Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 126: Wind fortune! Follow Shouzhe and you will have meat to eat

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Under the siege of Taoist Taichu, Taoist Master Jie Le, Tianyan Taoist, and Hunyuan Daoshui, even though Nirvana Buddha frequently made strange moves and showed all his trump cards, he was ultimately outnumbered. Even if everyone played very conservatively and played it safe, it only took one day to kill Lord Nirvana Buddha.

After Lord Nirvana died, a ray of soul escaped from his body.

After all, he is a strong man in the Buddha realm. Even if his soul was seriously injured in the battle, he can still condense it into shape at this moment, but his state is much more illusory and weaker than before.

Perhaps it was because his physical body had perished, but his mentality had also undergone earth-shaking changes at this moment.

He was once so ambitious that he secured the position of Buddha with the help of the Spider Queen, but he also boarded her pirate ship and could never look back.

Now that his body has perished, although there is a lot of unwillingness and resentment in his heart, he also feels an inexplicable sense of relief.

Seeing Taichu Taoist and others surrounding him, he not only did not run away, but instead made a Buddhist salute to Taichu Taoist and begged: “Hongzhen, although you and I are hostile, considering that we are all human beings, and Since the Palace of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Wuji Taoist Sect are on good terms, please give me a path to reincarnation.”

This endless abyss is filled with dark energy that can corrode the soul. Even if his soul can escape from Taichu Taoist Master and the others, it may not be able to escape from the endless abyss.

Once trapped in it, the true spirit will be extinguished over time, and gradually turn into a demon in the abyss, and will never be reincarnated.

For Lord Nirvana, this feeling of gradually losing consciousness is more terrifying than death.

“Alas~~” Taoist Master Taichu let out a long sigh, “I think back during the Immortal Alliance period, our Wuji Dao Sect and your Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace were the top sects. In the battle with the Jinggu tribe, we also paid a heavy price.”

“Shouzhe, what do you think about this matter?”

Unknowingly, even Taichu Dao Master did not dare to make the decision casually, but began to seek Wang Shouzhe’s opinion.

After Wang Shouzhe thought for a moment, he looked at Master Ji Le and Taoist Tian Yan: “What do the two seniors mean?”

“What Master Shouzhe means is what I, Tian Yan, mean. However, if we want to destroy all Nirvana souls, I am afraid that it will arouse the dissatisfaction of the other three Buddha Lords. Even if the four of them have always been at odds with each other, After all, they are all from the Palace of Ten Thousand Buddhas.” Taoist Master Tianyan looked like he was following Wang Shouzhe, without any concern for the dignity of the Taoist Master’s identity.

“If it’s what I want, then let him be completely destroyed.” The leader of the Paradise Church slightly hooked up his red lips, revealing a sinister sneer, “Then we Nanye Divine Continent and Dongxia will join forces to first conquer Xi We’ll talk about it later if it’s bulldozed.”

Obviously, the Supreme Leader and the bald heads are not going to deal with it.

“Then let’s send Lord Nirvana to the long river of reincarnation.” Wang Shouzhe said thoughtfully.

“…” The leader of Paradise rolled his pretty eyes angrily and glared at Wang Shouzhe, “Then you ask me for my opinion.”

“Isn’t this nonsense?” Wang Shouzhe rolled his eyes at her angrily, “Now that the demons are eyeing the Holy Domain, even the projection of the Supreme Being has come, so what insidious tricks will be planned in the future? Easy to say. Is now a good time for internal strife?”

How could it be so easy to annex a divine continent?

Even if Dongxia and Nanye join forces, it will be an extremely long process to annex Xiruo Divine Continent. If they really want to act as recklessly as the leader of Paradise, the demons will not let go of the good opportunity of internal strife in the four major divine continents.

What’s more, according to his observation, the normal reincarnation of a strong person will carry some memories of the previous life, but after all, he is already a different person, and his personal temperament is generally more affected by this life.

Sending Nirvana Buddha to reincarnation may not necessarily be a good thing.

“Okay, okay, whatever you said is right, I won’t express my opinion next time.” The leader of Paradise waved his long sleeves, rolled his eyes at Wang Shouzhe and said, “Let me ask you something. You can even accept the leader of a demon sect like me as a partner, why not accept Lord Nirvana? If you plan and control it carefully, you may not be able to make him your thug. Could it be that you think this leader is beautiful and special? What’s wrong?”

