Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 152: I, Hua Rui, am very vindictive

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“Fairy Luo, I leave everything to you.” Wang Ningxi handed over her hand to a woman.

“Don’t worry, Master Ning Xi. The people I’ve summoned this time are all our top costume designers and image designers. You have to believe that we are the most professional.” The woman answered confidently with a smile on her lips. Full.

This woman is wearing an improved lavender dress. She has a beautiful appearance and a capable temperament. She is Luo Yuqing who is responsible for pioneering the cause of the Immortal Dynasty.

The two of them were standing in a spacious hall at the moment.

At the top of the hall, the gorgeous crystal chandelier is shining with clear light. Through the huge floor-to-ceiling glass windows, you can clearly see the bustling streets outside the window, as well as the people coming and going.

To the left and right of the lobby, extending along the smooth corridor, you can see shops with different brands.

At this moment, many young people are wandering around these shops casually, and it seems quite lively.

This place is called Changning Commercial Building!

As a commercial complex that has been established in Hanyue Immortal Dynasty for less than a few decades, although “it” is still “young”, it has gradually become the favorite place for the younger generation of Immortal Dynasty.

Here, you can experience one-stop shopping, and many of them are “exotic-style” Dungan specialties, including clothing, food, tea restaurants, coffee shops, and even various operas and stage plays. , storyteller and other literary projects.

Of course, there are also more practical shops such as Danpu Qifang Xianquan Bath, and there are even specially set up arenas of various levels for people to compete.

Nowadays, many avant-garde young people from the Immortal Dynasty like to come here because they can find everything they need.

At this time, under the arrangement of Wang Ningxi, the members of the Bailiantang Men’s Team have gone through a process of washing, soaking, steaming and rubbing, and their image has improved a lot.

But this is far from enough, far from meeting Wang Ningxi’s requirements.

If you want to win the hearts of the spiritual plant masters, it is not enough to just stretch them cleanly, you must also show your own style and charm.

While they were talking, Wang Ningxi and Luo Yuqing led the members of the Bailiantang Men’s Group to a shop specializing in styling design.

In the store, dozens of professionals responsible for clothing design, image design, and beauty and hairdressing were already waiting inside.

As people who stand at the forefront of fashion, these professionals, both men and women, wear the most fashionable clothing styles of the Wang family, and the makeup on their faces is also very delicate. They are almost the same as the rough guys of Bailiantang. A sharp contrast.

Luo Yuqing assigned them a task, and these professionals immediately understood it, eagerly surrounded the members of the Bailiantang Men’s Team, and began to discuss the design plan. .

Have any of the brothers in Bailian Hall ever experienced such a scene? For a moment, they were so embarrassed that they almost didn’t know where to put their hands and feet.

Even Zhenjun Bailian was a little unable to resist, looking like he really wanted to escape.

Fortunately, these professionals are really professional, and they quickly discussed the general ideas. In groups of several people, they took several brothers to different corners to mess around.

According to the different characteristics of the members of Bailiantang’s men’s team, they (she) quickly got busy, and based on their style positioning, they took different clothes, shoes, and accessories from time to time for them to try on, and tailored their personal images. , striving to allow each of them to show their own style and charm.

Even Mr. Pei was not able to escape, and was also pressured to reform his image.

As for Wang Ningxi, he walked around, observed the situation, and made suggestions from time to time.

“I think Senior Brother Luo’s characteristic is that he is tall, but his disadvantage is that he is a bit thin. You can give him the look of a swordsman in white, who is as elegant as a fairy.”

Although Wang Ningxi has not specifically studied image design, she has been influenced by Wang’s work a lot, and her suggestions are often quite pertinent.

However, his main focus was still on True Lord Bailian.

After all, Zhenjun Bailian is the protagonist of this sorority.

“Master’s image is actually not bad, with a tall and majestic physique, but he is too unkempt, with his hair and beard all messy. No, no, no, you don’t need to dye it all black, just highlights. While creating the Master’s decent temperament, the most important thing is It is better to have a sense of maturity and stability that has seen all the vicissitudes of life and the turmoil of the world, without losing the image of the passionate and innocent heart of the young man.”

