Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 154: The Immortal Emperor is furious! Catch them all

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“I’m sorry, Ancestor Lanxin.” Princess Suiyun didn’t expect this outcome. She held King Lanxin’s hand and comforted her softly, “I didn’t expect that people’s hearts will change. How about we withdraw?”

“Sister Suiyun, you’ve never been in love yourself, so don’t give any random orders, okay?” Princess Hua Rui also crossed her arms with her arms filled with anger, “To deal with this kind of old scumbag, You have to teach him a profound lesson. You should hook him up first, then dump him hard and let him enjoy the feeling of loss.”

“Hua Rui, what do you, a big kid like you, know?” Princess Suiyun tapped her little head with her finger, looking speechless, “I have never been in love, have you ever been in love? Do you really want to fall in love?” If you lose my temper, you should put a sack on this old scumbag, give him a good beating, and then throw him into the Soul Ocean to feed the fishes.”

“Second, can’t I second the proposal?” Princess Huarui rubbed her little head with a look of grievance, “Sister Suiyun is really a domineering princess.”

“In fact, I don’t blame him.” King Lanxin said with an extremely unnatural expression, “After all, the oldest of them is only a few hundred years old, and I am already three thousand years old, so naturally I cannot compare to their splendor.”

“Ancestor Lanxin, are you still talking to him?” Princess Suiyun was extremely angry.

“Not really.” King Lan Xin frowned slightly, reluctantly reflecting on himself, “I just think about it when I was young, I didn’t have eyes above my head, and I didn’t even give him a good look.”

While they were talking,

The social gathering is also in full swing.

Under the influence of delicious food and spiritual wine, the atmosphere in the venue gradually became harmonious. All the brothers and sisters are like delicate flowers blooming, communicating and talking freely with each other.

In all their lifetimes, they may have said as much to women as this meal.

And this is inseparable from the previous special training.

Wang Ningxi’s tactics are undoubtedly very successful. Under his piercing glance, he found several pairs of men and women who looked at each other and left the scene secretly.

The most “hateful” one is, of course, Hundreds of Lian Zhenjun. He was like an old butterfly, swimming among the delicate flowers, without even looking at King Lanxin from the beginning to the end.

Princess Suiyun endured it again and again, and several times she almost thought about leaving simply, but she was stopped by King Lanxin every time.

Until the end, the song ends and everyone disperses, the tired birds seem to have found their way back to their nests.

Only two people in the audience were filled with sourness and pain.

One of them is naturally the young master Yao Chengchao who has been enjoying great fame recently.

Facing the sky-high bill given by Manager Wang, he shed tears of regret in his heart. If he had known this, why did he offend the little Princess Huarui in the first place?

As for the other one, it is King Lanxin.

Facing the lonely scene after the crazy sorority ended, her heart gradually calmed down.

It turns out that she, Lan Xin, is no longer the goddess she was before.

Facing those young spiritual planter girls, she was no longer competitive at all. It’s time for her prosperous era to come to an end.

She drank the last glass of spiritual wine and stood up.

Unexpectedly, just as she was about to leave, the deep voice of Master Bailian suddenly came from behind: “Lan Xin, long time no see.”

King Lan Xin suddenly looked back and saw True Lord Bai Lian looking at her with a half-smile.

Her heart moved, and she was about to say hello, but suddenly her face turned cold: “Aren’t you going to accompany those young girls?”

“I’m looking for them just to get information about Goddess Lanxin in my mind.” Zhenjun Bailian smiled easily, “Lanxin, are you jealous?”

“You are so jealous.” King Lanxin panicked and said angrily, “Bailian, you think too highly of yourself. What are you doing to stop me? I am going back to my palace.”

As she spoke, she hurriedly prepared to pass him and leave.

Unexpectedly, she had just taken two steps when she was shamelessly stopped by Zhenjun Bailian.