“If you really have an idea, you might as well tell it truthfully. It would be a good idea for me to give you some tips on the golden toad.”

“…” Wang Shouzhe turned away, not wanting to talk to the leader of Paradise.

He turned to look at Taoist Taichu and said: “Senior Hongzhen, please collect the soul of Nirvana Buddha and send him to reincarnation after we get out of the endless abyss.”

“It’s just a trivial matter, no need to worry about it.” Taichu Taoist Master was in a good mood when he heard Wang Shouzhe’s decision.

He put away the Nirvana Soul with a wave of his sleeves, and turned to look aside.

Just a moment ago, the body of Lord Nirvana Buddha had incinerated itself, leaving only a pile of ashes and a few treasures glowing in the ashes.

Among them, a relic shining with golden Buddha light, a red cassock, and a vajra pestle already covered with Buddha patterns are the most eye-catching.

Taoist Taichu obviously knew these things, and immediately asked: “What about the [Nirvana Relics], [Red Lotus Kasaya], [Nirvana Subduing Demonic Pestle], and the storage ring left by Lord Nirvana Buddha? Disposal?”

Among them, the [Nirvana Relic] is something similar to a Taoist book, and it is also the core and most fundamental inheritance of the Great Nirvana Temple.

“What’s there to do with it? How much is a plate worth? Let’s just share it with everyone.” The leader of the Paradise Sect looked casually, “You can’t return it to the Great Nirvana Temple, can you?”

“How do we distinguish this?” Taoist Master Tianyan shook his head and said, “Is it possible that, after taking these Buddhist treasures, one of us will build another Nirvana Temple in Dongxia or Nanye? Even if it is really built, it will not be possible. There is only one Buddha relic, and other incomplete inheritances are also a troublesome matter.”

A force cannot be supported by just one Dao book-level inheritance. It must also have a certain number of lower-level inheritances, preferably inheritances with relatively matching attributes, in order to support a complete force. power.

“Moreover, if this is really done, the Great Prajna Temple, the Great Sumeru Temple and the Great Shaoyin Temple will definitely not give up.” Taichu Taoist Master also shook his head.

“Haha, so what if you don’t want to give up? I’m still afraid of those bald heads?” The leader of Paradise sneered, “Why should we return the trophies we worked so hard for?”

“This is not a question of whether you are afraid or not…” Taoist Master Taichu frowned.

The two had different opinions and started quarreling after a few words.

Seeing that the situation was beginning to reach a stalemate, the leader of Paradise turned his beautiful eyes and suddenly looked at Wang Shouzhe: “Wang Shouzhe, you are the one who takes the lead in this matter, or you make the decision. I believe you will not let this leader suffer. .”

Wang Shouzhe did not shirk, and slowly revealed the draft he was preparing: “For now, we still have to expel the demons and jointly fight against the demon supreme as the main strategic direction. If we want to do this, we must We must unite the forces of the four major divine continents.”

“In order to avoid civil strife, the Nirvana relic must be returned. However, the Great Nirvana Temple has done many evil things over the years under the guidance of Lord Nirvana Buddha, and has caused many disputes. Therefore, my suggestion is to return These treasures were handed over to the three families of the Maha Prajna Temple to re-support and rectify the Maha Nirvana Temple.”

Hearing this, the expression of the Supreme Leader suddenly became uncomfortable.

These items are not ordinary things. Apart from anything else, the Nirvana relic alone is a priceless treasure, worth at least several thousand Chaos Spiritual Stones.

Wang Shouzhe noticed her expression, raised his hand to signal her to calm down, and then continued: “Of course, it cannot be given in vain. Let’s calculate how much these treasures are worth. They have to spend money. To redeem it, even if you can’t pay the Chaos Spiritual Stone for the time being, you still have to pledge your fixed assets and agree on an installment payment agreement.”

After hearing what happened, the leader of the Paradise turned from anger to joy: “I said that a guy like you, Shouzhe, who appears to be sanctimonious but is actually full of bad intentions, will never be willing to be a good guy. Since you have already made plans Well, it’s up to you to have the final say on this matter.”