Wang Ningxi gestured and made suggestions, adjusting the appearance of True Monarch Bai Lian several times before reluctantly nodding with satisfaction: “As the saying goes, after reading thousands of sails and holding hands, this is where I feel at ease. Township. That’s pretty much it now.”

Bailian Zhenjun was almost falling asleep due to the tossing. Hearing this, he quickly glanced at himself in the glass mirror.

“This, this is me?”

His eyes widened, almost wondering if he had seen it wrong.

“Ahem, look at your eyes, Master, pay attention to your eyes.” Wang Ningxi coughed and reminded, “Be more restrained, be more profound, and have a sense of vicissitudes of life.”

No matter how successful the image transformation is, if it is paired with silly eyes, it will be over.

“Oh oh oh.”

It was only then that Zhenjun Bailian reacted, quickly adjusted his expression, and then looked at himself in the mirror, feeling suddenly excited.

I never expected that these “professionals” from the Wang family would be so powerful. It’s almost like a different person.

Vaguely, he seemed to have seen hope.

However, before he could get excited, Wang Ningxi started the next round of bombing with a serious expression.

“Master, let me give you a test. What topics are you going to talk about when you see King Lanxin, whom you haven’t seen for a long time?”

“No, no, no, what do you mean you are only good at refining weapons? Talking about planting? Of course not, you are not a spiritual planter, so talking about planting, isn’t it just a matter of skill?”

“The first meeting is very important. You have to give her a subversive understanding, make her curious about you, and leave a lingering aftertaste. The topic should stay in the topic that she is both interested in and interested in. Relatively unfamiliar territory.”

“After my investigation and intelligence gathering, Her Royal Highness Prince Lanxin has a tendency to be war-weary and passive, literary and artistic, and self-admired. At the same time, her personality is weaker than that of Prince Chaoyang, and she is not someone who sticks to her own opinions. . Therefore, our initial strategy is to be hostile to her war-weariness and insist on our own views. At the same time, we must also cater to her literary and artistic novelty and crush her self-admiration.”


The self-confidence that Zhenjun Bailian finally gained disappeared little by little. In the end, his voice even trembled when he spoke: “Ning Xi, is this too complicated? Your master respects me, and I I can’t grasp it.”

“You have to grasp it even if you can’t grasp it. Master, this is your dream.” Wang Ningxi encouraged him, “Show your confidence in weapon refining. Chasing your wife is like refining a weapon, we need to master it. The characteristics of each material are controlled and smelted in a targeted manner. After countless steps, a perfect work can be made. ”

“Listening to what you said, I seem to understand a little bit.” Zhenjun Bailian’s eyes gradually lit up.

“It’s useless to just understand, we have to conduct actual combat drills.” Wang Ningxi waved his hand, and Luo Yuqing over there understood it immediately, and immediately summoned a group of women of all colors who had been prepared for a long time.

They are all elites trained in Changning Wei, and they came to work in Changning Commercial Building in Immortal Dynasty. Because Chang Ningwei is relatively advanced in various ideological trends, they are much smarter than ordinary ladies from aristocratic families. Now that they wear luxurious clothes, they all look stylish.

“Master, come one by one, go through it first, and treat every woman as a Lanxin King.”

“Isn’t this too exaggerated?”

“Master, you must endure hardships to become a master. Don’t let down your disciple’s expectations of you.”

With Wang Ningxi’s constant encouragement, True Lord Bailian finally mustered up the courage to start a conversation with the first “King Lanxin”. As a result, within five breaths, he was defeated.

“Master, continue. Just treat yourself as a beginner and learn to make progress after every failure.” When Wang Ningxi was a teacher, he was always quite strict.

Next, Bailian Zhenjun began to practice chatting under strict supervision. From the beginning, he was awkward and his words were incoherent, then gradually became fluent, and then he began to modify his body shape and intonation.

After half a day’s work, Master Bailian finally turned around dozens of “Kings of Lanxin”.

