Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 199: First class emperor! History

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Stimulated by the essence of heaven and earth, the power of blood in Wang Shouzhe’s body instantly boiled, and a huge phantom of the Dharma appeared automatically behind him.

That is an extremely majestic figure.

He seems to be a great being that has existed since ancient times. His clothes are fluttering, his demeanor is aloof, and he has an aura that makes people feel like they are breathing spring breeze.

In the green light beside him, there are even more mysterious patterns that appear and disappear, mysterious, sacred and majestic.

As the phantom of the Dharma appeared, the phantom of a huge tree that seemed to be able to support the heaven and earth also appeared behind Wang Shouzhe.

That is a vision evolved from the Qinghuang Book.

The giant tree towered into the sky, and the green canopy seemed to block out the sky and the sun. The essence of heaven and earth glowing with emerald green fluorescence fell down from it, and fell towards Wang Shouzhe.

For a time, the entire portable cave was filled with this light. At first glance, it seemed like a fairyland.

Wang Luojing, who was protecting Wang Shouzhe next to him, saw this and immediately moved away, leaving Wang Shouzhe plenty of space.

The absorption of the essence of heaven and earth is a gradual process. Compared with the overbearing effects of Immortal Kai and Immortal Kai Essence Edition, the process of improving bloodline qualifications through the essence of heaven and earth is much gentler and safer.

As the essence of heaven and earth is gradually absorbed, the power of blood in Wang Shouzhe’s body is also growing.

The visions in the cave are getting more and more intense.

As Wang Shouzhe’s bloodline improved, Wang Lixian, his natal spiritual plant, also received some benefits.

The relationship between monks and natal spiritual plants is mutual achievement. The improvement of monks will drive the growth of natal spiritual plants, and the growth of natal spiritual plants will also drive the improvement of monks.

Although Wang Lixian is already a ninth-level spiritual plant and her cultivation level has not changed much due to this, the power of the source of life fed back from Wang Shouzhe has slightly increased her potential.

You must know that Wang Lixian is already an immortal plant, and in terms of potential, she is equivalent to the Son of Heaven and the Son of Heaven among humans. At this level of potential, every increase in potential is precious.

Wang Family in Changning, in the Liuxian Valley, Wang Lixian’s branches and leaves stretched out, as if she had been in a full-body spa. The branches and leaves whirled, making bursts of pleasant sounds.

Unconsciously, the fairy spirit permeating the branches and leaves of her body became purer and richer.

Unknowingly, a few days passed.

Finally, at a certain moment a few days later.

As if he had broken through a certain limit, Wang Shouzhe’s aura suddenly surged, and the vision between heaven and earth also changed at this moment.


A mighty sound of law resounded between heaven and earth, as if even the heavens were cheering for him.

In the violent buzzing sound, the resonance between blood and law even penetrated the isolation of the portable cave and spread to the officer training academy.

A vision rising up that covered the sky and the sun.

In an instant, the entire officer training academy was shocked.

Many people who were practicing or chatting in the assessment venue ran out. Even the people at the tables who had already formed a card game and were playing mahjong couldn’t sit still and dropped their cards one after another and ran out.

You must know that Wang Shouzhe’s portable cave has a certain effect of isolating space. Although there will be some heavenly phenomena after inheriting the intermediate treasure book and being promoted to emperor, through the barrier of the portable cave, the movement that reaches the outside is not much.

So, it has never attracted their attention before.

However, this time, the rumored vision far exceeded their expectations and was really too spectacular.

“Alas~” Di Zian looked up at the astonishing visions and phantoms in the sky, and couldn’t help but sigh with emotion, “I remember when I met Shouzhe, I felt that Shouzhe had an outstanding temperament, as if he was a banished immortal descending to earth. Now it seems that I, Wu Mingyuan, am in a small position.”

The visions spilling out of the portable cave were already so exaggerated. If it were outside, he simply couldn’t imagine how exaggerated the visions would be.

