Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 19: Expansion pack [Winter is Coming] (please vote for me)

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Among them, Wang Luoqiu was the only one who never thought about the position of Holy Lord Lingyun from the beginning to the end.

There is no way, the involution within the Wang family is too serious, and all kinds of perverts and monsters emerge in endlessly.

I miss her. Since Wang Luoqiu joined the academy, she has participated in many exchange activities with other peaks and branches, as well as exchange activities between Longzuo Academy and other academy. Her performance has always been outstanding, and occasionally Can be the first to come back.

A considerable part of her fame in the Academy and the Holy Land was gained in this way.

As time goes by, she became the senior sister of Liuli Mingwang Palace’s generation.

Outsiders only think that she is domineering and glorious. Even the new core disciples in Liuli Mingwang Palace often look at her with admiration, but only she knows this achievement. , it’s nothing within the Wang family.

With those perverts around, no matter how confident she was and thought she could become an empress sooner or later, she still thought it would be better to find another way out.

Especially because behind the battle for the Holy Son, there is also the fourth son of his own family who is adding fuel to the flames.

Who is the fourth child?

That’s a perverted ancestor. Haha~ Among the family members, the fourth child is definitely among the top three in terms of degree of perversion.

In comparison, what does she, an ordinary future empress, count for?

Wang Luoqiu was filled with emotions here. On the other side, the original proud expression of the contemporary Holy Master Jiang Zhencang had been completely replaced by astonishment and shock.

Four contemporary geniuses?

This is too outrageous. Those who know know that this is a fight for the “Lingxu Book”, but those who don’t know think that this is the legendary fight between immortal species~

Jiang Zhencang was rarely confused and overwhelmed, and his original 100% confidence was instantly reduced to 20%.

After all, there is another Wang Liyao hidden even deeper.

At the bloodline level of the innate spirit body (peerless genius), every small step forward in terms of qualifications will produce a huge advantage.

This is because once you reach the level of peerless genius, once you inherit the treasure book, you will definitely not be able to stop at the early stage of Lingxu realm. Otherwise, this excellent qualification will be wasted.

As for a country or a holy land, cultivating a person in the Lingxu realm already requires massive resources in the early stages. If you have reached the early stage of Lingxu Realm and want to advance to the middle stage or late stage, the resources required will be extremely terrifying.

In this case, every small increase in bloodline qualification means that a lot of resources can be saved, or that one can go faster or further.

“Yingxuan, Lici, Luwei, Yaoyao, your qualifications amaze me.”

Baodian Qi Linglingyun’s eyes swept across the faces of the four peerless candidates one by one, swallowing her saliva, feeling a little reluctant to leave.

I really want to hold every one of them in my arms~ But the inherited treasure book is always a carrot and a pit. Even if she wants to eat more and occupy more, she can’t do it~

In the end, Lingyun’s eyes fell on Wang Liyao: “The book loves those with excellent bloodlines more! Yaoyao has the highest bloodline qualifications. According to the standards of the Holy Son Competition, he must get one hundred bloodline points first.”

“Yingxuan, Lici, and Luwei are all peerless geniuses, each with eighty bloodline points.”

After finishing speaking, Lingyun looked at the other three people and comforted her with kind words: “You three, don’t be discouraged. Although there is a gap of twenty points, the commander, force, charm, wisdom, and opportunity will be assessed next. Wait for five items, and each item will have a full score of 20 points. You still have a chance to overtake us.”

“Is the gap that big?” Master Yunyang said unconvinced, “The remaining five items only add up to 100 points? Doesn’t this mean that Wang Liyao got an extra perfect score out of thin air?”

“What’s so strange about this?” Master Tianhe suddenly became proud, “When you reach the level of Peerless, every small level of bloodline will break through the limit. Our Yao’er family has the highest bloodline, so of course we must have a leading edge. ”

“Then what should we do?” Bao Bucheng from Xuandan Pavilion and Shi Maotian from Kunyuan Mountain, the two great geniuses in the first and upper ranks, were a little anxious and asked one after another, “How many bloodline points can we have?”

