Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 180: The advantage is mine! Let’s attack

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Outside the territory.

In a wilderness area some distance away from the human defense zone, four humans were nesting in a spacious cave.

The cave is very deep. It is the lair of some unknown monster. It looks like it has been abandoned for a while. The light inside was dim and the field of vision was narrow. Only a bonfire in the center of the cave was emitting bright and dying firelight.

Beside the campfire, four humans each occupied a side, eating and chatting.

There are four people, one male and three female. The male one is handsome, with sharp outlines, and has an aloof and cold temperament. The three female ones are three girls, wearing different colors of outfits, all of them are full of youth. , beautiful in their own way.

These four people are naturally Zhang Huaibing, a disciple of Immortal Palace, and Wang Lizi, Wang Yingxuan and Lan Wan’er who abducted him.

“I thought it would be dangerous outside, but I didn’t expect it to be smooth sailing all the way.” Zhang Huaibing said with emotion as he gathered firewood to add fuel to the fire.

“Of course the danger outside the territory is real, but you don’t even look at who is leading the way.” Wang Yingxuan said matter-of-factly, “If you look carefully, you will find that whether it is the defense zone of the Immortal Dynasty or the demon clan The fortresses are all built on strategically important areas. To put it bluntly, those places are ‘battlefields for military strategists’, and of course they are full of dangers. But this is not the case in all places outside the territory.”

“My route along the way has been carefully calculated, avoiding all possible marching routes and strategic positions. In addition, Aunt Yulici, the humanoid monster detector, is there. Where can I encounter any danger? ”

“Senior Brother Zhang, Sister Lici and Sister Yingxuan are very powerful~ If they join forces, as long as they don’t rush directly into the battlefield, nothing will happen.” Lan Wan’er also smiled and said, “These are all routine Operation, you will know it when you see it more in the future.”

The three of them chatted casually, but Wang Lizi did not participate in the conversation. Instead, she kept staring at the current bonfire without blinking.

The bonfire was not an ordinary fire, but a strange fire she had collected specifically for barbecue. Its temperature was far beyond that of ordinary fires.

Even the pit under the bonfire has a layer of fire crystals on the sides and bottom, just to gather the fire and increase the temperature in the pit.


She sniffed, with a happy look on her face: “It’s almost done. Come on, come on, put out the fire.”

Hearing this, the other three people also looked happy. They immediately stopped talking and stepped forward to help Wang Lici put out the fire. Then they used tools to pull it out a few times and got out from under the fire. A huge lump of soil was dug out of the pit.

Wang Lizi immediately took action and couldn’t wait to remove the lump of soil.

In the ball of soil, there is a magical beast that looks like a bird. The fine lins on the surface have been baked to a crisp, and they all fall off with a light scratch.

As the soil ball was peeled away, an overbearing fresh fragrance burst out, filling the entire cave in an instant.

The four of them couldn’t help but take a deep breath, intoxicated.

That is to say, the formation has been set up at the entrance of the cave. Otherwise, if the scent spreads out, there is no telling what kind of monsters will covet it.

“It is indeed a taste that Lao Wu will never forget. The fragrance is really overbearing.” Smelling this smell, even though Wang Lizi was used to eating good food, she still felt greedy.

She had heard about this kind of monster from Wu Yinghao, and its name was [Cunning-eyed Pheasant]. The cubs of this kind of monster look like birds. It is said that the meat of the cubs is of good quality, and it is a kind of monster that humans can eat. As for the adult body, the meat is very fishy and unpalatable.

She thought about it at that time, thinking that since it looked like a bird and was a baby, it would be okay to make it the same way as a beggar’s chicken.

Now that she finally had the chance to sneak out, she naturally thought of a way to catch a cub and came back, ready to try her own idea to see if it tasted delicious.

While he was talking, Wang Lizi had already neatly dismantled the huge bird-shaped monster and gave Wang Yingxuan and Zhang Huaibing a wing tip each. The wing tip alone weighed dozens of kilograms.

The two of them were already greedy. After taking it, they couldn’t wait to take a bite. Then their eyes lit up and they nodded repeatedly, praising: “It’s delicious!”

This meat has been marinated with spices and salt, and the flavor of the spices has penetrated into it. Not only does it not have any fishy smell, but it is fresh and spicy, and it also has a very special fragrance, compared to the meat of ferocious beasts. , another taste.

