world of Shenwu for a long time, even the Taoist Master can do nothing to them?

This is simply a clear signal to Wang Shouzhe—just go ahead and conquer it~

Probably angered by Wang Shouzhe’s behavior of “holding his apprentice to command the master”, Taichu Taoist took a sip from the teacup, looked at Wang Shouzhe with a half-smile and said: “By the way, Shouzhe, you are Do you still need an alchemist? Do you want me to introduce you to another saint-level alchemist?”

“Holy Alchemist?” Wang Shouzhe shook his head, “It is not cost-effective to recruit a Holy Alchemist at this stage. If our family can advance to the bloodline in advance, get a Holy Map, and then advance to the True Immortal Realm, He can barely refine eleventh-grade elixirs by himself. At that time, the family will fully supply resources to improve his proficiency in refining eleventh-grade elixirs as soon as possible.”

Here it comes, here it comes again!

Wang Shouye, who was sitting not far from Wang Shouzhe, trembled in his heart, and a deep feeling of powerlessness suddenly surged into his heart.

Recently, he has finally started to make a profit by refining the tenth-grade elixir. As a result, on the other hand, the fourth brother has actually started to help him plan the eleventh-grade elixir.

The cost of refining a furnace of that thing requires several Chaos Spiritual Stones, and refining it to waste is enough to make him feel distressed for many years.

He couldn’t help but start thinking secretly.

It seems that he must seize the time before he is promoted to the True Immortal Realm to refine some more Tenth Grade Pills and make more money. After he is promoted to the True Immortal Realm, these hard days are probably coming~

While Wang Shouye was struggling in his heart, on the other side, Wang Shouzhe finished speaking and his eyes suddenly fell on Taichu Taoist.

Wang Shouzhe’s eyes showed a bit of expectation: “I heard that Senior Hongzhen is the number one alchemist in Dongxia Shenzhou. It would be great if you always have the opportunity to give more guidance to Shouye.”


Taoist Taichu swallowed the tea that had just entered his throat, and stared at him: “Are you here waiting for me again?”

Wang Shouzhe did not speak, but winked at Wang Shouye, the seventh child in his family.

Wang Shouye immediately understood and stepped forward, cupping his hands and saying, “Senior Hongzhen, please don’t misunderstand my fourth brother. This junior feels that my senior is very accomplished in alchemy and wants to take the opportunity to learn more.”

Taoist Master Taichu had a very good impression of Wang Shouye. When he saw him coming forward, he reluctantly suppressed his anger and put on a kind expression and said: “Actually, my ability in basic alchemy is not as good as that of a professional.” Great Luo realm alchemist. Moreover, I have always only focused on the refining of twelfth-grade elixirs. If Mr. Shouye wants to ask for advice, I am afraid that I have got the wrong person.”

“Senior, I don’t know something.” Wang Shouye said sincerely, “What this junior wants to ask for is the refining of the twelfth-grade elixir, such as the twelfth-grade [Daoyuan Dan], the twelfth-grade [Yuan Bing] Dao Dan].”

As for the [Life and Death Pill], which is very popular among the twelve-level elders, Wang is not very eager. After all, Wang Shouzhe and Wang Lixian are both very good at healing wounds, and the effect is better than the Life and Death Pill. Not bad at all.

Taoist Taoist Master Taichu’s expression was stagnant, and he said with a slightly serious and critical tone: “You have always given me the impression of being calm and down-to-earth, how could you be so frivolous and exaggerated like your fourth brother?”

Frivolous and exaggerated?

Wang Shouzhe touched his chin, feeling puzzled.

Where does this comment come from?

Well, it’s probably Senior Hongzhen who is quite prejudiced against him.

“Senior Hongzhen, please give me some advice.” Wang Shouye asked honestly.

