Protect Our Patriarch Chapter 10: The great power of evolution! Long Yan enters the Demon Sect

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In the simple wooden house deep in the Qinghuang Valley, Wang Shouzhe, who was sitting cross-legged under the Qinghuang Holy Monument to accept the inheritance, gradually came to his senses.

He felt as if he had had a long dream.

In dreams, he sometimes transformed into a weed, sometimes he transformed into a spiritual tree, and sometimes he seemed to be a climbing vine, just staying somewhere quietly, growing from a small seedling. Growing up little by little, from birth to death, experiencing a short or long life, and then returning to nothingness.

Unconsciously, he had a deeper understanding of Mu Zhidao. Many things that I had never understood were solved one by one, and the road ahead suddenly became clear.

Next, he only needs to continue practicing step by step, and his cultivation level will improve rapidly.

Recalling what he had experienced in the previous “big dream”, Wang Shouzhe was still a little dazed.

Is this… inheritance?

It turns out that this is what it feels like to accept inheritance.

Although his strength level has not improved, the Qinghuang Xuanqi in his body seems to have been refined and become more condensed, and he has become more comfortable in using Qingmu’s law.

This is like getting the answer in advance when solving a problem. When solving the problem, you can directly follow the steps on the answer and copy it step by step. It is naturally easy. But without this “answer”, practicing is like a blind man walking on the road, and can only fumble forward bit by bit, and the speed will naturally be slow.

Maybe if you waste time, your longevity will be exhausted.

It is no wonder that the ancestors of mankind wanted to create the model of inheritance land. If there is no inheritance place, even if he is a peerless genius, it will be difficult for him to achieve the Lingxu realm in this life, and he will probably reach the top of the magical power realm.

The existence of a place of inheritance is equivalent to the predecessors using their own experience to pave the way for future generations. The future generations only need to walk on the road paved by the predecessors, and they can fly all the way, thus greatly shortening the cultivation time.

From this perspective, the senior who created the inheritance method of the inheritance land really did an amazing thing.

However, it is really not easy for the inheritance place to accumulate enough energy of heaven and earth for inheritance. These 600 million dry gold (six million fairy crystals) are not wasted.

“Dad, try your magical powers quickly and see if there are any changes in your magical powers!”

At this time, Wang Lixian’s little girl’s voice suddenly rang in his ears. As Wang Shouzhe’s natal immortal plant, she was naturally the first to notice Wang Shouzhe’s awakening.

Although the person who followed Wang Shouzhe this time was just a clone of Li Xian, he could communicate with his family about the situation at any time.

Wang Shouzhe was reminded by her, so he immediately closed his eyes and realized it carefully. After a while, he opened his eyes again, with a hint of joy in his eyes.

He is a peerless genius. When he was promoted to the Purple Mansion Realm, his bloodline had already awakened to the seventh level and he possessed the Great Holy Body.

The Dacheng Holy Body is the prerequisite for mastering the “great supernatural power”.

After all, when an ordinary powerful person in the magical power realm is promoted to the magical power realm, he will have the physique of a great holy body. Therefore, theoretically, the peerless talents in the Purple Mansion Realm are qualified to master great supernatural powers.

So, since he was promoted to the Purple Mansion Realm, Wang Shouzhe has been trying to understand his own great magical power, but he has not been able to succeed because his understanding of the laws is not good enough.

But now, with the blessing of the inheritance place, his great magical power has finally come true!

Walking out of the thatched hut, Wang Shouzhe took out a handful of grass seeds for improved pasture from the storage ring, and then waved his hand, and a vibrant green glow enveloped them.

In an instant.

Those grass seeds sprouted, and then quickly took root and grew. In just a short time, they grew into a lush green carpet, the speed was dizzying.

Although the improved pasture varieties grow quickly, Wang Shouzhe did not grow at such a speed when he usually promoted this kind of pasture.

Obviously, after being promoted from a small magical power to a great magical power, the effect of his profound energy has increased a lot again.

And this is not the end.