Seeing their appearance, Wang Lizi knew that there was nothing wrong with what she was doing, and immediately invited Lan Wan’er to eat together.

Although this [Crooked-eyed Pheasant] can be eaten, it is a monster after all. Even if the blood is drained, the flesh still contains a weak demonic energy that is difficult to get rid of. Human monks can eat, but not too much, otherwise the indigestible evil energy remaining in the body will affect their practice.

Wang Yingxuan and Zhang Huaibing finished eating the tip of the wing, and then closed their mouths without daring to eat any more. They could only watch helplessly as the remaining parts were wrapped up by Wang Lizi and Lan Wan’er.

Wang Lizi and Lan Wan’er are worthy of devouring blood, and their fighting power is really strong when they work hard. In just a few moments, the two of them had eaten the baby pheasant with strange eyes until only a skeleton was left.

Of course, most of it was eaten by Wang Lizi.

After eating, Wang Lizi smacked her lips, still a little dissatisfied: “It’s a pity that it’s a bit small, this one is barely enough to fit between the teeth.”

“It’s okay. I think this weird-eyed pheasant is quite common. If you don’t have enough food, just catch more later.” Lan Wan’er also smacked her lips and started to enjoy the future, “Anyway The highest level of this thing is only level six, and the cubs with tender flesh are not even level four, so they are very easy to catch.”

It’s a pity that these things don’t live in groups. Otherwise, you could catch a large group of them in one catch, which would make them more enjoyable to eat.

While talking, Wang Lizi had already taken out a small notebook from the storage ring and started writing in it one stroke at a time.

What is this writing about?

Zhang Huaibing was very curious when he saw it.

He got into the team halfway, and knew far less about Wang Lizi than the other two. Seeing this, he couldn’t help but be curious, so he leaned over and took another look.

I saw a few lines of words written clearly on the small book: “Sneaky-eyed Pheasant (cub), delicious flavor, tender meat, spicy and unique to Warcraft meat, not too fishy. , has a slight stimulating effect on spiritual thoughts, and eating it can refresh the mind. Recommendation index, ★★ (not recommended for monks below the Lingtai realm).”

“Also, the cubs caught this time are a little bigger, and the meat fibers are already older. It is best to catch third-level ones next time, and the taste will most likely be better.”

Good guys, Senior Sister Li Ci is planning to write an overseas version of [Li Ci Food Guide]. Does she really plan to eat all the edible monsters from outside the region?

Zhang Huaibing now admires this senior sister more and more.

When he came to the outside world, he only wanted to accumulate merits, contribute to the human race, and amaze everyone when he returned, but Senior Sister Li Ci had already begun to think about how to make money from Warcraft.

He can already imagine that when Senior Sister Li Ci writes the overseas version of the food guide, with her appeal in the food industry, Warcraft meat will definitely become a hit, and maybe even attract a large number of people to specialize in it. Come outside the territory to find monster meat to eat.

But there are battlefields everywhere outside the territory. Where can there be so many monsters to eat?

Thinking of this, Zhang Huaibing silently lit a candle for these extraterrestrial monsters.

Even Senior Sister Li Ci praised the delicious monsters. In the future, I am afraid that a special breeding farm will have to be built to supply them for consumption. I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing?

While he was thinking about it, suddenly, Wang Lizi, who was writing “After-Eating Feelings”, paused with his pen, and a cold light suddenly flashed across his eyes.

The next moment.

Her figure flashed and instantly turned into a ray of light and disappeared from the place.

When Wang Yingxuan and Zhang Huaibing saw this, they were instantly alert.

It seems that Wang Lizi discovered something.

Among the four people present, Wang Lizi has the highest cultivation level. Because of his Taotie bloodline, he has extraordinary sensitivity to all things related to “food”. Often, others don’t notice anything strange. , she can discover the problem first.

This is also the reason why she has always been able to enter the lair of vicious beasts in the wild.

Soon, they heard a violent collision and a tragic “squeak” coming from the depths of the cave.

A moment later, Wang Lizi appeared again, dragging a badly beaten “big rat” by its tail.

The big rat was as big as an ancient giant elephant, and its whole body was covered with fine black hair, but it had been beaten to a **** pulp, and its small black eyes were full of tears, unable to speak. miserable.

It looks like he was beaten badly by Wang Lizi just now.

“You are too much in the way, please shrink a little.” Wang Lizi threw the big mouse to the side, raised her hand and gestured towards it, indicating that it should shrink a little.

