Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 205: The Demon Lord appears! A deadly conspiracy

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Of course, it would be wrong to say that he was trying to take advantage of the situation completely. The Wang family did not say that he would let Wu Dao go to the Wang family to become the immortal plant of the clan.

It’s just that Senior Wu Dao has always been loyal and committed. The more Wang doesn’t ask for anything in return and willingly gives the essence of chaos, the more grateful he becomes.

From now on, Wang’s status in Senior Wu’s heart will probably not be much worse than that of Immortal Palace~

The most helpless thing for the Immortal Lord is that even if he has figured this out, he cannot refuse the Chaos Essence for Enlightenment.

Who doesn’t want to add another true immortal to the human race? As a result, the human race has an extra trump card, which is a huge good thing for the human race.

Although Senior Enlightenment’s personal combat effectiveness is definitely not as good as that of the Immortal Emperor even if he becomes a True Immortal, the profound energy in the body of the Empress who has become a True Immortal from plant life is extremely strong and her vitality is extremely tenacious. Depending on her realm, she can at least be able to Contain a demon.

“Senior Wu Dao is too polite.” Wang Fugui saluted seriously, “My ancestor didn’t mean this. He just wanted to add one more true immortal to the human race with fighting power, that’s all.”

Wudao Chashu held two small bottles of [Chaos Essence] in both hands and said with emotion: “The master of the Shouzhe family is indeed heroic and selfless. I will bear this in my mind~”

The Immortal Lord projection on the side rolled his eyes.

What is “heroic and righteous”? This is clearly a naked conspiracy.

Everyone like the Wang family picks up wool quickly, ruthlessly and accurately, just like a family skill. They clearly learned it from the head of the Shouzhe family.

After the enlightened tea tree praised Wang Shouzhe and his wealth, he couldn’t wait to go into seclusion to practice.

Wang Fugui only lingered for a while before setting off to Chunan Prefecture to inspect the local construction. Although the pieces of these two moves have fallen, it is still not possible to obtain the combat power of two true immortals at once.

The retreat of the two peak half-immortal plants can last for decades or hundreds of years. No one can control this.


And just when the Wang family “cared about the world” and planned the future for the human race.

Outside the territory.

Magic No. 2 guards the fortress.

In the conference hall of the command center, a group of people were holding a combat meeting.

However, the atmosphere of the meeting was not very good.

At this moment, a group of generals and staff were talking to each other, slapping the table and making a fuss, and the atmosphere was extremely anxious.

Chao Qianjue, the Little Demon Lord, was sitting at the head of the table, watching them quarreling with cold eyes.

Different from his casual appearance in the Fulok Palace, he was now wearing armor and had a cold and solemn temperament.

More than three years ago, stimulated by a great victory in Suiyun, he decided to implement his long-planned plan ahead of schedule in order to gain a breath of fresh air. However, over the past three years, the plan has not been implemented smoothly.

He held a combat meeting in order to formulate the next combat strategy. However, this group of people not only failed to make any constructive suggestions, but were busy shirking responsibility.

The meeting had been going on for almost an hour, but they had been quarreling for more than half an hour, wanting to put all the responsibility for the failure of the battle on others, leaving themselves clean.

By this time, the Little Demon Lord’s patience was about to run out, and his face was getting colder and colder.

However, just when the Little Demon Lord couldn’t bear it anymore and was about to get angry.


A majestic divine thought swept across.

At the same time, a deep and majestic voice sounded in the ears of the Little Demon Lord: “Put down what you are doing and come to my place.”

It’s the voice of the Demon Lord!

Little Demon Lord’s heart trembled, and he quickly stood up and responded respectfully: “Yes, ancestor.”

The staff and generals who were arguing fiercely in the hall suddenly fell silent, and all turned to look at the Little Demon Lord.

Many people showed hesitation on their faces: “Your Highness?”

“The ancestor summoned me to come for an audience.” Little Demon Lord Chao Qianjue raised his eyes and glanced at everyone, “The meeting is suspended. You can go back and think about it for now. When I come back, I hope you will have a preliminary plan to submit to me. Me.”

After that, he didn’t care about other people’s reactions and walked out of the conference hall.

Everyone in the hall was shocked and hurriedly bowed to see each other off: “Your Highness.”

They understood that His Highness the Little Demon Lord was impatient.

If they wait for him to come back and they haven’t come up with a charter, they might be left with nothing to eat.

