Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 166: The True Immortal family doesn’t have any food left

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Dense darkness enveloped the surrounding areas, and the stars in the sky were dim. Only a crescent moon hung obliquely on the horizon, emitting a not-so-bright silver glow.

At this point, even the seabirds have returned to their nests. There is no more noisy and high-pitched chirping of seabirds on the sea surface, and it seems much quieter than during the day.

Only the sound of waves is still echoing.

A faint demonic aura permeated the sea, and the color was dark and deep, blocking the field of vision, but one could still see the dark backs one after another, wandering on the sea.

That’s a group of dragon whales.

Under the night, a dozen huge dragon whales patrolled the sea, forming a vague circle.

And in the center of this circle is a small island.

This island is entirely made up of reefs, and its area is very small. Strictly speaking, it can only be regarded as a giant reef protruding from the sea. To call it an island is to exaggerate it.

Scattered bonfires were scattered on the rocks, and densely packed figures were huddled together, shoulder to shoulder and foot to foot, numbly munching on the food in their hands.

In the crowd, Sun Yaowu hugged his knees and looked at the night sky with a depressed look on his face.

Yes, the densely populated people on this island are the original crew members and clan soldiers of the Kunwu giant ship and the three-eyed treasure ship.

After Long Wuji’s crew became proficient in controlling the captured Kunwu giant boat and the three-eyed treasure ship, they were stripped of their equipment and thrown onto this small island, where they were intensively guarded by the dragon whale group.

Except for a certain amount of food, Long Wuji left nothing for them.

Unknowingly, as the sun rose and the moon set, they had been imprisoned on this rocky island for almost a month. During this period, except for the group of dragon whales wandering around the reef island, they had no contact with the outside world at all.

And this reef island is so remote that for a month, not even a single ship has been seen passing here.

In other words, even if there were ships passing by, they would have been driven away by the dragon whale group. Normal fleets usually run as far as they can when encountering dragon whales.

The long period of despair and waiting made Sun Yaowu, the once arrogant heir apparent of the Xia Palace, almost suffer from mental problems.

“Your Majesty, are we still running?” Sun Dahai handed him a piece of cake, with a depressed look on his face.

After such a long time, the food given to them was almost exhausted. Perhaps, when the food is completely exhausted, what awaits them is madness and destruction.

“Why are we running?” Sun Yaowu reluctantly took the cake and took a bite. “If we could run away, why would we suffer here?”

After speaking, he glanced at the sea subconsciously and felt relieved when he saw that there was no movement.

The ridged backs wandering in the sea are like undulating mountains, dark and dark. Just looking at them can bring huge psychological pressure to people.

As one of the largest species in the ocean, the huge body of the dragon whale is naturally the best weapon, and the huge whale tail is even more powerful. With one slap, it can directly hit a monk of the same level. The bones were broken, the tendons were broken, the internal organs were severely damaged, and the pain was excruciating.

Don’t ask him how he knew it. Thinking back on it brings tears to his eyes.

His internal organs are still hurting~

Anyway, he didn’t want to try this again.

“I don’t know when the days like this will end.” Sun Dahai gnawed on the dry and hard pancake with a sad face. “Although this pancake can fill the stomach, it doesn’t have much energy. If you keep eating this, use Before long, our Qi and blood will become increasingly depleted, and in the long run our foundation will be damaged.”

“Hey~ who can say otherwise~ With these dragon whales watching, we can’t even go to the sea to hunt.” Sun Yaowu also sighed.

As a Lingxu species in the Purple Mansion realm, his physical body is also very powerful, and the energy consumed by daily metabolism is naturally very huge. His demand for spiritual food is second only to Sun Dahai, a powerful person in the magical power realm.

If a monk does not have enough spiritual food to replenish his consumption, it is tantamount to committing suicide slowly. At first, only the profound energy in the body is consumed, and then the foundation will continue to lose. Finally, the body will be like a dry desert, evaporated out of the last bit of moisture under the scorching sun.

This is more terrifying than killing someone directly.

When they thought of this, their moods collapsed, and they became increasingly regretful and annoyed.

Had I known this would be the result, Princess Haige would have never come out to hunt down the Si family at all!


Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted: “What’s going on? Everyone, look at the sea!”

Sun Yaowu and Sun Dahai subconsciously looked up and saw that on the foggy sea under the night sky, those mountainous backs were getting away little by little, becoming smaller and smaller in their field of vision.

The dragon whales in other directions had already withdrawn at some point.

Everyone suddenly stopped eating the cake.

For a while, the entire reef island was silent.

“The dragon whale group is… gone? Are we… free?!!”

After a while, Sun Yaowu suddenly realized what had happened, but he was still in a daze.

“Yes, Your Majesty, we are free!” Sun Dahai became excited all of a sudden. A dazzling light burst out from his eyes, and his whole person seemed to come alive in an instant.

At the same time, other people on the island finally realized what happened.

For a time, cheers flooded the entire reef island.

“It’s not easy, it’s really not easy.” Sun Yaowu burst into tears for a moment, feeling like he was reborn after a disaster, “Quick, go to the sea to fish, I want to eat fish!”


The departure of the dragon whale group was naturally due to the order received from the dragon whale king Long Jingjing. As for why Long Jingjing issued this order, it was naturally Wang Shouzhe’s signal.

Sun Yaowu is the eldest son of the Xia Palace. If he dies, the Xia Palace will inevitably go to war. When the investigation is carried out, the Wang family will inevitably get into trouble.

On the contrary, if Sun Yaowu had not died, although the loss of the Kunwu giant boat would be huge, it would not be unacceptable to the Xia Palace, and the intensity of the investigation would naturally be lighter. Qie Xia’s palace is not monolithic. Sun Yaowu not only failed to kill Princess Haige this time, but also lost a Kunwu giant boat and eight three-eyed treasure ships. Such a major mistake, even if he is the heir apparent, is not It can be easily taken on.

Naturally, such handles and opportunities will not be let go easily. As long as Sun Yaowu goes back, many people will take the initiative to target him.

At that time, Wang Shouzhe doesn’t have to do anything to let Prince Xia’s Mansion take care of itself.

As for what Sun Yaowu said, being besieged by Yuanshui Qinglong and the Dragon Whale Group, being attacked by the fleet of Tianji Continent… what does this have to do with the Wang family?

The Wang family is just an ordinary fourth-grade family in the small and remote country of Dongqian~

Of course, these are all follow-up matters and will not be mentioned for the time being.

Right now, as Wang Shouzhe’s team’s journey to the ruins of the Demon Dynasty comes to an end, Green Fairy Island is heading towards Daqian leisurely under the protection of the dragon whale group and the fleet.

And this journey will obviously last for a while.

At the same time period.


The purpose and significance of the existence of the Immortal Palace is relatively broad. In addition to assisting and supervising the operation of the Immortal Palace and selecting outstanding people in the world to inherit the inheritance, it also has the important responsibility of protecting the human race.

As the war on the battlefield outside the territory becomes more and more intense, the Lord of Immortal Palace spends most of his time guarding the battlefield outside the territory.

The person who remains in the Immortal Palace to preside over the overall situation now is just a [semi-dormant normalized] consciousness energy projection of the Immortal Lord. It is usually dormant and on standby. Once other major events occur that the True Lord cannot handle, it will be activated at any time, and the consciousness will be activated at any time. Advent.

Although this energy projection is entirely composed of energy, it is the complete consciousness of the real immortal boss, that is, there is only one complete consciousness at the same time.

Therefore, the arrival of the projection is also regarded as the arrival of the boss in person. There is no other problem except that the combat effectiveness is relatively “crotch-stretching”.

In recent times, the consciousness of the Immortal Lord has often remained in the projection of the Immortal Palace. The reason is that a distinguished little guest came to his private chamber-Princess Daqian Huarui.

Normally speaking, it is impossible for an imperial princess of this faction to come to the Immortal Palace as a guest and receive the honor of being hosted by the Immortal Lord in person.

But how is Princess Huarui unusual?

This little princess is the reincarnation of a true immortal, with a peerless bloodline.

Although it is not known yet, in her previous life, she was at least a big shot at the same level as the Immortal Lord. Even if he cannot become a true immortal in this life, he will at least be a big boss in the middle to late stage of Lingxu Realm and one of the pillars of the human race in the future.

