Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 207: Spring thunder rises! All things are born (please vote for me)

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The gap in the realm that Daqian is responsible for guarding is originally a small gap. The demon world outside the realm opposite is also located in a remote place. In the concept of demons outside the realm, it is also a corner of the countryside.

The land here is vast and the demons are sparse. There are only three Demon King Castles scattered in this huge area, and there are only nearly a hundred Demon King Leaders under their command.

Even the [Region Shuttle Boat] used to shuttle through the gaps in the realm, there are only two small shuttles, and they are quite old, with a mottled appearance and a very worn-out appearance.

There is no way around this. It is extremely difficult to manufacture a realm shuttle boat. Many of the core refining components and array components are products of the Shenwu period. The refining technology has long been incomplete. Nowadays, we rely on The Immortal Dynasty Bailian Hall and Zhenlu Hall were repaired and barely able to maintain operation.

The small shuttle has poor transportation capabilities. When transporting the “Wang’s Cannon”, the cannon parts must be disassembled and transported in batches. After passing through the gap in the realm and arriving in the Demon Realm, they can be reassembled.

Therefore, just transporting this batch of goods to the Demon Realm will take several months in the future.

There is nothing that can be done about this. The number of boundary shuttle boats in the Immortal Dynasty is also very tight. For “border defense lines” like Donggan, those who can make ends meet can only make do with it.

“Shi Chao, you have always been responsible for supervising the production of various weapon refining products, and you are quite familiar with the scientific research level of our Wang family.” At the reception banquet, Wang Liyao asked a little tiredly, “This realm shuttle boat is Is it possible for our Wang family to imitate these things?”

No wonder she is a little tired. As the commander-in-chief of this upgraded version of “Operation Spring Thunder”, she needs to take into account all aspects of the overall arrangements. Even if she has an execution team composed of elite members of the Wang family around her, it will not be so easy. matter.

Now Wang Liyao actually admires Princess Suiyun of the Immortal Dynasty.

It is said that Princess Suiyun started from the lowest level of logistics and gradually rose up. Now she is the deputy commander-in-chief of a huge defense area. Her comprehensive ability is very strong, and she has been working hard for hundreds of years, and she never seems to be tired.

I really don’t know how she did it.

The royal family put down their chopsticks in a hurry, sat down and said: “Third aunt, you don’t know something. I am the manager responsible for supervising the production, and my understanding of various technologies is only superficial.”

“If you want to imitate the realm shuttle boat, we must let our Wang family’s elite technical team conduct a comprehensive test on the realm shuttle boat and then see what technical difficulties there are.” Halfway through the words, the royal family super He frowned slightly and said, “However, based on my understanding of the situation of our Wang’s technical team, it is extremely difficult to imitate the realm shuttle boat now. First, it requires a lot of time to research, and no one can guarantee how long it will take. Secondly, the number of talents we have in the formation talismans is too small, far less than the talent in weapon refining.”

“Isn’t there a Fu Lu Hall in the Immortal Dynasty?” Wang Liyao said thoughtfully, “Then let Ning Xi go and go to Fu Lu Hall to recruit some high-paying talents.”

The royal family almost died from a mouthful of old blood.

Boy Ning Xi is the weapon-refining genius in our family, and he is not a full-time poacher. Furthermore, that kid was so poached that he was sanctioned by the Immortal Emperor, and the sanctions were just lifted recently…

However, he secretly murmured that in the eyes of the royal family, the third aunt’s request was a huge request. Anyway, it was Ning Xi who was sanctioned, not his royal family.

Those who are capable should work harder~

After a series of thoughts passed by, Wang Guangchao replied solemnly: “I have recorded this matter. After I return, I will report this project to Aunt Liyue and put the plan on the agenda. I will also put the three plans on Ning Xi’s side. Auntie, please convey your request to him.”

“Okay, okay.” Wang Liyao happily toasted the royal family with a glass of wine and said, “If this happens, I will remember you as a great contribution.”

She has been unhappy with these old and small realm shuttle boats for a long time.

Wang Wangchao suddenly became excited: “Thank you, Third Aunt, I will definitely try my best to arrange it.”


Time flies by and everyone is busy.

Outside the territory, the main base of Donggan Defense Zone.

This is a huge city with a huge structure. Although the construction style is Daqian style, the available stones are all locally sourced from the Demon Realm, so the overall color tone is black and red.