“I think my husband has a great structure.” Gongye Qingrui said comfortingly, “I remember that when you and the head of the Shouzhe family first met, the two of you were quite attached to each other. You liked to talk about farming and how to build a country together. , very high-spirited~”

“That’s right! My greatest strength is to hold Shou Zhe’s thigh firmly.” After Di Zi’an figured this out, he suddenly became energetic again, “I can’t compare to him anyway, so why should I compete with him?” How does he compare? As long as I am thick-skinned enough and work hard to pester Shouzhe, I will definitely have everything I want in the future. Maybe one day, our Daqian can rely on Shouzhe and become a Daqian immortal dynasty!”

“Husband, if you become a true immortal, you will have a life span of ten thousand years.” Gongye Qingrui said quietly, “It’s a pity that I will die of old age in less than two thousand years. You must marry more young emperors.” Concubine will accompany you to prevent you from being too lonely.”

“Of course…”

Before Di Zian finished speaking, Wang Wangzhao beside him couldn’t help coughing several times.

Di Zi’an instantly woke up and hurriedly changed his words: “This is of course impossible. I, Wu Mingyuan, have only been obsessed with building the country, benefiting the people, and achieving the ideal world in my mind. It is impossible to marry more than one. ”


Gongye Qingrui glared at him, not believing it at all.

Even Emperor Longchang looked for several new concubines after the first generation of concubines died of old age. Later, when he got older, he gradually lost interest in this aspect.

Except for Di Zian, everyone else was also shocked.

Especially those from in-law families. It was not until they entered the training academy that many people truly saw the Wang family’s strength for the first time. I thought I had been shocked so many times that I had become numb, but after seeing this scene, I could not help but be stunned.

It can only be said that the Wang family hid it too deeply.

Fortunately, in this college, except for the in-law family, they are all members of the Wang family. They had blind worship of Wang Shouzhe, and the filter was at least eight feet thick. They felt that no matter how perverted the old man was, he was normal.

Wang Luojing, Wang Luoqiu, Shouye and other younger brothers and sisters were calm in their hearts. They just lamented that the elder brother was always the elder brother, hiding it too deeply.

Ancestor Longyan’s eyes were filled with relief.

Shouzhe is more gratified that he has come this far than she has come this far herself.

At the same time, she was secretly encouraging herself. Longyan, Longyan, you have to work hard to maintain the strength of the first ancestor and protect this family.

Amid everyone’s emotion and shock, time passed bit by bit.

I don’t know how long it took, but the rising visions and shadows finally began to dissipate.

Within the cave.

Wang Shouzhe sat cross-legged in the air, his whole body shimmering with light, and an extraordinary aura lingering around him, sacred and majestic. At first glance, he looked like a **** coming to earth.

He slowly opened his eyes and felt that his spiritual platform was extremely clear, and his understanding of the laws of heaven had also reached a deeper level.

After being baptized by the essence of heaven and earth, his body and soul seemed to have undergone a thorough wash, becoming clean and flawless, almost immortal.

“Fourth brother, how are you doing?” Wang Luojing, who was protecting the law, stepped closer and asked with great concern.

Wang Shouzhe’s spiritual thoughts moved slightly, and the profound energy of the origin of life spread in all directions like ripples.

In an instant, the flowers, plants, trees and some spiritual grains in this side of the cave began to grow wildly, and their vitality was extremely strong.

After one stick of incense, the wildly growing plants almost filled the small portable cave.

Not only that.

Wang Shouzhe’s spiritual thoughts have also become extraordinarily sharp and delicate, and he can easily penetrate into the deepest parts of the spiritual plant, observe its most primitive life rhythms, and even actively interfere with and affect its life evolution process.

He had a feeling that at this moment, he could cut off its life with just a thought, and give it life with just a thought.

This feeling of being the master of life is simply fascinating.

“Very good.”

Wang Shouzhe, who has lived for more than two hundred years and has been called “well-informed”, is also a little excited at this time.

