Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 16: Is this the test for the battle over the Holy Son? (Ask for monthly ticket)

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Everything seemed to be quiet.

Zhen Shicong was finally saved and raised his head with tears in his eyes.

In the warm spring breeze, a figure dressed in white who looked like an immortal descended from the sky and slowly fell into the courtyard.

The gentle brows, graceful demeanor, and calm and confident aura are really heartwarming.

Beside him, there were also Master Zhangmai of Qinghuang Valley, Master Qingsong, Lu Wei, the great prodigy of Qinghuang Valley, and two other middle-aged people who were not very familiar with him.

These people are naturally Wang Shouzhe, who was talking in Qinghuang Tower before, and Master Qingsong.

Originally, Wang Shouzhe and others were having a meeting, but suddenly there was a big commotion here. How could they still sit still?

I won’t talk about Qingsong Zhenren, he is the master of Qinghuang Valley. As soon as Chun Lao and Tao Hongyu woke up, he found out through the transformation of Qingsong from his natal spiritual plant, so he naturally wanted to come over to see the situation.

As Wang Lixian’s master, Wang Shouzhe and Wang Lixian were soul-connected and connected with each other. Naturally, he immediately realized something was wrong.

This is how the scene just happened.

Great! Woohoo~~ He is finally saved!

Zhen Shicong shed tears of excitement, feeling like he was surviving a disaster.

“Xian’er, what’s going on?” Wang Shouzhe glanced at the messy Yongchun Garden and frowned unconsciously. This damage is really thorough.

“Dad… there are bad guys, Xian’er beats them up.” Wang Lixian began to pretend to be innocent.

“Ning Xi, tell me.” Wang Shouzhe waved his hand.

He didn’t believe what Li Xian said at all. As this girl’s mind gradually opened up, she became more and more naughty and troubled, and became more and more uneasy.

He had only left for a while, but he made so much noise.

“Grandpa.” Wang Ningxi stepped forward and cupped his hands, “I don’t blame my aunt for this.”

He has a delicate character, and he explained the matter in an orderly manner at that moment. However, he still defended Wang Lixian in his words.

Wang Shouzhe frowned: “Although there is a reason, Li Xian may not have deliberately taken the opportunity to cause trouble, hoping to disrupt the class and avoid studying. This is also her usual trick. This trend cannot be allowed to rise, and must be punished.”

After saying that, he raised his hand, and a long vine whip with poisonous barbs appeared in his hand. , This is Wang Shouzhe’s [Lixian’s Special Punishment Whip] that he spent a lot of effort on, constantly improving, and specifically researching and catalyzing to target Wang Lixian.

There is a kind of poison in this that can directly hit the soul, even Lixian will feel pain.

Wang Shouzhe had no choice. If he used an ordinary whip, even if he cut off his hand, Li Xian would feel no pain or itch, and he would still be smiling, which would not be a deterrent at all.

As soon as Wang Lixian saw this thing, the branches suddenly trembled.

It’s over, it’s over, daddy is angry!

“Grandpa, calm down.” Wang Ningxi hurriedly tried to persuade her, “Auntie and grandma are actually quite serious about taking exams, but they are easily distracted by external things.”

“Humph, this is her old problem. If she keeps going like this, when will she graduate?” Wang Shouzhe looked at Li Xian with an unkind expression, “Are you going to follow me, or do you want me to do it?”

“I, wuwu~Daddy, you are wrong, wuwu~I will study hard, not be distracted, and stop making trouble.” Wang Lixian sobbed, but still stepped away from the tree roots and followed him honestly to the back.

“Oh, you brat, you dare to teach Master Xianzhi a lesson?” Dachun was anxious, and hurriedly stood in front of Li Xian, saying aggressively, “You, you, you, if you dare to hit Master Xianzhi, I will fight with you.” You fought hard!”

“You are senior Dachun, right?” Wang Shouzhe said with a cold face and cupped his hands, “I respect you as a senior, but this is a junior’s family matter. I beat my own daughter and it has nothing to do with senior.”