When he flipped his palm, a dark golden weapon-refining ball appeared in his palm, and he handed it to her: “We meet again after a long separation, this is a gift for you.”

King Lanxin was speechless for a while.

He is really a straight man who makes weapons. Instead of giving flowers at this time, he actually gave me a metal ball. That’s all, since he has specially prepared a gift and is considerate of it, let’s give him face and accept it first

Unexpectedly, she just took over the ball.

The weapon-refining ball seemed to come to life, suddenly blooming like a flower bone.

Dazzling light and shadow refracted in the sun, and suddenly, a magnificent golden orchid appeared in the palm of King Lanxin.

King Lanxin was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

“This is the eternal flower that I spent many years making with pure gold. Because Lanxin, you are in my heart, just like this eternal flower, which will never wither.” Bailian Zhenjun looked at it King Lanxin held the eternal flower in her hand, with a touch of relief in her smile, “I never had the chance to give it to you, but thanks to Ning Xi, my dream has come true today. Goodbye Lanxin, I want to go back and be my blacksmith, continue Contributed to the human race.”

After that, he turned around and left.


Wang Lanxin panicked and stopped him almost subconsciously.

Zhenjun Bailian paused and looked back at her.

“Let’s find a place to have a drink.” King Lanxin pushed her hair behind her ears, her pretty face slightly flushed, “Don’t get me wrong, I just want to thank you for your gift. Also, I I want to apologize to you.”


Zhenjun Bailian happily agreed.

Soon, the two left the venue together.

Looking at the two people gradually disappearing into the tree-shaded path, Yao Chengchao, who was left alone, had his eyes straightened and fell into deep confusion.

At this moment, his mind is filled with one thought: Who am I, where am I, and what am I going to do?

This sorority blind date was the most efficient and most successful sorority party, bringing together countless young couples and giving them the opportunity to get together.

As the love atmosphere between the disciples of Bailian Hall and the spiritual planters of Baicao Garden became stronger and stronger, even King Lanxin gradually fell under the gentle offensive of Zhenjun Bailian and prepared to have a talk. Love at dusk.

However, what makes Princess Suiyun speechless the most is that those straight men of Bailian are quite “skilled”. Not only have they succeeded in marrying beauties emotionally, but they have also taken the lead in their careers. When it comes to falling in love, If you have nothing to do, you should express your feelings about how wonderful Dungan Country is today, and want to see a different scenery.

As time went by, the little girls who were spiritual planters were also “brainwashed”, and they all expressed that they wanted to travel to Donggan Travel to have a good experience.

Princess Suiyun was a complete loser in this battle. She lost both her wife and her troops.

And this time.

The first batch of Xuanjia that arrived at the “Airport” of the Immortal Dynasty via Yao’s air transport finally completed the procedures, obtained the entry permit and trading permit, and was transferred to Xuanjia Division by land.

This day is the day to test the quality of the black armor produced by Wang.

Xuanjia Division.

The warehouse where Xuanjia is stored is brightly lit.

One after another, large wooden boxes dedicated to Xuanjia are neatly stacked in the planned area, with straight paths left in the middle for people to walk through. They are orderly and have clear boundaries.

One hundred thousand sets of black armor is not a small quantity. Even after rigorous planning and stacking, it still occupies a huge space. Because the boxes were built extremely high, even if all the rune lights in the warehouse were turned on, the light near the ground was still dim, as if traveling through a dense forest.

At this moment.

The eldest princess Suiyun, the Minister of the Divine Weapons Department, King Zhennan, the Director of the Xuanjia Department, Zhao Xiqing, Liu Zhangling of the Tianjiang Department, Wang Ningxi, the Wang family of Changning, and Pei Xin’an, who has officially submitted his resignation to the Tianjiang Department, and True Lord Bai Lian and a group of elite weapon refiners have all gathered together.

Of course, Princess Huarui, who came specially to see it, is also indispensable.

