Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 195: Longyan Massacre! Get the magic weapon

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Chapter 195 Longyan Massacre! Get the magic weapon


In the next period of time, under the auspices of the three super-brain teams of Wang Ningxi, Wang Fugui, and Wang Liyue, everyone will have the opportunity to participate in simulated trials, and analyze and strengthen training based on personal weaknesses.

Not only that, under the leadership of Wang Liyue, the three-person team also began to research and analyze the simulation cabin, trying to figure out the principles.

But unfortunately, the technology used in this simulation cabin is too advanced. Let alone imitation, they don’t even understand many of the principles.

They had cracked a lot of technologies based on the “junk” they obtained in the boot camp, but compared with the technologies displayed in the simulation cabin in front of them, the two did not seem to be on the same level at all.

No matter how smart they are, they are still far from being able to imitate without the relevant theoretical basis.

However, this opened up new ideas for them. Since it is not possible to imitate this high-level simulation cabin for the time being, it is better to try a low-level one.

The simulation cabin in Lingyun Holy Land is actually quite good. If you can gradually overcome the technology in it, you may be qualified to crack this advanced simulation cabin.

However, although imitation is useless, they are not without gains.

At least, they are sure of one thing, that is, this advanced simulation cabin is definitely not produced in the Shenwu era. Although the level of science and technology during the Shenwu Dynasty was far more advanced than it is now, it was not yet advanced to this level.

Then the problem comes.

This is said to be the [Advanced Simulation Cabin] obtained by His Majesty the Holy Emperor. Where did it come from?

Concerning this issue, the three of them have no clue at all. Even Qi Ling Ai Pan has no clue about it.

Time passed little by little.

The elite members of the Wang family and the elites of various in-law families rarely have the opportunity to stay together, study together, and make progress together. As they get along with each other during this period, their feelings for each other also grow extremely quickly.

As for Liu Ruolan, she had already set up her mahjong stall, and while playing mahjong with all the wives at home, she also continued to encourage them: “Now this copy of Shenwu, This is your opportunity, so you must seize it. After this game of mahjong is over, I will ask Yingxuan to give you a tactical lesson.”

“Fourth sister-in-law.” Lei Yanyun, Wang Shouye’s daughter-in-law, replied weakly, “But tactics are difficult to learn.”

“Seventh younger brother and sister.” Liu Ruolan simply put the cards together, looked at her and said, “We are both daughters-in-law from aristocratic families in Changning, so naturally I want to be on your side. But I still have to I’ll give you a good scolding.”

“You are only two hundred years old now, and your bloodline qualifications have barely reached the level of a great genius with the support of your family, but your cultivation has just entered the middle stage of the heavenly realm, which shows that you are slacking off in your cultivation.”

Lei Yanyun blushed a little and replied in a low voice: “I have been too busy with my career these years. I have to take care of all the big and small things in this small family, which inevitably delays my cultivation.”

As a direct descendant of the Lei family of the original heavenly being, she has been very favored since she was a child. It is inevitable that she is a bit spoiled and has never been very interested in cultivation. Her biggest goal in life was to find a good man to marry and live a steady life in a down-to-earth manner.

Now that she is the ancestor of the family, she thinks her life is already very happy, so she is no longer interested in cultivation.

She never expected that one day she would be reprimanded for slacking off in her cultivation.

“You can leave the affairs at home to your three daughters-in-law to take care of. You just have to grasp the general direction. They are all over a hundred years old. Isn’t it difficult to handle this matter?” Liu Ruo Lan looked solemn, “You have to work hard and take this opportunity to at least upgrade your bloodline to the Great Prodigy A and B. In this way, if there are extra treasure books in the future, you will have the opportunity to become Lingxu Realm and live for three or four years. A thousand years will not be a problem.”

“Grandma is right.” Qian Yurou also said in support, “Grandma Qi, don’t worry about it. If you stop at the realm of supernatural powers, you will only be able to live two thousand years until you die. Did you take advantage of that vixen of the Northern Zhou Dynasty for nothing? How about the emperor’s daughter, haha~ I think she is just planning to torture you to death and then take the opportunity to ascend to the throne? We, the Wang family, have no such precedent, and we must not comply with her wishes. “

Obviously, the ambiguous gossip about the Northern Zhou emperor Luo Jia and Wang Shouye had already been passed back to the Wang family.