This is almost a qualitative transformation. In the future, whether it is improving various spiritual rice species, economic spiritual plants, or even elixirs, a lot of time and consumption can be saved.

“Luo Jing, thank you for your hard work in protecting the law these days.” Wang Shouzhe stood up and cupped his hands.

“Fourth brother, what are you talking about?” Wang Luojing said slightly angrily, “I just did some trivial things. Do you and I still need to thank you?”

In fact, over the years, Wang Luojing has been presiding over the overall situation of the Holy Gu clan in southern Xinjiang and educating the place. Under her management, the Holy Gu Clan has changed from what it used to be, and her prestige has already surpassed that of the saints of the past generations, almost reaching its peak.

One word from her can cause countless members of the Holy Gu tribe to sacrifice one after another, and one word from her can also change the fate of countless people.

However, even after becoming such a prestigious saint, Wang Luojing did not feel that she was very powerful. In front of Wang Shouzhe, she was still the delicate and graceful girl she was before.

The reason why I work so hard outside is just to lighten some of the burden on my fourth brother’s shoulders.

Others looked at the fourth brother as relaxed, but she knew how much pressure he was actually under. That is the rise and fall of an entire family.

A little bit, even if she just picked a little bit for him, she would be satisfied.

“Yes, yes, this is fourth brother’s fault.” Wang Shouzhe said with a smile, “Now, it’s time for me to evolve your bloodline. You can get one [Extremely Modified Essence Version] first.”

“Yes, fourth brother.” Wang Luojing smiled sweetly and very happily.

A few more days flew by.

After relying on willpower and Wang Shouzhe’s assistance to survive the most difficult absorption level, Wang Luojing’s entire temperament also underwent a complete transformation.

Although she originally had a mysterious temperament, secretive methods, and a dangerous feeling to people, it was still within a certain limit after all. But after becoming a [Goddess], she has a sense of elegance and holiness in her body. , just like the goddess hidden in the mountains, admiring herself alone, aloof from the world, and her every move seems to resonate with the world.

This day.

Finally it was Wang Luojing’s turn to take the assessment.

Everyone gathered in the assessment square again, waiting to watch Wang Luojing’s performance in the assessment.

For assessments like this, although because of the need to control scores, those responsible for ranking such as Wang Luojing will not fully reveal their own strength. For example, Wang Shouzhe didn’t even use his natal spiritual plant.

But even so, each of them has a distinct personality in their fighting style, and there is a lot worth learning.

People here will basically go to battlefields outside the territory in the future, so there is no harm in learning more. Especially those young people in the Tianren Realm who will have to conduct ordinary assessments and elite assessments independently in the future, they watch every game extremely seriously.

Seeing the radiant Wang Luojing appear, Wang Luoqiu passed her by with an arrogant look on her face: “Wang Luojing, you have to control yourself, don’t be more embarrassed than me.”

“Haha, thank you for helping fourth brother get the high-level manual. I have been very happy with fourth brother these days.” Wang Luojing chuckled and shot back casually, “I was born a year earlier than you, even if You have become an empress and a true immortal, but you still have to be crushed by me.”

“You!” Wang Luoqiu was so angry that his brows jumped.

Before she had time to speak, she saw Wang Luojing directly enter the assessment mode.

Soon, the first common task that everyone is familiar with begins. In this mission, most people start analyzing intelligence immediately and then formulate tactics.

But it’s different with Wang Luojing.

When the mission started, she didn’t care about anything and immediately activated the storage space for storing the poisonous insects. The densely packed poisonous insects like locusts immediately spread in all directions.

At the same time, she touched the Gu Insect Space Ring, and a colorful butterfly flew out of it.

This butterfly is no more than the size of a palm when it appears. Its translucent wings are as thin as cicada wings and dotted with ice-blue spots. These spots are large or small, and the edges are glowing with a gorgeous luster, as bright as starlight. , dreamy and confusing.

