Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 186: The Immortal Emperor also comes to gather wool?

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However, after thinking about it, Zhao Tingjian felt relieved again.

No matter how she obtained these military exploits, her military exploits are real and there is no room for fraud. After all, the human race has been fighting foreign monsters for too long, and the merit system has already matured, and there are no loopholes to exploit.

Here, I picked up a treasure~

Zhao Tingjian felt like he was hit by an immortal weapon out of thin air, it was so satisfying~

“Your name is Wang Yingxuan, right?”

Old Marshal Zhao Tingjian looked at Wang Yingxuan with kind eyes, and the more he looked at her, the more pleasing he became to his eyes.

This girl shows off her cleverness at first glance. She is a talented person. If she is well cultivated, she may become his right-hand man in the future.

He said with a smile: “To be honest, if you want to follow me, there is no problem, but you have to start as the commander of the battle camp.”

“A war camp? What use can a few hundred people do?” Wang Yingxuan shook her head like a wave, “If you don’t want to do it, you have to at least start with a war regiment leader.”

“Leader of the battle group?” Zhao Tingjian blew his beard, “The chief and deputy leaders of our battle group are all monks in the magical realm. A little girl like you can’t convince everyone.”

Although Xuanwu monks generally look younger, it is difficult to judge their actual age. But as an old guy who has lived for more than three thousand years, he has seen a lot, and he can naturally infer that this girl’s actual age is definitely not more than two hundred years old, and her cultivation level is only at the early stage of the Zifu realm, and she is still far away from the magical power realm. Very far.

For this important defense area guarded by the Immortal Dynasty, all regular armies start from the Lingtai realm. With such specifications, placed in a small place like Donggan, every battle group can be called an elite force.

The eastern defense zone where Zhao Tingjian is stationed is an entire group army, with a total of ten battle groups and a full strength of nearly 60,000 people. It is a very powerful force.

But even so, his eastern defense zone was very difficult to defend.

“If I am already in the supernatural realm, why do I have to follow you?” Wang Yingxuan rolled her eyes at him and shook the battle merit card in her hand, “With all the battle achievements I have made, how can I not be robbed by others? ”

“Well…I would like to ask, Marshal, what your military exploits are…?” Zhao Tingjian finally couldn’t help but asked out of curiosity.

This battle merit point is really a bit outrageous.

He really couldn’t imagine how this little girl did it?

“If you ask this, the girl will have a good talk with you.”

Wang Yingxuan doesn’t feel sleepy anymore when she mentions this.

She even boasted about her military exploits with great enthusiasm, especially when she talked about squirting at the Yinsha Demon God, she was even more excited and excited.

Zhao Tingjian and personal guard Jiang Qingwen looked at each other in shock.

“Little girl, it turns out that you used a trick to lure the reinforcements from the Three Forts that the demons originally planned to use to set up an ambush back to the eastern defense zone?” Zhao Tingjian’s expression was a little strange.

“Yes, Grandpa Marshal.” Wang Yingxuan blinked her innocent eyes.

Zhao Tingjian’s cheeks were twitching, and his eyes were getting weirder: “Then do you know that I am the marshal of the Eastern Front Defense Zone?”

“I know~” Wang Yingxuan smiled and blew a rainbow fart, “I heard someone say in the base training camp that the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Defense Zone, Marshal Zhao, is very powerful, especially his sense of danger. He is agile and very good at escape tactics. I believe you will be fine.”

“Marshal, I really appreciate your trust~” After hearing these words, Zhao Tingjian finally couldn’t control his emotions anymore. He pointed at Wang Yingxuan with a black face, gritted his teeth and cursed, “Get out of here, Marshal!” Get as far away as possible!”

“You obviously told me to follow you. You also said that as long as I have enough combat points, you can even give me the marshal. Why don’t you, the marshal, keep your word?” When Wang Yingxuan heard this, her face changed. His smile disappeared in an instant, and his eyes became resentful, “If the leader of the battle group is not good, the deputy leader can be, right?”

“I’ll beat you to death, you black-hearted girl!”

Zhao Tingjian looked around, found a stick, and was about to hit Wang Yingxuan with it.

Wang Yingxuan dodged in a flash, and screamed as she ran: “The wretched running away king beat people, the shameless old Marshal Zhao killed people and silenced them~~”

The two of them chased each other and fled, causing a lot of excitement in the deputy headquarters.

“Marshal, Wang Yingxuan…” Jiang Qingwen looked at this scene and was speechless.

Back then, he was also a member of the first-class Jiang family, but was deceived by Zhao Tingjian into becoming a personal guard… He really couldn’t describe the character of his boss.

But this Wang Yingxuan made his eyes twitch even more.