“The conditions for refining these twelve-grade Dao elixirs are extremely harsh.” Taoist Master Taichu said thoughtfully, “First of all, it is best to have a [Hunyuan Dao Dan Furnace], but this type of elixir furnace was only available even during the Immortal Alliance period. There are two statues, one of which is a treasure of the most powerful sect in the Immortal Alliance [Wuji Dao Sect]. Our Taichu lineage comes from Wuji Dao Sect.”

“The second Hunyuan Dao Alchemy Furnace is owned by the famous [Danmen]. The Alchemy Clan is a semi-loose and semi-powerful organization, and many peripheral members are alchemists from various sects. However, to If you want to study the core inheritance of the Alchemy Sect [The Alchemy Book] and its derived holy pictures, you must be a core member of the Alchemy Sect.”

“Senior Hongzhen, does he have a Hunyuan Dan Dao Furnace?” Wang Shouye asked with his eyes shining.

“No, if I have the Hunyuan Dao Alchemy Furnace, why is the rate of elixir production so low?” Taichu Taoist Master said helplessly, “Although our Taichu lineage is a lineage of Wuji Dao Sect, we are not dedicated to alchemy. Dao veins. Moreover, the war was too intense at that time. When they were defeated and fled, they were hunted down by the Jinggu clan, and many important Dao veins were lost.”

“As for [Danmen], it was located in the [Wanling Realm] in the northeast of the Immortal Alliance. That place was one of the first areas to be attacked by the Jinggu clan. As the main local sect, Danmen was the first to fall. The core inheritance and the Hunyuan Dao Alchemy Furnace were also lost at that time. Maybe the Danmen inheritance is now lying in the ruins of a certain Jinggu clan.”

“Senior Taichu, if I have the opportunity, I would like to visit the Dao Palace and take a look at the ancient maps from the Immortal Alliance period.” Wang Shouzhe was quite interested in this.

“It’s okay to show you the ancient map of the Immortal Alliance.” Taoist Master Taichu nodded slightly and said seriously, “However, because of the last devastating disaster in the Domain of Destruction and its long-term influence, the Tianhe River in that area I’m afraid the route has been changed a long time ago, and the position of the world has probably shifted, so that thing can only be used as a reference.”

“Thank you, senior.” Wang Shouzhe said gratefully, “It is also quite useful for the younger generation to review the history and glory of the Immortal Alliance.”

“What’s the use of being brilliant? Isn’t it just being pushed to the ground and rubbed by the Jinggu Clan?” Taoist Master Taichu shook his head, recalling that period of history with great emotion, “I don’t know where this Jinggu Clan came from. , to be so domineering and powerful. Head Shouzhe, if you have the opportunity, you can ask more questions from Jing Feifei, maybe you will gain something.”

“This matter is not urgent. We will wait until Feifei’s health is better.” Wang Shouzhe said seriously, “Besides, Feifei is simple in nature, and she is still young, and her early life was very limited. I’m afraid she won’t know too much. The secrets of the Jinggu Clan.”

“No matter how limited she is, she is still Jingwu’s daughter.” Taichu Taoist Master said seriously, “According to historical records, Jingwu is the fifth-ranked leader of the Jinggu Clan. He is as powerful as the leader of the Immortal Alliance just based on his personal fighting power. Not much different. Even if the daughter of such a big shot knows some information accidentally, it may be a crucial clue.”

“Yes, senior.” Wang Shouzhe nodded in agreement and said politely, “Under appropriate circumstances, I will let Baosheng have a talk with Feifei, but it will be on the premise that she is willing and will not hurt her. We Ms. Wang will not bully any daughter-in-law.”

Tao Master Taichu nodded, and then changed the subject and said: “When it comes to refining the twelfth-grade Tao elixir, it is best to have a Hunyuan Tao elixir furnace to cooperate with it. However, since the only two Hunyuan Tao elixir furnaces in the Immortal Alliance are now It has been lost. Therefore, the four major divine continents can currently only use the holy elixir furnace to refine Tao elixirs, and the elixir-making rate is naturally a bit low.”