Under the twilight, the pastures bloom and bear fruit quickly, and then turn yellow and gradually wither. At the same time, the grass seeds that fell from the fruit began to germinate, grow, and reincarnate again.

The area of ​​​​the grass carpet began to gradually expand.

As the growth cycle passes from generation to generation, the growth speed of grass seeds gradually becomes uneven, and a handful of grass seeds become faster. The size of the pasture plants, the shape and color of the leaves are also slightly different from the original varieties.

The grass carpet gradually began to become uneven.

I don’t know how long it took before the magical power exerted by Wang Shouzhe was finally exhausted. The grass on the ground finally stopped growing wildly, and the area of ​​​​the grass carpet was fixed and no longer expanded.

“The mutation rate has also increased.” Wang Shouzhe looked at the grass carpet and concluded.

Usually, when he spawns plants, there is a certain chance that mutant varieties will appear, but they are extremely rare and may not necessarily be positive mutations. Mutated varieties must be picked out and carefully studied before the direction can be determined or eliminated.

More than 99% of mutant seeds will be eliminated.

But now, he just gave birth to it once, and several mutant grasses actually appeared. This can hardly be said to be a coincidence.

With this great magical power at hand, given time, he might be able to cultivate a spiritual rice variety with better quality than the Immortal Dynasty spiritual rice.

And those ideas in his mind that were put on hold due to the difficulty of catalyzing the process may also have the possibility of success.

Until then…

The more Wang Shouzhe thought about it, the happier he became, and he immediately decided: “In that case, let’s name this great magical power ‘evolution’.”

Because of the variety of bloodlines, even if they practice the same technique or the same avenue, everyone will realize different minor and major supernatural powers. He naturally has the right to name his own great supernatural powers.

After that, he waved his sleeves, and the grass carpet on the ground began to blossom and bear fruit quickly, and then began to turn yellow.

But what is different from before is that this time, after the grass withered and turned yellow, the grass seeds did not fall to the ground. Instead, they automatically rose into the sky one by one. They were divided into two parts halfway, and one part was reborn. It fell into his sleeve, and another smaller quantity of mutant grass seeds was stored separately in a small porcelain bottle.

Based on the characteristics of the mutant itself, he also conveniently marked the number on the porcelain bottle.

You need to calm down and plant these several times to see the overall status of their mutations, and then conduct further experiments and artificial selection. It’s time for Wang’s various grain and grass seeds to be updated again~

Especially the mainstream grain varieties grown by Wang currently have obvious technical advantages in Daqian and are rapidly expanding the market. However, in Xian Dynasty, they do not have many advantages except for price advantages.

Obviously, this is not the result Wang Shouzhe wants.

Even if the entire Da Gan buys grain seeds from the Wang family, although it will expand the overall grain output of Da Gan, indirectly increase national strength, and enrich the Wang family, it will also squeeze out many people who originally relied on grain seeds. Born into an aristocratic family.

The best result so far is, of course, to work together to increase unit grain output and use the excess fields to grow grain for export.

In this way, everyone can make money with the Wang family. With more economy, more talents can be cultivated, and it can snowball and become stronger and stronger.

But if you want to seize the Xianchao market, you must have grain varieties with greater advantages, and you cannot just rely on low prices to compete for the low-end market. It needs to surpass the Immortal Dynasty grain seeds in terms of price and performance in two dimensions: ordinary grain seeds and low-grade spiritual rice.

At present, Wang is actually ready for this move.

Wang Shouzhe has been promoting plans since he was promoted to Great Prodigy. The latest varieties in the secret experimental field have been planted for more than 20 years, and their overall performance is slightly better than the common grain varieties in the Immortal Dynasty, and the cost is lower.

Wang Shouzhe named this generation of grain seeds the third generation of Wang family grain seeds.

Now, the key issue of the fourth-generation grain seeds that has stuck him for a while has been solved. I believe that Wang’s fourth-generation grain seeds will soon become the new favorite in the experimental fields.

By then, the third generation will be officially and gradually launched on the market.