“Twenty points in advance, no more.” Baodian Lingyun glanced at the two of them with some sympathy.

If we meet these two in the past, the final Holy Son will basically be one of them, and the treasure weapon spirit Lingyun will happily accept them as their new masters.

But this time there are so many peerless people, the mere top-level players are not good at all.

“Only twenty points? The gap is so big…” Bao Bucheng and Shi Maotian, who were originally full of confidence, suddenly felt the strong malice coming from the inherited book.

Dugu Feihong, who was originally aloof and invincible, was already beaten to the point of depression, but he still raised his hand and asked: “What do we say to the three first-class mid-sections?”

Originally, he thought that with his mid-level A-level qualifications, this wave of battle for the Holy Son would be a sure thing.

The result was that he was frustrated. He actually can’t even be counted as a winner.

“Ten points.” Lingyun’s attitude toward Dugu Feihong was much calmer, and her voice returned to its initial casualness, “The scoring is to separate echelons, and the rules are not set by me. I suggest you don’t ask too many questions. After thinking about it, the reward for the first-level middle stage is ten points.”


All the real people at the scene were dumbfounded. They could only get ten points in the middle section of Class A. How could they compete with Wang Liyao? They must get a perfect score of 100 points in the remaining five comprehensive quality competitions in order to surpass Wang Liyao!

Wang Li Yao is also peerless after all… The remaining five comprehensive assessments will definitely not get zero points, right? Even if they behave a little too far, as long as they score eleven points, they can still defeat the middle-tier A-level team.

“Sister Lingyun, what about the first-level first-class of our great genius…” Zhen Shicong asked with a pale face.

“It’s no use calling me sister. Only those with the best bloodline can win Baodian’s favor.” Baodian Lingyun glanced at him with pity, “In the past, your qualifications were pretty good. But now , according to the rules, I can only give you zero points.”

“How about this being realistic…” At this moment, Zhen Shicong’s heart was about to break.

Not long ago, Miss Lingyun’s attitude towards him was very kind, such as “You have to work hard”, “As long as you don’t stretch your hips in other aspects, you will probably be the Holy Son in this term” and so on. Such words were still lingering in his ears.

After getting a better one, I don’t even deserve to be called sister anymore. The calculation starts from zero, which means that even if you get full marks for the five comprehensive qualities, you still can’t beat Wang Liyao!

I, Zhen Shicong, haven’t even begun to show off my “talent” and spread my wings to soar, have I already broken my wings?

The degree of involution of this battle for the Holy Son made Jiang Zhencang sweat drip from his forehead.

He and Lingyun have been together for thousands of years, and of course he knows that Lingyun’s “philistine face” can only get zero points for even first-class. If it were a young him to participate in this battle for the Holy Son, I’m afraid that You will lose your fighting spirit in the first round.

This battle for the Holy Son is really terrible~

“Shouzhe, you have contributed a lot to the fact that the battle for the Holy Son has become so involved this time~” Jiang Zhencang glanced at Wang Shouzhe, who was several seats away, with resentment in his tone, “Unexpectedly Even the top talent can only score zero points, what is the difference between this and being eliminated early?”

“Holy Lord Jiang’s words are wrong.” Wang Shouzhe said calmly, “The difficulty of the battle for the Holy Son has increased now. It seems that it is due to the joining of my Wang family, but in essence, it is actually due to the strength of the entire country. If not, how could there be so many great geniuses in various peaks and veins all at once? The battle between the emperor and his son is not obvious due to factors such as blood affinity and distance. But the battle for the saint’s son is different. Regardless of their origins or surnames, everyone can participate, and the gap will be reflected.”

Jiang Zhencang said with emotion: “Yes, today’s era is not what it used to be. The total resources possessed by the Holy Land now are not comparable to those before.”

In fact, in the final analysis, the real candidate was promoted by the Wang family, that is, Li Yao, and he was cultivated together with the three families of Tianhe Zhenren and Monan Wang family.