Only this time, she was pulled to her side by Zhao Xiqing, looking caring and protective.

After all, Hua Rui’s mother is the twin lady from the Zhao family. They are related to each other, so it is normal for them to be closer to each other.

“Your Royal Highness, the eldest princess.” Liu Zhangling bowed his hands and saluted, “These mysterious armors are military supplies to be sent to the battlefield outside the territory. The soldiers on the battlefield outside the territory are fighting to protect the human race, and I and others should deal with it more They are responsible. Therefore, I believe that this batch of Xuanjia should be inspected to the highest standards.”

Mention this.

Princess Suiyun’s eyes suddenly became serious.

Xuan Jia’s quality is related to the lives of the soldiers, so she will naturally not allow anyone to neglect their duties in this matter.

However, this matter was led by the King of Zhennan of the Immortal Weapon Department. This was not only within his scope of responsibilities, but he was also his elder, and it was not easy to overstep his authority after all.

Immediately, she looked at King Zhennan and said: “Ancestor Xia Yang, this matter is up to you to decide.”

“Ha” King Zhennan smiled casually, “With the eldest princess here, how can I, Xia Yang, have the right to speak? Your Highness, the princess, can do whatever you like.”

While speaking, King Zhennan glanced at Liu Zhangling with a half-smile.

Liu Zhangling is an official affiliated with the Immortal Weapon Department, so he naturally knows him well.

This man was born in the Liu family of the third rank. He certainly has abilities and is loyal to the Immortal Dynasty. It’s just that his entire family is Princess Suiyun’s licking dog. Even the most outstanding heroes in their family are also Served as a staff member in Princess Suiyun’s mansion.

Of course, this is understandable. After all, Princess Suiyun is the most promising princess to reach the top of Dabao. As people go higher, water flows lower.

“Ancestor Xia Yang, Suiyun has no intention to target you, nor does he have any intention to target the Wang family.” Seeing that King Zhennan’s tone was not right, Princess Suiyun quickly explained in a sincere tone, “It’s just that King Changning This is the first time that the Xuanjia family has cooperated with the Immortal Weaponry Department, and the first order is such a large one. It is reasonable for us to be cautious. At least, we can urge the Wang family to pay more attention to the quality of the Xuanjia matter. No joke.”

“Suiyun, you are the princess, and you have the responsibility of supervising the world for your majesty. You can take care of everything big and small. How dare I have any objections?” The king of Zhennan said with a smile, “Let’s check it out. Then do a thorough investigation to see if there is any shady transaction between this king and the Changning Wang family.”

Obviously, King Zhennan was extremely dissatisfied with this matter.

Especially when Liu Zhangling secretly invited Princess Suiyun to preside over the inspection work, he was even more dissatisfied. Is this vaguely questioning that he is bending the law for personal gain and making fun of the lives of soldiers?

“Ancestor Xia Yang, this princess did not mean this. If you insist on such misunderstanding, I have nothing to say.” Princess Suiyun frowned slightly and her tone became tougher, “However, as you said , I have the right to monitor the world and inspect the quality of this batch of Xuanjia. If Patriarch Xia Yang has any dissatisfaction, don’t be angry, just come to me.”

“Open the box and inspect the goods!”

Who is Princess Suiyun?

She is the eldest princess of the Immortal Dynasty who has fought all the way on the battlefields outside the territory, has outstanding military exploits, and is extremely prestigious. Being afraid of things has never been her style.


One wooden box after another was brought down and opened one by one in front of Princess Suiyun.

“Spot inspection!” Liu Zhangling directed a group of stewards with a serious expression, “Spot inspection of one item in each box, quality reference sample data, a total of 300 items were randomly inspected.”

He is extremely confident in his judgment.

Wang, with just a few weapon refiners, actually produced the first batch of 100,000 sets of black armor in just a few years. This was simply beyond his imagination. Even if the Immortal Dynasty supports a large number of weapon refiners, the output is extremely unreasonable.