At that time, Wang Shouzhe will secretly continue to optimize the fourth generation and start to tackle Wang’s fifth generation grain seeds.

For a while, Wang Shouzhe felt very high-spirited.

By the way, I don’t know how the ancestor Longyan is doing?

Wang Shouzhe suddenly remembered that Patriarch Longyan had received news since the last time that he had become a registered disciple of Yin Fengtu and had gained a firm foothold within the Yinsha Sect.

The good thing is that Wang Shouzhe, who has three major intelligence departments, has many talents under his command, and has already gradually penetrated the intelligence department into the Southern Qin and Western Jin Dynasties.

With Patriarch Longyan cooperating with them in the future, the intelligence department there will gain a better foothold and penetrate deeper, and his understanding of the Southern Qin and Western Jin Dynasties will become clearer and clearer.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger. As Daqian grows more and more, it will sooner or later conflict with the Western Jin Dynasty and Southern Qin Dynasty.

Just when Wang Shouzhe was thinking about Patriarch Longyan.

The land of the far west.

Yin Sha Sect.

In the center of the mountain range to which the Yinsha Sect belongs, there is an extremely high peak. The entire mountain is made of an extremely hard Yin-type ore. The mountain is rugged and as steep as a long sword inserted upside down.

A slightly weaker Xuanwu monk might not even be able to climb the mountain.

This peak does not originally exist in the Wuji Holy Mountain, but was moved little by little from outside the territory by the first generation of Yinsha Sect masters with great magical powers. It is the most important mountain among all the mountains in the Yinsha Sect.

The Yinsha Sect’s temple is located halfway up the mountain.

Since ordinary materials cannot withstand the erosion of evil spirits and will soon decay, the building materials used in the temple are basically ores with Yin evil attributes and special varieties of spiritual trees that can grow normally within the Yin evil sect. .

With limited materials, the temple cannot easily build a palace complex covering several kilometers like Lingyun Holy Land. However, even so, the temple is still magnificent and magnificent, but the area is smaller. point.

This day.

The number of guards in the temple has doubled than usual. Not only is the patrol team patrolling much more frequently than usual, but even the Tianren Realm patrol chief, who usually only sits on guard and does not attend work at all, has joined the patrol team. among.

Purple Mansion Realm powerhouses were directly dispatched to garrison various important positions.

The reason why we are so mobilized is also very simple.

Just because today is the day when the big shots from the True Demon Palace come to the Yinsha Sect.

For this day, the Yinsha Sect began preparations a month in advance. Not only did they clean the entire temple inside and out, but they also collected a batch of extremely rare flowers within the Yinsha Sect in advance. Plants, plus protective formations to prevent them from withering, are only used to decorate the temple.

Every defensive specification has also been directly raised to the first level.

The main purpose is not to prevent the enemy from invading, but to prevent the unscrupulous Yinsha Sect disciples from rushing in rashly, bumping into the distinguished guests, and angering the big shots from the True Demon Palace.

At this moment.

Two people were already sitting in the main hall used for reception.

One of them looks like a young man, wearing a black imperial uniform, with mysterious patterns embroidered on the cuffs with golden silk thread. He looks noble and majestic.

His sitting posture is quite casual, but he naturally carries a domineering aura about him, and his aura is very powerful.

The other person is a decadent middle-aged uncle. His eyebrows are full of vicissitudes of life, and his temples are also stained with gray. He looks very depressed.

The auras of both of them are extremely restrained. From the surface, it is impossible to tell how much cultivation they have.

But among the Yinsha Sect disciples standing on both sides, no one would look down upon the two of them, even if the disciples who are now qualified to come and serve are already the pride of heaven from all branches of the Yinsha Sect.

Yin Fengtu, the acting head of the Yinsha Sect, was also serving tea and water to the two of them diligently and respectfully, with a smile on his face: “Your majesties, please wait a moment. My master is already here. On the way here. Arriving soon, arriving soon.”

The tea served is also the top quality tea. It is the spiritual plant of the clan from the top super-grade family of the Demon Dynasty – the twelfth-level peak Youso Sunflower Tea. It has the miraculous effect of strengthening the soul and condensing the soul. .