If a person like this really joins the Xian No. 3 Eastern Front Defense Zone, the Eastern Front Defense Zone will probably be in trouble in the future.


In the deputy headquarters, Princess Suiyun listened for a long time, and finally couldn’t bear it anymore. She shouted through the door: “Marshal Zhao, how old are you? How can you behave like this when you are still fighting with juniors?!”

“My Princess~” Zhao Tingjian felt as if he had been greatly wronged after hearing this. He threw away the stick in his hand and rushed into the deputy headquarters, crying and fighting, “You But you have to make the decision for me. This time I was tricked so badly by that girl that I almost couldn’t come back… I don’t ask for anything else, I just want to give that girl half, no, 30% of the battle points.”

“You shameless old guy!” Wang Yingxuan also rushed in, “Why should I share my hard-earned battle points with you?”

“If I didn’t withstand the pressure and lure away the reinforcements from the Three Forts, would you be able to make a contribution?”

“Hmph! Do you really think I don’t know anything?” Wang Yingxuan pointed at Marshal Zhao angrily, “When the reinforcements from the Three Forts rushed back, you had already fled and huddled in defense. I heard that before you left, you I made a big profit. It’s good that I didn’t ask you to give me half of your loot.”

“Why should I share the spoils that I grabbed with my own ability with you?”

An old man and a young man actually started quarreling with each other in the deputy headquarters. The scene was simply too horrible to watch.

Princess Suiyun suddenly had a huge head.

There are more and more weird things under his command, which is really too much to handle~


At the same time.

Yinshao Demon Palace.

The main hall.

As the core of the Demon God’s Palace, the main hall is not only the place where the Demon God meets his subordinates, but it is also the most luxurious and majestic place in the Demon God’s Palace.

In the main hall, the towering pillars are wrapped with mysterious magic patterns on their surfaces, and the aura they exude is mysterious and eerie. The orbs inlaid on the curved dome are emitting light, illuminating the empty main hall with brilliance.

Everything in the main hall looks the same as before.

However, at this moment, the atmosphere in the main hall was so oppressive that it made the devil suffocate.

On the high throne, the Yinsha Demon God was staring at the demon kings under the steps with a cold face.

At this moment, she changed from her usual laziness and calmness. Her whole body exuded a suffocating and terrifying demonic power, and the demonic energy surged around her, as if she was ready to choose the demon and devour it at any time.

“Trash, they are all a bunch of trash!”

“Red Stone Demon King, Broken Horn Demon King, and Dark Demon King, didn’t you three return to defense? You failed to take advantage of the situation to capture Zhao Tingjian. You are simply incompetent!”

Its tone was cold, with extremely suppressed anger in its voice.

If sound could kill, these demon kings under the throne of God would definitely have died thousands of times at this moment.

Although it was Zhong Wang Yingxuan’s plan that the three demon kings withdraw their defenses and return to reinforcements, if the three demon kings can work harder, eat Zhao Tingjian’s main force, and then push hard to capture the human race’s eastern defense area, they can cause a change In a situation of one, how could there be such a passive situation today?

Looking at the pile of useless subordinates under the steps, the Yinshao Demon King became more and more angry, and he just wanted to slap them to death.

How come there are Suiyun and Wang Yingxuan on the human side, and geniuses appear one after another, but there is not even a single talent who can take the lead on its own side?

“Reply to His Majesty the Demon God.” Hongshi and the other three demon kings were scolded so badly that they didn’t even dare to raise their heads. They had to lie on the ground and explain bitterly, “It’s not like you don’t know how cunning Zhao Tingjian is. ? We had just led our troops back to the defense, but while we were still on the way, the old guy Zhao Tingjian noticed it from a distance and simply withdrew the troops. When we rushed back to the castle, we found that the territory near the Red Stone Demon King Castle had been occupied by him. It was ravaged again.”

“We and the other three troops also gathered together the elites to attack Zhao Tingjian. But he has been hiding from the defense line, and there is nothing we can do against him in a short period of time.”

The three of them looked helpless as they had tried their best, but they were full of curses in their hearts.

It was you who made us rush out, and it was you who made us retreat. At best, we walked a little slower and failed to intercept the old guy Zhao Tingjian. It was not a big mistake.

If Lord Demon God had not fallen into the trap of the human race, why would you be like this?

Thankfully, Demon God Yinshao didn’t know what the three of them were thinking, otherwise they would have been furious.

After scolding the three of them, the Yinsha Demon God looked at the other demon kings and said angrily: “The Demon King of Heavenly Demon, the Demon King of Yuxiu, and the Demon King of Evil Thunder, I have long ordered you three to prepare for war. , ready to respond to Demon King Gluttony and several other demon kings at any time. Why haven’t you seen your reinforcements at this critical moment?! If the reinforcements had arrived in time, how could Gluttony and the other three demon kings have fallen?!”