“Ning Xi, is that enough?” Zhenjun Bailian felt much more confident.

“It’s far behind, let’s go to the second round.”

It’s the little half-day queen again.

“Not bad, not bad. Master has made progress. Let’s start the third round of verification. No, it’s the third round of pick-up training.”

“Master, are you tired of this batch? Fairy Luo, change the batch! The previous batch is for the brothers to practice with.”

Round after round, Zhenjun Bailian didn’t know how many rounds he had gone through. He was numb, casual, and more and more relaxed.

Slowly, he felt that he was gradually integrating into the persona that Wang Ningxi had set for him.

An old man who loves to refine weapons, has read all about prosperity, traveled around the world, lost his beloved woman, experienced ups and downs, and has simplified his understanding of life from complexity.

At least, when Zhenjun Bailian was disheartened, he did wander around for hundreds of years, giving Wang Ningxi ample room to develop.

As for that, will King Lanxin see through it?

Just kidding, no superior goddess would pay attention to a former licker, well, an “admirer”.

Under Wang Ningxi’s hell-like training, in just a few days, the men’s group headed by Bailian Zhenjun has begun to take shape.

Of course, it’s not even strong. At their current level, they wouldn’t even know how they died when encountering a weirdo like Wang Mei, but it was enough to bully and bully the inexperienced female spiritual planters in Baicao Garden.

What’s more, Wang Ningxi just hopes to increase their success rate in chasing wives, and does not want to cultivate a group of scumbags who will never touch a leaf among the flowers.

This day.

Splendid Lake Villa.

Jinxiu Huzhuang is located in the northeast corner of Xiancheng. It was originally one of the properties of the Hanyue Wang family, a long-established family in the Xian Dynasty. It’s quite a few.

The village also runs an old-style semi-operated and semi-private restaurant. It is mostly used to entertain the Wang family’s children, as well as relatives and guests who come and go. Originally, its reputation was not revealed to the outside world.

But after Wang Lizi was invited to eat by Hanyue Wang, she felt that it was really good, so she gave Lizi a three-star recommendation.

After that, Jinxiu Lake Villa became famous, attracting many admiring diners.

Because the ingredients used are top-notch and the prices are extremely expensive, and the diners are originally either rich or expensive and have picky tastes, unknowingly their reputation is getting better and better, and they have slowly become a popular restaurant in the fairy city. One of the food houses.

At lunch time, a flying chariot would land at the entrance of Jinxiu Huzhuang from time to time, and then a few distinguished nobles would walk out of it. Under the hospitality of well-trained waiters, they would enter the various rooms inside Jinxiu Huzhuang. Dine in the lakeside pavilion.

In the reception hall at the entrance, Yao Chengchao, who has been in high spirits these days, is drinking spiritual tea and looking out the window from time to time, as if he is waiting for some distinguished guest.

“Young Master Chengchao, which distinguished guest are you entertaining today?” Seeing this, the steward of Huzhuang smiled warmly in the spring breeze and chatted with him to relieve his boredom, “Could it be a legitimate lady from some noble family?”

“That’s right, the young master I’m inviting this time is Miss Wang, your eldest daughter.” Yao Chengchao laughed and teased, “Manager Wang, are you planning to waive the bill for me?”

As soon as these words came out, Steward Wang’s face became distorted, and he said helplessly with a bitter look on his face: “Young Master Chengchao, don’t be joking. The young lady of the right age of our Wang generation has been betrothed to the Prince of Dingxi Palace. Your Majesty, if these rumors spread, I’m afraid I’m going to beat you up.”

“Hahahaha, that boy Teddy, it’s hard to say whether he can beat me.” Yao Chengchao laughed loudly, obviously not afraid of the young prince of Dingxi Palace at all.

He has now inherited the treasure book. Although he is not the eldest son of the family, he is still a true Lingxu son, and his status in the family is not much worse than that of the eldest son. In addition, now that the Yao family is prospering, he is full of confidence, and when he speaks, he looks like he is looking forward to his own glory and is the only one in the world.