Taoist Taichu and Taoist Tianyan also felt that this was the most appropriate solution.

As the second largest force in the Immortal Alliance, it is natural for the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace lineage to pay a price if they want to get the treasure back. There is no reason for them to work for them in vain.

However, the specific value of these things is a question.

After all, treasures of this level are basically out of circulation in the market, so naturally there is no market price to refer to.

Everyone discussed this issue.

The first thing to discuss is naturally the [Nirvana Relic]. As an existence like a book of Taoism, this thing has never been circulated in the Holy Realm, and it is a priceless treasure.

However, during the Immortal Alliance period, Taoist books occasionally circulated throughout the long history.

A few people consulted the prices during the Immortal Alliance period, and finally made a slight discount, and agreed that the [Nirvana Relic] would be priced at 3,000 Chaos Spiritual Stones, while the [Nirvana Demonic Pestle], which was of the same level as the Hunyuan Taoist artifact, would be discounted at 700 Chaos Spiritual Stone.

As for the [Red Lotus Kasaya], which is at the level of a top-grade holy weapon, plus the storage ring left behind and some Buddhist resources, the total adds up to 300 Chaos Spiritual Stones.

This price is also calculated after taking into account the wealth of the three major Buddhist temples in Xiruo Shenzhou.

After all, if the price goes up any higher, even with the financial resources of major avenue masters, it will be difficult to pay for it. This is no longer a question of whether it is worth it, but a question of whether everyone can afford it.

In the end, under the auspices of Wang Shouzhe, everyone agreed that if the three major Buddhist temples in Xiruo Shenzhou wanted to get back these treasures, they would have to pay a total of 4,000 Chaos Spiritual Stones, or resources of equal value.

After taking inventory of the relics of the Nirvana Buddha, the Paradise Cult Leaders began to gear up to pick up the body of the Spider Queen.

In fact, it can be seen from the relics of Lord Nirvana that a strong man at the level of Taoist master will not fall easily, and it is extremely difficult to kill him, but once he is really killed, the benefits will be great.

After a while, several people worked together to tidy up the loot, mainly dividing it into three large pieces.

Among them, the remaining minions and shells dropped by the Spider Queen are extremely rare treasures. With certain materials, various demonic holy weapons or holy weapons can be refined, and even some scraps can be used. Refining various fairy weapons and real magic weapons.

Because the quantity is relatively large, the total of this part is estimated to be 1,000 Chaos Spiritual Stones, but if other resources and energy are invested in processing, additional profits should be made.

The second part is the Spider Queen’s unique [Dark Poison Sac]. The dark poison contained in it is so powerful that even several Taoist masters ate a lot of it when they joined forces to fight her. Unfortunately, with a little refinement of this object, its power is no less than that of the Hunyuan Dao Artifact. Everyone estimates that its base price is also 1,000 Chaos Spiritual Stones.

The third part is the remnant soul of the Spider Queen and the eighteenth-level magic core. If a top-level demon cultivator takes these two things, he can understand the bloodline genetic information of the Spider Queen and convert the magic core into After the information and energy are absorbed and transformed, it is very likely to open up a new path to the Tao Master level.

With the help of divine soul information, the probability of success is much higher than that of a single magic core.

The two together are equivalent to a high-level Taoist book. It’s just that compared to the serious Taoist books, it is much more difficult to follow this path.

Therefore, we can only estimate the base price at 4,000 Chaos Spiritual Stones.

“Our spoils rules this time are like this.” Wang Shouzhe said, “I set the total contribution score of this battle as 10 points, of which senior Hongzhen gets 2 points, senior Tianyan gets 2 points, and senior Ji Le Get 3 points. Ruolan and I will get 3 points together. Our spoils this time will be auctioned starting from the lowest price, and the final gains will be distributed according to each other’s scores. Seniors, do you have any opinions?”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone not only agreed, but even felt that Wang Shouzhe had taken too little.

There is no other reason. Liu Ruolan and Hunyuan Daoshui can be regarded as seventeenth-level combat power this time. Liu Ruolan can take a share of the spoils by himself, let alone Wang Shouzhe. Without Wang Shouzhe’s organization, coordination and command, how could everyone achieve such gains?