The biggest feature of this tea is one word – expensive!

Even Emperor Lingxu is usually reluctant to drink too much, so it would be more pompous to entertain distinguished guests.

The two people entertained by Yin Fengtu were the emperors of the Southern Qin and the Western Jin, two dignified bosses in the Lingxu realm.

Among them, the young man with a domineering attitude is the current emperor of Southern Qin – Emperor Yuanyou.

He is still young and has plenty of longevity, and he is as ambitious as the rising sun.

The middle-aged man on the other side who looks a little depressed is the current emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty – Emperor Yanqing.

“Okay~ You don’t need to explain for him. Master Qi is a senior expert, and naturally he is not comparable to me and other ‘idlers’.” Emperor Yuanyou picked up the tea cup and took a sip, his tone was a bit sinister.

If you are unhappy, you will be unhappy, but you still have to drink Youso Sunflower Tea if you should, and you can’t waste it.

Yin Fengtu smiled awkwardly.

Emperor Yanqing drank tea silently, his eyebrows lowered, as if he was in a fugue, and turned a deaf ear to the conversation here, as if he was not interested in them at all.

While he was talking, a hearty laugh suddenly came from outside the door.

“Hahaha~ I have recently accepted a new direct disciple with excellent qualifications. I was preaching to the disciple just now. I forgot the time and neglected the two great emperors. Please forgive me for my sin.”

As soon as he finished speaking, two figures appeared at the door.

The one walking in the front is a middle-aged man in white. He is handsome and elegant, and he is the leader of the Yinsha Sect, Qi Hongzhao.

Behind him, there was a masked woman dressed in white as snow, with a temperament as cold as the snow on the Tianshan Mountains.

If there are any descendants of the Wang family here, they will definitely recognize this woman at a glance. This woman is clearly the ancestor of the Zi Mansion, Wang Longyan, who is “claimed” to be in retreat.

In fact, not long after Anye’s wedding, Longyan ancestor had already left Daqian and came to the Yinsha Sect’s territory.

Ancestor Longyan, who is now more than 260 years old, is already in the middle stage of the Zifu Realm. Even when facing magical power realm monks, he has a certain ability to protect himself.

It was precisely for this reason that Wang Shouzhe agreed to let Ancestor Longyan go on a trip to look for opportunities in the Yinsha Sect’s territory.

In fact, according to Wang Shouzhe’s original intention, he was not willing to let his ancestor take risks. But Patriarch Longyan is a peerless genius, and theoretically can cultivate to the Lingxu realm.

However, if you want to cultivate to the Lingxu realm, you must first have a “treasure book” that matches your own attributes.

This alone is enough to trap countless people.

No matter how many tricks Wang Shouzhe has, there is still no good solution.

Because there are countless treasure books in this world, and most of them have been occupied by major forces such as the Daqian Royal Family, Lingyun Holy Land, and the Immortal Dynasty Family and Immortal Palace. It can be said that they are nothing but a carrot and a pit. Unless you join them, otherwise No play at all.

Even if there are some scattered around, they are at most incomplete ones like the “Golden Toad Book”, which will have serious side effects and cannot be practiced casually.

After much thought, the one that is most suitable for Patriarch Longyan is the Yinsha Sect’s “Yinsha Magic Book”. After all, the Yinsha Sect is the enemy, and he has no psychological burden at all for the Lingxu inheritance that deceived the enemy.

It is precisely because of this that there was a series of related plans for Patriarch Longyan to sneak into the Yinsha Sect.

However, Wang Shouzhe’s original plan was to make his ancestor Yin Fengtu’s direct disciple. Even he probably didn’t expect that Longyan’s ancestor would suddenly become his disciple before he could worship Yin Fengtu as his teacher. In the blink of an eye, he became the direct disciple of Qi Hongzhao, the leader of Yinsha Sect.

It can only be said that things are unpredictable, and if you have extraordinary qualifications, you will be popular.