Dachun stagnated.

He really couldn’t get involved in someone’s fair and just reason for beating his daughter.

While Da Chun was stunned, Wang Shouzhe had already grabbed Wang Lixian and dragged him to a remote small room. Soon, Wang Lixian’s screams, cries, and begging for mercy could be heard inside.

Two quarters of an hour later.

Order was restored in the classroom. In the yard, the potholes on the ground have been smoothed out, and the tables, chairs and benches have been put back in place. Wang Ningxi should give lectures, and everyone should answer questions.

Even Yao Chengchao and the mutated little green snake listened and studied carefully.

That guy Wang Shouzhe is so cruel. When he gets angry, even Wang Lixian, who is so arrogant in front of outsiders, is managed to be submissive. Horrible, too terrible~

As for Zhen Shicong and Yu Nianyun, they could not escape.

Because Wang Lizi fully expressed to her fourth uncle their determination to “study” and “take refuge”, Wang Shouzhe was quite pleased, so he made an exception and gave them two sets of tables and chairs and two sets of test papers.

The two of them “smoothly” became part of the painful learning team.

The classroom is not far away.

With Master Qingsong as the host, several people rearranged the tea array.

As for the number of people attending the tea party, the number of people attending the tea party increased from five to seven. Da Chun and Tao Hongyu were among the list.

Among them, Dachun was extremely unfriendly to Wang Shouzhe, who glared at him angrily. Tao Hongyu, on the other hand, looked at Wang Shouzhe up and down, looking very interested.

For a while, the atmosphere was very delicate.

“Shouzhe, let me introduce to you, these two are seniors Dachun and Hongyu.” In order to avoid embarrassment, Master Qingsong skillfully smoothed things over, “Two seniors, this This is Shouzhe, a registered descendant of our Qinghuang lineage, who has just accepted the inheritance of the “Qinghuang True Dharma”.”

Although Shouzhe’s inheritance was bought with money, after all, he is of the same line as everyone and trees, and he is naturally one of his own. Master Qingsong also treats him as his disciple and grandson.

“Shouzhe has met Mr. Chun and Senior Hongyu.” Wang Shouzhe formally greeted them and his every move was graceful and impressive.

“Huh! So you are also a junior from Qinghuang Valley.” Dachun felt sorry for Li Xian and glared at Wang Shouzhe, “Xian’er is such a noble being, you, you, you, you actually did such a cruel thing to her!”

As he spoke, his whole body exploded with momentum, and a tyrannical pressure had enveloped Shouzhe.

The coercion is so vast and powerful that one can actually feel the passage of time. The cycle of plants from germination to fruition, from birth to death, makes people sincerely awe.

Wang Shouzhe said “Hey”.

An ordinary strong person in the Purple Mansion Realm would have turned pale when faced with the pressure of a strong person at the peak of the Divine Power Realm. However, Wang Shouzhe had to accept the “baptism” of Emperor Longchang’s coercion from time to time at home. He was used to it, so he didn’t feel much about it.

On the contrary, it was the particularity of Chun Lao’s coercion that aroused his curiosity. Because he actually felt a trace of the rudiment of the law of time in it.

The law of time is a very rare and powerful law.

However, even when it comes to the law of time, Chun Lao only has a superficial grasp of it. Otherwise, he would not be trapped at the top of the tenth level and find it difficult to advance.

If it is a spiritual plant that truly controls the path of time, it must at least be an immortal plant.

“Hey, what are you doing, that old man?! Don’t bully my daddy!” In class, Wang Lixian, who was immersed in studying questions, suddenly raised a branch and “glared” at the big boy angrily. Chun, “Otherwise I’m not done with you.”

Although she was beaten severely by her father just now, it was because she was at fault first. It is only natural for a father to teach his daughter a lesson, and it is also a manifestation of the father’s love.

How can a daughter really blame her father?

“Okay, Miss Xian’er.” Dachun’s expression was stagnant, and she felt aggrieved.

