Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 216: I want to meet Wang Shouzhe

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Different from the personal practice book, the [War Book] is a special type of book. Only by winning one victory after another and gaining a large amount of war energy can it gradually transform and grow.

Every treasure book weapon spirit has the ambition to become an immortal scripture, and Jun Wu is no exception.

Since the formation of the Seventh Legion, they have never fought such a joyful battle. Every soldier, captain, commander, etc., is in extreme excitement.

Regiment leader Yan Hongtian and regimental deputy Liao Yingjun were naturally so excited that they wanted to explode. However, as leaders, they knew that there were still many follow-up matters to deal with, so they forced themselves to calm down and began to command the troops to conduct casualty rate calculations. Statistics, loot collection, storage and counting of prisoners, etc.

In less than an hour, the preliminary statistics of this battle came out.

Liao Yingjun excitedly reported to Wang Yingxuan: “Boss Yingxuan, we only lost 119 brothers in this battle, 213 were seriously injured, and more than 500 were slightly injured. Blood Eagle Lord Department We have annihilated them, killing a total of 854 demons and capturing 1,350 demons of all levels. The rest of the demons have collapsed.”

“One hundred and nineteen died?” Wang Yingxuan’s excitement suddenly subsided, and a heavy feeling came over her heart.

Liao Yingjun’s smile also faltered, and he hurriedly laughed twice and said: “Boss Yingxuan, how can there be immortality in a war? In a normal duel, the loss ratio between us and the demons is usually two to one. This is an unprecedented victory.”

“I understand.” Wang Yingxuan’s face softened slightly, “Our human soldiers are still too weak.”

“There is no way.” Liao Yingjun said helplessly, “Most of our soldiers are only low-grade first-class or second-class bloodline. It is good to be able to practice to the early stage of Lingtai realm. To practice further, it will consume a lot of resources to accumulate efficiency. It’s also extremely bad.”

This is the result of the fact that the Seventh Battle Group is mainly composed of soldiers from the Immortal Dynasty. If it were an empire like Da Gan, most of the soldiers would be Qi Refining Realm monks. When fighting against the demons, they would basically be numbers. A battle loss ratio of ten to one.

“Miss Yingxuan~” Junwu reminded, “You have gained a lot of war energy this time. You can allocate part of it to the soldiers through the book. This can help them slightly and slowly improve their bloodline and strengthen it. In all aspects of the body, speed up the cultivation progress, and even recover from injuries.”

“Of course, this change is slow and not instantaneous. After all, although there is a lot of war energy this time, it will be very little after it is distributed to everyone.”

“Can it still be done like this?” Wang Yingxuan’s eyes lit up immediately.

“That’s natural. I am a war master, and I am taking the path of war.” Jun Wu’s tone was full of pride, “If the potential and ability of soldiers cannot be improved, how can we call it the path of war? What? Not only can we allocate war energy, but we can also reward soldiers based on their performance in the war.”

“I have made statistics on the performance of the soldiers and officers.”

“Okay, very good.” Wang Yingxuan waved her hand and said, “Leave 30% of the war energy as a reserve, and the remaining 70% will be rewarded based on merit, and more will be given to the wounded to speed up their recovery.”

“Seventy percent? Isn’t it a bit too much? You should keep some for yourself to strengthen yourself.” Jun Wu persuaded.

“No need, my bloodline is already very high now, and consuming all the war energy may not increase it much. The benefit ratio is too limited.” Wang Yingxuan said firmly, “Only when the army is strong as a whole, can casualties be reduced and we can meet the challenges ahead. More victories to come.”

“As you wish, Miss Yingxuan.” Junwu immediately followed Wang Yingxuan’s order and distributed the war energy gathered on her body.

In a flash.

The seemingly invisible and qualityless war energy turned into strands and floated towards every soldier, officer, commander, and even the captain and deputy commander under her command. Everyone had a share, and their merits were calculated. After different distribution.