As a big boss who stands at the top of the human race’s combat power, the Immortal Master naturally attaches great importance to the juniors of the human race at this level. He will take care of him as much as possible, and he will usually not be stingy when he can help.

Firstly, this is for the overall development of the human race in the future, and secondly, this kind of true immortal reincarnation will gradually awaken some of the memories and skills stored in the [True Spirit] during the growth process.

These are the memories belonging to the True Immortal Boss. They have important reference significance for restoring the historical truth and completing the cultivation methods of the True Immortal Realm. They are extremely precious. Even if only the experience of “one scale claw” can be used to share and communicate, the Immortal Lord may be able to rub out sparks of wisdom, which will be of great benefit to his own practice.

After all, when you reach the level of True Fairyland, you have already reached the highest peak of mankind. There are too few people who can exchange their experiences with each other.

The higher you go on the path of spiritual practice, the more bumpy, difficult and lonely the road becomes.

Inherited for tens of thousands of years, the lineage of the Immortal Emperor and the lineage of the Immortal Lord have become too familiar with each other, and the parts that can be communicated have already been exchanged in the past tens of thousands of years.

There is a new true immortal reincarnated. The immortal said he was disgusted with it, but in fact he was still happy from the bottom of his heart.

Therefore, he specially let Hua Rui stay in his private guest house [Lingxuanju], and found two smart female disciples to take care of him on a daily basis. He would try his best to satisfy any requests.

However, Xianzun soon regretted it.

Since Hua Rui moved into the guest house, Wang Lizi, Wang Yingxuan and Lan Wan’er would come to visit Hua Rui from time to time under the pretext of visiting relatives, and then stayed at Xian Zun’s house, eating and drinking with Hua Rui.

With Hua Rui’s identity, she will naturally be treated accordingly, including fairy rice, eleventh-level spiritual meat, and top-notch spiritual tea fruit. But how much can she eat in the Qi Refining Realm? Immortal rice is measured in grains, and spiritual meat is eaten in pieces the size of a fingernail.

But the situation is different with the gang of freeloaders. They are all losers, especially Wang Lizi, who is a huge loser. Even Zhenjun Yuanyuan, who was once the “number one loser” in Immortal Palace, has been relegated to the second line. .

With the addition of the rice-cheating army, the reserves of immortal rice and high-level spiritual meat in the Immortal Lord’s private treasury are being destocked at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And Princess Huarui is not a good person either. From time to time, this girl would spread the news everywhere, saying how much Princess Suiyun and His Majesty the Immortal Emperor loved her, and had rewarded her with a lot of treasures and resources, as well as two Immortal Emperor Orders.

This naturally made the Immortal Lord very upset.

This girl’s tone made it clear that she was asking him for something.

If “Jiang Yuling” had done this, the Immortal Lord would probably have beaten people long ago, but this girl Hua Rui is only eight years old~ If he really did it, wouldn’t it be like using the big to bully the small, and there is no room for others? Amount?

But this girl, she was “a guest” endlessly, and she didn’t move her buttocks for several months. She clearly understood this and took advantage of the Immortal Lord~

You are really a big kid, you can’t afford to offend, you can’t afford to offend~

Finally one day.

The Immortal Lord couldn’t bear it.

Little Princess Huarui was politely invited outside the main entrance of the Immortal Palace.

At this time, her magical power ring [Taotie] was filled with various spiritual pills, spiritual rice and other resources, and a guardian puppet of the magical power realm stood beside her.

Even the Green Dragon Ancestor in her arms, the storage ring on the dragon’s claw is filled with all kinds of spiritual meat, fully demonstrating what is meant by “one person attains enlightenment, and chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.”

“Princess Huarui.” Female disciple A bowed respectfully to Hua Rui, “Master Immortal said that the battlefield outside the territory has been tight recently, and the main body of his consciousness has to stay on the battlefield outside the territory, so he cannot entertain him well. You are welcome. The storage ring material that his old man gave you is more than enough for you to easily cultivate to the Purple Mansion Realm. Also, this magical power realm guardian puppet is only temporarily loaned to you. You will need to use it after you reach the magical power realm. Return.”