He was venting his anger on behalf of Miss Xian’er again. Who knew that Miss Xian’er didn’t appreciate it and actually scolded him in return. He is really “Zhu Bajie looking in the mirror” – he is not a human being inside and outside.

Unfortunately, no matter how wronged I am, Miss Xian’er’s opinion is more important.

Da Chun reluctantly put away his pressure, but still glared at Wang Shouzhe angrily, as if “I don’t care about you because of Miss Xian’er’s face.”

“Xian’er, concentrate on your studies.” Wang Shouzhe scolded majestically, “Don’t be distracted.”

“Yes, Daddy.” Wang Lixian was frightened and hurriedly continued to concentrate on answering the questions.

Of course her father loves her very much, but he will never relax when it comes to study and education. She is so difficult~

Seeing this, Dachun was very angry again.

Our Miss Xian’er is so aggrieved and pitiful that she has such an unreasonable father.

Qingsong Zhenren looked funny from the side.

The Great Chun is a tenth-level spiritual plant, and a powerful man at the peak of the supernatural power realm who can make the floor tremble three times with every stomp of his feet is actually stunned that there is nothing he can do against Wang Shouzhe, a monk in the early stage of the Purple Mansion Realm.

I have to say, this is really one thing that brings down another thing.

Tao Hongyu, on the other hand, although she also cares about Xianzhi, since Wang Shouzhe appeared, her attention has been diverted to Wang Shouzhe. Even the seats were specially chosen close to Wang Shouzhe.

She twitched her nose slightly, as if she smelled some special scent from Wang Shouzhe, and immediately smiled as charmingly as a peach: “It turns out he is one of us, no wonder the scent on his body is so kind and familiar. Yes. Okay, Shouzhe, do you have a natal spiritual plant?”

“Xian’er is my natal spiritual plant.” Wang Shouzhe answered truthfully.

“Ah ~ this is such a pity.” Tao Hongyu’s face was full of regret, and then she said shyly, “Then do you mind having one more… ordinary spiritual plant? My last master has passed away several years ago It has been a hundred years and a suitable new owner has not been found.”

At this point, she suddenly reacted and added: “By the way, let me introduce myself first. I am a spiritual red jade peach tree. As long as the environment is suitable, I can bloom once in thirty years and bloom three times in three years.” It takes ten years to bear fruit and thirty years to mature.”

“More than a hundred red jade spiritual peaches can be produced at one time. Each spiritual peach has the effect of healing wounds, replenishing qi and blood, slightly improving bloodline qualifications and longevity. It can be used at home or sold to the outside world. In a normal year, every A red jade peach can be sold for about three hundred thousand gold.”

This red jade spiritual peach is very powerful~

Wang Shouzhe has quickly calculated that with this red jade peach tree, it is equivalent to an average output of 300,000 dry gold per year.

For the Wang family, three hundred thousand gold is indeed not a lot, but with an average annual output of three hundred thousand, this is actually a good fortune.

For an ordinary seventh-grade family, as long as they own such a red jade spiritual peach, even if other aspects of the industry are weak, they can gradually become stronger and gradually accumulate capital for upward promotion.

Furthermore, as a ninth-level spiritual plant, no matter how weak it is in a fight, it is still a ninth-level plant. Even if a third-grade family owns such a red jade spiritual peach, it can be regarded as a clan spiritual plant.

Of course, you must first have an excellent spirit-gathering array environment in order to raise ruby ​​peach trees. It is unlikely that an ordinary family will have such an environment, and the Wang family just has a very good large-scale gathering array. The spiritual formation can accommodate the red jade spiritual peach tree without any problem.

Seeing Wang Shouzhe actually making serious plans, Master Qingsong suddenly stopped laughing.

He said with fear: “Senior Hongyu, don’t be like this. You are the Qinghuang Valley’s Zhenmai Spiritual Plant, how can you follow others at will.”

“Shouzhe is not someone else. Didn’t he also practice the Qinghuang true method?” Tao Hongyu argued seriously.

“Having said that, Ke Shouzhe is the head of the family after all, and his finances and ownership are separate from our Qinghuang Valley.” Master Qingsong said helplessly.