At the same time, the Little Demon Lord, who left the conference hall, also used his movement skills and turned into a black escaping light that disappeared into the dark clouds in the sky.

As the Demon King’s strongest combat force currently guarding outside the territory, no one knows where his true form is hidden, but he will leave an energy incarnation in each main defense zone for him to come at any time. To form a unified command situation.

In less than half a stick of incense, the Little Demon Lord Chao Qianjue landed outside the Demon Lord’s headquarters in his escaping light.

This place is heavily guarded. Even if he is the Little Demon Lord, he cannot fly in directly. He also has to go through a series of identity authentication and other procedures.

This is also for the safety of the fortress. After all, the demons outside the territory are full of tricks and disguises. If you are not careful, you will have endless troubles.

“Master Qianjue.”

Just as the Little Demon Lord was registering at the door, a gentle female voice came from the side.

The Little Demon Lord Chao Qianjue swept his mind and saw a beautiful middle-aged woman wearing a lavender dress floating towards him.

Her appearance is not particularly outstanding among the high-level monks who are surrounded by handsome men and beautiful women, but her temperament is gentle and charming. Her strength explains what it means to be “charming” and “charming”.

Seeing her, Little Demon Lord suddenly showed a look of respect on his face, turned around and saluted him: “I have met Elder Yun.”

Elder Yun is the confidant promoted by the Demon Lord, and he is stationed at the Demon No. 2 base on weekdays. She is not only responsible for everything in the Demon Lord’s incarnation headquarters, but also needs to assist the Demon Lord in handling various large and small matters.

After all, the Demon Lord has only one main consciousness, and it cannot be here all the time.

In a sense, she represents the will of the Demon Lord.

Such a person, even the Little Demon Lord would not dare to disrespect her.

“The incarnation of your Majesty has arrived. I will take you to see him right now.” Elder Yun returned the greeting, then led the Little Demon Lord into the headquarters.

In this incarnation headquarters, there are all the Demon Lord’s confidants, and there is also a complete management system. After seeing the Little Demon Lord, they all greeted him with a very polite attitude.

The Little Demon Lord returned the favor one by one, and soon came to the room belonging to the Demon Lord located deep in the headquarters, and knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

A low voice sounded.

Little Demon Lord opened the door and walked in.

In the room, a man was sitting behind the desk, looking down at the combat briefing.

That was an imposing middle-aged man.

Although the Yinsha Book is separated from the Mingsha True Demonic Scripture, unlike the Yinsha Demon King, this demon king does not have that sinister and cold feeling on his body. Instead, he is full of chills. His whole body was filled with an aura of iron-blooded strength.

It can be vaguely seen from the outline of his eyebrows that he must have been a handsome young man when he was young. The Little Demon Lord is more or less similar to him.

But compared to him, the Little Demon Lord Chao Qianjue is too young.

If only the Little Demon Lord was present, his temperament would indeed be noble and majestic, and he would have the demeanor of a superior person, which would be enough to control the situation. However, when he and the Demon Lord were face to face, they would instantly become superior to each other. The verdict was made and he was instantly killed.

The Demon Lord’s calm majesty, which has been baptized by countless years of wind and frost, and his aura of not being angry and self-awesome, are incomparable to the Little Demon Lord.

Even if it is just an incarnation, it is as if the true body has arrived.

“Child Qianjue, pay homage to our ancestor.” Little Demon Lord Chao Qianjue hurriedly stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

The Demon Lord glanced at him indifferently, waved his hand casually, motioning for him to get up, and asked casually: “How has the battle been going during this time?”

“Report to the ancestors.” The Little Demon Lord collected his thoughts and reported, “In the past few years, I have led the army to compete with several major Demon King’s forts in the defense area, but those Demon King’s gluttony and other Demon King’s forts have eaten a lot. After the loss, everyone suddenly became vigilant, and several attempts to lure the enemy failed.”

“There have been several small-scale hand-to-hand battles recently. Although our unit has achieved small-scale victories, it does not help the overall situation.”

When speaking of this, Little Demon Lord looked a little uncontrollably anxious: “If I can’t win a decisive victory, my reputation will continue to decline.”

For such a shameful thing, the Little Demon Lord can only complain in front of his ancestors.

“The demons have suffered a big loss, so it is normal for them to be extra vigilant in the short term.” Demon Lord Feng Danyun said lightly, “What’s more, the demons are cunning and suspicious. If they are easy to deal with, how can we humans deal with it like this? Difficult? This matter can also sharpen your temperament.”