With such a terrible output, it is naturally impossible to guarantee that every piece of black armor is of the same quality.

As long as the quality is slightly worse than the sample, he can make a big fuss out of it.

This is also the reason why he was willing to take the risk and ask Princess Suiyun to come forward this time. The princess is sympathetic to the soldiers on the front line, so she can’t rub the sand out of her eyes.

Even the King of Zhennan will most likely have to eat a meal from His Majesty this time, so naturally there is nothing he can do about it.

Taking this opportunity, Liu Zhangling relied on Princess Suiyun in the Immortal Weapon Department, and his status may have to rise further.

As for failure, that is impossible.

Liu Zhangling has been in charge of the Tianjiang Department for many years, and he naturally understands that the level of weapon refiners has always been uneven, and the weapon refiners often have their own ideas. If it is a single spiritual treasure or magic weapon, it is fine, but the more batches of things , on the contrary, it is more likely to cause problems.

Unless Wang can achieve the ultimate in quality control, defective products are inevitable.

With Wang’s output so amazing, how can they strictly control quality?

A set of black armor was pulled out of the wooden box and then began to be inspected in front of everyone.

In order to eliminate tricks, each piece of black armor will be cross-inspected by three refiners. Once the mysterious armor is found to be of unqualified quality, it will be re-inspected by another refiner on site.

This mode blocks almost all possibilities of cheating.

This is also the most stringent inspection rule that Liu Zhangling specially set up to prevent Wang from secretly bribing the inspection master.

“The quality of the sample No. 1 is very good, with all indicators exceeding the sample by 10 to 20%!” Several weapon refiners came to an astonishing conclusion after inspecting a piece of Xuanjia.

“What?” Liu Zhangling’s face suddenly stiffened, “Better than the sample? How is it possible!”

No matter where the weapon refining workshop is, in order to sell the products at a good price, they usually put a lot of effort into samples. In other words, the products that can be used as samples must be selected from the best, and it is absolutely impossible to use defective products as samples.

The performance of batch-refined finished products is actually much better than the samples. This is a strange thing wherever you look.

Liu Zhangling felt uneasy and confused at the same time, and hurriedly said: “Recheck the sample No. 1!”

Following this order, the steward arranged for a new group of weapon refiners to come forward for inspection.

This group of weapon refiners are all Liu Zhangling’s confidants, but now that big bosses are gathered at the scene and in full view of the public, they naturally do not dare to engage in malpractice for personal gain.

After the initial inspection, this group of weapon refiners were stunned, and they quickly checked twice more carefully. Then they barely suppressed their strange expressions and reported to the bosses: “No. 1 sample, The quality is very good, much better than the sample. ”

At this time, King Zhennan’s expression also relaxed slightly.

Although he still believed in Wang, he was afraid that something might happen at the scene. However, he refrained from expressing an opinion before the final result was reached.

“Continue to conduct random inspections.” Liu Zhangling also calmed down and continued to order.

Just one random inspection product is excellent, but it does not mean that the entire batch is excellent. It’s not safe, but this time I just happened to win the mysterious armor refined by a certain weapon refining master?

Soon, the quality of other random inspection items was also quickly inspected.

“No. 2 spot inspection product, the quality is very good, all indicators exceed the sample.”

“The sample inspected on the 19th was of excellent quality, with all indicators exceeding the sample.”

“No. 93”

“Two Hundred and Eleven”

As each inspection team continued to make quality inspection conclusions, Liu Zhangling’s face gradually turned pale, and drops of sweat rolled down his forehead.

It is easy to understand that a few random inspection items exceed the samples. After all, there are indeed some relatively powerful weapon refiners sent by the Immortal Dynasty to support the Wang family.

But the scene before him had completely exceeded the limit of his imagination.

Could it be that the Wang family knows magic? Through some means that he didn’t understand, all the outstanding items in this large number of mysterious armors were given to the inspection team?