Previously, he had felt that the Changchun Valley in Longzuo Academy was about to become Wang Shouzhe’s. Now it seems that the situation is even worse than imagined. Is that guy Shouzhe here to dig out the Qinghuanggu family’s wealth?

“Qingsong boy, what you said is wrong.” Dachun stroked his beard and criticized majestically, “We old guys have indeed followed the previous owners of Qinghuang Valley, and we remember the past masters. We stayed in Qinghuang Valley out of love and the favorable environment provided by Qinghuang Valley, but that doesn’t mean we will be sold to Qinghuang Valley for the rest of our lives.”

“What’s more, we have been making contributions to the Qinghuang Valley with our natal magical power over the years. As for my magical power [Spring Flowers and Autumn Fruits], it has stimulated the growth of many elixirs, spirit grains, and spirits for the Qinghuang Valley. The result? This is a win-win result for us.”

“We promised our master that we would protect Qinghuang Valley, but there is no reason to be kidnapped in Qinghuang Valley for the rest of our lives. We are free, if we want to leave, should we still be regarded as traitors?”

“Yes, Mr. Chun’s lesson is right. Of course you are free to leave. However, for the sake of the ancestors of the Qinghuang Valley… your boss can’t just let go, right?” Master Qingsong’s forehead was dripping with sweat, I can almost no longer maintain my free and easy demeanor.

If Tao Hongyu were to leave, it would at most be a huge loss for Qinghuang Valley. But if Dachun leaves, half of the foundation of Qinghuang Valley will be lost.

“Don’t worry, Qingsong boy.” Dachun said, “I also know that it is not easy to establish a foundation in Qinghuang Valley, so naturally I won’t let it go casually. However, now that Miss Xian’er has been born, she has the ill-fate to follow a different person. Reliable dad.”

As he said that, he couldn’t help but glare at Wang Shouzhe again, and then continued: “There must be someone around the young lady to take care of her, otherwise I really don’t worry. It’s better to just stay in the Qinghuang Valley. It was decided that the incarnation would stay with Miss Xian’er and protect her as she grew up.”

“Old Chun, this is a good idea.” Tao Hongyu also praised, “I will also leave my incarnation with Mr. Shouzhe, no, Miss Xian’er. I am best at cooking various spiritual beasts, I promise I can raise them, father and daughter, to be beautiful.”

“This… is a good idea.” Although Master Qingsong felt aggrieved in every possible way, the two senior Lingzhi had already mentioned this, and he also understood that there was no room for negotiation.

Forget it~ It’s just two clones that were abducted, it’s better than being abducted with the main body.

He forced a smile to express his agreement with Mr. Chun’s idea. But in private, he cast an angry look at Wang Shouzhe.

This kid Shouzhe is a disaster~~ He just hollowed out the Changchun Valley, now he wants to hollow out the Qinghuang Valley?

Now he just wants the battle for the Holy Son to start quickly and end quickly, so that this kid Shouzhe can get out.

Wang Shouzhe was also speechless about the unexpected development of the incident.

He obviously didn’t do anything, right? Why did Li Xian suddenly gain an “old servant” and a “full-time cook”.

Soon, Yongchunyuan cram school changed into the following style.

Wang Lixian was writing the title vigorously.

Ochun, who considered himself a “guardian”, stood beside her and fanned her with a fan.

No matter whether she is hot or not, you still have to show her encouragement and support in studying.

Even if he had a strong opinion against Wang Shouzhe, he still felt that Miss Xianer should study hard and strive to become an educated fairy tree.

After all, the more knowledge you have, the less likely you will be deceived.

There are some vague memories in his inherited memory. In the long past, some fairy trees suffered great losses at the hands of humans because they were ignorant and did not understand human knowledge.

Tao Hongyu, the full-time cook, cooked the snacks, mixed the juice and encouraged her: “Miss Xian’er, you must work hard. Let’s strive to graduate from the Wang Clan School within thirty years.”