In the stunned eyes of the soldiers, the butterfly flew higher and higher, growing bigger and bigger. Suddenly, its wingspan reached a width of more than ten feet.

A majestic power like the vast ocean swept out from this butterfly, covering the entire battlefield in an instant.

“Emperor Butterfly!”

This is the holy Gu passed down from generation to generation by the Saints of Southern Xinjiang – [Celestial Silkworm]. After evolving to the ninth level, it transformed into a cocoon and became the second form of the Butterfly Queen [Emperor Butterfly].

“The weapon spirit loves Pan.” Wang Luoqiu became unhappy when he saw this scene and asked, “How can she bring Gu insects into the war? Why can’t we bring puppet guards, war pets and the like?’

“Your Excellency Wang Luoqiu.” Qi Ling Aipan replied respectfully, “What can be simulated is automatically determined by the assessment simulator. It is not that you cannot bring puppet guards, but they must be identified by the assessment simulator as relying on puppets to fight. Only a puppet master can do it, and the only puppets that can be brought into the scene are the puppets with a clear contractual relationship. The same is true for war pets and spiritual plants. And this Miss Wang Luojing is obviously a spiritual insect master. She relies on The most important thing is to fight with Gu insects, and there is a spiritual connection between those Gu insects and her. How can she take the exam if she cannot simulate her own Gu insects?”

Wang Luojing has been in the Holy Gu Clan for many years and has naturally carefully cultivated many powerful Gu insects. With the help of these Gu insects, she can even be called an independent army, and the next test will naturally become very simple.

Even all the way to the hero mode stage, there was basically no obstacle. It was not until the need to control points was considered that Fairy Sword Niyue was asked to help, and the assessment score finally stopped at 92.5 points.

Perfect ending.

When Wang Luojing walked out of the assessment simulation cabin, both the weapon spirits and the clan members, relatives and friends all looked at her in awe.

Ancestor Luo Jing has always been stationed outside, and she usually stays out of sight. No one has a clear idea of ​​her strength. It was only today that everyone clearly realized that her combat power was so terrifying, and her Gu was not only powerful in combat, but also extremely effective in reconnaissance, counter-reconnaissance, and prevention of sneak attacks. In addition to the need to spend money in advance In addition to spending a lot of time and energy cultivating it, it can be said to be perfect.

Qi Ling Aipan, who thought he would no longer be surprised, felt a little numb when he saw Wang Luojing’s performance.

She spoke in a particularly respectful tone: “Dear Your Excellency Wang Luojing, congratulations on ranking first in the history of the hero list. Please choose a prize.”

“Choose the inheritance rights of [Intermediate Book], [Immortal Bloodline Qualification Improvement Fluid], [Lingxu Realm Puppet], [Half-Immortal Spiritual Plant].”

“Dear Your Excellency Wang Luojing.” Qi Ling Aipan said hurriedly, “I’m sorry, the quota for the intermediate tome in the prize pool is also empty.”

“…” Wang Luojing looked questioning.

“The total inheritance rights are eleven intermediate tomes…” Qi Ling Ai Pan almost burst into tears, her tone bitter and helpless, “The difficulty of the hero mode is extremely high, and the rewards in the advanced prize pool have not been available before. Occasionally, I get one or two, but eleven is actually quite a lot. I originally thought I could handle it for a long, long time… I had already told that guy Wang Ningxi about the remaining rewards in the reward pool.”

In a flash, there are already eleven films!

Wang Luojing was also in a daze.

Similarly, the ancestor of Longyan has finished one part, the third series has finished six parts, and the second sequence has finished four parts so far. Of course it is her turn.

“I recommend you take the only treasure [Jiu Daoxian’s wine-making gourd], or [Little Holy Emperor’s treasure box], or [Weiwei’s evolutionary fruit].” Qi Ling Ai Pan introduced helplessly. , “These are all treasures donated by the real immortal boss, and all of them have wonderful uses.”