Seeing that Manager Wang’s face was wrinkled into a bitter gourd, as if he could no longer hold it any longer, Yao Chengchao waved his hand and explained: “Teddy and I are good friends, just joking. But this time the banquet is indeed She is the eldest daughter of the Wang family, but not the Hanyue Wang family, but the eldest daughter of the Dongqian Changning Wang family.”

“Could it be that the Wang family is of the same lineage as Mr. Fugui and Miss Li Ci?” Manager Wang’s eyes lit up, “The eldest daughter of the Wang family in Changning secretly came to the Immortal Dynasty. This is a big deal! I Just send someone to inform the owner.”

Nowadays, the Changning Wang family is not ordinary in the eyes of the Hanyue Wang family, and even pays more attention to it than the Dongqian Wang family.

Especially the wealthy young master, he is simply a man among the gods. The Han Yue Wang family sent clan troops to follow him to fight. I heard that he won a series of great victories and made a lot of money.

And Miss Li Ci is also very unusual. In the Immortal Palace, she was competed by two True Lords to be her apprentice. In the end, True Lord Yuanyuan won, and her future prospects are equally limitless.

Judging from the comprehensive situation, the Changning Wang family is very likely to grow into a powerful super-class family in the future, one of the humerus of the Immortal Dynasty.

If the Wang family is willing to go out alone to establish a country, the Eight-Pillar Kingdom of the Immortal Dynasty might become the Nine-Pillar Kingdom.

Therefore, although the Changning Wang Clan is not as powerful as the Hanyue Wang Clan at present, the Hanyue Wang Clan internally agrees that they should embrace the extraordinary potential of the Changning Wang Clan.

As the saying goes, “The first to get the moon is near the water and the tower”, “You can’t write two characters for “king” in one stroke”, Hanyue Wang was very active in hugging her thighs.

Gu Yao

“Wait a minute, wait a minute.” Seeing that Manager Wang was about to leave, Yao Chengchao hurriedly stopped him, “Didn’t your report take away the reason for my treat? Even if you want to flatter the little Princess Huarui, we should follow the order at least. Come on. Let me tell you, I will fight with anyone who dares to order from me this time.”

Today’s Yao Chengchao is a future boss.

Of course, Manager Wang did not dare to refute his face: “Young Master Cheng Chao, don’t worry, since he is the distinguished guest you invited, we just don’t rush to pay the bill.”

“That’s pretty much it.”

Yao Chengchao was so proud that he couldn’t help but secretly praise his accurate prediction.

At this time.

The neighing sound of Pegasus suddenly came from the sky.

Yao Chengchao immediately looked up and saw a dark blue chariot pulled by a Pegasus circling down and slowly stopping in the square at the entrance of Huzhuang.

Looking carefully, right in front of the flying chariot carriage, a token of Princess Suiyun’s Mansion carved from spiritual jade was hanging low-key, swaying slightly as the carriage swayed.

I heard that Little Princess Huarui has been living in Princess Suiyun’s house these days. Come to think of it, the person in this flying chariot is probably Little Princess Huarui.


Yao Chengchao perked up and took the initiative to greet him.

Sure enough, as soon as the chariot stopped, a lively and cute eight or nine-year-old girl jumped out of it.

She was wearing a luxurious mini princess dress and was extremely exquisitely dressed. Who else could she be if she wasn’t the little princess Huarui?


Before Yao Chengchao could step forward to flatter him, another young woman got off the chariot.

The woman looked extraordinary. She was dressed in a luxurious light golden fragrant veil that made her look extremely noble and graceful, as bright and moving as the blooming peonies.

He took a closer look and was immediately startled.

This, this, this, isn’t this the famous Princess Suiyun?

Could it be that little Princess Huarui actually invited Princess Suiyun to accompany her?

In an instant, Yao Chengchao’s legs were so scared that he felt nervous and excited at the same time.

Having the opportunity to flatter two princesses at the same time and have dinner together is a double blessing.

“That Yao so-and-so, come here quickly.”