“The sample No. 300 was randomly inspected. The quality is very good, and all indicators exceed the sample.”

As the quality inspection conclusions of the last set of random inspection products were officially announced, the scene was completely silent.

At this moment, everyone’s heart is filled with shock.

Whether they were neutral or those who were more inclined to the Wang family, the impact they received at this moment was no less than that of Liu Zhangling, and they all found it incredible.

Show! Wang’s performance is really awesome

The King of Zhennan was stunned for a long time, and then he suddenly laughed heartily and heartily: “Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha indeed been chosen by me to cooperate with each other. The quality of this batch of black armor is exactly as expected by the king “Your Highness Princess Suiyun, now you understand how loyal I am to my duty!”

Fucking expectations, he didn’t expect Wang to be so talented.

Princess Suiyun was so ashamed that she immediately stood up and apologized to King Zhennan: “Ancestor Xia Yang, I really should not have secretly slandered your decision to cooperate with the Wang family. I will hold an apology banquet and apologize to Ancestor Xia Yang in person. Apologize.”

“The apology banquet will be waived.” King Zhennan chuckled, looking like he was very talkative, “Her Highness the Princess is also responsible for her duties.”

As he said that, he looked at Liu Zhangling, his face suddenly turned cold, and he sneered: “Liu Zhide, do you know your guilt?”

Liu Zhangling, who was covered in cold sweat, hurriedly leaned over to defend: “Your Highness, your behavior may indeed be a bit harsh, but this is for the sake of the quality of Xuanjia.”

“I didn’t ask about this.” King Zhennan took out a stack of paper and sneered, “Since you took charge of the Tianjiang Department, you have received a lot of filial piety. The weapon refiner who was the thorn in the bribery issue was ignored, excluded, and even marginalized.”

“The consequences of this are very bad. Nowadays, a considerable number of marginalized weapon refiners have been forced to abandon their iron jobs and would rather go to Donggan to work, which in turn has led to the loss of talents in our Immortal Weapon Department. The loss is serious.”

“I can testify about this matter.” Pei Xinan stepped forward and said, “Whether Commander Liu has been involved in corruption or bribery? Because I have no evidence, I dare not say nonsense. But he did marginalize me and used his power to Therefore, I was sent to Dongqian because I didn’t get along with him. Fortunately, the Wang family in Dongqian was far more outstanding than I imagined, and they also attached great importance to capable technical personnel.”

“Let’s put it this way, my basic salary plus performance bonus, plus bonuses for technological breakthroughs, all added together, the average annual income is fifteen times that of the Immortal Weapon Department!”

“Ten, fifteen times!?”

Hearing this, the inspectors at the scene, who were the weapon refiners, suddenly froze on the spot.

Is this a joke?

“Ahem!” King Zhennan also coughed hurriedly to stop, “Old Pei, don’t talk nonsense! Especially don’t say it here!”

If he keeps talking, many more people will be poached.

“Why don’t you let me tell you? Just because you are the King of Zhennan, you can stop people from telling the truth?” Pei Xin’an fully demonstrated his attitude as an upright assassin. He spat back unruly, “My income is clear in every transaction. What can’t I say about the money I earned based on my own ability?”

“Can you respect the leader?” King Zhennan was speechless.

“A leader like you who doesn’t know anything about weapon refining is just a layman commanding an expert.” Pei Xinan curled his lips and said disdainfully, “You are not as good as that Wang Shouzhe. Although Wang Shouzhe doesn’t know anything about weapon refining either. , and always likes to give random directions, but at least he has a bright mind and can occasionally give constructive suggestions.”

King Zhennan’s face was turned black with anger.

As for Pei Xinan, an old guy like you who can’t spit out ivory from his dog’s mouth, who will you exclude if you don’t exclude him?

For a while, he understood Liu Zhide somewhat.