As for Li Ci, Ying Xuan, Lu Wei, etc., it is purely because the Holy Land is getting richer and richer, and it is caused by self-involution.

It’s just that the degree of involution exceeded everyone’s expectations. Each of the nine veins of the Holy Land has its own Xiao Jiujiu, which resulted in a situation where the worst ones were all the great geniuses!

“I suggest that forget it if you are below the peerless level.” The treasure weapon Linglingyun muttered, “It costs a lot to open the trial world. Next, the Holy Land will cultivate a mid-to-late Lingxu realm, and there will inevitably be a big wave. It’s an expense, so save some if you can.”

However, as soon as these words came out, all the candidates for the Holy Son were immediately angry.

Lingyun overly focused on the advantages of bloodline, but now she actually wants to deprive them of the opportunity to trial? !

Is it easy for their elders from all walks of life to cultivate an elite? After so many years of saving resources, this time I even smashed the coffin into it.

Even if you know that there is little hope even if you participate, you can’t not give them even this last glimmer of hope!

“Sister Lingyun, I think it would be good for everyone to participate in the trial together.” Wang Yingxuan was not discouraged at all because of the lagging scores, and confidently glanced at the future “subordinates”, ” The overall qualifications of our current generation of quasi-holy sons and quasi-saintesses are excellent. If they train hard, they will all be elites who can stand alone in the future. I heard Master said that the trial process itself is very training. I, Wang Yingxuan, will be a must sooner or later. Leading the rise of Lingyun Holy Land, the more outstanding talents the better.”

Does this mean he becomes her subordinate?

“Xuan’er is right.” Wang Liyao also calmly supported, “Since so many high-quality talents have emerged all at once, it is enough to prove that the rise of our Lingyun Holy Land is unstoppable. Resources cannot be spared. , but earned. The more talents there are, the stronger our Holy Land will be, and we will be able to seize more resources in the future.”

Wang Liyao has been influenced by her father since childhood, and is naturally deeply influenced by her father without knowing it. She has witnessed Wang’s growth bit by bit from a small ninth-grade family to the current situation. How can she be an easy person to deal with?

Soon, Wang Lizi and junior sister Lu Wei also spoke up to second their opinions.

Under the unanimous opinions of the four peerless masters, the treasure weapon Linglingyun had to think carefully and said: “Then it is decided happily. I also hope that our Lingyun Holy Land can rise as soon as possible.”


With Jiang Zhencang’s authorization, the trial cabins were opened one by one.

With a feeling of apprehension and excitement, everyone lay down among these artifacts from the Shenwu Dynasty.

It is said that a large amount of spiritual stones are consumed to open it once, so it is natural to experience it thoroughly.

“Don’t be nervous, everyone.” Jiang Zhencang said, “When the trial cabin is closed, you will enter a world between reality and illusion. In that world, all your actions will be tested. The cabin refining records are transformed into five comprehensive quality evaluations.”

“There is no standard answer to the trial. You can do whatever you want and follow your own ideas, but once the task fails, your score will be significantly reduced.”

At the same time.

Jiang Zhencang glanced at Wang Yingxuan without leaving any trace, and whispered: “Yingxuan, you just carry out the task according to the experience and skills taught to you by the master. The twenty-point gap can be easily closed.”

Then, he activated the switch and announced the start of the trial.

As the trial cabin slowly closed, the metal “cocoon cabin” quickly became tight again. The colored lights on the hatch suddenly flashed, and horizontal streams of light flipped up and down in the trial cabin. Everything in the cabin is illuminated in a strange way.

Soon, the large crystal screen in front lit up, and lines of text appeared on it.

“Trialist No. 1: Name [Lvwei], qualification [Peerless Tianjiao Ding and other first-level], qualification score [eighty].”

“Trialist No. 2: Name [Zhen Shichao]…”

Those words are clearly the qualification scores given by Baodian Lingyun before. Obviously, she was not talking nonsense just now. Even if she deliberately concealed her qualifications in advance, her qualifications would be completely exposed once she entered the trial cabin.

Moreover, the test results of the trial cabin were obviously more accurate than their own estimates, and even the slightest difference could be detected.