At this time, Princess Wang Jidie of Huarui also noticed Yao Chengchao and waved to him.

Yao Chengchao didn’t feel dissatisfied, but felt proud of it. He immediately leaned forward and said, “Young man Yao Chengchao, please pay homage to Princess Suiyun and Princess Huarui.”

“Are you Yao Chengchao, the young hero of the Yao family who has recently become famous?” Princess Suiyun glanced at him, nodded and encouraged, “Keep up your hard work and strive to contribute more to the human race and the Immortal Dynasty.”

“Yes, yes, Cheng Chao will obey the instructions of Her Royal Highness the Princess.” Yao Chengchao looked solemn.

The skill of speaking.

The curtain of the flying chariot was opened again, and another beautiful woman with extraordinary temperament came down gracefully.

She looks a little older, but her figure is still graceful and charming, and her charm is like an orchid in an empty valley. She is charming and graceful, making people enchanted.

Yao Chengchao was so fascinated by such a beautiful woman who still had her charm that she couldn’t move his eyes away.


The woman snorted coldly, the sound was not loud, but it seemed as if a muffled thunder exploded in Yao Chengchao’s ears, which made him excited, his eyes turned in circles, and he hurriedly moved his eyes away, not daring to look further.

“This is His Royal Highness Prince Lanxin.” Princess Suiyun introduced with a faint smile.

King Lanxin?

This graceful beauty is actually King Lanxin? !

Besides being frightened, Yao Chengchao felt a burst of ecstasy in his heart, and he hurriedly bowed respectfully: “I have met His Royal Highness Prince Lanxin. It is Chengchao’s honor to invite you three to dine together.”

However, before he could finish being happy, two more chariots appeared in the sky.

After the flying chariot landed, a group of more than ten beauties of all kinds stepped out of the carriage. They were all dressed up carefully, and they were as beautiful as blooming flowers.

“Ladies and sisters, let’s thank Mr. Yao Chengchao for treating us to dinner.” Princess Huarui applauded.

“Thank you very much, Mr. Yao Chengchao for your generous donation.” A group of spiritual planters dressed in gorgeous costumes shouted in unison with cooing voices.

What the hell?

Yao Chengchao felt a pain in his heart, as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer, and he took several steps back with a pale face.

These young ladies are actually here to have a meal?

These are more than a dozen people

If there were only Princess Suiyun and Prince Lanxin, he would have to pay a lot of money, but after all, they were Princess Suiyun and Prince Lanxin, so he would just pay for it. But now if there are more than a dozen people, how much more will it cost?

He felt his wallet dripping with blood.

“Master Chengchao, your expression is not right.” Princess Huarui looked at Yao Chengchao’s expression, frowned slightly and said, “Don’t you dislike me for bringing too many people? It doesn’t matter. I have a lot of money. .”

“How is that possible?” Yao Chengchao’s face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly straightened his neck and emphasized, “Little Princess Huarui, don’t look down on me! Don’t say it’s just these dozen more, even if there are more than a dozen more I can afford it.”

“That’s right, Master Cheng Chao has already said that he will fight with anyone who dares to compete with him today.”

At this time, Manager Wang also came out and saluted everyone one by one: “I have met Princess Suiyun, Princess Huarui, His Royal Highness Prince Lanxin, and all the ladies.”

“That’s true. Don’t compete with me today!” When Yao Chengchao said this, there was still a hint of crying in his voice.

But fortunately, this time he invited a group of beautiful women. It’s always good to have more beautiful friends. If you can find a true love, it won’t be a big loss.

“Young Master Chengchao is really grand.” Little Princess Huarui praised, then turned to Princess Suiyun and said, “Sister Suiyun, as ladies, we cannot wait for those straight men at the door.”

After saying that, she invited a group of young ladies to enter Jinxiu Lake Villa first, and ordered Manager Wang like a young master: “Prepare a larger venue for us, which must be able to accommodate at least thirty or fifty people privately. Conversation.”

“Yes, princess.” Manager Wang recorded Hua Rui’s request with great respect, and then asked, “In terms of dishes, does the little princess have any taboos?”