“But my ancestors.” The Little Demon Lord said rather unwillingly, “The Immortal Dynasty Suiyun has accomplished such extraordinary feats, but I have failed several times in my tactics. I am so inactive. Isn’t it a joke to the world?”

“Suiyun’s battle was indeed very beautiful, but it did not fit her fighting style.” Demon Lord said, “Her fighting style has always been characterized by stability and prudence. She is full of cunning and open-ended tactics. Dahe’s combat ideas are definitely not her style.”

“I am afraid that there are experts behind her who want to use these heroic achievements to pave the way for her to win the position of Immortal Emperor. But even so, we Chao family still have to show our abilities, otherwise the world will really I think our Chao family is incompetent.”

Little Demon Lord looked happy and said: “It turns out that our ancestors have made arrangements a long time ago. Please ask your ancestors to teach me.”

“Do you know Young Master Mingsha?” Demon Lord asked casually.

“I know this demon.” The Little Demon Lord muttered, “I heard that this demon is the most outstanding of the many descendants of the Demon God. He is already at the peak of lord level at a young age and has great potential in the future. It is so huge that some demon kings even privately call it the ‘Little Demon God’. This son is deeply favored by the Underworld Demon God, and if nothing else happens, it will be the next generation of the Underworld Demon God!”

“In the near future, Young Master Mingsha will secretly come to the hostile force of the Demon No. 2 Defense Zone – the Scarlet Demon King’s Castle.” The Demon Lord said this with a calm face, not like he was talking about the Demon Lord at all. The secret information of the clan, “It is said that he came here for a rare natural treasure [Netherworld Purple Golden Lotus].”

“Netherworld Purple Golden Lotus? Isn’t this the innate elixir of the Netherworld?” The Little Demon Lord’s face was extremely complicated, “There is a Netherworld Purple Golden Lotus actually born in the territory of the Blood Demon King’s Castle?”

“Stupid! That is a [Netherworld Golden Lotus], but it is just a purple golden lotus that has been artificially forged.” Demon Lord sneered, “The innate elixir is derived from the essence of chaos, how could it appear in the world so casually? However, even the Netherworld Golden Lotus is already a rare thing in the world, how can the Scarlet Demon King tell the difference?”

“Ancestor, do you mean that the Netherworld Golden Lotus is the one that our Chao clan has cultivated for generations in the forbidden area?” The Little Demon Lord suddenly realized, and then showed a look of shock, “Ancestor, You didn’t hesitate to use your family’s clan-suppressing elixir as bait to lure Young Master Mingsha to the front line…could it be that you wanted to…”

“Young Master Mingsha has obtained the true inheritance of the Mingsha Demon God.” Demon Lord said in a deep voice, “It has been planted with the Mingsha Demonic Seed in its body, and I am very interested in the Mingsha Demonic Seed.”

Little Demon Lord’s eyes brightened even more.

Obviously, the ancestors have been eyeing this young master of Mingsha for more than a day or two. Such foresight is worthy of being an ancestor!

Then the two had a detailed exchange.

Half an hour later, when the Little Demon Lord bid farewell to the Demon Lord’s clone, his face was already radiant.

When he thought of what he had communicated with his ancestors before, he felt a little overwhelmed and was so excited that he couldn’t control himself.

It can only be said that the ancestor is worthy of being an ancestor. Such a long-term layout and such careful planning are not something ordinary people can do.

Once this plan is successful, it will kill two birds with one stone, no, three birds with one stone. The ancestor obtained the Mingsha demon seed, and he became famous all over the world. As for Suiyun, hum~~

As the saying goes, “The higher you go, the more painful the fall will be.” Let her be proud for a few days.

This time, let’s see how unlucky she is!


Xian No. 3 Defense Base, Eastern Front Defense Zone Headquarters.

The Eastern Front Defense Zone has been quiet in the past two years, and there has been no fighting for a long time.

Old Marshal Zhao Tingjian has rarely had time to spare, and is now playing a war simulation game with his guards. Soon, the young bodyguard [Jiang Qingwen] was killed by him, leaving nothing behind.

“Xiao Jiang, you are still too young. I want you to see what it means to be **** or to be old.” After winning, Zhao Tingjian burst out laughing and mocked Jiang Qingwen mercilessly. , there is no trace of the demeanor of a marshal sitting in charge of a group army.