Female comrades are very sensitive to this kind of topic, so they naturally share the same hatred and hatred when mentioning the emperor’s daughter.

Lei Yanyun couldn’t help but become nervous when they said this.

Thinking that a thousand or hundreds of years later, while she was already old and frail, the Northern Zhou emperor’s daughter was still young, beautiful and unparalleled in beauty, she found it unacceptable. What if she stalks Shouye again and Shouye loses control and actually marries her?

Her eyes suddenly became firm: “Sister-in-law Four is right, I will definitely work hard.”

“Everyone, please work harder, and try not to fall behind if nothing happens.” Liu Ruolan also encouraged the women and said, “This book is not too rare. When I get stronger, I will help you all grab one. ”

This tone is really domineering.

While Liu Ruolan was having a meeting with the women of the Wang family, Wang Shouzhe was also mingling with his brothers, children, and grandchildren. He was encouraging when he should be encouraged and reprimanded when he was supposed to be reprimanded, but he was enjoying himself very much.

In the busy study and preparation, time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, nearly a year passed.

According to the academy’s regulations, students who have broken through to the Purple Mansion Realm must take the academy’s assessment within one year after their breakthrough. Wang Shouzhe and other students who were already in the Purple Mansion realm also had to take the assessment.

The wool harvesting plan drawn up by Wang Ningxi and Wang Fugui has finally begun.

This day.

Everyone gathered at the assessment venue again.

But this time, it is no longer a mock exam, but a formal exam.

Under the arrangements of Wang Ningxi and Wang Fugui, all the monks who had reached the Purple Mansion realm were divided into the first echelon, the second echelon, and the third echelon. In each echelon, the stage to which each person should rush is clearly arranged.

The first person ranked to fight was Wang Longyan, the first ancestor of the Wang family.

After so many years of experience in the Demon Dynasty and seeing too much, Wang Longyan has changed a lot compared to before. There is a bit more depth and vicissitudes in his cold eyes. The character of ice and jade is still untainted by the world.

It can be seen that years of experience have not only not worn away her sharpness, but have made her like a sharpened sword, even sharper than before.

Today’s Ancestor Longyan is not simple. She has the bloodline qualifications of a majestic goddess. Her cultivation has reached the late stage of the Purple Mansion Realm, and her bloodline has awakened to the eighth level of Yunling True Body.

You must know that ordinary monks in the magical power realm only have the bloodline of the seventh great saint body.

With Patriarch Longyan’s current strength, she was not only not afraid of being challenged to a duel against a monk in the magical power realm, but also had a certain advantage. After all, the magical power realm monks have more powerful profound energy than her, but when it comes to their understanding of the laws of heaven, they are far behind her.

Her appearance immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

Di Zi’an said with a solemn expression: “I didn’t expect that Wang Shouzhe would play Wang Zha in the first hand of cards. Are you planning to directly leave your name on the hero list?”

He only knew that Wang Longyan’s cultivation level was unfathomable, and her bloodline had reached the level of a second-class peerless person. If she was given an Immortal Sutra after she reached the magical realm, she would reach the level of the true Immortal Realm in the future.

“Husband, do you want to take a bet?” the emperor’s concubine Gongye Qingrui said, “I bet that Longyan Ancestor can be among the top three.”

“The top three?” Di Zian frowned, “The first three are the records left by ancestor Panpan. She was a goddess at the beginning.”

For Hua Rui’s sudden change of identity, Di Zi’an was both happy and somewhat complicated.

It is a good thing that Panpan’s ancestor can be reincarnated, but the problem is that Hua Rui is a junior she has watched grow up with her own eyes. When she sees Hua Rui in the future, should she regard her as her ancestor, or should she regard her as her ancestor? Should I be considered a junior?

Di Zian was almost confused to death.

“The bloodline of the Heavenly Lady is indeed extraordinary, but don’t forget the current cultivation level of Longyan Ancestor…” Gongye Qingrui reminded him, “With such a gap in cultivation, it is no problem to offset the bloodline gap between you and the Heavenly Lady. Right?”