And the scoring standards are indeed so cruel.

All the real people, masters, and young people from all walks of life at the scene immediately watched attentively. Although they did not have the chance to participate in the trial, it is said that there will be a live broadcast on the large crystal screen, and every decision of each trialist can be seen on it.

Wang Shouzhe also picked up the Yebei Ling tea, sipping it carefully and staring at the large crystal screen.

This reminded him of the long memories of his previous life on earth. Back then, when he had nothing to do, he also had the experience of watching game live broadcasts.

Under the gaze of everyone, the monitoring results of the quasi-holy sons and quasi-saints were quickly rotated. The light dimmed on the large crystal screen, and suddenly scenes were played as if they were picked up from the dust of history. Broken picture.

Along with the picture, lines of subtitles appeared at the bottom of the picture, and a deep and vicissitudes of voice also sounded at the same time.

“A long time ago, [Glory Continent] was once a continent with abundant products. On the continent, there was a powerful dynasty named [Senluo Dynasty].

[Senluo Dynasty] has a long history, brilliant civilization and splendid culture. Countless human beings live and work here in peace and contentment, and the glory of humanity shines here.

That glorious era was called the [Glory Era]. ”

“However, at the end of the [Glory Era], a terrible cold wave swept across the entire [Glory Continent].

The terrible low temperature enveloped the entire continent, and countless animals and plants could not withstand the invasion of the cold wave and fell to the low temperature. Grain production decreased on a large scale, famine began to spread on the continent, civil strife began to occur frequently, and wars and plagues followed.

In less than a hundred years, the royal family of the [Senluo Dynasty] completely lost its dominance.

At the end of the [Glory Era], as the last “king” of the [Senluo Dynasty] died in a palace coup, the powerful [Senluo Dynasty] completely fell apart.

The once extremely glorious [Glory Era] has come to an end. ”

“For hundreds of years since then, mankind has fallen into a long period of turmoil. The remaining nobles of the Senluo Dynasty established different temporary regimes, all trying to become the orthodoxy of the dynasty. Different forces continued to conquer each other, causing social unrest.

This period is historically known as the [Sixteen Kingdoms Period]. ”

“It was during this period that some “favored people” with special abilities began to appear in human society.

At the same time, some of the surviving beasts hiding deep in the mountains have gradually adapted to the cold climate and are thriving without humans noticing, gradually transforming into powerful ferocious beasts. ”

“[Cambrian Era] At the beginning of the three hundred and twenty-seventh year, a cold wave that was rare in a century came to the Glory Continent.

It was also this year that hordes of powerful and ferocious beasts that had completed their transformation rushed out of the mountains, attacked human towns on a large scale, destroyed a large amount of fertile farmland, and destroyed everything that humans had finally rebuilt. home.

In just a few years, all sixteen countries were destroyed, and mankind completely lost its homeland.

During the transformation, powerful ferocious beasts with preliminary wisdom took over the dominant position, carved up the territory that originally belonged to humans, and “raised” humans as reserve food.

At this point, the social structure collapsed, civilization regressed, and mankind was completely plunged into unprecedented crisis.

This period is known in history as the “Period of the Dominion of Fierce Beasts”. ”


As Wang Shouzhe watched and listened, a drop of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Is this a simulation trial made by some great talent during the Shenwu period? It’s just a trial, but it actually has a backstory…

Moreover, this background story is also full of a strong flavor of third-rate online games…

[The Reign of the Beast] is the darkest and most shameful period in human history. Human confidence and dignity were completely destroyed during this period.

In the darkest era, human beings finally realized what they had missed and began to consciously and secretly cultivate “God’s favored people”.

It was not until a thousand years later that the human hero [Sima Changkong] rose up. With his strong personal strength, he led the enslaved humans to overthrow the rule of the ferocious beasts, expelled the ferocious beasts from the human territory, and established a new power in the [Senluo Dynasty]. 】A new unified regime was established on the ruins of the “Star Alliance”.

At this point, humans finally regained a foothold on this continent.