While Jiang Qingwen was cleaning up the mess, he responded to him expressionlessly: “You can torture me, but don’t forget the days when you were tortured by Miss Yingxuan.”

Zhao Tingjian’s laughter stopped abruptly.

He glared at Jiang Qingwen fiercely: “You stinky brat, don’t stop opening and picking up any pot all day long.”

Recalling Wang Yingxuan, his victorious mood suddenly became boring.

He sighed and said: “Speaking of Yingxuan and Li Ci, those two girls have been back to visit relatives for several years, right? What’s going on with their family? Don’t they know that the war in the battlefield outside the territory is tight? Don’t let them back quickly. .”

“Marshal, haven’t you been talking about it every day for the past two years? The two demon kings Wang Yingxuan and Wang Lizi are not here. These days are really free and easy, and you don’t have to worry all day long.” Jiang Qingwen continued to reveal to Marshal. He smiled and said, “Why do you miss them after just a few years?”

“Bah! Will I miss them?” Marshal Zhao said harshly, “I just have a great improvement in the level of battle command recently, and I want that girl to take a good look at how this Marshal is doing. Torturing her.”

“Yes, yes, that’s what you always said.”

While talking, Jiang Qingwen had quickly cleaned up the mess, and then followed Marshal Zhao to the headquarters campus.

At the same time.

On the school grounds, the commander of the Seventh Regiment of the Eastern Front Defense Area of ​​the Xian No. 2 Base [Yan Hongtian], the deputy commander [Liao Yingjun], and a group of guards were gathering together happily.

This time they came to the military headquarters from the garrison to report on their work and pick up a wave of supplies. The most important thing is that the leader of the battle group, Yan Hongtian, finally accumulated enough military exploits and exchanged it for a long spear “Feiyan” in the treasure house of the group army headquarters.

This is a magical spiritual treasure-level spear!

At this moment, Yan Hongtianzheng held the spear in his hand like a treasure and carefully wiped the gun body with spiritual silk satin.

While wiping, he also asked the spear in a flattering tone: “Sister Feiyan, is the wiping heavy here? Is it comfortable? Is this Lingzhi Oil applied too hard?”

“I need to use golden silkworm spiritual velvet cloth to wipe it. Your spiritual silk satin is too low-grade. It makes me feel uncomfortable all over. Also, next time I need to use ninth-order dragon whale blubber to maintain it. Your spiritual plant oil is so strong Weird smell.” The spear weapon Ling Feiyan said in a disgusted tone.

Yan Hongtian’s face froze, and then he immediately reacted and showed an awkward and flattering smile: “Sister Feiyan doesn’t know something. This time, in order to redeem you, I have spent all my combat points. This is our legion.” Marshal Zhao gave me special approval and gave me a discount, otherwise my combat points might not be enough.”

“But don’t worry, when I accumulate more military merit, I will exchange it for the golden silkworm velvet cloth and dragon whale blubber as soon as possible.”

Although the things were very expensive, Yan Hongtian still gritted his teeth and agreed.

“Boss, boss~~”

While he was talking, a group of personal guards came up to him.

While they were talking to Yan Hongtian, their eyes were all fixed on the magic weapon Feiyan in his hand. They were all gearing up and eager to try: “You have worked too hard, how about we help you maintain the weapon?” ?”

“Go away!” Yan Hongtian expelled them in disgust, “This is a magical treasure. Can you be responsible for the scratches?”

“Boss, you don’t have to do this, right?” Deputy Captain Liao Yingjun said hehe, “Last time Miss Yingxuan’s magical treasure was freely touched by the brothers.”

As soon as Wang Yingxuan was mentioned, Yan Hongtian looked a little embarrassed.

He is the leader of the seventh battle group, a dignified monk in the realm of supernatural powers, but Wang Yingxuan ignored him not long after he arrived. He had no choice but to accept the reality and pretend to be obedient to Wang Yingxuan. .

There was no way, they had a private fight at that time. The result was that he was severely tortured by Wang Yingxuan using magical spiritual treasures and a bunch of treasures.

As the saying goes, “People have to bow their heads when they are under the roof.” If his skills are not as good as others, he can only admit defeat.

But in recent years, Wang Yingxuan has gone back to visit relatives.

