Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 49: Be the first to get three wives

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Of course, Taoist Master Taichu failed to ask this question in the end.

If you really ask, the Taichu Dao Palace will lose its face.

While talking, Wang Ningxi took over the reception task of several elders and led them to visit the headquarters building complex of Wang’s Weapon Refining Division.

In this complex of buildings covering an area of ​​millions of square meters, except for a small number of administrative office areas, most of the areas are weapon refining and material research centers.

“Seniors, look, this is the R&D center for low-quality materials.” Wang Ningxi took everyone to visit a building.

There are hundreds of research and development project teams in this building. The projects they are researching at hand are all familiar first- and second-grade weapon refining materials. Even if someone comes to visit, the research and development teams are still focusing on their own projects and immersed in research.

If the quantity of this level of materials was not large enough, these saints and Taoist masters would not even be interested in taking a look at it, but at this moment, they were observing their actions with great interest.

However, what attracted them was not the materials, but the dazzling array of instruments.

After studying for a long time, they found that there were many things that they couldn’t even understand.

“Ning Xi.” Taoist Taichu put his hands behind his back and looked left and right, like a big leader inspecting, but there was doubt in his brows, “Is it worth spending such a huge amount of manpower and material resources on low-quality materials? ?”

“Of course it’s worth it. Basic materials are the most consumed materials in the Void Sea. Once a breakthrough is made, the impact will be all-round.”

“However, material research and development is a huge systematic project, especially alloys, which are even more complicated. There are often no shortcuts for various formulas, and you can only try your luck.” Wang Ningxi mentioned these, how much Feeling helpless, he casually took out a piece of light alloy steel with green patterns and said, “Look at this piece of Yimu lightweight spirit pattern steel. It is made from third-grade spirit wood and seven kinds of metal materials according to the ratio. We have conducted 2,653 mixing experiments alone, but the final result is still not certain to be the optimal solution, and we have to continue to invest massive amounts of money in research and optimization.”

“I heard that the performance of the new armor you sell is much higher than that of Ji’s military armor?” Taoist Master Taichu asked with some curiosity, “Could it be that these alloy formulas are used?”

In the world of holy weapon refining, there is naturally a technology for mixing different materials into alloys, but this technology has always been studied by each company. Occasionally, some high-quality formulas are obtained, which are strictly confidential secret recipes. . The larger the weapon-refining family, the more secret recipes of this kind there are, which is also the foundation and heritage they rely on for their survival.

Taoist Master Taichu has never heard of a company that conducts such large-scale systematic experiments on alloy formulas like Wang’s Weapon Refining Directorate.

“Senior Taoist Master, we are just a set of low-level armor for Lingtai realm soldiers. According to different parts and functions, we use more than 20 kinds of alloys.” Wang Ningxi said quite proudly, “This Each of these craftsmanships is the result of countless efforts. The purpose is to improve the overall combat effectiveness of our human race. Even if it only increases the combat effectiveness of the army by an additional 30 to 50%, it is enough to reverse the situation of most battles.”

After hearing this, Taoist Master Taichu was silent for a moment.

This is true.

But he is also clear that any technological innovation requires a large investment of manpower and material resources, and may not produce results. Not every force is willing to do so and has the funds to carry out such a large-scale and sustained innovation. invested.

He was completely unexpected that Wang would be willing to spend so much manpower and material resources on some low-end materials and processes.

On the other hand, the low-level military weapon refining technology mastered by the Ji family has not been updated for countless years.

However, the Ji family is a top family that has been inherited for millions of years, and its technology in high-end weapon refining is still very powerful. The accumulation of weapon refining in terms of immortal and holy weapons is far beyond what the Wang family can match.

Just this time, Ji’s low-end equipment may really be in a huge crisis.