“In addition, it is extremely difficult to refine the twelfth-grade Taoist elixir. It is best to reach the Taoist master level before refining it, otherwise it will be a waste of extremely precious materials. As far as our Taoist palace is concerned , using ninth-grade spiritual veins to plant Void Daoyuan Fruit, even if there is a full-time Holy Spirit Planter to take care of it, it will take an average of five thousand years to gather a set of materials.”

“In the case where there are very few opportunities for refining and the accumulation of experience is not sufficient, the rate of elixir formation is naturally extremely low. For example, when I first became a Taoist master, every refining process was useless, which almost made me feel bad. Death will get better later.”

“In the past few years, I collected two sets of materials and made three pills in one go, which is already the best result. If I can maintain two furnaces and three pills, I can make money by refining Daoyuan Pills full-time. Of course, the Void Daoyuan Fruit can only grow and bear fruit normally if it is planted in a spiritual cave. The quantity is very rare, and it is difficult to get the raw materials by purchasing. This time I went to Nanye Divine Continent with the head of the Shouzhe family, and I also took the opportunity to see if I could Buy the Void Daoyuan Fruit.”

Taoist Master Taichu’s words pointed out the difficulty of refining the twelfth-grade elixir, and also pointed out the main reason why the elixir success rate is so low.

This is also the reason why the price suddenly becomes ridiculously expensive when you reach the level of twelfth-grade Dao Dan.

If the success rate of refining the twelfth-grade Dao elixir can be increased, they will naturally be defeated in competition with each other.

“Senior just said that using ninth-grade spiritual veins to plant Daoyuan Fruit? Doesn’t the Void Daoyuan Fruit grow in the Void Spiritual Cave?” Wang Shouzhe frowned slightly, “And ninth-grade spiritual veins are extremely rare in the world. Our Dongxia It seems that in the Divine Dynasty, only Dao Palace, Dongxia Royal Family and Dongping Divine Palace have ninth-grade spiritual veins.”

“The void spiritual point is another name for the ninth grade spiritual vein, but it is normal for you, Shouzhe, not to know.” Taichu Dao Master explained, “The spiritual veins of this level are usually in the void energy An extremely rich place, that place is usually called the ‘Void Spiritual Cave’, and some wild Daoyuan Fruit or other twelve-grade spiritual medicinal materials will also grow in it.”

“Senior Taoist Master, I also have a doubt.” When Wang Anye heard this, he couldn’t help but came up curiously and asked slightly strangely, “Why are spiritual veins divided into nine grades, but elixirs are divided into nine grades? Twelfth grade? These are the division rules passed down by the Immortal Alliance, right?”

“Haha~ If you don’t pay much attention to the cultivation of mulberry and elixirs, you really can’t figure out the mystery here.” Taichu Taoist smiled and said, “Just imagine, if the spiritual field formed by the first-grade spiritual veins is planted How long does it take to get a first-grade spiritual rice?”

“It seems that it will only take one or two years. If the birth is properly promoted, it will be faster.” Wang Anye did not know much about Nongsang and said hesitantly.

“What if we use the first-grade spiritual veins to plant third-grade or fourth-grade elixirs?” Taichu Taoist asked again.

“It will definitely be very slow, ranging from dozens of years to hundreds of years.” Wang Anye recalled, “If it is accelerated, the situation will naturally be better. Of course, if third-grade spiritual veins are used to plant third-grade elixirs , the growth rate will also be very fast.”

“That’s right.” Taichu Taoist Master said, “Ninth-grade spiritual veins can be used to plant ninth-grade rice. It can take as slow as ten or eight years, and as fast as three to five years. But you need to use sixth-grade spiritual veins. When planting ninth-grade rice, its maturity speed is also terrifyingly slow, and it may take thousands of years.”

