Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 39: When Abagai met Rici

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Led by the Bronze Tribe, the large army flew along the Tianhe River to the Bronze Plateau, the world where the Bronze Tribe lived.

This is a large world with overlapping mountains and a complex and harsh environment.

This place is very unsuitable for planting. In fact, the barbarian giants are not good at planting. Their ancestors have made a living by hunting for generations, and at most they raise livestock to supplement the lack of prey.

In addition, the Bronze Plateau is also rich in a metal called [Spiritual Bronze] by the Immortal Alliance. The giant ancestors used crude methods to refine spiritual bronze and create spears and other weapons. This allowed the barbarian giants to become the top of the food chain in the bronze plateau world where ferocious beasts were rampant.

Later, after the tribe surrendered to the Immortal Alliance, they accepted the cultural domestication of the Immortal Alliance. From then on, the tribe’s wisdom opened up a lot, and with the technical support of the Immortal Alliance, they began to exploit spiritual bronze resources on a large scale.

According to the Immortal Alliance’s weapon refining material grade classification standards, spiritual bronze is a precious [Fifth Grade Material], which can be used as the core material of Zifu’s treasures, and can also be used as an auxiliary material for magical spiritual treasures, or even It serves as a precious building core material, a shell material for void ferry boats, etc.

Therefore, widely used weapon refining materials like spiritual bronze,

There is a huge demand in the Immortal League.

A large amount of spiritual bronze has continuously entered the Immortal Alliance as tribute or trading items, and has become the nourishment of the Immortal Alliance.

Now the Bronze Tribe’s large-scale void ferry [Bronze Palace] is an inherited treasure that the ancestors of the Bronze Tribe accumulated a large amount of spiritual bronze and hired Immortal Alliance weapon refiners to refine it.

Although the fees charged by the Immortal League are very high, the quality of the bronze temples they refine is very good, and they also gave the secret of maintaining the bronze temples to the Ming tribe. For the Copper Tribe, this kind of approach can be regarded as the people of the same family.

Nowadays, the Bronze Palace is 1.2 million years old, but it can still be used, and has even become one of the symbols and pride of the Bronze Tribe.

“Brother Shichui, I am not bragging about you. The spiritual bronze of our Bronze Tribe is an extremely popular product. Although many of them were taken away as tributes, we have also secretly saved a lot. We can make it cheaper. Click to sell it to you in exchange for your loot and supplies.”

After drinking and bragging all the way, the Bronze Barbarian King and the Stone Hammer Barbarian King have become sworn brothers. The progress is really very fast, which is in line with the behavior of the barbarian giants.

When you get along well, feelings and relationships can heat up as fast as a rocket. Because of this, they also got to know the Stone Hammer Barbarian King while they were drinking and bragging.

“Although spiritual bronze is a very good commodity, the reason we came to the Giant Tribe Alliance this time is not to buy bulk goods, but to sell the materials so that we can empty the ship and travel lightly.” Gangbadie, the Stone Hammer Barbarian King, shook his head and said, “What’s more, after we attacked the Demon Logistics Base, some of the trophies we obtained also included spiritual bronze.”

Obviously, this is one of the war material tributes collected by the demons in the Giant Alliance.

“Where are the spiritual stones? Do you have high-level spiritual stones? We can exchange a lot of food.” Wang Lizi said.

“High-level spiritual stones are good things, but we are also short of spiritual stones.” The Bronze Barbarian King said with a headache, “We don’t have many spiritual stones that can be exchanged for food. If we die, there will be dozens of fairy spiritual stones. .”

The giants eat too much, and their demand for food is extremely strong, especially some high-level giants, who often need a large amount of high-grade meat and grain. The military rations in the Demon Logistics Base are of very high quality, and the Bronze Barbarian King is very greedy.

“Father.” Agula Bronze said, “Didn’t we accumulate several thousand kilograms of seventh-grade fairy copper and more than two hundred kilograms of eighth-grade holy copper? These materials are expensive and occupy a large area. It’s small and can be used to trade bulk grain.”

As we all know, in large-scale mines, although there is only one main ore, due to internal structural problems, there are often some associated ores. If you are very lucky, the core of the vein

It may even produce higher-grade ores.

In the core of this large bronze vein, there are occasionally fairy copper and holy spirit copper products


Of course, this kind of material is very rare, and it is usually acquired by the original Immortal Alliance and the current Queen of Sky Frost.

Hearing this, the Bronze Barbarian King almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood and almost strangled his son to death.