“That’s fine.” Taichu Taoist thought for a moment, but suddenly smiled, “With you Wang family disrupting the situation, you can also make Ji family guys suffer a loss, so they can reflect and reflect carefully, so as not to remain stubborn. ”

“General Director Ning Xi.” After a visit and conversation, the Yuhe Holy Emperor smelled the huge interests, and his attitude towards Wang Ningxi was much kinder than before. “I just learned about it. In the Yuhe Holy Emperor, Around the dynasty, your Wang family does not yet have a military agent or a military elixir agent. You see, our two families are about to become in-laws…”

“Senior Yuhe.” Wang Ningxi was a bit dumbfounded, “I am just a technician. For this kind of agency, you still have to ask my grandfather, or at least my seventh uncle An Ye, to be the master.”

Wang Shouzhe? Wang Anye?

The Yuhe Holy Emperor’s face suddenly became a little embarrassed.

Speaking of which, his attitude towards Wang Shouzhe and Wang Anye is not very friendly. And this time, he came with the purpose of letting Wang Baosheng marry into the Yuhe Holy Dynasty, but now the financial resources and strength shown by the Wang family really made him a little frightened.

I am afraid it will be a little difficult to find a wife this time~

“Come on, come on, let me continue to take you to visit the Aerial Spacecraft R&D Center.” Wang Ningxi seemed not to notice his embarrassment and continued to lead them to other places with enthusiasm.


Same time period.

Xinping Town, [Shouzhe Avenue].

This road named after Wang Shouzhe is naturally the entire Xinping Town, no, it should be said to be the most prosperous and core area in the entire Shenwu World.

Here are the most high-end restaurants, the largest theaters, the most sophisticated technology, the top companies, the most powerful families in the entire Shenwu world, and all kinds of incredible things.

This place is full of ultra-modern flavor, with gorgeous buildings towering into the sky, various magical means of transportation and monks flying in the air, forming an orderly three-dimensional traffic.

Although these floors are high, each floor has an independent airborne platform and entrance. There are also three-dimensional passages connecting many high-rise buildings to each other, so it does not appear to be crowded.

The Zhaoyu Hotel is located on this street where land is at a premium.

This hotel, which belongs to the name of Princess Zhaoyu of the Scarlet Moon Demon Dynasty, was given to Princess Zhaoyu by the Wang family when Wang Fugui married the two princesses Zhaoyu and Chuanan.

Over the years, this hotel has grown steadily under the management of Princess Zhaoyu, and has become one of the landmark buildings on this street.

The first floor of the hotel is a luxury shopping mall.

Princess Chunan, Mengyu and Princess Zhaoyu, are enthusiastically taking three girls, including Ruanyuhe, Yinglingzhu, and Jingfeifei, to go shopping.

Here, there are so many fantastic luxury clothes, bags and all kinds of rare treasures.

“Yuhe, you have a dignified temperament and a tall figure. Come and try on this fairy silk robe.” Yu Mengyu enthusiastically pulled Yu Yuhe and tried on a luxurious dress.

She pushed the somewhat reserved Yu Yuhe into the changing room, and it took a while before she could change out.

She looked in the mirror visible to Yingxue and immediately became a little shy: “Aunt Chuai, these legs are too exposed, a little too enchanting.”

Despite this, she was still attracted by her unique and charming appearance.

Fortunately, in order for them to shop comfortably, the entire floor was cleared, and only some female employees were here to entertain them.

“It’s not bad. Many girls in our Changningwei dress like this. This is the most popular style recently.” Yu Mengyu smiled and held her arm and said, “A naturally beautiful girl like Yuhe, It’s also fun to change the look. I’ll take you to do your hair later and try to make it wavy. The effect will be better when combined.”

Although she is much younger than Juan Yuhe, she is Wang Baosheng’s mother, so it is natural for her to be called “Aunt Chuan”. And she is also very close to Yu Yuhe, after all, everyone’s surname is Guan.

However, Yuan Mengyu and Zhaoyu would not ignore Ying Lingzhu and Jing Feifei, so they naturally showed an attitude that the palms and backs of their hands were full of meat.

“Lingzhu, what do you think of this look? I think it matches your temperament very well~~” Princess Zhaoyu greeted Ying Lingzhu with a smile on her face, and then said to Jing Feifei, “Feifei , what do you think of this outfit?”

After a series of shopping and trying on clothes, the relationship between the women heated up rapidly. Even Jing Feifei is less naturally calm and rational, and more lively.