“From this point of view, there is no problem in the division of ninth-grade spiritual veins into ninth-grade Daomi or twelfth-grade elixirs, except that the former grows faster. But the latter should not be used by the wood-based Holy Spirit Planter If the sacred weapon assists in the birth, it may not mature even after tens of thousands of years.”

“The current situation is that it is too difficult and slow to cultivate Daoyuan Fruit, and the wild ones are too rare.” Taoist Master Taichu said with emotion, “This also results in too few opportunities to refine twelve-grade Dao Pills. , the proficiency is not high. Otherwise, even without the assistance of the Hunyuan Dao Pill Furnace, the rate of pill formation can still be improved, and a mere Daoyuan Pill will not cost dozens of Chaos Spiritual Stones.”

“Senior Hongzhen, our Alchemy Directorate has gathered together a batch of materials for [Twelfth-grade Dao Yuan Dan] and [Twelfth-grade Origin Ice Dao Dan]. Do you have any skills that you would like to try?” “Wang Shouye walked around for a long time and finally asked the most critical question.

“…” Taoist Taichu looked at Wang Shouye with complicated eyes, and after a long while he said, “You brat, why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

The opportunity to refine the twelve-grade Dao elixir was rare, how could he not want to give it a try?

What a pity…

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but sigh: “It’s a pity, it’s a pity~ I didn’t even think about refining elixirs when I went out, and I didn’t bring the holy elixir furnace and the holy fire. I can only wait for Nanye Divine Continent and his party to finish, and then return Dao Palace is practicing again.”

He was also extremely itchy.

The total number of times he has refined Daoyuan Dan in his life has not reached twenty furnaces. After the latest success, he has a lot of insights that he wants to practice. Now that he heard that there is an opportunity to try his hand, he naturally became more and more interested. My hands are itching unbearably.

“We do have a holy elixir furnace. Is it a holy fire? Can the Chiyang Holy Fire of the Jiang family of the ancient saint clan be used?” Wang Shouzhe asked.

It’s useless for him to keep these things in his hands. Naturally, he has already sent them back to the world of Shenwu for the old seventh king to study them more.


Taoist Master Taichu was silent for another long time.

He glared at Wang Shouzhe angrily and held it in for a long time before finally saying: “I almost forgot, you are so bold that you pledged the Holy Pill Furnace and the Chiyang Holy Fire from Jiang Lihuo. Then what are you waiting for? Let’s go. Go make elixirs.”

“Why don’t you wait and see Yu Xuan first?” Wang Shouzhe suggested.

“Let’s refine the elixir first. You’ll see later, little Xuan Xuan. Anyway, we are in the Wang family and we can’t escape, right?” Taichu Taoist Master waved his hand, looking like he couldn’t wait to refine the Dao Yuan Dan.

That look is very similar to the way students in Wang Shouzhe’s era ran to the game hall and Internet cafe right after class.

Even Wang Shouzhe was quite curious about how the Taoist Master refined the Daoyuan Pill.

Soon, the group of people teleported to the Alchemy Headquarters.

The Taoist master is really itching.


Just when Taichu Taoist Master wanted to make alchemy with great interest, he was stopped by the technical team of the Alchemy Department.

They first filled the alchemy room with all kinds of secret photo cameras, which were 360 ​​degrees in all directions with no blind spots.

They even asked Master Taichu to wear a photo camera on his head.

Immediately afterwards, the sensing ends of various special equipment such as temperature and humidity measurement were also connected to the Shengdan furnace.

These devices have high accuracy and sensitivity, and can monitor the specific conditions in the Shengdan furnace in real time, and then summarize all the data into the master control instrument.

It is precisely with these equipment that Wang can crack the refining process of low-level elixirs and finally complete standardized and industrialized production.

“Senior Taoist Master, we have two pairs of simulation materials here. You can refine them twice as if they were Dao Yuan Dan to get a feel for it. We can also take this opportunity to test and adjust various monitoring equipment.”