The giant rat shrank its neck in fear, and then honestly shrank in size, becoming about the same size as a human race.

“Wan’er, quickly check what kind of rat this big rat is?” Wang Lizi looked at its shiny fur and fat appearance, and almost drooled.

Lan Wan’er hurriedly pulled out the [Wild World of Warcraft Illustrated Book of Extraterritorial Battlefields] in the military training notebook and started searching.

It didn’t take long for her to figure out the origin of this big fat mouse: “This is the [Demon World Escape Rat]. It is rare and very rare. It has magical powers to escape from the earth and some space talents. They are greedy by nature, and the most They like to cause destruction everywhere, and especially like to steal valuables. Even monsters from outside the territory regard them as one of the four major pests.”

“The four major evils, and the space talent. This is a very rare breed, and the meat quality must be very good.” Wang Lizi became even more excited.


Although the **** rat couldn’t understand Wang Lici’s human language, it instinctively sensed something was wrong and started to squeak in fear.

“Don’t bark. If you bark again, I’ll eat you immediately.” Wang Lizi slapped it on its plump head.

“Fairy Lici, it speaks the language of the demons, which means don’t eat me… I can redeem myself.” Zhang Huaibing on the side heard the meaning and helped translate.

“Huh?” Wang Lizi looked Zhang Huaibing up and down with a suspicious look in his eyes, “You can actually speak the demon language. Could it be that you are a spy of the demon clan?”

“You spy…”

Zhang Huaibing was so angry that he almost cursed. After reacting, he flicked his sword sleeves and said proudly with his hands behind his back: “We Immortal Palace disciples, especially some outstanding disciples, learning the demon language is a compulsory course. After all, sooner or later, we must When you come to foreign battlefields to deal with demons, you don’t understand the language, and it’s hard to even get information.”

“Is that so?” Wang Lizi glanced at him suspiciously, then looked at Wang Yingxuan.

In the past, she had been running around to stutter, and she had not received much formal education in the Immortal Palace system. As for Master Yunyang, she was even more obscure. She probably had poor foreign language skills, and she didn’t even mention it. Mentioned it to her.

She really didn’t know this course existed.

Wang Yingxuan nodded, indicating that this was indeed the case.

However, when she was in the Holy Land, she didn’t learn Demon World Language very well, and now she has almost forgotten it.

“Oh. It seems that I blamed you wrongly.” Wang Lizi blinked, nodded as if nothing happened, and then shamelessly patted Zhang Huaibing on the shoulder, “I’ll leave the rest of the translation to you. ”

As she said that, she grabbed the ear of the Demon World Escape Rat and said viciously: “You can redeem yourself, but you have to give something valuable.”

Although Zhang Huaibing was about to explode with anger, he still angrily translated for the Demon World Escape Rat.


This demon world escaping rat is quite honest. After chirping, his cheeks quickly became bulging, looking like a big squirrel with fruit hidden in its mouth.

This is one of the talents of the Demon World Escape Rat. There is a space capsule on the inside of each of its cheeks. Its function is similar to that of a human storage ring, and the space inside is quite small.

Whenever it steals things, it stuffs them into this space bag.

As soon as it opened its mouth and spat out, a large pile of magic crystals and strange fruits fell in front of Wang Lizi, almost forming a hill.

It is indeed one of the “Four Great Harms”. The magic crystals stored in its space capsule are all high-quality, and the worst ones are all middle-grade magic crystals. Among them, there are many high-grade magic crystals, and even a few top-grade magic crystals. crystal.

As for those fruits, Wang Lizi also felt that they were all good things based on his blood instinct, but he had to carefully distinguish and identify the specific varieties and effects.

This extraterrestrial battlefield is ultimately the territory of extraterrestrial demons. Many of the natural and earthly treasures here are actually harmful to the human race.

However, she herself has no such scruples. Anyway, her devouring talent can digest anything, and the demonic energy can also be swallowed up.

“These are worthless things.” Wang Lizi put away the “ransom” with a swipe of her hand, and then continued to squeeze its fat and bulging cheeks, as if she wanted to force the contents out. , “Who are you fooling? Hand over the ransom!”


The Demon World Escape Rat was so squeezed that his cheeks were deformed, but he dared not speak out in anger. There is no way, the situation is stronger than the rat, who can let it defeat this extraterritorial creature?

In desperation, it had to spit out a lot of supplies.

This time there are various high-level magic minerals and some weird demon materials.