“As the saying goes, ‘Thirty years of hard work will lead to a hundred thousand years of benefit’, ‘If it is not hard or tiring, learning is tasteless. If you don’t fight or fight, your life will be in vain.'” A little more sweat today will bring a lot more harvest tomorrow. . ‘I believe you can do it.”

Tao Hongyu is very smooth-talking, and she keeps making slogans that are full of chicken soup flavor.

Under the service of the two trees, Wang Lixian fought hard while using the tree root tentacles to roll up the snacks, juice, barbecue and other supplies around him from time to time, and ate them by absorbing them. Even the boring daily routine of answering questions became Not so painful anymore.

Wang Lizi and Lan Wan’er on the side looked at her eagerly, almost crying with greed.

Fortunately, Wang Lixian is a loyal tree, so she secretly used the branches to roll some barbecue delicacies for them. In order to bribe the teacher and the teacher’s wife, Wang Ningxi and Shangguan Lingbo also had their share.

As for the others…hehe~

Yao Chengchao, Little Green Snake, Zhen Shichao, Yu Nianyun: “…”

It’s already painful to answer questions, so why do they have to torture them like this?

The days of hard work always fly by.

Several months passed in the blink of an eye.

Under the joint urging of the other nine branches of the Holy Land, Jiang Zhencang, the contemporary Lord of the Holy Land, finally could not withstand the surging “public opinion” and officially announced the start of the grand battle for the Holy Son.

Soon, the members of the clan who were sharpening their swords gathered on the Lingyun Holy Mountain.

Lingyun Holy Mountain is a very majestic mountain peak, located near the center of the entire Lingyun Mountains. The top of the peak is covered with snow, and the waist of the peak is shrouded in spiritual mist. There are flying spiritual birds and the jade palace of the Immortal Palace is looming. It looks full of fairy spirit and has the spirit of a holy land of immortals.

Lingyun Temple is located at the top of Lingyun Holy Mountain.

Probably to take into account the public’s aesthetics, compared with other sects that show their own magical powers and sometimes even look a bit weird, the appearance of Lingyun Temple seems quite satisfactory. Except for the word “immortal”, nothing else is too surprising. place.

However, just the rich spiritual energy around the temple and the looming colorful glow behind the temple are enough to shock people.

Under the shroud of colorful rays of light, the entire laws of heaven and earth seemed to be drawn and became clear. It makes people feel as if they will have an epiphany the next moment.

It is said that this was the place where the founder of the Holy Land, Zhenjun Lingyun, achieved enlightenment in seclusion and broke through to the middle stage of Lingxu Realm.

It is said that the colorful glow was left by him back then.

It is said that those who have great opportunity and great understanding may be able to comprehend all kinds of great ways in this colorful ray of light, and with this, they can gain a glimpse of the secret of Lingxu and soar into the sky.

Of course, legends are just legends. Anyway, so far, no one has really understood anything from this glow.

After explaining a few words to guests such as Wang Shouzhe and Yao Chengchao who were watching the excitement, Jiang Zhencang took them directly to the trial hall.

The Trial Hall is located on the side of Lingyun Temple, in an inconspicuous side hall.

This side hall is closed all year round, and a strict formation is set up around it to prevent any prying eyes. It will only be opened during every battle for the Holy Land.

Because it has been more than three thousand years since the last battle for the Holy Son, and the old people from that time have passed away one by one, so that now, except for Jiang Zhencang, who is the master of the Holy Land, no one knows what it is like inside.

With the arrival of Jiang Zhencang, the formation outside the trial hall automatically opened.

Wang Shouzhe stood behind Jiang Zhencang and looked up.

You can see that the door of the Trial Hall is made of metal, showing a silvery white frosted texture. The surface of the gate is painted with mysterious and complex totem patterns using unknown green paint, and there are also complex inscriptions carved on it. It looks very retro and full of strong Shenwu Dynasty style.

Jiang Zhencang stretched out his hand and pressed it on the door of the trial hall. A surge of profound energy poured in, and the complex inscriptions on the door lit up one by one.