In order to prevent his identity from being exposed, the ancestor of Longyan not only covered his face with a veil, but also deliberately restored his hair to black. The ice evil energy in his body was no longer deliberately suppressed, but was released without reservation. come out.

If it weren’t for someone who was extremely familiar with her, it would be impossible to connect her current identity with Wang Longyan.

“Come on, Ruobing, come here quickly and pay homage to the two great emperors.” Qi Hongzhao changed his usual serious demeanor and smiled a little proudly. It was very obvious that he was extremely satisfied with his new disciple.

It’s no wonder that Qi Hongzhao is not very willing to stay in the early stage of Lingxu Realm all his life, judging from the fact that he often retreats for long periods of time to practice and comprehend. However, the further you practice, the more you will feel the shackles brought by your bloodline qualifications.

Unless we ignore the overall interests and rely on a large amount of resources to pile up, it will be extremely difficult to go further. Moreover, even if he does not hesitate to use resources to pile up and let him successfully break into the middle stage of Lingxu Realm, what will happen next?

The road to immortality is vast. If you don’t become a true immortal, what difference does it make between the early stage and the middle stage of Lingxu Realm?

Gradually, Qi Hongzhao became a little discouraged.

“Ruobing pays homage to Emperor Yuanyou and Emperor Yanqing.”

Wang Longyan bowed to the two great emperors in accordance with the rules, her attitude was respectful, but her voice was calm and cold, as if the identities of the two great emperors did not bring huge pressure to her.

Ever since Emperor Longchang stayed with the Wang family and lost a large sum of money playing cards, and was arranged by Shouzhe to work to extract spiritual veins to repay the money, the majesty of the emperor had collapsed in Wang Longyan’s heart.

Qi Hongzhao deliberately showed off, and both emperors saw it.

Even Emperor Yanqing, who was not interested in everything, took a second look at Wang Longyan and secretly speculated on what was so unique about Qi Hongzhao, his new disciple?

As for Emperor Yuanyou, he looked at Wang Longyan up and down unscrupulously, with a ray of spiritual thought in his eyes, as if he wanted to see through him.


Wang Longyan snorted softly, and a divine thought bloomed with the Ice Demon Qi, covering her whole body in the Ice Demon mist, blocking out the prying eyes of Emperor Yuanyou.

She even used her spiritual thoughts to condense the ice evil energy into a needle and stabbed Emperor Yuanyou from a distance.


Emperor Yuanyou focused his gaze and instantly defused the ice demon needle, but Wang Longyan’s move was nothing less than a provocation to him.

He was so angry that he shouted, and a vast and majestic aura rose up, mercilessly shrouding Wang Longyan: “You dare to offend the majesty of the great emperor in the realm of Zifu. You are seeking death!”

However, before the coercion fell on Wang Longyan, Qi Hongzhao took a step across and blocked Wang Longyan.

With a casual wave of his hand, he blocked Yuanyou’s pressure. The smile on his face suddenly solidified, and turned into a frosty sneer: “Yuanyou, don’t try to harm the temple with me. Treat it as your ‘Palace of Bliss’. If you dare to act recklessly again, don’t blame this sect leader for teaching you a lesson.”

Emperor Yuanyou is still young now. As the elders in the supernatural realm who supported him in ascending to the throne gradually pass away, the binding force of the royal family on him becomes smaller and smaller, and he becomes less and less cautious in his actions.

A few years ago, he even built a Paradise Palace in the Southern Qin Palace, and specially collected a group of beauties to spend the bliss together.

“Sect Master Qi is indeed overbearing. Did he treat me as a subordinate and reprimand me Yuanyou before I was promoted to the middle stage of Lingxu?” Emperor Yuanyou sneered, “I want to see how you can teach me a lesson? Could it be that you are relying on the Yinsha Holy Land’s great formation to suppress me?”

Qi Hongzhao’s eyes gradually became colder, and the whirlpool in his eyes gradually took shape: “Well, if I don’t teach you a lesson, you might not think that you are already invincible.”