Is it easy for our ancestors to save some fairy copper and holy spirit copper for generations? Originally, I wanted to save a little more and find a way to find someone to help the clan forge a sacred weapon.

The holy weapons used by the barbarian giants are different from those of the human race, and they usually require more materials.

Although the Barbarian Giants are upright by nature, the Bronze Barbarian King is the leader of the clan after all, and his thoughts are always deeper than those of the ordinary Giants. His original plan was to sell a large amount of spiritual bronze in exchange for food!

For such precious and rare Fairy Spirit Copper and Holy Spirit Copper, even if you want to exchange them, you have to exchange them for items of the same level to be considered a loss. Is it too hasty to exchange them for food?

However, Shichui Manwang and Wang Lizi’s eyes were bright. Fairy Spirit Copper and Holy Spirit Copper are good things. The former is the main material for refining fairy weapons, and the latter is the main material for refining holy weapons. They are both valuable and rare goods. They can definitely be sold when transported back to Dongxia Divine Continent. High level.

Moreover, such high-end materials have high unit value, are small in size, and do not take up much space during the return trip, which is perfect for them.

Therefore, King Shichui Man and Wang Lizi began to insist that they would not accept ordinary spiritual bronze. The Bronze Barbarian King had no choice but to ignore the matter for the time being and began to entertain the Shichui tribe, Wang Lizi and other distinguished guests according to etiquette.

They are naturally extremely generous when it comes to entertaining people. Not only have they set aside the best houses for them to live in, but they have also arranged their food, clothing, housing and transportation properly, trying their best to create a homely feeling for them. .

Most of Wang Lizi and his party are barbarian giants from the Stone Hammer Tribe. Under such circumstances, they naturally get along very well with the barbarian giants from the Bronze Tribe. They have a lot of chats with them and have even begun to call themselves brothers.

During this period, Wang Lizi, accompanied by the Bronze Young Patriarch Agula, began to wander around the Bronze City, and took out a lot of food to distribute to the children and poor giants in the Bronze City.

Bronze City.

This is the main city run by the Bronze Tribe for generations and is located at the top of the Bronze Plateau.

It has majestic city walls and towering arrow towers. It is rough in style, but magnificent and magnificent. Even the buildings in the city are much taller and wider than human buildings, and are very exotic.

Because the materials used to build the city wall are mixed with spiritual bronze, the surface of the city wall has a slight bronze sheen. When the sun sets, the entire Bronze City is bathed in the brilliance of the setting sun. The bronze luster on the city wall and the golden-red sunlight complement each other, giving it a distant beauty like the accumulation of time.

With this city as the core, the entire Bronze Tribe lives in scattered families on the entire Bronze Plateau.

They have been raising animals and living on the plateau for generations. When they need to trade items or go hunting in the void, they go to the main city to meet up.

However, compared to the reproductive capacity of the human race, the Bronze Tribe is too weak. Although they occupy a large world, their total population is only tens of thousands. Excluding the old, weak, women and children, only tens of thousands of young and strong giants can be found during the war.

But the strength of these giants is extraordinary. They all start at the ninth level, and there are also many tenth and even eleventh level giants.

Thus, although their number is small, their overall combat power is extraordinary.

The reason why the giants have so few people is not only difficult to reproduce, but food shortage is also a huge reason. If there are abundant food sources, it would be normal for the population to be ten times larger.

This is also the reason why all giant tribes are very thirsty for food.

While Agula was taking Wang Lizi and others to visit the Bronze City.

The second young master of the Bronze Tribe [Abagai Bronze] also drove a small bronze ferry back from the Void Sea and arrived above the Bronze City.

In a small bronze ferry boat.

Looking at the majestic Bronze City, the world-destroying commander who transformed into Abagai was filled with excitement. I have absorbed your body and absorbed your memory. In a sense, this great commander has

I owe you a favor. ”

“I understand all your obsessions. Don’t worry, I will fight back all the way for you and trample under my feet those idiots who look down on you. Sooner or later, I will beat your so-called genius brother to his knees and beg for mercy. !”

“Everyone who opposes me will eventually become the nourishment for my growth.”

“I will also fulfill the long-cherished wish of all the giants and get the Sky Frost Queen! From now on, my name will be Abagai Bronze.”

Abagai smiled happily.

Faced with such a God-given opportunity, he will definitely rise again. Driving the small ferry slowly down, he landed the ferry steadily and docked it at the Bronze City Military Port.

However, he did not rush to get off the ferry, but came to the warehouse in the middle of the ferry that was specially used to load goods.