“It’s still a bit difficult.” Di Zi’an thought for a while and then said, “It’s true that Longyan Ancestor is good at fighting, but she is not very good at marching and fighting. Even if she has been making up lessons recently, it is not enough. I bet she will win Fourth.”

In addition to Di Zi’an, the Wang family’s in-laws and families were also talking in low voices. Did the Wang family suddenly come out first to boost everyone’s morale?

Amid various speculations by everyone, Longyan Ancestor began the ordinary graduation test.

Unexpectedly, she also showed her ability to lead troops in the ordinary graduation test, and completed each task excellently. Although she did not get full marks in the end, she still got a high score of 98 points.

It can be seen from this that she has worked hard at leading troops in combat and her performance is considered outstanding.

It’s no wonder that Wang Shouzhe has long judged from the name [Intermediate and Senior Officers Training Academy] that this dungeon cannot only test the strength value. Leading troops to fight must be the key point, so how could he be unprepared?

“Student Wang Longyan, congratulations on your score of 98. Our college will award you the military rank of [College Lieutenant] and give you a high-quality magical treasure from the primary prize pool. In addition, you can choose two more Prizes.”

Then, Qiling Aipan officially listed the rewards of the primary prize pool.

In the primary prize pool, there are various excellent quality magical treasures, magical mysterious armor, magical inheritance, purple mansion realm pinnacle puppets, advanced bloodline qualification improvement solution essence version (high-modification essence), and spiritual beasts with qualifications reaching the ninth level. Cubs, spiritual plant seedlings, the care of the legion commander, high-quality soil-breeding bracelets, spiritual beast space bags, a small bag of top-quality spiritual stones, etc., there are many miscellaneous categories.

In fact, in today’s world, the value of magical spiritual treasures is far less than a place where magical powers are inherited, and even less valuable than the pinnacle puppet of the Purple Mansion Realm.

But we have to take into account that times are different. During the Shenwu Dynasty, the inheritance of magical powers was not as precious as it is now. For people at that time, it was not as difficult as it is now to get a chance to inherit magical powers.

And magical magical treasures of excellent quality are also valuable.

Therefore, in this prize pool, the value of the two is equivalent.

“Highly modified and refined version, the pinnacle puppet of the Purple Mansion Realm.” Wang Longyan followed the established plan and chose these two treasures without hesitation.

The rewards in the prize pool are not stored at the assessment venue, but are stored in a special warehouse. As Wang Longyan confirmed his choice, Artifact Spirit Aipan quickly opened the warehouse according to the procedure, and the mechanical puppet in the academy that could still be activated took out the rewards and handed them to Wang Longyan.

Wang Longyan conveniently handed over the reward to Wang Ningxi’s team for unified management.

There are a lot of things in this kind of primary prize pool, and it is not difficult to collect them. It will not be finished this time, and future generations of the Wang family can slowly collect them, and they will be fine for hundreds or thousands of years. Anyway, it will definitely fall into the hands of Wang’s descendants in the end.

This primary prize pool is naturally not Wang Longyan’s main goal.

Subsequently, she started the elite trial mode.

This trial mode is not stressful at all for her. She can easily kill the enemy general leader and suppress a large area by herself.

This time the score was slightly lower, only 96 points.

But this does not affect the rewards.

In fact, Wang Longyan also knows in his heart that he is better at fighting alone. His performance in strategy and united combat is really average. It is entirely supported by his tyrannical strength that he can successfully complete the task without appearing. What a big deal. It is really difficult for her to get 100 points.

“Congratulations to [College Lieutenant] Wang Longyan.” Qi Ling Aipan continued to congratulate, “Your performance in the elite mode is very outstanding. Our academy will grant you the rank of ‘Brigadier General’ and a Taoist weapon. You will be awarded the title of [Excellent Graduate].”

“Your name will be included in the recommendation list of the [Advanced Training School for Senior Generals and Marshals]. You can go to the training school on your own for further study.”

“In addition, if you reach 80 points or 90 points in the elite mode assessment, you can get an additional reward. You can choose any two from the intermediate prize pool.”