Just as the two sides were at war with each other, Qi Hongzhao was about to take action.

Emperor Yanqing stood up and held his hands on both sides, trying to smooth things over: “Master Qi, Brother Yuanyou is still young and doesn’t know how high the world is. Don’t argue with him.”

As he spoke, he glared at Emperor Yuanyou again: “The Yinsha Sect is the holy land supported by both Jin and Qin. Yuanyou, please don’t bring your family temper here.”

Emperor Yuanyou’s eyes were slightly uncertain, and then he laughed loudly and said: “Brother Yanqing is right to criticize, it is Yuanyou who is reckless.”

Seeing Yuanyou take a step back, Qi Hongzhao glanced at Emperor Yanqing, his eyes gradually returned to their original state, and he said calmly: “The bad disciple is a loose cultivator. He has suffered a lot in his life, and has developed a withdrawn and indifferent attitude. His temper made the two great emperors laugh.”

“Rogue cultivators?” Emperor Yanqing frowned slightly, “Why would Sect Master Qi recruit casual cultivators as his direct disciples? He is not afraid…”

Even Emperor Yuanyou looked at him sideways.

Every sect’s holy land is very defensive against casual cultivators. The Yinsha Sect will use casual cultivators as cannon fodder, but will never let them gradually rise to power.

After talking for a long time, Qi Hongzhao was waiting for this sentence.

Immediately, he said calmly and casually: “Don’t be afraid. Firstly, Fengtu has investigated Ruobing’s origin and past experience, and there are no obvious problems. Secondly,… Ruobing, she She is the peerless genius-level ice demon mutant bloodline… By the way, she is still a pure yin body, and there are bonuses for practicing the Yin evil bloodline.”


Peerless genius level?

It’s still the bloodline of the Ice Fiend and the pure Yin physique! ?

Isn’t this super awesome?

The two emperors couldn’t sit still when they heard this.

How come such qualifications don’t come from your own family? It actually fell on the head of a casual cultivator. Is this justified?

Seeing the shocked and wonderful expressions on the faces and eyes of the two great emperors, Yin Fengtu’s heart was broken. It was clear that this was the best disciple he had finally picked up, but now he became his master’s.

The precious apprentice suddenly turned into a junior sister…

This kind of taste made Yin Fengtu feel mixed with emotions.

Emperor Yuanyou stared at Wang Longyan in shock. This woman has reached the level of peerless genius before accepting the inheritance of the book. It is very rare even in the Scarlet Moon Demon Dynasty and Han Yue Immortal Dynasty.

If combined with inheritance, the essence of heaven and earth given by the book will be much higher than that of great emperors like Yuan You. If resources are allocated from the beginning to impact Lingxu’s mid-term or even late-stage resources, then in the future…

When he thought of this, Emperor Yuanyou felt both envy and fear in his heart.

No wonder, Qi Hongzhao protected her so closely. He would treat her like a treasure. Comparing the two sides, all the precious ladies in his [Bliss Palace] have turned into rouge fans.

The Emperor Yanqing first praised a few words and said: “Zong Master Qi is really lucky to meet such a talented and beautiful jade.” After a pause, he frowned again and said: “With such qualifications, if you don’t show up, It would be a pity for Lingxu to be in the middle and later stages.”

“But if we allocate impact resources… given the current situation of the Holy Land, I’m afraid it will be stretched, right?”

“This matter is not urgent at the moment. Later, we, the elders within the Yinsha Sect, will hold a meeting first.” Qi Hongzhao looked at the envious and jealous looks of the two great emperors, and felt secretly happy.

He put his hands behind his back and said energetically, “In the future, if Ru Bing can become Lingxu in the middle and late stages, we will have an absolute advantage in high-end combat power against Donggan and Lingyun Holy Land.”

With these few words, Qi Hongzhao seemed to have made Wang Longyan the heir apparent.

In an instant, Yin Fengtu had the urge to shed tears. His disciple turned into a junior sister, and the junior sister stole his position as the sect leader…

This taste is so sour and refreshing.



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