“What else?” Wang Lizi grabbed its tail and lifted it up upside down. While it was still shaking, it poured out a large amount of various precious materials.

The Demon World Escape Rat was so dizzy that he almost cried.

Woooooo~ This alien creature is simply more cruel and terrifying than the Demon King!

It chattered and gestured.

No more! There really isn’t any left!

“This is not okay~” Wang Lizi touched her chin, which still had baby fat, and said solemnly, “These garbage are at most worth half of the ransom. Let’s do this, I will eat half of you and leave the rest Let go of half of it.”

As she spoke, she was still gesticulating and threatening.

The big mouse understood what she meant without Zhang Huaibing translating.

Half eaten? Then wouldn’t the remaining half also be dead?

In desperation, the Demonic Escape Mouse started chattering again and again.

“The Gluttonous Demon King’s Castle?” Zhang Huaibing was stunned, “The fat rat said that the Gluttonous Demon King’s Castle has a lot of delicious food and a lot of treasures.”


Wang Lizi slapped it on the head, causing all the fat flesh on its body to tremble, and blood dripped from the wound.

“You big fat rat, do you think I’m a fool? No matter how many treasures there are in the Demon King’s Castle, it’s none of your business!”

The Gluttonous Demon King’s Castle is one of the powerful enemies in the Immortal No. 3 Defense Zone. It is huge and powerful. During this period of time in the training base, her ears were calloused just hearing the name.

“Chicha chicha.” The Demonic Escape Rat made a series of calls and gestured with various digging and other movements.

“You mean, you have dug through the Demon King’s Castle?” Wang Lizi’s eyes lit up.

This kind of activity of sneaking into the enemy’s interior to steal the enemy’s shortcomings is Wang Lizi’s favorite. Thinking back to the beginning, she and Lan Wan’er were the ones who brought great disaster to the Green Dragon Holy Land.

Unexpectedly, this fat mouse is quite powerful and suits her appetite.

“Zhizhizhi~~” The Demon World Escape Rat let out a series of triumphant laughs.

“Very good, very good~ If you gain enough from the Gluttonous Demon King’s Castle this time, I will spare your life.” Wang Lizi thought for a while and then said, “However, based on the lack of mutual trust between us, I’m going to put some restrictions on you! This is a specialty of ours, [Nine Evils and Ten Poisons, Mother and Child Gu]. Come on, come on, big fat rat, give it a taste.”

While talking, Wang Lizi force-fed the fat rat a terrifying-looking poisonous centipede, and asked Zhang Huaibing to translate to the fat rat and tell it the consequences of disobedience.

The poor fat rat fell into Wang Lizi’s hands and was at her mercy.


At the same time.

The Castle of the Gluttonous Demon King.

In the deepest part of the copper-walled and iron-walled fortress, the gluttonous demon king’s extremely fat body is crawling under his throne.

The skin on his body was rough and dark. When he was lying on the ground, his huge belly was completely pressed to the ground and was squeezed into a strange shape, but he didn’t even dare to raise his head.

But on the giant throne that originally belonged to it, sat a human beauty with skin as white as snow. Her eyes were proud and cold, looking down at the Demon King of Gluttony.

“Gluttony, this plan is very important to our Yinshao Demon God lineage. If you dare to make any mistakes, be careful I will peel off your fat skin.”

This woman is the Yinshao Demon God who transformed into [Wu Mingyan].

However, this Wu Mingyan only possesses a fragment of her soul.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The Gluttonous Demon King responded fearfully.

Among the clearly differentiated levels of extraterrestrial demons, the Demon God is its absolute superior, and can easily harvest its life.

“But don’t worry.” [Wu Mingyan] said in a slower tone, “This time the plan is very careful. We can take the opportunity to seduce the human race’s Princess Suiyun and eliminate her. If this plan fails, , there will be no problem, my incarnation can just take the opportunity to sneak into the human race. As long as one of the two plans is successful, this demon will mark you a great contribution.”

The “tame” giant eyes of the Gluttonous Demon King showed excitement and greed: “Your Majesty, don’t worry, I have made sufficient preparations. As long as that Princess Suiyun dares to rob someone, hehehe~~”

“Let someone take me to the cell.” Wu Mingyan said calmly.

“I, I don’t dare.” The Gluttonous Demon King was a little scared.

“Why don’t you dare? Be rough, as rough as possible!”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Following the order from the Gluttonous Demon King, Wu Mingyan was taken to the cell by his guards, and was even beaten severely, leaving scars all over his body.