It can be seen that Wang Baosheng’s two mothers were also worried about Baosheng’s marriage and the children in their bellies.

Next, the two took them to experience hair styling, skin care, food, cinema, virtual games and other projects, and they had a great time. The three people in Yuhe who experienced this for the first time were simply a little happy.

After they had a big meal together, their relationship had become very familiar and warm, and they became friendly and casual when talking to each other.

Until then, Yu Mengyu and Princess Zhaoyu stopped leading people out and started drinking tea and chatting in the hotel box.

This time.

The box door was pushed open from the outside, and a team of officials walked in with a lot of documents.

The leader, a capable middle-aged man, said respectfully: “I, Wu Wenhao, am a notary of the Shenwu Shengmeng Asset Management Department. I have met Her Royal Highness Princess Chuanan and Her Royal Highness Princess Zhaoyu. I have met the three young ladies. …”

Now the Secretary-General of the Shenwu Holy Alliance is Wang Fugui, an invisible leader. Naturally, Wu Wenhao is extremely respectful to Wang Fugui’s two wives.

“Hello, Director Wu, I would rather trouble you to make a trip in person for this matter.” Yu Mengyu knew that Wu Wenhao was a general promoted by her husband and was in charge of the notarization and management of the assets of the entire Shenwu Holy Alliance.

“Your Highness, you are so polite. You can just call me Xiao Wu.” Wu Wenhao said hurriedly and respectfully, “I have brought all the notarization documents you requested. Shall we start the notarization procedures now?”

Hearing the conversation between the two, the three women in Yuyuhe looked over in confusion, with expressions of confusion on their faces.

The system here seems to be a little different from that of the Sanctuary.

As for Jing Feifei, she was even more confused.

“Yuhe, Lingzhu, Feifei.” Yu Mengyu looked at the three girls and showed a kind smile, “You are all friends of Baosheng. This is the first time you have returned to our Wang family in Changning. We As an elder, you must give some greeting gifts.”

Ruan Yuhe and Ying Lingzhu hurriedly waved their hands: “Aunt Chuan and Aunt Zhao, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We are grateful for your warm hospitality, and we are already feeling frightened.”

“This is just etiquette and rules. We also have to express our feelings for the child of Baosheng. The left and right are just personal belongings and pocket money, and they are worthless.” Princess Zhaoyu persuaded with a smile.

They also knew the rules. When they said this, they naturally had no choice but to blush and nod: “Thank you Aunt Chuan and Aunt Zhao.”

As he said that, seeing Jing Feifei still stunned, he hurriedly pulled Jing Feifei again.

Jing Feifei finally came to her senses and said confusedly: “Thank you two aunties.”

“Young ladies, here are some documents that you need to sign.” Wu Wenhao, wearing white gloves, handed over the documents respectfully.

Yu Yuhe glanced at it casually and found that it seemed to be some asset transfer documents, involving a building and shares in some industry.

She didn’t feel too much and signed it casually.

At the same time, the other two also signed their names and thanked the two aunts very politely.

Wu Wenhao then held up the document and explained: “Miss Yuhe, this is the property rights document of Wang’s Building No. 5 located on [Shouzhe Avenue]. Now that you have signed, the document will take effect immediately, and the property rights are yours. Yes. This building is mainly engaged in catering and entertainment. The upper floors are office areas for companies from all over the world. The main income is mainly rent.”

“The entire Building No. 5 is 188 stories tall and has a usable area of ​​800,000 square meters. After deducting operating expenses and taxes, the current annual net profit is 15 million fairy crystals.”

Ju Yuhe just listened to the previous words, but when he heard the following data, he was stunned: “Wait a minute, how much is the net profit?

“Fifteen million fairy crystals are equivalent to about 15 top-grade spiritual stones.” Wu Wenhao said respectfully.

“How is it possible…” As the royal family of the Yuhe Holy Dynasty, the Yuhe family naturally has a lot of assets, and there are many people in the family who have an annual profit of 15 Jiling coins from many assets.

But, this is just a building! How could there be so many?