This war energy seems to be very little, but the soldiers more or less feel a heat surge in their bodies, just like soaking in a hot spring in the winter, and the pores all over their bodies relax and open.

A very small number of soldiers who were originally at the upper level of the lower-grade bloodline, after being baptized by the war energy, actually broke through the bloodline on the spot, and barely entered the middle-grade Ding and other bloodline, and had some promotion to the heavenly realm. possibility.

This made them overjoyed, with tears filling their eyes, and they thanked Wang Yingxuan repeatedly.

They have already saved their merits and exchanged them for the Blood-Quenching Pill. If they want to go further, they have to exchange them for the Marrow Cleansing Pill. It is not easy for most soldiers in the Lingtai Realm to save the merits of the Marrow Cleansing Pill. Gotta line up.

Of course, it is still too difficult for mid-level Ding and other bloodline to be promoted to heavenly beings, and the resources that need to be consumed in the process are “astronomical numbers”, but there is a glimmer of hope after all, right?

“Boss Yingxuan, Boss Yingxuan!”

After enjoying the great benefits brought by the War Book, the soldiers of the Seventh Chapter roared with enthusiasm, as if they were fanatical believers.

“Okay, okay.” Wang Yingxuan stretched out her hand and pressed it lightly, “Go ahead and do what you have to do. After finishing the battlefield here, take a short rest. We have to rush to the next scene.”

The brothers who worked next became more active and enthusiastic.

The battlefield was cleaned up and a lot of trophies were seized. Many demon clan armor weapons can be exchanged for military merit. In addition, dozens of blood eagles and a luxurious Blood Eagle Lord were also seized. The flying chariot and two seventh-level blood eagles, the latter was the work of Lingxu’s puppet Dinghu Ancestor. After he killed the blood eagle lord, he captured the seventh-level blood eagle.

These are the specialty products of the Blood Eagle Territory. The price of domesticated Blood Eagles is very high within the Demon Clan, especially the seventh-level Blood Eagles which are often very expensive.

This wave of trophies will naturally be earned by the Seventh Chapter.

The only troublesome thing is the thousands and hundreds of demon captives. Yan Hongtian quietly pulled Wang Yingxuan aside and whispered: “Boss, will it be a little troublesome to take this group of captives with you in the next operation?”

“How do we usually deal with prisoners of war in the Seventh Regiment?” Wang Yingxuan asked with a frown.

Yan Hongtian showed an awkward smile: “Not to mention the Seventh Legion, even the Eastern Front Defense Zone Corps rarely captures so many living demon prisoners at once. Generally speaking, they are used In exchange for our captured tribesmen, or to be dragged to do hard work such as mining.”

“It is still very cost-effective to use it to replace people. The demon lords are very willing to exchange human prisoners for some strong demons.”

“It’s just that this time, it’s inconvenient for us to move with so many captives, but we are not willing to let the tiger return to the mountain for nothing. It is better to simply kill them all quietly and save trouble.”

When it came to killing them all, Yan Hongtian showed an expression of reluctance.

If these prisoners can be brought back, they can be exchanged for a lot of military merit. Each defense zone needs demon captives in exchange for human captives. These are hot commodities.

“Miss Yingxuan.” Jun Wu came up with an idea, “If you can’t deal with the prisoners, why not try to collect them.”

“Recruit?” Wang Yingxuan’s eyes lit up slightly, then she asked Yan Hongtian, “Hongtian, are there any cases of recruiting magic soldiers?”

Yan Hongtian’s face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly advised: “Boss Yingxuan, you must not play with fire. These demons are fierce and unruly, and they worship all kinds of demon gods in their bones. They will never truly surrender to us. The human race, even if they are reluctant to surrender due to threats to their lives, will rebel at critical moments. There have been many similar cases in history, and no one has tried it in the past thousands of years.”

“In addition, the demons have a blood feud with our human race, and many robes died at the hands of the demons. Incorporating demon soldiers will cause controversy and disgust.”