As the voice of Qi Ling Ai Pan fell, the intermediate prize pool was officially opened.

There are a dazzling array of treasures, including all kinds of Taoist tools, one-time inheritance quota of Lingxu Book, True Immortal Strike, the essence version of the best bloodline improvement liquid (extremely modified essence), the puppet at the peak of the supernatural power realm, and the best spiritual stone (a big bag) , eleventh-level pet beasts or spiritual plant seedlings, etc.

It’s all good stuff.

But Wang Longyan didn’t even look at it carefully, and made his choice without hesitation: “The inheritance of the essence of extreme changes and the Lingxu Book, I will leave the place for the book to others.”

“Your Excellency Wang Longyan, are you sure you want to leave the quota to others?” Qi Ling Aipan reminded, “You must know that this Lingxu Book is not given to you. You only have one right to inherit. When you When the tome is no longer needed, it must be returned to the academy. If you want to transfer the spot to someone else, that person must be a cadet or graduate of the four military officer academies.”

Even during the Shenwu Dynasty, the Lingxu Book was considered a strategic resource, so it was naturally impossible to give it away directly.

However, now that Wang has mastered this training academy, there is almost no difference between quotas and gifts.

After the tome is returned to the academy, won’t the successors be the descendants of the Wang family who came to clear copies?

Furthermore, who can say with certainty what will happen thousands of years from now? Even if Wang doesn’t pay it back, the college has nothing to do with Wang.

“Confirm.” Wang Longyan said, “Transfer all rewards to Wang Ningxi for distribution, and then turn on hero mode.”

These prizes are of little use to Wang Longyan, so they are naturally left to the family.

Soon, the weapon spirit Aipan took the reward out of the warehouse and handed it to Wang Ningxi according to Wang Longyan’s request.

Wang Longyan finally started the hero mode trial.

Everyone’s attention was immediately focused on the crystal screen, carefully appreciating and studying the performance of Longyan Ancestor in hero mode.

As one task after another was completed, Di Zian and other people who didn’t know Wang Longyan very well suddenly opened their mouths with disbelief on their faces.

What kind of operation is she doing?

Is this how you play hero mode?

When Wang Yingxuan tried to play the hero mode before, they saw it. It was all kinds of extreme operations, all kinds of tactics, strategies, IQ, and a display of flying skills.

But when we get to Wang Longyan, what tactics are there? What’s the strategy? Just come up and kill the opponent’s commander, and that’s it.

The demon lord opposite who was comparable to the supernatural power realm was extremely unlucky, and he never survived for more than a quarter of an hour.

Wang Longyan killed the demon lord with a posture that was like chopping melons and vegetables, which made people completely unable to feel the power of the demon lord.

“What kind of combat power is this?” Emperor Zi’an’s eyes almost popped out of his head. “Even if you are a peerless genius, it would be extremely difficult for you to reach a higher level and reach the magical power realm in the later stages of the Zifu realm, right? Wang Shouzhe, your ancestor What’s going on?”

“If you don’t understand, just hold it in.”

Wang Shouzhe drank tea and replied leisurely.

“Could it be that she is already…” Di Zi’an thought of a possibility, and his expression suddenly looked as exaggerated as if he had seen a ghost, “Is she already a goddess?”

How are the heavenly maidens in the later stages of the Purple Mansion Realm different from those in the general Purple Mansion Realm? The level of his bloodline can suppress the existence of ordinary magical powers.

If the little Holy Emperor Gui Wushuang, who was also challenging the hero list, came back alive, she would be easily beaten to death.

“O heavenly maiden of the Purple Mansion realm, oh heavenly maiden!” Di Zi’an’s expression was in a trance, “I finally saw a living heavenly maiden, and she is also a heavenly maiden of the Purple Mansion realm.”

Although the goddess of supernatural power is also very powerful, it is most likely that she was promoted to the level of goddess after inheriting the Immortal Sutra. For example, Princess Suiyun and the newly promoted Princess Chuannan can reach this level if they have the opportunity to inherit the Immortal Sutra.