The wide and towering city walls are incomparable to the city walls in Daqian. The ancient divine machine ballistas on the city walls have been gradually replaced by Wang’s divine cannons.

The Shenwei Cannon has a simple structure, is easy to mass-produce and maintain, and is easier to control. It is a good match for city defense battles.

After leaving the main base, there are many sentry posts, dozens of miles apart, and various defensive fortresses scattered among them.

This defense system was built bit by bit by Daqian over thousands of years. Every inch of land here is soaked with the blood of the ancestors and buried with the corpses of the ancestors.

Behind the main base is a rugged cliff. Behind the cliff is a “black and vast” sea area. The water is hazy with a layer of eternal black mist that has been churning for many years, which is terrifying.

Dagan people call this sea area the [Devil Black Sea].

Although the sea area is full of dangers and uncertainties, fortunately, monsters in the sea rarely come ashore to attack human bases, and are much more “amiable” than monsters outside the area.

Building a human base next to the Demonic Black Sea can be regarded as reducing the defense width in a disguised manner, thereby reducing the overall defensive pressure.

At this time.

Beside the Mosha Black Sea, on a protruding black rock in the sea, an old man with wide sleeves and a cannon was standing.

Even though his beard and hair are gray and his face is old, his body is still upright, looking energetic and dignified.

He held a “lure rod” and swung it toward the water from time to time, and then pulled back the bait rhythmically, playing with the lure almost mechanically with an expressionless face.

This person is none other than Emperor Longchang, who was “assigned” by Wang Shouzhe to guard the battlefield outside the territory.

It’s no wonder that he is mechanically numb. Anyone who is left fishing in a foreign battlefield for several years will also become numb.

Now, he has played with lures to the point where he has formed muscle memory. Even if his mind has wandered to an unknown place, the rhythm and rhythm of collecting the lures are not messed up at all.

The fake bait bounced on the water surface, as if it were alive.


A flash of red flashed on the sea covered with black magic mist.

The next moment, a foot-long red magic crayfish shot out from the sea like an arrow, rose into the air, raised its large pliers and clamped the bait fiercely, refusing to let go of its claws until it died. .

Emperor Longchang’s expression didn’t even change. He took up the line skillfully. In just a few clicks, the red magic crayfish was dragged back to the reef.

The red magic crayfish is as thick as an arm, its carapace is as dark red as blood, its body is covered with ferocious barbs, and it also has a pair of powerful pincers, which looks very intimidating.


Emperor Longchang glanced at it and kicked it aside in disgust, not even thinking of putting it into the fish cage.

This kind of red magic crayfish can be found in various waters of the Demon Realm. It has extremely greedy food habits and is not afraid of meat and vegetables. It will eat almost anything. It reproduces very quickly and has extremely strong survivability. Even if it is out of the water, it will survive. Can survive for a long time.

Despite its small size compared to other monsters, it is one of the famous [Four Pests] in the demon world.

There is no other reason. It is good at digging holes and destroying the crops grown by the demons.

Some people may have questions, do demons also eat crops?

Isn’t this nonsense?

As a living thing, you have to eat. If the demons don’t farm, how can they feed the large number of demons?

However, due to various circumstances, their planting methods are much more extensive than those of humans. They do not even have a basic theoretical system, let alone intensive farming.

In most cases, they just pick a suitable place and plant the seeds at the right time. Apart from weeding and getting rid of all kinds of monsters that will eat the crops, they basically do nothing else. Operation is completely dependent on the weather.

In this case, the harvest is naturally not much better.

Of course, this must be the case, otherwise, if the population of extraterrestrial demons increases, it will be even harder for humans to have a chance to breathe under the oppression of the demons.

From this point of view, the red devil crayfish, one of the “four pests” of the devil world, can also be regarded as a kind of beneficial shrimp to the human race. It can curb the output of the demons’ food crops and reduce their population reproduction rate.

Another very important point is that because the red magic crayfish has a very complex feeding habit and a high tolerance to harsh environments, it does not have high requirements for the concentration of magic energy in living water bodies. Therefore, its There is also relatively little demonic energy remaining in the meat, so it is a food that even a small number of humans can eat.

The troops stationed in Dungan will occasionally hunt some red magic crayfish for food, which can alleviate the pressure on logistical food supply.