“Junwu, what do you think?” Wang Yingxuan still couldn’t help but feel excited.

“Conquering the demon soldiers is indeed not an easy task, but with Junwu here, it may not be impossible.” Junwu said slightly excitedly, “The biggest feature of our war book is to serve the war, one after another. A victory will easily condense the military soul, and the rational distribution of war energy will also greatly improve the loyalty of soldiers.”

“As long as you can treat the demon soldiers rationally and not just use them as tools, I believe that the demon soldiers will also have strong faith under the influence of the military soul.”

“So, then I will try to recruit magic soldiers.” Wang Yingxuan said eagerly, “When I was a child, I loved listening to the fictional Three Kingdoms stories that my grandfather told me. In them, there were heroes who recruited foreign races for my use.”

“And my grandpa also said that we need to take a longer-term view. If we can truly recruit demon soldiers, wouldn’t it be beneficial to the entire war against demons?”

Yan Hongtian hurriedly advised: “Boss Yingxuan, you have to think twice. This will not end if something goes wrong.”

“I have made up my mind.” Wang Yingxuan said with a solemn expression, “If anything happens, I, Wang Yingxuan, will bear the responsibility alone.” Wang Yingxuan grew up in Wang Shouzhe’s yard, so naturally she unknowingly influenced Wang Shouzhe Thought.

For the enemy, we must attack some, divide some, and win over some!

Seeing that Wang Yingxuan was determined, Yan Hongtian did not dare to persuade him anymore. Instead, he solemnly said: “Boss Yingxuan, what are you talking about? As long as it is your real decision, I, Yan Hongtian, will firmly obey it, even if Even if there are no conditions, we must create conditions to obey.”

“Hongtian, I really saw you right.” Wang Yingxuan patted him on the shoulder, feeling quite moved in her heart.

“Boss, because I am so loyal, can you also give me a magical treasure?” Yan Hongtian began to reveal his true face eagerly.

“Don’t you already have Feiyan?” Wang Yingxuan looked sideways.

“Boss, if you give me one piece, I can go and get back Feiyan. She is too difficult to take care of.” Yan Hongtian said with a depressed look on his face, “Tsundere has gone to the sky, I don’t know. People thought she was a fairy.”

“…” The magic weapon Feiyan.


At the same time.

In the demonic realm of the underworld demon.

Red Iron Demon Castle.

The history of this Demon King’s Castle is very long. If you go back all the way, it can even be traced back to the period of the previous generation of Demon God.

The owners of this Demon King’s Castle have also changed for many generations. By this generation, the Red Iron Demon King has become the backbone of the Underworld Demon God. Can be ranked in the middle.

Even the Red Iron Demon King’s Castle has been expanded several times, and its scale and splendor are far from comparable to the Demon King’s Castle in border barren areas such as the Blood Demon King’s Castle.

It is built against the huge Yiyi Mountains, spreading upward from the foot of the mountain, almost halfway up the mountain. Every day at dusk, shrouded in the light of the blood moon, the entire Demon King’s Castle seemed to be coated in a layer of blood, with its spiers standing tall and spectacular.


Today, this historic Demon King’s Castle has faced its nightmare.

Under the afterglow of the blood moon, this once indestructible fortress was covered with mottled marks caused by attacks, and parts of the city wall were even on the verge of collapse.

Inside and outside the city wall, countless broken limbs and broken arms were scattered randomly. The scarlet blood was not dry yet, but still exuded a strong smell of blood, which looked particularly tragic.

Obviously, a fierce battle just took place here.

On the battlefield filled with the embers of war, groups of human soldiers wearing black and red armors were shuttled back and forth, picking up crossbow arrows dropped on the battlefield, searching for loot from the corpses, and giving them to the demons who had not yet expired. The soldier lasts.

At the huge gate of the Red Iron Demon King’s Castle, transport trucks powered by huge demonic cows were coming out of the city one after another loaded with items.