“The Immortal Master said that reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. It is better for you to travel around to increase your knowledge. Staying in the Immortal Palace all day long will be detrimental to your practice.”

The female disciple smiled gently, spoke appropriately and appropriately, and her tone was full of sincerity and concern. There was no flaw in her expression or tone.

However, Princess Huarui is a little kid, so how can she be easily deceived?

She held the little green dragon in her arms and blinked her eyes innocently. She looked innocent and cute, but she was innocent in her heart.

It’s obvious that she was driven away~

The subtext of Lord Immortal is already very obvious, just don’t catch me causing trouble, and go to other places to pick up other people’s wool.

As for Wang Lizi and others, they were also strictly prohibited from stepping into [Lingxuan Residence].


As the two most restless thorns in the Wang family since the founding of the clan, how can Wang Yingxuan and Wang Jidie be obedient people? Even Wang Lizi is not a peaceful person.

The three of them hit it off immediately, and immediately started a new round of conspiracy with Lan Wan’er, who gradually assimilated with them.

Although Hua Rui is young and doesn’t like reading, she is “gifted” in things other than studying, and she comes up with one trick after another.

Even Wang Yingxuan and the others looked at Hua Rui with admiration and had to sigh with emotion, our Wang family is really a generation of talented people, and each generation becomes more and more promiscuous.


Time flies, and months pass by without even realizing it.

This day.

Xiancheng Airport.

Several huge cloud ray flying boats are docked at special berths.

Compared with ordinary Yunyao flying boats, these Yunya flying boats are much larger and much thicker in appearance. The silver-white coating on the surface of the flying boats glows lightly in the sun, looking like A different kind of nobility and chilling air.

These cloud ray flying boats are specially made by the Immortal Dynasty. They are specially designed to go to the front lines of battlefields outside the territory. They are filled with carefully prepared war materials, as well as some of the personnel on duty who are about to leave for the battlefield outside the territory this time.

The battlefield outside the territory is the frontline of the human race against the demons outside the territory. It is not a place where you can just go if you want to, or just don’t go if you don’t want to.

Theoretically, every human race has the obligation to serve on battlefields outside the territory.

However, considering the actual situation, the relevant departments of Immortal Palace and Immortal Court have specially formulated a complete set of service policies for this purpose. When the time comes for the children of the aristocratic family to serve, they will naturally receive recruitment orders. Within a certain period of time, they need to serve in foreign battlefields for a period of time. They can only come back after accumulating enough merit.

In order to protect the geniuses of the human race, whether they are disciples in the Immortal Palace system or disciples in aristocratic families, as long as they are of the Genius level bloodline, their first service time will usually be postponed to within twenty or thirty years after they are promoted to the Heavenly Realm. , if your cultivation level is only at the Lingtai level, even if you want to go, you won’t get approval.

Wang Luoqiu and Wang Luojing sneaked away to the battlefield outside the territory when they were in Lingtai Realm. This was also the reason why they were severely beaten by Wang Shouzhe.

For geniuses at the level of geniuses, their first service is usually postponed until the period of the Purple Mansion Realm. If they want to go to the Tianren Realm, they must take the initiative to apply. Generally speaking, the application will not be approved unless there are special reasons.

As for the peerless genius level, unless there are special reasons, they usually do not start serving until they reach the magical realm. If you have to go early, top experts will be arranged to guard you secretly, and there will be no fanfare to avoid special targeting.

In addition to these large-scale regulations, there are also various detailed regulations, such as how many merits people of different cultivation levels need to accumulate before they can apply for retirement, and the retirement ages stipulated for Xuanwu monks of different cultivation levels, etc. wait wait wait.

For tens of thousands of years, the Immortal Dynasty has relied on this system to maintain stability on the battlefields outside the territory and protect the peace of the human race. And in the process, countless people spilled their blood on the battlefield and never came back.

At this moment.

There was a sea of ​​people outside the airport. Many relatives and friends were sending their loved ones off for the expedition. Some were giving instructions, while others were worried and crying silently.