“In that case, let’s start bidding according to this distribution principle.” Wang Shouzhe said with a smile, “The relics of Lord Nirvana Buddha will be bid at four thousand, and Xiruo Shenzhou will pay for it. Now the first trophy that needs to be auctioned by bidding Yes – the Spider Queen’s minions and other materials, the base price is 1,000 Chaos Spirit Stones, and each bid is no less than 50 Chaos Spirit Stones.”

“I’m a little greedy, but I can’t get so many Chaos Spirit Stones.” Taoist Master Tianyan was moved but helpless.

“It doesn’t matter, senior, you can just ask for the price, and it will be deducted from the total harvest.” Wang Shouzhe explained, “According to the ratio, senior, your 2 points is two-tenths of the loot, and you can finally harvest at least 2,000 chaos spiritual stones. Coupled with our previous employment expenses, it is enough for seniors to plan.”

2000 Chaos Spiritual Stones? ! so much? !

Taoist Tianyan’s breath tightened, and then his heart suddenly became heroic. He rubbed his hands and said, “Then I, the Taoist, are not welcome. I will pay 1050.”

“1100.” The leader of Paradise also felt that it was profitable.

“This…” Taichu Taoist gave up after hesitating for a while, “Most of these refined artifacts are demonic holy weapons. If these things are not marketable in Dongxia, I will not participate in the auction.”

“1150!” Taoist Master Tianyan made another call after some calculations.

“This…” The leader of the Paradise frowned, feeling a little embarrassed.

At this price, the processing profit is much thinner, and refining the magic holy weapon is extremely difficult and time-consuming. It takes so much effort to make more than a hundred Chaos Spiritual Stones. .

She couldn’t help but waved her hand and said: “It’s just a small profit, let’s give it to that poor guy Tian Yan.”

In the past, she still cared about more than a hundred Chaos Spiritual Stones, but recently, her team-up with Wang Shouzhe has repeatedly made profits, and her mentality has unknowingly drifted a lot.

“Hahaha, Tianyan, thank you for your concession.” Taoist Master Tianyan naturally smiled happily.

Daomeng has been poor for too long. If you can earn one more Chaos Spiritual Stone, you can earn one more. Is the process too cumbersome?

“The second item is the spider queen’s dark poison sac.” Wang Shouzhe said, “The starting price is also 1,000.”


The leader of Paradise immediately called out the price.

Her eyes were burning, her whole body was full of momentum, and she looked like she was bound to win: “You group of righteous people, this dark poison sac is not suitable for your skills, and it is not suitable to use it, so don’t fight with it. I robbed it, right? Whoever dares to rob me will be beaten by me.”

If she had this treasure, the leader of Paradise’s combat power and trump card would be greatly increased. How could she miss it?

Taoist Taichu and Taoist Tianyan looked at each other.

That’s all, I’m too lazy to argue with the leader of Paradise.

“Congratulations, leader, for getting a treasure.” Wang Shouzhe didn’t fight for the treasure and just made the final decision.

“Haha~~Thank you for giving in.” The leader of Paradise suddenly beamed with joy.

What she fears most is that Wang Shouzhe will fight with her. Once this rich man takes action, she may not be able to win against him.

“The last treasure is the Spider Queen’s remnant soul and the 18th-level magic core.” Wang Shouzhe said, “The starting price is 4,000 Chaos Spirit Stones, and each bid will be no less than 100 Chaos Spirit Stones.”

Compared to the previous ones, 4000 Chaos Spiritual Stones is undoubtedly a huge amount of money. If you want to buy it, you will basically have to pay for it. Moreover, the number posted is probably quite large.

Everyone immediately began to groan.

Seeing this, Wang Shouzhe took the lead in bidding: “I’ll give you a base price of 4,000. Do you want to increase the price?”

“The things are good, but for the time being, I am not interested in cultivating another leader to compete with me for prestige.” The leader of Bliss thought it was too expensive, shook his head and gave up, “Besides, we have to select candidates, and the cycle is too long. , it may not necessarily be successful yet.”

“I am a poor man, don’t look at me.” Taoist Master Tianyan gave up directly.