But the Heavenly Lady in the Purple Mansion Realm has obviously not inherited the Immortal Sutra, which means that once she inherits the Immortal Sutra, her bloodline will directly reach the level of Heavenly Lady C, and the middle stage of the True Immortal Realm can also be expected in the future.

“Okay, okay, our Wang family is about to rise~~!” Wang Annan, as the young representative of the Daqian Wang family, was excited beyond words, “If our ancestor Longyan goes to visit the Immortal Palace, There is absolutely no problem in seizing the inheritance rights of the Immortal Palace [Immortal Sutra].”

No wonder he is so excited. If we can cultivate a mid-level True Immortal Realm, how important will it be to the human race?

Although everyone doesn’t know much about the powerful people in the True Immortal Realm, according to their thinking, the powerful people in the middle stage of the True Immortal Realm can still suppress the friction in the early stage, right?

When sitting on the battlefield outside the territory, he can also show off his power and make those demon gods dare not act arrogantly.

For a time, the Wang family insiders and members of the in-law family became extremely excited.

Now that everyone has been deeply married to the Wang family and tightly embraced each other, if the Wang family can become a true immortal, all the families can follow the chickens and dogs to ascend to heaven.

No, now we have followed the chickens and dogs to ascend to heaven.

After the dungeon ends this time, every in-law family will see a huge improvement in their heritage.

If we work hard, we might become the second Immortal Dynasty in the future!

Listening to the discussions in his ears, Di Zi’an suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

He stared at Wang Shouzhe dimly, and for a moment, he almost wanted to slap the [Great Emperor] on Wang Shouzhe’s face~

“Congratulations to Brigadier General Wang Longyan, you, you have scored 90.25 points, breaking the record of 90 points set by Gui Wushuang, who was number one on the original hero list.” Qi Ling Aipan shouted with great excitement, ” This, this, this is unbelievable.”

“Stop talking nonsense, let’s talk about the rewards.” Ancestor Longyan came out of the trial simulation cabin, already dripping with sweat. It was obvious that the hero list trial had put a lot of burden on her.

This is not because we are too tired from playing, but because we are tired from controlling points!

Especially for the last task, she had to calculate both her own total score and Gui Wushuang’s total score, and then try to surpass them. This was really difficult for her.

If Wang Ningxi, Wang Fugui and others had not been teaching her the scoring of each card point, she would not have been able to do it.

“Yes, yes, your highness, Quasi-Marshal Wang Longyan.” The weapon spirit Aipan said politely, “First of all, you have completed the hero trial mode, and you can get a [Half-Step Immortal Weapon], and because you have reached [ With three conditions: 80 points], [90 points], and [entering the top ten in the hero list], you can select three additional items from the advanced prize pool.”

“In the advanced prize pool, there are [Fairy Spirit Stone] (a small bag), [Lingxu Realm Guard Puppet], [Half-step Immortal Plant], [Half-step Immortal Beast], [Intermediate Lingxu Treasure Book], [ Semi-immortal weapon], [Immortal Bloodline Qualification Improvement Fluid], [Chaos Essence] (a small bottle), [Saint Emperor’s Guardian], etc.”

But this is not over yet. Qi Ling Ai Pan said with great enthusiasm: “Because you broke the historical record and topped the hero list, you can also choose a treasure from the super prize pool.”

“In the super prize pool, there are [Fairy Beast Cubs], [Fairy Plant Seedlings], [Fairy Weapons], [Fairy Bloodline Improvement Fluid Essence Version], [Chaos Essence] (a large bottle), [High-level Lingxu Book” ], [Guard Puppet of the Late Lingxu Realm], [Wrath of the Holy Emperor], [Chaos Spiritual Stone]. Please note that the treasures in the super prize pool are unique and are co-existing and shared by the four major officer training academies.”

Wang Ningxi and others have already found out all the types of rewards in the prize pool and made detailed plans. At this moment, Wang Longyan said as planned without hesitation, “For the rewards in the advanced prize pool, I choose [Intermediate Lingxu Book], [Immortal Bloodline Qualification Improvement Fluid], and [Saint Emperor’s Guardian].”

“For the reward in the super prize pool, I choose [Immortal Weapon].”



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