“Then let’s take the little Holy Emperor’s treasure box.” Wang Luojing quickly decided, “Anyway, it’s going to be empty.”

“Uh…” Qi Ling Aipan felt like he was being hollowed out, and even his voice was a little weak, “In addition, there are a total of twelve bottles of Xianpin Bloodline Qualification Improvement Liquid, and the one you just took is the last one. .”

Is there no more immortality?

Wang Luojing nodded and said she understood. Ning Xi and the others were doing the calculations anyway, so it was a bit difficult for her to do math problems.

At this time, Wang Shouzhe also slapped his head, and immediately had a headache after some miscalculation.

The reason why he appeared early was because he thought that [Xian Gai] had been interrupted.

It suddenly occurred to me now that Wang Zongan and Luo Tong in the second sequence did not use the six immortal changes they spawned. They all used the [Extreme Change Essence], which is theoretically the [Extreme Change Essence]. It will be interrupted, but Wang Shouzhe has no use for [Extreme Transformation Essence], so neither of them will be interrupted.

According to this calculation, Wang Shouzhe did not need to appear in advance. He glanced at Wang Ningxi and said, “Ning Xi, why didn’t you remind and stop me from appearing in advance?”

“Well…I thought Grandpa, you wanted to play in advance. How dare I stop you?” Wang Ningxi also looked innocent.

“I was dizzy earlier, and I made a mistake in my calculations.” Wang Shouzhe sighed, “It seems that I, Wang Shouzhe, am really old.”

“Grandpa, please don’t belittle yourself. This must be a mysterious, handsome, wise and great being behind the scenes who has made a mistake. He can only correct the mistake by blaming you and discrediting your wisdom~” Wang Ningxi He comforted, “Besides, you can go out first. It won’t have any impact on the whole.”

“Then who will appear next?” Wang Shouzhe quickly accepted the fate of being dumped and asked.

“In order, [Ancestor Luwei] will appear. Although Ancestor Luwei has strong overall abilities, especially in research, we are afraid that her intelligence, no, her commanding ability will be biased.”

When Wang Ningxi mentioned Ancestor Luwei, her mood was a little complicated.

Private rumors say that this is his second grandma, and even his grandma Liu Ruolan seems to have half-accepted her existence. She is jealous of many people, but never the jealousy of Grandma Luwei.

Is that more exaggerated rumor true?

His great-grandfather Wang Zongan was actually the son of his grandfather and ancestor Lu Wei?

“It would be better for Miss Luwei to appear earlier.” Wang Shouzhe agreed, “The further you go, the smaller the error tolerance will be.”

At that moment, he picked up the things, called the little girl Lu Wei who was playing mahjong with Liu Ruolan, and entered the portable cave together.

As expected, Liu Ruolan had no reaction to this and continued playing mahjong when it was time.

It took some time.

Wang Shouzhe consumed one [Ji Kai Essence Edition] and one [Immortal Kai], and helped young lady Lu Wei break through to the Heavenly Maiden without any major obstacles.

Lvwei activated part of her bloodline because she was the reincarnation of Lord Demon Plant. Before that, she had reached the peerless level A, and now she has suddenly broken through to the level C of the goddess.

After her bloodline is completely awakened, she may be able to be promoted to the second level of goddess.

After all, she is reborn, and her advantages are much greater than those of the reincarnation of a true immortal. She doesn’t even need to downgrade her qualifications, but I don’t know if there will be any other sequelae.

Then, another assessment begins.

This time the assessment was still uneventful, except for the last few missions in the hero mode. In order to ensure the control of points and live up to Wang Shouzhe’s trust, while entrusting Fairy Sword Niyue to hang up, she placed herself The treasure book [Qinghuang Treasure Book] was also displayed.

Of course, she accurately controlled the score at 92.75 points.

So far, the task of getting the first place has been completed seven times. Even the name of Longyan Ancestor has been pushed to the seventh place, Wu Panpan has been pushed to the tenth place, and as for the Mosaic friend, it is Finally got squeezed out of the top ten ranks.