These Demon King’s Castles are all on the other side of the Gluttonous Demon King’s Castle, closer to the Demon Clan’s hinterland. If they could rush to rescue after receiving the order this time, how could the human race succeed so easily? No matter what happens, the human monks can be driven out in time and the Gluttonous Demon King’s Castle can be recovered, so that he will not be completely passive like now.

“Your Majesty the Demon God, my subordinates have already launched a rescue operation after receiving your military order, but they never expected that the human race would be so quick…” The three demon kings including the Sky Demon King also cried out for injustice, as if it was true. There is a huge grievance, “It’s all the fault of the black-winged demon king who is greedy for life and afraid of death! If it doesn’t escape before the battle, and can persist with Juli, we will be able to rescue it successfully.”


The Yinshao Demon God sneered.

Can it still not know what is going on with these demon kings? The three of them are close to each other, and there is a lot of friction between them to compete for territory. Their relationship is not good to begin with.

This time, the three of them clearly did not want to be the first to show off, and deliberately delayed, hoping that other demon kings would confront the human race first, so that they could take advantage and achieve great success, but they did not expect to get away with it. By the time they arrived at the Greedy Demon King’s Castle, the place had already been completely occupied by Princess Suiyun.

All Demon King’s Forts and strategic fortresses are repaired and must be fought over by military strategists, and are easy to defend but difficult to attack. Once Princess Suiyun’s tribe takes the fort and forms a defensive position, and there is a steady stream of follow-up support from the human race, it will be difficult to defeat it again. It’s difficult.

The Yinshao Demon God is so angry that he really wants to kill all these guys who have failed to accomplish anything and failed to do anything well!

But this is the nature of the demon clan. Everyone is very selfish. Even under the command of the same demon god, they still have their own thoughts. It is impossible to unite closely, but it is only slightly better than a plate of loose sand.

There are endless intrigues among the demon gods, and things that hinder each other.

The Demon God Yinsha has now lost two demon kings, and his strength is greatly damaged. If he really kills the demon king again, not only will it not be of any benefit to him, but it will easily arouse the covetousness of other demon gods.

Even if the demon **** Yin Shao is too strict with the demon kings under his command, they will secretly defect to other demon gods if they cannot be protected, which will be very detrimental to her Yin Sha.

In desperation, it had no choice but to scold them severely, beat the demon kings under it one by one, deprive them of part of their wealth as punishment, and then let them go.

After all the demon kings left, the rage boiling in the heart of the Yinsha Demon God finally eased a little.

However, that depression was still accumulated in its heart and could not be dispelled.

In its opinion, the reason for such a bad situation is because the demon clan lacks a powerful demon master.

Only an extremely powerful, wise and martial Demon Lord can suppress all the demons and condense the scattered power of the demons into a rope, instead of falling into endless internal friction like now.

Therefore, it is imperative to welcome back the Demon Lord!

“Second order, starting from today, our Yinshao Demon Temple’s lineage will temporarily shrink its defenses and enter the period of cultivation and recuperation.” The cold vertical pupils of Yinshao Demon God shrank slightly, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

Although this battle was fought very badly, it was not a complete failure after all. At least, [Wu Mingyan] had been successfully rescued and had initially penetrated into the human race.

As long as she is here, the plan will not be considered a failure.

What does it mean to suffer this little loss now? As long as the Demon Lord can be welcomed back, all the losses will eventually be recovered tenfold or a hundredfold!


About the same time.

The Wang family in Changning, Daqian.

In Qianlong Xiaozhu, Wang Shouzhe and Emperor Anzheng stared at each other with big eyes.

This time, Emperor Zi An did not even bring the royal family Zhaodu, but left him to preside over the overall situation in Guilong City.

“I have a suggestion.” Wang Shouzhe poured him tea.

“If Shouzhe has any ideas, just tell me.” Emperor Zi’an looked kind and kind, “The relationship between you and me, the monarch and my ministers, is extraordinary. If you have any ideas, I will accept them.”

“I see that His Highness is running around my Wang family every day. It is better to simply move the capital to Changning and save His Highness from running back and forth.” Wang Shouzhe said sarcastically, “In this way, I can take care of my Wang family all the time. .”

“Shouzhe, Shouzhe, have the relationship between you and me, the monarch and my ministers, become so estranged?” Di Zi’an looked innocent, “I can’t come here just because I miss you so much, Shouzhe.” Want to visit you?”

“Your Highness has always been unfaithful. After all, what contribution do you want me to make to the country this time?” Wang Shouzhe said angrily, “Don’t be coy and invite me truthfully.”