Although newcomers go to serve in foreign battlefields for the first time, they will undergo a period of training and study first, and will not be assigned to the front line. However, there are no absolutes in the world. The situation on the battlefield is ever-changing, and there is no absolute safety. In this place, no one can guarantee that they will not die on the battlefield outside the territory for the first time in service.

This day is also the day when Princess Suiyun once again goes into battle and returns to the battlefield outside the territory.

As a “veteran” who has been fighting in foreign battlefields for many years, Princess Suiyun is already very familiar with this scene, and her mentality is very stable. Naturally, she has refused most people’s offers. Only recently has she been very close to her. The nearby King Lanxin and True Lord Bailian bid farewell to her under the flying boat.

“Suiyun, this is the [Nine Revolutions of Heart-Protecting Holy Pill] that I entrusted the Royal Pill Factory to refine. I was lucky this time. Five of them came out, and they are all for you to use.” King Lanxin sent the five spirit pills to you. The jade-carved elixir bottle was given to Princess Suiyun, and she warned, “Your injuries are not fully healed. If you go to the battlefield, you must be careful and do not do anything if you can.”

“Thank you, Ancestor Lanxin.” Princess Suiyun felt warm in her heart as she felt the care from the elders of the family.

“Why are you so polite? If it hadn’t been for your idea, I would have missed the most beautiful period of my life.” King Lanxin said as she glanced at Zhenjun Bailian next to her, with a smile on her face. , happiness almost overflowed from his eyes.

“Xin’er is right.” Hearing this, Zhenjun Bailian put his arms around King Lanxin’s shoulders rather domineeringly, as if he was proud to declare his sovereignty, “Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess, is the benefactor of both of us. , I have a self-developed [Hundred Refined Sky-shaking Thunder], thirty rounds in total, which can be regarded as a thank you gift to Her Royal Highness the Princess.”

“Bailian, you are not allowed to touch your hands or feet. You are not ashamed in public!”

“Xin’er, you are my woman. No matter whether seas and rocks are destroyed, landslides or landslides, even if the world is destroyed, it will not change this.” Zhenjun Bailian spoke in a deep voice, as if he was a lover, “I will Use these overbearing unicorn arms to protect you in this life and the next.”

“You’re such a bad old man~ It doesn’t matter that I’ve been bullied by you in this life, but you still want to live in the next life.”

“Xin’er, when I met you, my life became colorful and beautiful.”

The two of them began to flirt with each other as they talked, and their greasy looks were so eye-catching.

Seeing this, Princess Suiyun’s eyelids trembled continuously, almost vomiting out a mouthful of old blood.

Co-author You two are not here to give me away, but purely to “poison” me, right? !

The most painful thing for Princess Suiyun is that she personally “promoted” all of this!

After taking several deep breaths, Princess Suiyun reluctantly resisted the urge to troll, and showed an awkward but polite smile to the two of them: “Ancestor Lanxin, why don’t you guys talk first, and I’ll talk first? Get on the flying boat?”

“Farewell, I still have a lot to say to you. I will travel around the world with Brother Bailian next. After this farewell, I don’t know when we will be together again. There are many more I have something to tell you.”

Then, Princess Suiyun was pulled by King Lanxin to continue talking, and was repeatedly “poisoned” by force.

At the same time.

The other side of the cloud ray flying boat.

Princess Suiyun’s “number one confidant” and a strong competitor for the future master of the Princess Mansion [Wu Yinghao] is directing his subordinates to transport boxes of military supplies to the Yunray Flying Boat.

Beside him, stood a little girl wearing a beautiful princess dress and holding an emerald green dragon in her arms.

This little girl is naturally Princess Wang Jidie of Huarui.

She was looking at Wu Yinghao with a smile, her big eyes blinking: “Brother Hao, just tell me whether you agree or not~”

“Call me ancestor!” Wu Yinghao stared at her, “According to seniority, I am much older than you.”

“Ancestor Hao, it doesn’t matter if you don’t agree.” Little Princess Hua Rui’s eyes were crooked and she smiled particularly sinisterly, “I heard that Sister Suiyun is still gathering the staff of the Princess Mansion. I can bring together the outstanding members of the family. , all the uncles and uncles who are not yet married are introduced to Sister Suiyun. Let me tell you, there are quite a few of them who are no worse than my Uncle Forty-Seven~”

Wu Yinghao’s face turned dark.