“Um, Princess Suiyun, please give me your opinion to the Immortal Emperor.” Pei Xin’an continued impassionedly, “We technicians have been making contributions to the human race in obscurity for so many years. Money and respect have to be paid. Is there the same thing?”

These words made many weapon refiners at the scene feel sad.

The weapon refiners are the most miserable. They have been working day and night to build weapons and armor, but they still have to be criticized in various ways, and they even have to accept some lay leadership. Who can understand their suffering?

“Mr. Pei, I already know about this matter.” Princess Suiyun said apologetically, “I would like to apologize to you first. I will discuss this matter with Your Majesty, including improving the treatment of the weapon refiner and letting him More weapon refiners have joined the management. You don’t need to resign, and don’t poach people at will, otherwise His Majesty will be furious if he finds out.”

“No, I have to resign when I should. I am not a slave of the Immortal Weapon Department, let alone a slave of the Immortal Emperor. What is the Immortal Emperor’s brilliance? Why didn’t anyone pay attention to us before I started making trouble?” Pei Xinan sneered coldly. He groaned, feeling a little disdainful.

As the saying goes, “It’s hard to recover when you overturn water.” Now that the shortcomings have produced bitter fruits, you know you have to change them. What did you do earlier?

He became more and more enthusiastic: “The Immortal Emperor has been aloof for many years, and she has never even glanced at us. If only she cared more about us people and supported us more, the situation would not have turned into what it is now. . In my opinion, her style is not as good as that of Wang Shouzhe, let alone Ning Xi.”

Everyone was stunned by him, even Wang Ningxi broke into a cold sweat.

This Mr. Pei is really bold when it comes to trolling people. It was just a matter of trolling his ancestor and grandfather in the Wang family, but now he actually dares to troll even the Immortal Emperor!

Wang Ningxi thinks that she is already bold, but compared with Mr. Pei, the gap is still too big.


A powerful energy wave suddenly exploded in the sky.

In an instant, the wind and clouds in the sky changed.

The whole world seemed to be quiet at this moment.

The silver rays of light that seemed like moonlight gathered from the void. At first, they were just dots of stars, but soon turned into streaks of silver light, exuding extremely powerful and terrifying energy. fluctuation.

In just a few breaths, these lights condensed into a graceful figure in the sky.

Her hair is in a high bun, she wears a gilt crown, and her complex and grand imperial uniform is swaying slightly in the wind. Her whole person is like a **** sitting high in the sky, with extraordinary nobility and majesty.

This person is the Immortal Emperor Mu Yun!

The Immortal Emperor lowered his eyes, glanced around below, and said calmly: “Who is scolding me?”

“Meet His Highness the Immortal Emperor.”

Everyone was busy saluting.

Even Wang Ningxi hurriedly lowered his head and blended in with the crowd to greet him, hoping that the Immortal Emperor would not notice him.

However, the Immortal Emperor recognized Wang Ningxi from the crowd at a glance, and a smile appeared on his lips: “Are you Wang Ningxi?”

“Hehe, I am none other than Ning Xi, the Wang family of Changning.” Wang Ningxi laughed twice.

“Okay, very good. All of you Wangs are indeed talented.” Immortal Emperor Mu Yun smiled more and more kindly, “I have heard about what you have done recently, you are really not bad, I am in deep The whole palace was shocked.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty for the compliment.”

Wang Ningxi felt guilty, but she didn’t dare not answer the question, so she had no choice but to agree.

“Get out!!” The Immortal Emperor stared at his gentle and handsome face, and endured it again and again. Finally, he couldn’t help but change his face, and said angrily, “Get out of the Hanyue Immortal Dynasty as quickly as possible. You are not allowed to step into the Immortal Dynasty within a hundred years!”


Wang Ningxi was caught off guard and was scolded, and her face was filled with astonishment.

Has this person been personally sanctioned by the Immortal Emperor?


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