“The situation is like this.” Wu Wenhao coughed twice and explained, “[Shouzhe Avenue] has a very special status in the world of Shenwu. It is a holy place in the minds of countless aristocratic families, and Xinping Town in Changning is an industry in the world. The most core place. Therefore, all commercial organizations with some reputation in Shenwu World will rent office areas on Shouzhe Avenue. This is also a way to show their financial resources, strength, and reputation. The rental prices are naturally competing with each other. The more it goes, the higher it goes.”

As Wu Wenhao explained, Yan Yuhe gradually understood.

It turns out that the rent in Wang’s Building No. 5 is ridiculously high, and every inch of land is worth every penny. Smaller commercial organizations may bite the bullet and rent one or two hundred square meters.

As for large commercial organizations, one rent is one floor. The more so, the more advantages they will have in business negotiations!

For a moment, Yan Yuhe felt a little frightened, and hurriedly said: “Aunt Chuan, Aunt Zhao, the value of this building is too high, I, I can’t take it.”

In fact, Yan Yuhe’s treatment in Yuhe Holy Dynasty was also very good. Unlike those old saints who have no future, Juan Yuhe is still very young and still has a lot of potential for growth.

Therefore, the family originally positioned her to train her as a future middle-level saint. Now she enjoys up to 40 top-quality spiritual stones every year. Of course, this expense is also a huge expense for the entire Yuhe family, which can be regarded as a rather heavy burden.

But she never expected that the annual income from the property she casually signed would be so high!

This heavy weight really made her feel anxious.

“It’s just some pocket money, just accept it with peace of mind.” Juan Mengyu took Juan Yuhe’s hand and said solemnly, “Yuhe, please don’t let me and your Aunt Zhao down. , from now on, we are all a family.”

“This…” Yan Yuhe was a little embarrassed and couldn’t help but glance at another document.

“Miss Yuhe, this is the equity transfer agreement for Wang’s Cinema Line.” Wu Wenhao said carefully, “At present, Wang’s Pictures has covered the entire Shenwu World with crystal screens. , reaching the density of one large crystal screen for every 10,000 people, and the total number of large crystal screens has reached 7 million.”

“In addition, the theater chain also has simple meals and some supporting facilities. Last year, the annual profit after tax reached 300 Best Spiritual Stones. And you currently own 100% of the Wang’s Cinema Line With fifteen equity, you can enjoy the dividend of 45 top-quality spiritual stones every year.”

This series of data shocked Yan Yuhe so much that his eyes widened.

Is this, this, this… too outrageous? The two properties given by Aunt Chuan and Aunt Zhao can add up to a dividend of 60 top-quality spiritual stones for her every year?

Wu Wenhao said to Ying Lingzhu and Jing Feifei again: “The two properties of Miss Lingzhu and Miss Feifei are similar to Miss Yuhe’s. They both occupy 15% of the Wang’s Cinema chain. equity.”

“No, no, no… we can’t do this…” Ying Lingzhu was also frightened and quickly wanted to refuse.

She just looked at Aunt Chuai’s casual offer and thought it was just an ordinary property. How could she have imagined that it would be so outrageous?

She is still in the late Lingxu realm, and even if she wants to sprint towards cultivation, her annual expenses are only about a dozen top-quality spiritual stones. She couldn’t afford the “pocket money” Aunt Chuan gave her.

Princess Zhaoyu, however, had enough time to persuade: “Yuhe, Lingzhu, Feifei. In fact, the cinema chain industry is an industry that relied on the entertainment department built by Baosheng’s kid, and the cinema chain is nothing more than It’s just part of it.”

“Relying on the cinema chain to attract traffic, we have a series of industrial clusters such as shopping, catering, and other entertainment. However, those industrial clusters often cooperate with local governments and aristocratic families and share common interests, so it is difficult to share them. Here you go.”

“Culture and Entertainment Department?” The shocked Ying Lingzhu suddenly remembered something, “I heard Brother Baosheng talk about this. Relying on the Culture and Entertainment Department, can such huge benefits be generated?”