However, this shrimp tastes rough and tasteless, and low-level monks will feel stomach upset if they eat too much, so it is not suitable for long-term consumption. Therefore, except for the cannon fodder battalion, other departments only eat occasionally.

Not to mention Emperor Longchang.

After he tasted it once, he was completely disinterested in it.

Just as he was about to add another kick, kicking the red magic crayfish back into the sea that was still baring its teeth and claws at him, he paused and suddenly looked up at the sky.

In the distant sky, a ray of light was seen breaking through the gray fog and flying quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the escaping light was already in front of Emperor Longchang.

A figure floated down under the escaping light, bowed to Emperor Longchang, and said: “Ancestor, Miss Li Yao invites you to a meeting.”

Looking closely, the person who came was none other than the new prince of Daqian—Prince Yongheng!

He almost came to the outside world with Emperor Longchang, and has been serving here for several years now.

“Humph!” Emperor Longchang snorted dissatisfiedly, “Why do I have to go to the meeting when that girl asked me to go to the meeting? If I don’t go, I will still go fishing~”

As he said that, he threw the magic crayfish into the fish cage with his backhand, intending to send it back to Wang Shouzhe to eat. It disgusted him.

“My ancestors, the battlefield outside the territory is now in a wartime state~” Prince Yongheng helplessly looked at his ancestors who became more and more willful as they got older. “In this case, the battlefield outside the territory will be dominated by the Holy Land, and She has the right to mobilize all resources to serve the war. Although you have not abdicated yet, she invited you to a meeting. Wouldn’t it be shameful for you not to go?”

“It’s okay, she can punish me~ Anyway, I have been sent to the battlefield outside the territory by her father, what worse consequences can I have?” Emperor Longchang said like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, “I I haven’t seen Xian’er for many years, and I don’t know how badly Xian’er was abused by Wang Shouzhe. My poor Xian’er~”

“This…” Prince Yongheng suddenly remembered something and said, “It is said that Miss Xian’er has a clone.”

“What? Xian’er came to visit me?” Emperor Longchang was overjoyed. He immediately put away his fishing rod and took off directly into the air to fly to the main base.

Its speed was so fast that it caused a long air wave in the sky.

Prince Yongheng hurriedly took up the escape light and chased after him, but his speed was still far behind. In just a short time, Emperor Longchang had completely disappeared from his sight.

Not more than a moment.

Outside the main base commander’s conference room, a figure came into the yard with a “boom” like a cannonball.

Rolling energy fluctuations began, and countless dust was instantly splashed on the ground.

The guard at the door of the conference room was startled. Then he took a closer look and realized that it was Emperor Longchang who came, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, everyone in the conference room also felt the movement outside the door and looked over.

The next moment, a **** wearing a green skirt swooped out and fell into Longchang’s arms like a swallow: “Grandpa Emperor, Xian’er misses you so much~~”

I have to admit that because of Longchang’s pampering and companionship since childhood, Wang Lixian almost truly regarded him as his own grandfather, and his relationship was very close.

“Hey, my little fairy, I miss you too.” Emperor Longchang picked up Wang Lixian, looked up and down, left and right, and then howled in distress, “My little fairy Son~~Why have you lost so much weight? That thief Wang Shouzhe can’t even raise a child! He and I are at odds with each other!”

“Grandpa Emperor, don’t blame dad.” Wang Lixian said obediently and sensibly, “As long as it doesn’t involve homework, dad still loves Xian’er very much.”

When there is really no homework, the father is kind and the daughter is filial, but once the report card comes out, everything is going crazy.

“Hmph, homework, homework, homework, he knows his homework all day long.” Emperor Longchang hugged Wang Lixian and walked to the conference room, still cursing in his mouth, “Why doesn’t he go back to the furnace and rebuild himself? Made? Xian’er, don’t be afraid of him, stay with Grandpa Emperor for a little longer~~ If he wants to chase you for your homework, I will block it for you!”

As soon as these words came out, Wang Lixian’s face suddenly fell down, and she said with all kinds of aggrievedness: “It’s useless. Now I have developed another clone, and now I am studying hard in clan studies…”


Emperor Longchang also had a headache.

Why do you think this girl of yours has so many clones? It’s not convenient even to skip school while traveling.

While talking, the old man and the young man had also entered the conference room.