Taoist Master Taichu was a little confused by this series of weird requests, but with Wang Shouye’s explanation and comfort, he finally refined it once according to the process.

However, due to different raw materials, the most difficult stages of quenching spirit and combining elixir cannot be simulated at all.

But even so, the technical staff of the Alchemy General Department also studied and analyzed the two alchemy processes very carefully, and readjusted the location of the equipment according to the on-site conditions.

They even gave a [First Optimization Suggestion for the Refining of Daoyuan Dan], pointing out the Dao Master’s many behaviors during the two alchemy processes, as well as the temperature control and tempering time of the holy fire. inconsistencies and contradictions.

The specific details of each step are marked in such a precise way, even down to every minute change, which made Taoist Master Taichu feel cold sweat on his forehead.

He indeed did not pay attention to these details, and was just refining the elixir based on experience and instinct.

With these two examples, he began to pay attention to simulated alchemy.

Next, he refined the simulation materials ten times with great care.

After repeated optimizations, suggestions, and corrections, as well as his understanding and thinking about past experiences, he finally achieved preliminary standardization.

It’s hard to say whether the elixir will be successful or not, but at least the differences in each step were reduced a lot when he repeated the elixir many times, and gradually became accustomed to considering each step in a streamlined and standardized way.

This time.

He finally started refining the real Daoyuan Dan.

But before the alchemy started, Wang Shouye stopped him again, and then Wang Anye went up to shake hands with him, while Wang Baofu went up and gave him a big hug.

After completing this step, Taichu Taoist Master officially began to refine the elixir.

Since the previous process has been repeated many times, Taichu Taoist clearly felt that he was much more comfortable in completing each step than before. Spirit quenching, smelting, and elixir combining were finally completed in one go.


The lid of the holy elixir furnace opened with a “Peng” sound.

Three Daoyuan Pills, which were round in shape, jade-like in color, and exuding majestic aura, flew out from them and were scooped into the palm of Taoist Master Taichu.

The elixir seemed to have spirituality. Even though it was controlled by Taoist Master Taichu’s spiritual thoughts and profound energy, it still trembled slightly, causing the surrounding Taoist laws to tremble slightly and create ripples. It looked very strange. Extraordinary.

“Three! This Taoist master actually made three pills in one furnace!” Taichu Taoist’s eyes widened, surprised and excited, “This rate of pill formation is rare in the entire holy realm. I am like this I want to get rich~~”

The total value of a set of materials for Daoyuan Dan is about forty Chaos Spiritual Stones. The current normal price of Daoyuan Dan is about forty Chaos Spiritual Stones.

If you get one out of a furnace, you can barely keep your capital. If you get two out of one, you will make a big profit! The last time the Taoist master refined the two furnaces together, he produced three pieces in total, which was considered an excellent result.

If three coins are produced in one furnace like this, it will naturally be a huge profit.

If you can confidently guarantee that two pieces will be produced in each furnace, there will be too many tricks that can be played.

On the other side, the Wang clan members who had been nervously watching the refining process were relieved when they saw the result.

The Wang family only has this Void Daoyuan Fruit, and only this one chance to refine it. If the refining fails, it will be a huge loss.

Fortunately, now I can make three pills in one go. Not only did I not lose money, but I also made a lot of money~

Wang Shouzhe, who planned all of this, did not expect that the refining would go so smoothly this time. He quickly asked Wang Shouye to back up the data collected during the refining process several times.

This data is very precious material, so there must be no mistakes.

At the same time, he began to think about it in his mind.

Since there are three Cheng Dan, you have to make careful calculations to decide which tribe should give priority to this Yuan Dan.

After all, the effects of the Daoyuan Pill and the Holy Grade Qualification Improvement Fluid can be superimposed. If used properly, the junior’s qualifications can be greatly improved.

There are many people in the family who have taken the Shengpin Bloodline Qualification Improvement Liquid but have not taken the Daoyuan Pill.



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