Pokémon Court Chapter 3: The wind of the beginning


“Oh, you child, you are really hard to see through…”

Following the silence, there was another sigh. Grandma Oran’s thoughts began to return to the day when Terrance adopted Terrance. Terrance was born in Hualan City in the Kanto area. When he was six years old, his parents died unexpectedly. However, due to the lack of minimum living security, Terrance soon became a loner. Even with the subsidy from the alliance, it was difficult for him to live a normal life.

Olan, who happened to pass by Kanto at the time, applied for a series of procedures to the alliance after obtaining Terrance’s consent, and adopted him under the name of this orphanage.

A child like Terrance is neither the first nor the last in Qing Guwu.

But Terrance is indeed the most special child Oran has ever met.

From being silent and withdrawn at the beginning to becoming mature, stable, and understanding, it is hard to imagine that this is a six-year-old child, and Orlan was very surprised by the madness of being addicted to books. For those boring and cumbersome knowledge that no child of the same age is willing to touch, Olan found that Terrance could be fascinated by reading it, and even analyzed it clearly and logically, with relish!

Serious, meticulous, and mature, sometimes Olan almost forgot that Terrance was also an orphan she adopted, but in reality, Terrance was helping her take care of other children.

“It’s our luck to meet you.” Looking at Terrance with piercing eyes, Grandma Oran couldn’t laugh or cry. She didn’t know what this child was thinking all day long. The child’s innocence, sometimes looking at Terrance’s focus, Grandma Olan would even show a trace of fear. This child is so special that it makes him feel unreal.

“I’m sorry…” said in a low voice, Terrance didn’t know how to continue the topic.

No matter what, he will never change his decision to leave the Old Green House!

After being silent for a long time, Grandma Oran looked at Hunting Swallowtail, “The purpose of my coming here is to tell you, take this child away.” Looking softly at Hunting Swallowtail, Grandma Oran sighed, ” It has also grown up.”

Hearing this, Terrance was startled suddenly.

Take away the hunting swallowtail?

It’s not that the court tree has never grown, but the hunting swallowtail is also a member of the Green House. Although it is mainly taken care of by the court tree, everyone here has paid different efforts to it.

In other words, hunting swallowtails is not an elf of Terrance.

In fact, hunting swallowtails has not been subdued by anyone.

Grandma Oran has always borne the cost of hunting swallowtails for food!

“Let it stay with the children.”

Shaking his head, Terrance refused.

Taking away the hunting swallowtail will certainly bring him an advantage in the next trip, but it would be too irresponsible to do so.

After all, hunting swallowtails is not his personal property.

Every member of the Green House has devoted their efforts to hunting swallowtails.

“I knew you would say that, but the children have already agreed, and they also hope that the hunting swallowtail can go to see the outside world with you.”

Fangfo had expected Terrance’s answer, Grandma Olan said.

“Take this.”

Grandma Oran patted Terrance on the shoulder and handed something to him——

“This is… a poke ball?”

The color of the elf ball was pure white, Terrance took a closer look, and couldn’t help clenching his fists.

On the pure white elf ball, the children’s names were written in messy signs.

“I got this in a gorgeous contest when I was young. It is a memorial ball. It has the same function as the Poke Ball, but now it contains the children’s support for you. Come on, boy, use it to subdue the hunting Swallow Die, you two go out together, so we can feel more at ease.”

Staring at the commemorative ball, Terrance opened his mouth slightly, wanting to say something, but in the end, he remained silent.

Holding the commemorative ball in his hand, Terrance felt thick and hot!

The silence didn’t last long. Finally, Terrance looked at Grandma Olan and said, “I understand.”

“Leave this child to me. If it agrees to become my elf, I will take it with me to fulfill the children’s dreams.” Nodding firmly, Terrance said to Grandma Oran.

Afterwards, Terrance turned his gaze to the hunting swallowtail hovering in the air, watching.

More like asking.


At this time, Hunting Swallowie seemed to understand what was happening now, seeing Terrance’s invitation, she didn’t hesitate at all, and directly called out cheerfully.

Tingshu’s careful care and company for it, the careful care of it every time it evolves, and the difficult training of helping each other in the same boat, although it is strict and demanding, how can it forget the sweat it shed together?

Becoming the elf of Terrance is also the long-cherished wish of Hunting Butterfly!

“Congratulations.” Grandma Olan said with a smile. At such an age, she would inevitably feel sad when encountering such a situation.

“Thank you.” Said lonely, Terrance clenched the commemorative ball tightly.

Grandma Olan still had a smile on her face, looking at Terrance, she couldn’t help but feel a little funny, “What a weird child.”

The pure white color of the poke ball is the symbol of the beginning of Terrance’s dream.

Feeling the breeze blowing from the window, Terrance watched the hunting swallowtail, and his thoughts drifted back to the past.

At that time, Terrance and the hunting swallowtail, greeted the morning light, and practiced the scene of tricks together.

Under the sunlight, the silk of the hunting swallowtail is like a sea of ​​silk ~Soverse.com~ forming a big net, the net is filled with electric current, making the sound of stinging.

This is the process in which Terrance and Hunting Swallowtail painstakingly upgraded the silk-spinning trick to the power grid trick under Grandma Oran’s suggestion.

This special training took a lot of effort from Terrance. Since the time of the thorntail, Terrance has deliberately cultivated the thorntail so that it will not waste its silk.

In Terrance’s view, if the trick of spinning silk is used properly, it will play a very important role.

So, in addition to special training, Terrance has also been working hard to supplement protein for the spiny tail worms in his diet, and he often runs into the jungle for the astringent ginkgo fruit that can increase the number of silkworms and strengthen the toughness of the silkworms , to pick it up alone.

The pulp and leaves of the ginkgo fruit are the favorite food of insect elves, and the ginkgo fruit can better provide nutrition for hunting butterflies after being blended by the garden tree.

After several months of joint efforts by Terrance and the others, the silk spinning of the hunting swallowtail butterfly has made great progress, and it has good conductivity. Fan, comprehended the trick of the power grid.

This is also the biggest achievement of Terrance and the hunting swallowtail in a year.

In addition, the hunting butterfly’s excellent airflow sensing, the fine-grained wind speed control, and the silver whirlwind filled with all kinds of scale powder are all the results of the joint efforts of Terrance and the hunting swallowtail.

It can be said that although the hunting swallowtail may not be outstanding in strength, it is an excellent player in the use of unique skills, a little guy born for the gorgeous competition.

Because it carries the gorgeous dreams of the children in the whole Old Green House, Grandma Oran’s experience is also the biggest boost to its growth.

The breeze blew again, and Terrance woke up all of a sudden. He knew that this was the beginning wind to bid him farewell.


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