Under the leadership of the new human leader [Sima Changkong], humans began to rebuild civilization on the ruins. Although cold waves still come from time to time, humans have the capital to resist the vicious beasts.

This period is known in history as the “Revival of Civilization”.

However, three thousand years have passed, and the Star Alliance, which once made great contributions to the rise of mankind, has long since deteriorated.

The comfortable life gradually corroded the minds of the alliance’s top leaders, who became increasingly arrogant and greedy, and the lives of ordinary civilians became increasingly difficult. However, the terrifying cold wave came to the world again and dealt a heavy blow to the Star Alliance.

Subsequently, mankind entered the post-Cambrian century, and cold wave outbreaks became more frequent and more violent. The top leaders of the alliance, in order to save their lives and maintain a happy life, have become increasingly greedy and cruel in expropriating money, while ordinary civilians have become increasingly miserable.

Nongzhai No. 9326, where you were born, is under the rule of [Tianshuang City]. It has just experienced a large-scale taxation, and there is a serious shortage of food and clothing in the village.

But at this time.

【Winter is coming】.

Great Heavenly One, can you and your people survive this more ferocious winter?

Great Heavenly One, how will you choose?

What is death! Or is it a new life?

The expansion pack [Winter is Coming] for [The Rise of Shenwu] is officially launched.

After the “third-rate dormant cabin online game” is full of “epic” background stories.

A white light flashed before Wang Yingxuan’s eyes. She appeared in a dilapidated farm village. All the villagers around her were sallow and thin. In the cold wind, they were naked and stiff from the cold.

“This…is the real virtual world?” After Wang Yingxuan felt the sense of reality for a while, she began to look around.

“Lord Heaven’s Blessed One, so you are here?” A ragged old man came with small steps, with a look of hope in his haggard expression, “Damn Tianshuang City is just a bunch of gangsters. There are 500 people in our village, but there are only 100 units of food left. Grain is growing less and less in the fields, and the real winter will come within ten years… It may be difficult for our 9326 farm to survive. It’s winter this time…God’s blessing…”

“Oh, the mission mentioned by Master has begun.” Wang Yingxuan understood clearly and directly interrupted the old man’s words, “I understand. The food of each unit can be consumed by one person for one year. Under normal circumstances, We will run out of food in more than two months.”

“Save some food and it will last four months…” the old man added.

“First, select a hundred relatively young and middle-aged people from five hundred people.”

“Second, allocate forty units of food as training food. During the training period, three times the food will be provided to young adults, which can be consumed for three months.”

“Third, sixty units of food supply the remaining four hundred people, with the goal of maintaining it for three months.”

“This, this, this…” the old man said in horror, “Lord, God’s Favored One, what about our grain?”

“The weather here is getting colder and colder, and we can’t grow much food.” Wang Yingxuan said coldly, “You just need to obey. I don’t have time to explain to you. The specific work of the four hundred people is to collect rattan and make weaving. Rattan basket, making simple wooden-handled stone spears for projection, no batch limit.”

There are still iron tools in this world, but the ruling class has strict control over iron tools.

Under the title of Wang Yingxuan, she started the first step of the strategy. She began to strictly train a hundred relatively strong young adults. With three times the food supplement, they became stronger day by day. .

Supplies such as rattan baskets and wooden-handled stone spears are also constantly being accumulated.

At the same time.

A crowd of onlookers outside were watching the scene on the big screen at double speed.

Jiang Zhencang’s face started to look astonished, “Aren’t you my dear disciple?” Didn’t Master introduce his experience to you? Just copy the homework. At the beginning, be sure to provoke bandits or ferocious beasts, you won’t be able to defeat them!

Being steady and patient is king. If you do this, it will be all over if you fail.

At the same time, Zhen Shicong’s master Tianhuo Zhenren shouted: “The gambling has begun. We, the Holy Son, are not qualified, but aside from the other five qualifications, we may not necessarily lose.”

“Is there anyone who dares to gamble with my sky fire?”

Zhenhuo Tianhuo was ready to make a fortune from the side.



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