There is a corpse of a twelve-level Void Beast inside. His head had been chopped off, making him look ferocious and ferocious.

This is the booty brought back specially by Abagai. Based on his age, being able to hunt down a twelfth-level void beast alone is definitely a leader among the younger generation. Even compared to his **** genius “brother” Agula, he is still much better at the same age.

Abagai could already imagine the expressions of disbelief and shock that the tribesmen in the military port would show after seeing this.

“Huh? Where are the people?”

However, when he opened the outer cover of the warehouse and dragged the corpse of the beast off the ferry, he looked around and found that the military port was deserted, and none of the clan members on duty were missing.

He left the military port with a look of astonishment on his face, and finally found a tribesman who was in a hurry. He immediately grabbed the person and asked, “Where have everyone gone?”

“It turns out to be the second young master.” The tribesman said hurriedly, “A group of merchants have come to our Bronze City and are now selling a batch of high-quality treasures and resources at low prices. Everyone rushed to buy things.” Merchant?

Abagai was puzzled and immediately followed him. On the way, he met his brother Agula, who was filled with fear and disgust. At this time, Agula was accompanying a charming-looking woman, distributing food and delicious snacks to the children of the giant tribe. They were almost completely surrounded. snort!

Abagai snorted in disgust.

Agula, ah Agula, I’m afraid your reputation as a young patriarch won’t last long!

He was just about to leave when he heard several elite tribesmen talking around him.

“Is that Miss Rici, the anti-demon hero? She is indeed very good-looking. I heard she is also fierce and very strong. No wonder she can kill demons easily.”

The anti-demon hero kills the demons?

Abagai stopped and frowned. What nonsense?

“Yes, it’s her. My brother also went to attend the young patriarch’s coming-of-age ceremony. He heard with his own ears that the Barbarian King Shichui said that Miss Li Ci had made a shocking feat this time and planned a big plan. , and in the end even the great commander of World Destruction was killed! “

“Yes, yes~ I heard that they also robbed the supplies of the Demon Clan Logistics Base and are planning to sell them all in our Giant Tribe Alliance. The price is very low~ This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and we must go and grab some. Approval.”

Several insiders chatted a lot with excitement, and after a while they told all the news they had heard.

Aba should be listening next to him. His face was shocked at first, and then turned to anger. In the end, his eyes almost burst out of fire!

It turned out that the girl who looked a little delicate and naive was the culprit who almost drove him to pieces~! !

And the real murderer actually plundered his logistics base and took the stolen goods to the giants to sell! ?

Damn it~Damn it!

It was like a fire was burning, burning his eyes with blood and making the blood rush to his head.

If it weren’t for the fact that he hadn’t recovered his strength yet and was wary, he might have rushed up and killed that girl a hundred times now

“Abagai, why are you here?”

At this time, the surprised voice of the Bronze Young Patriarch suddenly sounded. He obviously found Abagai Bronze mixed in the crowd, with a look of surprise on his face

Waving at him: “When I set out for the coming-of-age ceremony some time ago, I wanted to invite you to go with me, but I didn’t find you.”


Wang Lizi’s attention was immediately attracted. She glanced at this seemingly thin giant, blinked and asked curiously: “Is this Abagai the poor sickly brother you told me about?”

“Yes~” The Bronze Young Patriarch looked at Abagai with eyes full of distress and regret, “His congenital constitution is too weak. My father has tried many methods, but they have no effect.”

While they were talking, the two of them had already walked to Abagai’s side. “Abagai, don’t run around anymore.” The bronze young patriarch said with concern, “The outside world is very dangerous, and your body is too weak now. Don’t worry, I will follow Shi this time.

The Hammer Fleet goes to Tianshuang City and asks Her Majesty Queen Tianshuang to help you find a solution. ”

Abagai had a cold face and said nothing. Agula, the young bronze patriarch, seemed to be used to his attitude, with a natural expression on his face, not caring at all.

Wang Lizi couldn’t stand it, so she patted him on the shoulder and said, “Boy, don’t be so sullen, your body is weak… uh…”

Her words stopped abruptly.

Because of her slap, Abagai immediately fell to the ground in pain, looking like he was about to fall apart.

For a while, the atmosphere was very awkward.

Abagai, who was lying on the ground, was also unexpected. While grinning in pain, he couldn’t help but burst into tears.

This **** woman’s hands are so strong. Is she a monster?

How could his body, which had been strengthened just once, withstand such ravage from her? ! This is too humiliating~~! !