Behind the transport truck, there were also a long list of demons bound by chains. Most of these demons are ugly, ragged, and have hollow and numb eyes, like walking zombies.

These are all captured middle and low-level demons.

Of course, those high-level and powerful demon generals, demon lords and other demons had been killed long ago during the battle, leaving behind only the weak, middle and low-level demons. There are so many of them that they belong to the lowest level even in the demon clan’s system. They only do the hard work of mining and serving people. They are just small bosses.

At this moment, under the supervision of human soldiers, they naturally did not dare to make the slightest move, and were just driven forward in silence.

This Demon King’s Castle, which was originally in full swing, has completely fallen. And those who captured it were obviously the troops wearing black and red armor.

While the soldiers were busy cleaning up the battlefield and searching for loot.


A thunderous and low dragon roar came from the sky.

Amid the roar of the dragon, a huge black magic dragon poked its head out from the gray-black clouds, then swung its long tail and slowly descended from high in the sky.

Obviously, it was in the sky before, but it was obscured by the gray-black evil spirit that filled the sky.

The demon dragon has a pair of ferocious dragon horns, and the scales on its body are as hard as obsidian. The rich demonic aura wraps around its body, making it more powerful and violent.

Looking carefully, there are two figures standing above the head of the demon dragon.

The man in the lead looks like a young man. He has an exceptionally handsome face with sharp angular lines, a high nose bridge, and deep-set eye sockets. There is a touch of depth in his resoluteness, which makes people immediately fall in love with him at first sight. It’s easy to impress.

He wore a pure black armor, which made him tall and tall, and he was majestic. A strong killing aura permeated his body. In terms of power, he was no weaker than the black dragon at his feet.

Standing behind him was an old man in black clothes.

This old man has a thin body and an old face. He is wearing a black robe, which looks like it is made of thick ink. It has an absorbing smell that makes people feel uneasy.

These two people were clearly the Little Demon Lord Chao Qianjue, and the Lingxu Realm Demon Lord Gong Litu who often followed him.

Seeing this scene, the busy soldiers outside the Demon King’s Castle suddenly showed awe.

“Su Huaichang, the leader of the [Fifth Chapter of the Shura Legion], has met the young master, the Demon Lord.”

Among the soldiers, a middle-aged man wearing heavy armor did not wait for the dragon to descend completely, but he flashed forward and greeted them in the air, saluting the two of them respectfully.

This middle-aged man has a resolute face, a cold temperament, and a frighteningly strong aura of blood evil.

Compared with ordinary battle group leaders, although he is also in the magical power realm, he is obviously not the kind of demon cultivator who has barely reached the early stage of the magical power realm. Instead, he is most likely in the middle or even late stage of the magical power realm.

“Hahaha~ OK, OK! As expected of the ace secretly cultivated by our ancestors, the strength of the [Shura Legion]’s battle group is indeed powerful. This young master is pleasantly surprised~” Little Demon Lord had a high-spirited look on his handsome face With a smile, “This battle was well done. I have put all my efforts into it, and used the battle group to mobilize and change defenses to create opportunities, so that you can sneak through the blockade and sneak here.”

[Shura Legion] is a secret ace legion secretly cultivated by the Chao family. Although the total number of people is small, it is extremely powerful.

Any battle group under his command has a combat effectiveness that far exceeds that of ordinary battle groups. They are the elite among the elite and the ace among aces, and they never go out easily.

This time, it was also because the death of Young Master Mingsha that triggered the turmoil among the demons was a rare opportunity, so the Demon Lord assigned one of the battle groups to the Little Demon Lord.

The Little Demon Lord was also unambiguous and immediately led this battle group and the two battle groups under his command to sneak into the hinterland of the Demon God’s Demon Realm. Taking advantage of the empty defense of the demon clan, he began to sneak attack on the Demon King’s Castle.

This strategy proved to be very successful.

No, the Red Iron Demon King’s Castle, which was extremely difficult to capture in the past, was easily captured with only three battle groups due to its empty defense. The result was nothing short of brilliant.