“I just heard that you moved back to a [Green Fairy Island] and are preparing to build it into a holy land~” Di Zian took a sip of tea and chuckled, “I’m not asking too much, can you make it big for us?” Qian imperial court also participates in a share? One percent, as long as one percent is enough.”

“Are you asking for a shareholding for the Wu family or for the imperial court?” Wang Shouzhe asked leisurely.

“Of course it’s for the imperial court.” Di Zi’an said helplessly, “Aren’t we trying to catch up with the Immortal Dynasty? It stands to reason that in the future, the governor of a county will have to be held by the supernatural realm, but now we are doing it Those in the magical power realm are either princes, marshals of the army, or real people from Lingyun Holy Land, ancestors of aristocratic families. There is no special promotion channel for county guards and county guards~”

“Forget it, as long as the court should contribute money and efforts, give the court an equal share of 10%.” Wang Shouzhe sighed and said, “Everything must be in accordance with the contract and regulations, and must be notarized in the Immortal Dynasty.”

“Shou Zhe, our relationship is between you and me…” Di Zian looked aggrieved.

“No. You and I have a good relationship, but brothers have to settle accounts clearly, not to mention that you and I are not brothers.” Wang Shouzhe said, “The contract is the foundation of long-term peace and stability. When will the two of us wait? They are all gone. With this contract, the descendants of the Wu family and the Wang family can live in harmony, and the Wang family and the court can always be in harmony.”

“I admire Shouzhe’s foresight.” The emperor saluted pretendingly.

While the two were talking.

A family general came to report: “Master, the rich and noble young master invites you to go to [Xianren Residence], saying that there is something important.”

The residence of idle people is naturally Wang Fugui’s own house.

“Oh~ That kid Fugui is too big.” Dizi An pretended to be angry, with an expression filled with indignation, “The ancestors of both families are here, it’s okay if he doesn’t come to pay homage, but he actually dares to send someone over Come and summon him, he is really very capable~”

“Okay, Your Highness, don’t act like an elder whenever you get the chance. Our wealthy family has always been self-restrained and polite, so we must have been entangled in something and couldn’t get away from it.” Wang Shouzhe didn’t care, so he just said it. Standing up, he set up the escape light and flew towards the wealthy and leisurely residence.

“Wait for me, let’s go together.”

Di Zian couldn’t restrain his curiosity, so he jumped into the air and followed him, ready to see the excitement.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the door of [Xianren Residence].

There was a boy waiting at the entrance of the courtyard. As soon as he saw the two people coming, he immediately greeted them, bowed to them one by one, and then led them towards the courtyard.

As he left, he kept apologizing for Wang Fugui: “Master, something happened suddenly, and my young master had no choice, so I sent someone to invite you. It was not out of negligence.”

While they were talking, they had already arrived at the pavilion in the courtyard.

But I saw Wang Fugui in the pavilion, but he was not sitting there, but standing there respectfully, bowing to a crystal screen: “Yes, yes, your Majesty is right, Fugui must be remembered in his heart.” .”

The crystal screen is currently being held up by a clone of Wang Lixian, obviously helping to realize the video call.

Wang Shouzhe and Di Zi’an were both quick-thinking people. When they saw this, they looked at each other and understood immediately.

Who else can make wealth manifest like this except His Majesty the Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Dynasty?

Di Zi’an became energetic and hurriedly walked over, bowing towards the spar screen: “Wu Mingyuan, the Emperor of Dongqian, pays homage to His Majesty the Immortal Emperor.”

Wang Shouzhe couldn’t help but feel filled with emotion when he saw this.

Poverty is really a butcher’s knife. Look, what has it done to Wu Mingyuan, who was so heroic back then?

Sighing in his heart, he straightened his clothes, walked forward slowly, and saluted respectfully to the elegant Immortal Emperor in court clothes on the crystal screen: “Shou Zhe has met His Majesty the Immortal Emperor. ”

“Are you Wang Shouzhe?” The Immortal Emperor directly ignored Di Zi’an and looked up and down Wang Shouzhe with great interest, “The head of the Shouzhe family is really just like the rumors. He is handsome and has extraordinary bearing. No wonder he can be a human race.” Cultivate so many outstanding talents.”


Wang Shouzhe’s heart moved, and he always felt that these words sounded familiar.

He thought about it carefully and suddenly came back to his senses.

Every time Di Zian comes to Wang’s recently, isn’t it the same way, first flattering him for a while? His Majesty the Immortal Emperor’s words are a little more elegant and his attitude is a little more reserved, but in fact there is not much difference in essence.

Could it be that the Immortal Emperor finally couldn’t bear it anymore and wanted to take advantage of him?



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