For a moment, he could hardly control the violent emotions in his heart, and wanted to expose his identity and kill her regardless. Although his physical strength is weak, with his commander-level demon soul and the remaining demon energy, he may not be incapable of fighting.

However, he was so excited for just a moment that he quickly calmed down and began to desperately suppress the desire to do something.

No, no, no, you can’t expose your demonic aura, you can’t reveal your identity, you have to stay tight for now, stay tight!

The current situation is not good for you, and surviving is victory. Huh, violent woman!

When I grow up, I, Abagai Mishi, will definitely teach you how to be a good person.

“Oops, I was wrong.”

Just when Abagai Mieshi had just adjusted his mood, Wang Lizi also reacted and hurriedly helped him up and held him in his hand for inspection.

Finding that he was fine, she breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly began to apologize: “Sorry, sorry, I really didn’t expect you to be so weak.”

Damn violent woman! It’s so humiliating~!

Abagai’s expression changed, and the desire to do something that he had finally suppressed emerged again.

He was the reincarnation of the mighty world-destroying commander, yet she was carrying him like a little chicken to check his health. Well, you are so brave!

He lowered his eyes, almost gritted his teeth and took a deep breath before barely controlling his emotions, pretending to be weak and said magnanimously: “It’s okay, it’s not your fault.”

Yes, stay tight. Now that the enemy is facing you, you must stay tight! If this enemy of life and death knew that he was the reincarnation of the great commander of the world, he would definitely be slapped to death on the spot! I am afraid that even the last remaining soul cannot be saved.

Only by surviving and developing secretly can we make a comeback. What’s the point of enduring a moment of humiliation for the sake of revenge? However, if he continues like this, sooner or later he will be unable to control his emotions and be exposed. He must leave this woman quickly and cannot hang around in front of this terrible woman.

However, just when he was about to find an excuse to leave, Wang Lizi suddenly let out a deep sigh.


She looked at Abagai with eyes full of sympathy: “Speaking of which, you are really a bit pitiful. But you don’t have to worry too much. The Giant Tribe Alliance cannot solve your problem. It may just be a professional mismatch. ”

“You can follow

Hang around with me. Once you come here, I can guarantee that you will enjoy the spicy food. Secondly, there are many powerful powers in our human world, such as the God Emperor Cangping and Taoist Master Taichu, who may be able to solve your problem of insufficient innate physical fitness.

What! ? Abagai was confused. What kind of divine expansion is this?

Staying next to this female devil and being stared at by her every day, how can he survive and thrive?

Moreover, she actually wants to take her to find Cangping Old Dog and Taichu Old Ghost? !

Based on his current situation, if he dares to appear in front of those two people, they are afraid that they will be able to sense that something is wrong with a sweep of their spiritual thoughts. If they check him for a while, he will be completely exposed, and then they will kill him with a flick of their fingers. It was shot to death!

No, no! He must not go with this devil! He was about to find an excuse to refuse.

However, before he could speak, Agula, the young bronze patriarch, had already spoken one step ahead of him.

“Miss Lici, thank you so much.” Agula was overjoyed and directly made the decision for his brother, “From now on, my brother will be left to you.”

What the hell?

Abbagai’s eyes widened in disbelief.

This hateful brother actually sold him out in an instant? How badly do you want to kick me out of the tribe? Are you afraid that I will compete with you for the position of young patriarch?

No, he can’t stay here any longer. If you stay any longer, God knows what will happen. While Wang Lizi and Agula were talking, Abagai prepared to retreat without saying a word.

But he had just turned around, and before he could run away, Wang Lizi grabbed him and dragged him back: “Why are you running away? You stay with me until I see the two powerful men. By your side, I will do special training for you to see if the problem can be solved. You can take this bag of grain first and help us distribute it to the poor.”

Damn the devil!

Abagai Mishi looked at the grain bag that was forced into his hand. He was depressed, and his eyes suddenly stopped.

Wait! These grains are all Demon Clan military ration bags, with the Demon Clan’s emblems on them, as well as the mark of his world-destroying commander.

At this moment, Abagai was so angry that his lungs almost exploded. Kill me, humiliate me, rob me!

Wang Lizi, the female devil, I, Abagai Miushi, are incompatible with you!

However, no matter how angry he was, he could only endure it. Now that he is not as strong as others, even if he is not happy, he can only help distribute food to the poor.

Every time he sent out a bag, his heart ached as if he had been cut by a knife, and he couldn’t help but think about it.

This is my food!

Free reading.


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