“Your Highness is ridiculous. This is all a clever plan of the Demon Lord and the Young Master. They seized the opportunity of the Red Iron Demon King’s Castle to defend the void, so that the soldiers can perform so well.” The middle-aged general Su Huaichang said modestly, and then Hui Hui reported, “The soldiers discovered a large amount of red iron ore in the city. It is conservatively estimated that it can fill a hundred oxcarts.”

The bullock cart he is talking about is naturally not referring to the ordinary bullock cart, but the kind that is currently pulling things outside the Demon King’s Castle. The giant bullock cart pulled by the giant demon cow can hold a large amount of supplies in just one cart. .

Hearing this, Gong Litu’s thin face showed a smile: “Congratulations, young master, this red iron is the main material of many magic weapons. Being able to harvest such a large amount of red iron ore is a big deal for our True Demon Palace. A great thing.”

Red iron is a kind of magic iron rich in magic energy. It is the main material for refining many types of magic weapons. Its properties are somewhat similar to black iron, but it is more tough.

This kind of ground iron ore is not of very high grade, but its consumption is huge. It is a strategic material in short supply with shortages all year round. With such a large amount of red iron ore shipped back, the refiners would be very happy to see it.

“This young master specially attacked the Red Iron Demon King’s Castle first because of these red iron ores. This Red Iron Demon King’s Castle relied on these red iron ores to make its fortune.” Little Demon Lord also had the same expression on his face. With a smile, his tone was a little regretful, “Unfortunately, the time left for us is too short, otherwise, we can still occupy the red iron ore and dig more back.”

“Young master, you don’t have to feel sorry. Although the red iron ore is important, its grade is not high after all. There are more good things in the red iron devil’s treasure house.” Gong Litu said with a smile.

“The Demon King is right.” Su Huaichang nodded and continued to report, “Our people have plundered many precious magic potions, magic materials, and even magic tools from the treasure house, all of which were suppressed by the Red Iron Demon King. The treasure at the bottom of the box. It’s just that the number of magic crystals is not large for some reason.”

“It doesn’t matter. Just these are already the credit of Po Tian. You have worked hard.” The Little Demon Lord has calmed down now and no longer worries about these things.

He looked at Su Huaichang and said: “There are still several Demon King’s Castles to conquer next. Time is limited. Please ask your soldiers to hurry up and sort out the things and hand them over to my battle group to transport them back. Let’s hurry up. Time to go to the next Demon King’s Castle.”

“Yes, young master.”

Su Huaichang agreed and immediately went down to get busy.

Soon, all the loot was sorted, and giant ox carts began to leave the Demon King’s Castle one after another, heading towards the direction of the Demon No. 2 guarding the fortress.

As for the Little Demon Lord, he led the fifth battle group of the Shura Legion that was temporarily transferred to his command and rushed towards the next Demon King’s Castle.

Standing on the back of the demon dragon, the little demon lord looked at the black-red torrent of battle group soldiers at his feet, and then looked at the huge blood moon in the distant sky filled with evil spirit. There was a heroic spirit in my heart.

This is how life should be, point your finger at the country, and your enemies will be wiped out with a wave of your hand.

The opportunity this time is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. When he seizes the opportunity to capture the remaining Demon King’s Castles and bring back all the treasures and prisoners in the Demon King’s Castle, he will be completely transformed.

The great victory in Suiyun was just the victory of three Demon King’s Castles. This time, he will take down four, five, or even more Demon King’s Castles!

As long as the results are brilliant and shocking enough, with this great achievement, he will be able to crush Suiyun and reunite people’s hearts.

When the time comes, he will be able to return gloriously with his military exploits. Then the Wang family, the Yin Snake Demon Queen, and all those who have hurt him or betrayed him, he must make them pay the price!

I heard that the head of the Wang family who took in Ji Yueer was very powerful. According to rumors, he praised him so much that he seemed to be the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor. This time, he wanted to take a good look at him!



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