In the conference room, many important members of the Wang family have already taken their seats. Seeing Emperor Longchang come in, a group of people looked over.

Emperor Longchang didn’t pay much attention to it at first, but when he glanced around, he noticed that sitting near the top was a man wearing a white research coat, with short ear-length hair, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. He had a cold temperament. woman.

The woman’s eyes were sweeping towards him, with a secretive look in her eyes through the lenses.

Emperor Longchang’s expression froze, and the smile at the corner of his mouth suddenly became very forced: “Hey, Liyue is here too?”

It turns out that this woman in a white research uniform is now the leader of Wang’s technical team and the dean of Wang’s research institute, Wang Liyue.

Others only know how powerful Wang Shouzhe’s eldest daughter Wang Liyao is. She is the young Holy Master of Lingyun Holy Land at a young age, and her martial arts value is unparalleled among the younger generation.

But only people within the Wang family know that Wang Liyue, the dean of the Wang Research Institute, is also a very remarkable person. To a certain extent, she is even more terrifying than Wang Liyao.

“Your Majesty, long time no see.” Wang Liyue looked at Emperor Longchang without any fluctuation in her eyes, as if she had long forgotten that she was chasing Emperor Longchang and wanted to draw some “emperor’s blood” for research.

However, now she has little interest in “Emperor’s Blood”.

First of all, she has already studied it. Due to the previous technology and ability, not many tricks have been developed. Secondly, now that I know more Lingxu realms, there is no need to keep an eye on Emperor Longchang.

“Long time no see, what are Li Yue studying now?” Emperor Longchang said with a slight sigh of relief.

“Cooperate with my brother Wang Zongteng to study how to absorb the evil spirit in the Demon Realm land on a large scale.” Wang Liyue said calmly, “Many lands in the Demon Realm have high humus content and are very rich in nutrients. If it can be absorbed The demonic energy in it, coupled with the newly developed ‘Black Crystal Rice No. 9’ by my father, can open up land in the demon world and carry out large-scale planting and harvesting. However, this is not my independent research project. But there is a dedicated team.”

Emperor Longchang was stunned for a while, then he came to his senses and cheered: “Amazing research, I wish you success as soon as possible.”

He secretly thought that as long as he didn’t ask for the emperor’s blood, it would be better to hold her in his arms.

“Your Majesty, there is actually a project that has been stranded.” Wang Liyue took out an agreement and handed it to him, “I have a body donation agreement here. The donor can promise to donate the body to [Wang Research] after death. Academy], we hope to make progress in the research of [The Body of the Great], and hope that it will be easier for people to break through to the Lingxu Realm…”

“Don’t even think about it!” Emperor Longchang’s face turned dark, “Even if I die in battle, I will not donate my body!”

“Hey~ I guessed that you would say that.” Wang Liyue was slightly disappointed, but she did not force herself and directly put away the donation agreement, “Forget it~ As you wish, Your Majesty. I’d better pay attention for the time being. Put it on Souto.”

When she said this, she lowered her eyes and looked at Wang Zongteng beside her, her eyes full of expectation.

Under her gaze, Wang Zongteng trembled invisibly, slowly rolled up the branch vines that were hanging freely, and quietly retracted them under his belly.

Woooooooo~ So scary~

He has already heard brother Zongkun and sister Lixian mention the matter of sister Liyue. Sister, wuwu~ won’t do some weird things to him, right?

His young mind was trembling slightly, and it didn’t feel so good to be able to take a vacation and study away from home~

“Okay, okay, Liyue, please put your experiment aside for a while.” Seeing that the situation was a bit awkward, Wang Liyao finally spoke and smoothed things over, “Your Majesty, please take a seat, we are about to have a meeting.”

When the delegation from the Officer Training Academy came back, Wang Liyao’s temperament was even better than before. Now just sitting there, she already has a bit of calm and self-power, which makes people feel charming.

As a goddess of heaven, Wang Liyao can now be said to be the darling of heaven. The blood in her body resonates with heaven and earth almost all the time. She naturally has a divine and holy flavor in her body. She is naturally not an ordinary person. comparable.

However, this time Wang decided to keep a low profile as much as possible. Although the qualifications of many internal members had been promoted a lot with the resources of the Officer Training Academy, they kept it secret and did not make it public. Therefore, Wang Liyao’s bloodline qualifications announced to the outside world are still unparalleled, and even Emperor Longchang still hides them.