That’s it.

The top ten on the hero list are all emperors or maidens of the Purple Mansion Realm, and most of them are our own people. The scene is truly spectacular.

Just when Wang Shouzhe sighed in his heart, although the plan drawn up by Ning Xi was reliable, it was not exciting and a little unstimulating.


A “Buzz!” sound.

Wang Shouzhe’s [Qing Huang’s Book] actually flew out of his Zifu Lingtai.

The weapon spirit Qingyao appeared from the sky above the book, with an extremely excited expression on her delicate little face. She stared at the junior girl Luwei who had just left the simulation cabin: “Sure enough, it’s you! Qingyao!”

Qing whore? What prostitute?

Could it be that Lu Wei’s name before her rebirth was “Qing Nao”?

Everyone was confused, even the junior girl Lu Wei didn’t react.

This time.

However, a ray of green light burst out from Junior Sister Luwei’s Zifu Lingtai, and instantly transformed into a simple and thick green treasure book that was almost the same length.

A girl-like weapon spirit emerged from the sky above the book, and looked at Qingyao, the weapon spirit, with eyes full of excitement and surprise: “Sister Qingyao, so you are here too?”

Qingya? Young prostitute?

Everyone reacted at this time.

Wang Shouzhe and junior girl Lu Wei were both stunned.

Unexpectedly, not only do the two Qinghuang Collections know each other, they sound like sisters.

“Qingyu, you have no right to call me sister!” Unexpectedly, Qingyu, the spirit spirit, suddenly changed his expression and said angrily, “You traitor, you actually followed the witch and betrayed His Majesty the Holy Emperor!”

“Sister, you misunderstood. Weiwei and I never meant to betray His Majesty the Holy Emperor.” Qi Ling Qinglao hurriedly explained, “It’s just that His Majesty the Holy Emperor did not allow Weiwei to study her project in depth.”

“Shut up!” Qingyu was extremely angry, “We are all treasures evolved from the Qinghuang Sacred Picture, so naturally we should be unconditionally loyal to His Majesty.”

“Sister, His Majesty the Holy Emperor’s thoughts are too old-fashioned.” Qing Lao also said with some resentment, “Our Weiwei is not at fault, it is the Holy Emperor who is wrong. Also, I have found Weiwei, she I will definitely prove myself this time.”

“Weiwei?” Qi Ling Qingyao looked at Luwei in disbelief, “You, you, you… you are actually the reincarnation of the female devil… No, you, you, you are the female devil. ?!”

It was only then that Qi Ling Qingyu recognized Lu Wei.

No way, as the weapon spirit of the book, she is actually in a state of sleep most of the time. Although she is very familiar with Qing Nao, she has not seen her again after Qing Nao was inherited. He was completely unfamiliar with her, and at best, she had only met him a few times.

“Ah!” Qi Ling Aipan also suddenly screamed, her voice becoming frightened and helpless, “I wonder why your moves and feelings are so familiar. You, aren’t you just a ***?”

“Miss Qi Ling, what is ***?” Wang Ningxi asked with a thought.

“*** is her. By the way, that name has been blocked. I can’t say her name.” Qi Ling Aipan said with great excitement, “She is a student from the second academy, not our second From the third college, I didn’t recognize him for a moment.”

Wang Ningxi looked stunned. She could still block her name?


He said with some disbelief: “Miss Qi Ling, isn’t she one of the two friends who were blocked in the hero rankings? Is she the one who was originally fourth, or the one who was originally seventh? ?”

“The one who was originally fourth has now been pushed to eleventh.” Qi Ling shouted excitedly, “***, you traitor, you devil, you actually dare to come back?!”



(7000-word update requires monthly votes. Because tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival, I have to run back and forth to accompany my family. Therefore, I will adjust Sunday to the Dragon Boat Festival. I will not rest this Sunday unless there are special accidents. Update as usual.)


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