“There are no taboos. Anyway, just bring whatever is delicious.” Princess Huarui said nonchalantly.

Manager Wang expressed his understanding and immediately took a picture of the menu according to the recommended level. After showing it to Princess Hua Rui and confirming that it was OK, he ordered people to go down and prepare it.

He himself led the way respectfully, bringing Princess Huarui, Wang Jidie, Princess Suiyun and other Yingying Yanyan to a venue that met her requirements.

“This?” Yao Chengchao approached cautiously and asked doubtfully, “Little Princess Huarui, is the venue a little too big for dozens of people?”

“No. For this kind of sorority, the venue should be more open. It’s not a problem to be crowded together in a mess.” Hua Rui said.

“Sorority party?”

Yao Chengchao felt like he was struck by five thunders, and he was stunned.

After being in a daze for a while, he finally found his voice: “Who are you dating?”

“Of course they are the bachelors from Bailiantang.” Princess Huarui said matter-of-factly, “Could it be possible that you think I, the princess, would find a dozen beauties to socialize with you alone?”

“Then, can I join the party?” Yao Chengchao’s heart was bleeding, but he still asked stubbornly, wondering if he could catch up with someone and get some money back.

“Cheng Chao, please stop joking. You are one of the heirs of the Yao family and the future ancestor of the Lingxu realm. The family will assign you a wife.” Princess Huarui stood on tiptoes and raised her hands, gently He patted his shoulder lightly and said, “Are you too embarrassed to compete with those bachelors from Bailiantang?”

“This, this, I am indeed joking, hahaha” Yao Chengchao laughed heartily, “Princess, don’t take it to heart, hahaha”

There was an indescribable sadness in that “haha” sound.

“However, it’s not like we haven’t prepared anything for you.” Princess Huarui said mysteriously, “In recognition of your generosity, we have prepared a gift for you.”

Yao Chengchao then became energetic, but he said insincerely: “You are already here, what gifts are you preparing?”

“That’s not possible. You are the sponsor of this sorority, and we also want to express our gratitude.” Princess Hua Rui said and clapped twice, “Here, hang up the sponsor banner.”

As soon as the words fell, two beautiful spiritual planters took out the banners they had prepared and hung them on the party venue.

A line of bright characters was written on it with special paint – “Thank you Yao for sponsoring this social event. Please support Yao’s career in the future!”

“That’s it?” Yao Chengchao’s eyes widened.

“That’s it!” Princess Huarui raised her eyebrows, “Is Cheng Chao dissatisfied?”

“No, no, no, I’m very satisfied, I’m very satisfied.” Yao Chengchao forced a smile, “Princess Huarui, you are so thoughtful.”

That’s what he said, but his heart was broken into pieces, but he didn’t even dare to shed tears, so he could only swallow them silently.

Seeing this scene, Princess Huarui felt extremely happy.

Yao Chengchao, Yao Chengchao, who asked your people to bully this princess on the Yunray Flying Boat? I, Hua Rui, can’t settle accounts with those little people, so I have to vent my anger to you, right?


I, Hua Rui, hold grudges very much.

While the Baicaoyuan girl group came to Jinxiu Lake Villa and settled down, the Bailiantang men’s group, who seemed to be reborn from the ashes, also arrived at Jinxiu Lake Villa.

In the sky, the flying chariot was circling and falling.

The wings swept through the air, causing ripples of gusts of wind.

In the carriage, the fellow apprentices from Bailiantang were in high spirits, with excited expressions mixed with nervousness, as if they were about to rush to the battlefield.

Wang Ningxi stood up and encouraged everyone again: “Brothers, our slogan is”

“We are the strongest boy group in Fairy City!”

“Our goal is”

“Catch them all in one fell swoop! Take the wives home!”

“Okay, okay.” Wang Ningxi also said with great morale, “Let’s go, I will take everyone to pick up the sisters-in-law and the master’s wife to go home.”


Excited shouts like howling wolves echoed in the carriage for a long time.


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