After a while, the dusty door slowly opened, revealing the true appearance inside.

Wang Shouzhe glanced over Jiang Zhencang’s shoulder, and his whole body froze for a moment, with a rare expression of confusion.

Hibernation cabin?

On the opposite side of the room, facing their direction, there was a row of metal cabins that resembled cocoons standing against the wall. That shape, that material, that structure, what else is it if it’s not the dormant cabin that often appears in science fiction novels?

What’s this strong sci-fi style about?

Wang Shouzhe was stunned and couldn’t help but look in other directions and found that the entire trial hall was actually a square structure. On the left was a huge crystal curtain wall that occupied an entire wall, and on the right was something like a lecture theater. The ordinary rows of metal seats look inexplicably similar to those in a movie theater.

Directly in front of the door and against the walls to the left and right of the door are rows of sci-fi-style sleeping pods.

This style of painting seems to be very wrong.

Wang Shouzhe had some ominous premonitions in his heart.

Except for Wang Shouzhe, the reactions of the other leaders and disciples were very normal.

Obviously, they were very unfamiliar with these “familiar” things from Shouzhe, and they seemed to find them very novel and shocking.

Jiang Zhencang glanced at the “sleeping cabins” with eyes full of “feelings”, as if he was recalling the glorious years when he won the position of the Holy Son.

After a moment, he turned back, with a slightly proud expression on his face: “Everyone, these are the magical artifacts of the Shenwu Dynasty. The quasi-saints and quasi-saints who participate in the battle for the saints only need to lie down in those ‘cocoon cabins’ Here, consciousness will enter another virtual world. ”

“The flow of time there is different from that in the outside world, and the background can be set artificially. No bloodshed or complicated processes are required. War, power, harsh environment and other details can be simulated, and various test points can be artificially set. , to evaluate the abilities of the quasi-holy sons and quasi-saints in command, charm, opportunity, etc.”

“This is both an assessment and an exercise for them. Even in the Shenwu period, it is a weapon used to train and assess the combat capabilities of various officers.”

Everyone else was shocked and could not help but look at those things with an expression of admiration.

Have you ever thought that there is such a magical thing in this world? The Shenwu Dynasty is truly amazing.

Wang Shouzhe held his forehead, quite speechless.

As expected!

The source of the ominous premonition just now has been made clear. Aren’t these things the holographic game warehouses in the popular online game novels?

Is this the test for the battle over the Holy Son? Who is better at playing games? This is too childish! ?

Wang Shouzhe couldn’t help but have a series of questioning questions in his heart.

“Isn’t this… the complete set of equipment used by the Shenwu Dynasty to train and assess senior officers? I didn’t expect that Lingyun Holy Land also has a set of equipment.” Jiang Xingyuan, who had seen a lot, was also slightly shocked.

“This brother.” Wang Shouzhe’s heart moved and he raised his hands and asked, “Do you know the origin of these things?”

“Of course I know. We in Immortal Palace have also dug up the ruins of two training academies.” Jiang Xingyuan was slightly proud, “Although those two ruins have been damaged in the war, we still dug up a lot of documents, as well as a A set of spare military simulation training and assessment equipment placed in the underground warehouse. We are still using it in the Immortal Palace. This thing is quite fun, but it is a pity that it consumes too many fairy crystals every time it is opened, so you need to pay a huge price to participate in it. “

“That’s it, thank you brother.” Wang Shouzhe saluted gratefully, but he was thinking about it in his heart.

It seems that Wang Shouzhe underestimated this equipment. Although the style of painting is difficult to describe, if it is used well, it should be able to play some role when registering for the Military Academy in the future.

Otherwise, after the battle for the Holy Son is over, discuss it with Jiang Zhencang and see if you can borrow it for use?

At the same time, Jiang Zhencang frowned in confusion.

Strange, why did he feel a little chilly behind his back.

He didn’t know that Wang Shouzhe, who was only one meter away from him, was currently trying to figure out how to pluck the wool of the Holy Land, and in this moment, he had already figured out ten or eight plans.



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