Yan Hongtian, who returned to the position of leader, finally felt the majesty and fun of the chapter leader again. Because of this, whenever he thought of Wang Yingxuan, he felt conflicted in his heart, and he couldn’t help but secretly hope that she would never come back.

“Boss, are you still worried about Miss Yingxuan?” Liao Yingjun guessed what he was thinking when he saw him like this, and couldn’t help but rolled his eyes, “You don’t think about it carefully, you What is her origin? What is her origin? She is full of top quality, and your family is just a third-grade poor family. They put you in the army just because they can’t support you and let you follow the path of military development. Your family is even poorer. Not even a magical treasure can support you.”

“If you want me to tell you, just throw away all your self-esteem, pride, and shame, and then follow Miss Yingxuan sincerely and down-to-earth! Then brothers will follow the popular and spicy drinks. ”

“This…I now have a magical treasure.” Yan Hongtian began to feel that he could do it again, and said with some hesitation, “This time, I may not be pressed to the ground and rubbed by her again. But speaking of it, she What a pervert, a mere cultivator in the Purple Mansion Realm has so many tricks and is so powerful that it’s hard to guard against~”

“What? Have you ever been beaten by Zifu Realm? Are you ready to give in and let others ride on you?” Hearing this, the others did not react, but Feiyan, the spear in his hand, became angry, “No, no, no. , how can I, the master of Feiyan, be dominated by a woman from the Purple Mansion Realm?! Yan Hongtian, please give me some credit. If she dares to come back, we will beat her out…”

She hasn’t finished speaking yet.


In the distant sky, suddenly there was a bolt of lightning rushing towards the group army headquarters, completely ignoring the rules of the army.

The frightening rainbow was extremely fast, but it reached the sky above the headquarters in the blink of an eye.

It was also at this time that everyone finally saw clearly the appearance of the shocking dragon.

It turned out to be a majestic spear. The golden-red spear body was as bright as the sun, and the red tassel on the spear head was like a flame, exuding the aura of the burning sun.

Only on the tip of the spear, there seemed to be a dark glow surging, but it was not low-key at all. Instead, it faintly revealed a heart-stopping edge.

On top of the spear, stood a heroic girl who was very familiar to everyone.

Under the red moon, the girl’s purple outfit fluttered in the wind, and her temperament was as sharp as an unsheathed blade.

Coupled with the scorching sun-like spear at his feet, it is even more powerful, making people unable to help but feel in awe and not daring to take advantage of its edge.

This girl is naturally Wang Yingxuan.

The spear at her feet was a semi-immortal weapon given to her by Wang Shouzhe, named [Zhusui].

“Then, that’s… a Dao weapon-level spear?” Qi Ling Feiyan exclaimed when she saw this scene, but then she immediately overturned her own judgment, “No, something’s wrong, that spear is very powerful. Like a column of sun shining in the sky, there is a faint aura of fairy spirits lingering around. Could it be the legendary… semi-immortal weapon?”

However, no one present noticed Feiyan’s exclamation.

Because, just as Feiyan exclaimed, the girl spoke.

“Old Zhaotou, I, Wang Yingxuan, am back!” Her voice spread with profound energy, like the roar of war drums, and the echoes rumbled, “I have been away these past few years, how are you doing? How many battles have been conquered? Demon King’s Castle?”

“Damn girl! You, you, you, get out of here, Marshal.” Zhao Tingjian had already arrived near the school grounds. When he heard her words, his face turned black with anger.

What does it mean to have laid down several Demon King’s Castles? Do you think the Demon King’s Castle is made of mud?

“Haha, I knew it! Without me, our Eastern Front Defense Area Group Army is missing its backbone.” Wang Yingxuan descended from the sky on the semi-immortal weapon [Zhuri] and laughed heartily, “But it doesn’t matter, since I Wang Yingxuan is back, and I will take everyone with me to fly together.”

“Old Zhaotou, call together the various war group leaders. Let’s hold a [Subsequent Strategic Operations Meeting] and formulate a century-old plan to attack the Demon Temple.”

“Damn girl, are you planning to seize the power of the military department? My old Zhao is not dead yet.”

“I brought you a gift.”

“You can’t even bring gifts.”

“Can I bring you a semi-immortal weapon?”

“Ah, this, this…” The expression on Zhao Tingjian’s face changed, and then he gritted his teeth suddenly, “Okay! Qingwen, you go and summon the various group leaders. Our Miss Yingxuan wants to have a meeting, so let’s have a meeting!”



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