At about the same time, Wang Lizi and others on the other side encountered trouble.

“How many holes have you dug, you big fat rat?”

Deep under the Demon King’s Castle, Wang Lizi and others were speechless as they looked at the dozens of crisscrossing “rat paths” in front of them.

This Demon World Escape Rat is indeed one of the Four Pests. Digging a hole is as easy as walking to eat.

“Squeak!” The big fat mouse puffed up his chest proudly, quite satisfied with his masterpiece.

As one of the Four Pests, it has been eyeing the Greedy Demon King’s Castle for a long time, and it has already figured out some of the underground defense measures and can easily avoid it.


Wang Lizi moved the tip of her nose and pointed to one of the passages: “My feeling tells me that there is delicious food in this direction.”

As a [humanoid treasure hunter rat], Wang Lizi has always had a terrifying insight into finding food that is different from ordinary people.

Anything she instinctively finds delicious cannot be hidden from her senses.

As she spoke, she took the lead and walked deeper into the cave.

“Wait!” As he walked, Zhang Huaibing suddenly frowned and felt something was wrong, “There is an abnormal sound in this passage. I seem to hear a human screaming.”

“Impossible, this is the Greedy Demon King’s Castle, where can there be…”


Before Wang Lizi finished speaking, a human scream could be faintly heard in the cave.

Now, everyone heard it.

Everyone’s expressions changed slightly, and they hurriedly concealed their presence and approached the source of the sound little by little. When they reached the end of the rat path, they heard the tragic scream of a man coming from just a few feet away from the rock. : “You **** extraterrestrial demon, no matter how you torture me, I will never reveal human intelligence.”

“Bah bang bang!”

A series of whip sounds were heard, accompanied by the demon clan’s shouts.

Not long after, the demon left again cursing.

Wang Lici frowned and listened, and while driving the big fat rat to continue digging, he carefully pushed open a corner of a rock, only to find that this was actually the dungeon of the Demon King’s Castle.

Under the dim light of the dungeon, one can clearly see the huge metal cages. There are many human beings imprisoned in each cage, no less than several hundred people in total.

Many human races inside have been tortured horribly, and some are even dying.

Such a scene immediately made Wang Lizi and the other four furious.

Especially Zhang Huaibing, his face was ashen and he was ready to rush out to save people.

Fortunately, Wang Lizi and Wang Yingxuan reacted very quickly, covering his mouth from left to right, and then pulled him back quickly to the depths of the cave.

“You two, why are you dragging me along?” Zhang Huaibingyi yelled angrily.

“Huai Bing, you are so young, it’s easy to get hot-blooded~” Wang Lici knocked his head like a big sister, “You are looking for death yourself, don’t take us to death together~”

“That’s right. I know you’re angry, and so are we. But it’s too stupid to rush out to save people now.” Lan Wan’er also helped teach him, “This is the Greedy Demon King’s Castle, even if If you want to save people, you have to plan carefully.”

She has been wandering around with Wang Lizi for so long. The two little girls have encountered countless dangers along the way. How can they be as innocent as they appear? If this were the case, she and Wang Lizi would have sold it to others countless times.

“I feel that this matter is not that simple.” Wang Yingxuan held her chin and thought carefully, “This Greedy Demon King’s Castle is the front line. Why are they gathering so many human prisoners on the front line?”

“No matter what, I think this is a good opportunity to make a great contribution.” Wang Lizi’s eyes were full of excitement. “Now the enemy is in the open and we are in the dark. If we arrange it well, we can not only save people, but also put this person behind.” All the valuable things from the Demon King’s Castle were served in one pot.”

“Come on, come on, aunt, let’s discuss it.” Wang Yingxuan is also a bold boss, and she suddenly became excited, “I think we can be more bold, we can take over the Demon King’s Castle in one go.”

“However, before that, we must first find out the information about these prisoners. Brother Huaibing, think of a way to sneak into the prisoners to get the information first.”

“The situation here is not simple. We may not be close enough on our own, and we don’t have enough information, so we have to find foreign help.”

“We must do something earth-shattering this time!”

The three girls got together and started chatting, with various ideas emerging one after another.

Zhang Huaibing couldn’t keep up with their thoughts, and his cheeks twitched as he listened.

He suddenly understood how these three women got together. What kind of terrible teammates did I have to deal with~

Is it still too late for him to escape now?



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