You’ve gone too far, little girl. How can you be so threatening?

He has seen with his own eyes what Wang Ningxi is capable of. If a few green tea men as cunning as him entered the princess’s mansion, wouldn’t it seriously threaten his status?

Is it easy for Wu Yinghao to get to this point?

Wu Yinghao really didn’t think that Hua Rui was joking. After all, he had seen the lessons learned clearly, and he had personally experienced the feeling of being retaliated by her. So bitter~

“Hahaha~ Hua Rui, you are the princess of our Wu family. You can’t turn your elbow elsewhere.” Wu Yinghao immediately had a fake smile on his face, patted his chest and said, “Don’t worry, your business is mine. Regarding Wu Yinghao’s matter, I will definitely handle it properly for you. Someone, please carry these boxes in for me.”

“Yes, Mr. Yinghao.”

Several confidants from the Wu family were immediately called over, and they carried the boxes into the Yunray Flying Boat.

Little Princess Huarui smiled particularly sweetly: “Thank you, ancestor Yinghao, then, when will I go in?”

“It’s hot outside and we won’t be able to finish moving this stuff in a while. You should go to the nearby teahouse to rest for a while.” Wu Yinghao smiled with a “kind” look on his face. “When the work is over, I will send someone to find you.”

Hua Rui happened to feel that it was a bit sunny here, so he obediently hugged the green dragon and ran to drink tea.

Half a day passed.

One cloud ray flying boat soared into the sky and slowly disappeared into the distance.

Princess Huarui waited and waited until Wu Yinghao appeared. Her innocent eyes gradually became dull: “Yao, Grandpa Yao, have I been abandoned?”

“Uh…it seems so.” Lao Yao slowly emerged from the darkness and said awkwardly, “But Master Yinghao did the right thing. You are only eight years old and have not even reached the Lingtai realm. Go outside the territory. It’s really inappropriate to play on the battlefield.”

“Grandpa Yao, did you and Wu Yinghao, Wang Yingxuan, Wang Lizi, Lan Wan’er, and Zhang Huaibing discuss it and deliberately abandon me?” Princess Huarui was keenly aware of the loophole and said angrily with a black face. , “It’s too much! I came up with the whole smuggling plan. Without me, they wouldn’t be able to get on the airship! They dare to leave me alone, it’s too much! Grandpa Yao, you love me the most, I believe You wouldn’t do this to me, who had the idea?”

At the end of the sentence, she was so aggrieved that she almost cried.

Woooooooo~ This is too much! He actually bullied a child!

“It was my idea. Die’er, you are too naughty. How can you go to the battlefield outside the territory casually?”

At this time, a clear young boy’s voice suddenly sounded.

As he finished speaking, a handsome young man in white slowly walked out from the corner of the teahouse.

This young man is naturally Wang Fugui, who has just returned from Lingqu Continent.

At this time, he was in a period of rapid development. In just over half a year, he had grown a lot taller, and he already looked like a teenager. When he was dressed up carefully, he seemed to have a bit of a orchid and jade tree, and he was graceful. The demeanor of a good young man in troubled times.

It’s just that the little baby fat on his cheeks still hasn’t gone away, and it’s still a bit rounder, but it also makes him look a bit more approachable than Wang Anye back then.


Princess Huarui was stunned for a moment, then recognized it immediately.

Although they have not seen each other for more than four years, she is already precocious and can still remember a lot of things from her childhood. In addition, she has often seen the photos of her brother passed back by her grandfather, so she naturally recognizes Wang Fugui. of.

She threw the little green dragon away excitedly, and rushed into his arms with a swoop: “I thought you were seduced by the evil fairy princess, so you don’t want Die’er anymore!”

“Elf and bad princess?” Yu Mengyu’s figure appeared quietly behind Wang Fugui. She had grown into a young girl named Tingting, her almond-shaped eyes narrowed slightly, and she looked at Princess Huarui faintly, “Die’er, you Are you talking about me?”


The two careless “little princesses” looked at each other, and sparks suddenly seemed to fly in the air.



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