“This thing is of little use to me, Taoist Master.” Taichu Taoist Master said, “Since Shouzhe is useful, we won’t cause any trouble.”

“Thank you for your concession.” Wang Shouzhe saluted gratefully.

In this way, the thing is finally obtained.

However, the couple only accounted for 30% of the spoils in this wave. Even if their own share was deducted, they still had to post a large sum of Chaos Spiritual Stones.

But even so, Wang Shouzhe is determined to get this treasure.

After all, our Longyan ancestor is now in a true fairyland and needs this thing! And magic cores of seventeenth level and above are not available everywhere. Once you miss this opportunity, you don’t know when the next time will be.

Not to mention, this is an extremely rare eighteenth-level magic core!

After the spoils were distributed in this compartment, the Demon Lord-level battlefield on the other side was also cleared up.

Tianzhu Holy King came to ask for instructions: “Ancestor Linglan, how do you divide the spoils between that demon lord and those demon gods?”

Just now, the final blow that killed the demon lord came from Liu Ruolan’s sneak attack. Logically speaking, she would definitely take the lion’s share of the blame.

Liu Ruolan waved his hand when he heard this: “We will not participate in the distribution. You juniors can just divide it yourself.”

“Thank you, ancestor.”

Tianzhu Holy King was immediately overjoyed and immediately dragged Ying Jianbai and Wang Anye to divide the spoils.

These things were looked down upon by Ancestor Linglan and his seniors, but to the Holy King Tianzhu, they were already worth a huge sum of money.

“Seniors, Shouzhe has a suggestion.” Wang Shouzhe looked around and suddenly said, “I think this ruined restricted area is really a geomantic treasure. Why don’t we keep it for a while and use the right time and place to trap people?” How about some opponents ready to be dealt with?”

As soon as this proposal came out, the leader of Ji Le Cult immediately became interested: “Shouzhe, who are you going to trick? Could it be that you want to take action against those guys from Beihu Shenzhou? Don’t worry, I am firmly on your side. .”

“It’s hard to say yet.” Wang Shouzhe said thoughtfully, “Some things still have to be brewed.”

“In that case, let’s keep it for now.” Taoist Taichu said, “It is much easier to kill people in this endless abyss than in the outside world.”

Taoist Tianyan, who had just made a huge fortune, naturally agreed again and again.

However, he soon hesitated again: “Master Shouzhe, in the previous battle with the Spider Queen, I was poisoned by some dark poison. If I had to resolve it on my own, it would probably be difficult to eradicate it within a few decades. I’m afraid of the impact. for the subsequent battle.”

“The Spider Queen’s dark toxin level is indeed a bit high and difficult to deal with.” Wang Shouzhe said as he checked Master Tianyan, and his expression immediately relaxed, “Fortunately, the senior is not deeply poisoned, I can give it a try Resolve.”

Following this, Wang Shouzhe invited Master Tianyan into the ruins of the Crystal Palace.

But more than ten days later, he appeared in front of everyone again with the energetic Taoist Master Tianyan, who had obviously successfully resolved the poison.

“Shou Zhe, I have also been poisoned by the dark poison, please give me a solution.” The leader of the Paradise Sect looked at this scene, his eyes turned, and a pair of wonderful eyes suddenly shone with light.

“In that case, come in with me.” Wang Shouzhe had already noticed signs of poisoning on her body, and the situation was more troublesome than that of Taoist Tianyan.

But this is not surprising. After all, she is the main attacker. She fights against the Spider Queen most frequently. She resists the ultimate move more often, so it is normal for her injuries to be more serious.

Who knows.

Not more than a moment.

Wang Shouzhe’s annoyed and anxious voice came from the Crystal Palace: “Senior Ji Le, it’s just a cure for the poison. No need to take off your clothes.”

Hearing this voice, Taoist Taichu and Taoist Tianyan suddenly twitched their mouths, speechless and wanting to laugh.

Liu Ruolan also raised her eyes upon hearing the sound, and her figure disappeared instantly.

In the Crystal Palace, the voice of the Master of Bliss also sounded: “Are you kidding? How can you detoxify without taking off your clothes? Uh… Ruo Lan, why did you come in? Okay, okay, can’t I put it on? Excuse me. You collect your Hunyuan Dao water…”



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