It is also because of this that she can openly appear on the battlefield outside the territory as the “Little Holy Lord”.

Otherwise, no matter how big-hearted Emperor Longchang is, no matter how careless a remote defense zone like Daqian is, it is impossible for a goddess to go to the battlefield outside the territory in the Zifu realm.

“Then let’s have a meeting first.” Emperor Longchang hugged Wang Lixian and sat at the top.

“This meeting is mainly about the enhanced version of [Operation Spring Thunder], the main combat ideas of [Operation Thunder].” Wang Liyao cleared her throat and said in a deep voice, “For a long time, we have been fighting against the demons outside the territory. Confrontations and small-scale battles never stop, and they are always in the process of constantly consuming each other.”

“In recent decades, the three major demon castles that our department is responsible for defending have increased their pressure for unknown reasons and frequently attacked our defense areas. Although, according to our current strength, we can already withstand the three major demon castles. The impact of the Great Demon Castle.”

“However, passive defense is not a long-term solution. Nowadays, the demons outside the territory have eight major demon gods and countless demon castles. Their overall strength is far better than that of humans. Once there is an internal change, a small defense zone like ours can easily become a weak point. goal.”

Emperor Longchang raised his eyebrows slightly: “Li Yao, the situation is not as exaggerated as you said, right? What we are dealing with are the three demon castles under the command of Demon God Nether Evil. If Demon God Nether Evil sends a large number of additional demon troops to attack us, we will The other armies of the Immortal Dynasty and the Demon Dynasty will not stand idly by.”

“Having said that, compared to the demons outside the territory, the comprehensive strength of human beings is really far from enough, which also means that our ability to resist risks is very poor.” Wang Liyao said eloquently, “We can’t always Place your hopes on the enemy’s disunity and instability. The Yinshao Demon God’s attempt to welcome back the Demon Lord is an unfavorable signal. This means that there is actually a Demon God within the Demon Clan who has begun to try to unify the power of the entire Demon Clan. It just didn’t work out.”

“And we all know that once the demons can complete the unification of power, mankind will undoubtedly be defeated. At this time, the human territory will be devastated, and it is almost a certain death situation.”

“Everyone knows this problem, but it can’t be solved at all, right?” Emperor Longchang frowned when he heard this, “Unless we humans can cultivate four more powerful people in the True Immortal Realm in a short period of time, there will be no way to solve it, right?” No chance.”

“What my father means is that although this problem cannot be solved in a short time, we must change the mode of war.” Wang Liyao said, her face became serious, “Instead of being passively defensive for a long time and constantly being depleted of strength, it is better to Simply open up the outer demon world and turn this land into a habitat for our human race to strengthen ourselves.”

“The biggest advantage of our human race compared to the demon clan is that we have a stronger reproductive capacity. As long as there is suitable agricultural output, the human race’s home is wherever it is. Our current defense zone plus the sphere of influence of the three demon king’s castles covers an area of ​​almost If our entire Da Gan is as big as ours, once it is completely annexed and digested, our overall strength will be more than doubled in just a few hundred years.”

Hearing these words, Emperor Longchang was dumbfounded: “Is the so-called [Spring Thunder Plan] meant to annex the three major Demon King’s Castle forces and turn them into our Daqian territory?”

“When the spring thunder rises, all things come to life!” Wang Liyao said calmly, “We must sound the clarion call of attack for the human race and fire the first shot.”

“Only by constantly encroaching on the Demon Realm and making the Demon Realm our own territory, will we become stronger and stronger. Only in this way can mankind usher in the dawn of victory in the war. Although this is difficult, this is the only way to win the war. hope.”

“And we will be the beginning of it all.”

“We will turn into spring thunder, tear apart the cold night, and usher in a glimmer of hope for this protracted war!”

Wang Liyao’s bold words were like a heavy hammer that hit everyone’s hearts hard.

Everyone’s heart beat wildly.

Emperor Longchang was also shaken and could not speak for a long time.

Good guy, when Emperor Longchang was in power, he was just thinking about how to hold on to the gaps in the realm all day long. Just doing this made him exhausted.

His good fortune, Wang Shouzhe, has actually begun to think about “invading” the demon world in reverse.



(Tomorrow is Sunday, Lao Ao has a day off, brothers and sisters, see you on Monday~~)


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