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“Yes, I remember that Baosheng was still a kid at that time, so he took drastic measures to create the Department of Culture and Entertainment, vigorously rectified the cultural and entertainment industries, and standardized various business rules. As a result, he created an extremely huge Industrial cluster.” Yu Mengyu smiled and said, “Among them, Baosheng, the theater chain, is very tight, and the equity is owned by the Wang family. The three of you will each get 15%, which is what the ancestors meant. If you By pushing back and forth, doesn’t it mean that we are not giving face to our ancestors?”

What do you mean by Grandpa Ancestor?

At this moment, Yan Yuhe and the others were silent.

Just if you take these industrial equity…

“Don’t misunderstand me.” Yu Mengyu seemed to have guessed their concerns, and said with a smile, “This is not a condition for you to do anything. In fact, it was the little beast Baosheng who hurt you. . But the children in your belly are innocent.”

“Grandpa Grandpa said, no matter how you choose, whether to marry that little beast like Baosheng, these will be given to you. Besides, you have to raise children no matter what, right? Those children may not be simple. , the future expenses will not be small.”

These words really convinced Yan Yuhe and Ying Lingzhu.

Yes, I will raise children in the future! If you don’t marry Baosheng, you will definitely be gossiped about if you rely on the resources of your natal family to raise your children.

With such an asset and a fixed income, at least the child’s future training resources will be secured, and at least there is no need to look at anyone’s face or compromise.

Seeing that they seemed to have accepted most of it, the two princesses Chuannan and Zhaoyu looked at each other, and took the hands of the three girls with smiles: “But, we also want to say good things for Baosheng. . That kid, apart from being too upright, a little dazed, and having an overweight sense of responsibility, is really not evil. If he dares to treat you badly, feel free to beat him up and train him.”

“Yes, although things are a bit outrageous, isn’t this the arrangement of fate? Our Baosheng child will at least be kind to you three.”

“Yuhe, after you washed your marrow in the Chaos Marrow Cleansing Pool, your bloodline has also increased. If you want to challenge the Tao Master in the future, I am afraid that the Yuhe family will have a very difficult time providing for you, or it will squeeze the assets of the clan. , or you have to sell the family property! Why don’t you work hard with Baosheng and create a future together~ Don’t worry, those were just pocket money given to you. If you marry our Wang family, you will naturally have corresponding resources to support you.”

“Lingzhu, I received a letter from Baosheng a while ago, telling me about you… He has actually liked you for a long time. You can’t let the child in your belly not see you as soon as he is born. Father?”

“Feifei, you miserable child, we will be your mothers from now on. We are a family and we will never let you suffer any injustice.”

Under a series of offensives, except for Jing Feifei, who had already agreed, the hearts of Yu Yuhe and Ying Lingzhu gradually began to melt.

In fact, their hearts had already been shaken when they knew they were pregnant. It was just because they had too many worries that they were unable to make a decision.

But now, the balance in their hearts is tilting more and more towards Wang.

Furthermore, aside from his straight-faced character, Baosheng is indeed very good in terms of bloodline qualifications and personal abilities. Looking at the entire Holy Domain, it is difficult to find anyone who can match him. By.

The most important thing is that now the baby in the belly can move! Could it be said that I can really be cruel and not marry, and then let my children grow up as single parents?

“By the way, I have a “Wang’s Parenting Manual” here. Take it back and read it. It is best for this child to grow up in a healthy and warm family… If it is a single-parent family, it will often lead to some unforeseen consequences. The psychological problem of making up for it. Yuhe, you don’t want your child to lack father’s love, right?”

“I…” Yan Yuhe said with a blush, “I don’t have any objection, it’s just that my grandfather… always wanted Baosheng to marry him.”

“Don’t worry, Yuhe, as long as you agree, our Wang family will naturally be responsible for finding a way to deal with your grandfather.”

“I, I don’t have any objection either.” Ying Lingzhu’s face was also red, and he said sheepishly, “Just to get rid of my master.”

“Then it’s settled!” Baosheng’s two mothers were immediately filled with joy, and they pulled the three girls and laughed from ear to ear. “From now on, we will be a real family.”

The poor three elders are still happily visiting the weapon refining industry group under the leadership of Wang Ningxi.

They probably never dreamed that the three girls had only been in the Wang family for one day, and they were already captured first.



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