Pokémon Court Chapter 28: Benefits of nature


There are many wild plants and fruits in the forest, some are edible, some are inedible, but compared to the earth, the crop security in this world is much higher.

Ting Shu is currently walking in a forest in Yantu Mountain.

Just a moment ago, he and Qingmianniao had the misfortune to meet a Long Nose Leaf.

But fortunately, the other party’s temperament is not too bad. After Terrance paid a little food, he sent this guy away.

“This is it.” Catching a red fruit pecked off by the green cotton bird, Ting Shu’s eyes lit up. Picking up the red fruit, Terrance sniffed it closely, and after confirming it again and again, he showed a joyful expression.

“Let’s continue.” He ordered Qingmianniao, and Ting Shu and Qingmianniao got busy again.

The red fruit garden tree didn’t pick too much, only three or four, and they walked towards other places again. Terrance’s goal is not only cocoa fruit, he needs more available fruit, the more the better, Terrance didn’t pay too much attention to the types of fruit in this area before, so he has to reconfirm.

“This is astringent grapes? It’s a pity that it’s useless.” Meeting a tree fruit again, Terrance shook his head.

To be honest, although there are many types of fruit in the forest in this kind of undeveloped wild area, the distribution is chaotic, and there are very few trees that can find suitable ones.

After a lot of work, Terrance picked four cocoa fruits, three passion fruits, three green mussels, and two guavas.

Put the twelve tree fruits into the backpack like treasures, and then Terrance was satisfied and returned in a happy mood.

Maybe there are more garden trees in the forest around Yantu Mountain, but now he only found these in this area, and he has not finished picking the fruit, and there are some leftovers, which he wrote down Once the location is given, he will naturally come to pick it up again when needed.


“Cocoa fruit, the most important thing is the core, but the flesh is second. The core contains a wealth of fire elements. If you want to understand the fire attribute tricks, it is also a good choice to pass it, but what we have to do is not It’s not for you to learn the ultimate fire technique, but for you to use this core to burst out all the energy of this drupe in one go.”

Grinding the core of cocoa fruit, Terrance said to Qingmianniao.

Ting Shu’s movements are very fast. He has seen this knowledge from books and conducted in-depth research. The only difference is practice.

With the backing of knowledge, although it was not smooth at the beginning, slowly, Terrance’s movements changed from unfamiliar to skilled.

If you want to grind the fruit core without destroying the structure, you need to pay attention to the assistance and techniques, and Terrance also does it very seriously to avoid accidents.

“Natural grace, this trick is a very opportunistic trick.” Terrance said.

Qing Mianniao stared at him, not knowing why.

Ting Shu is patiently explaining the principle of Grace of Nature, and Qingmianniao is also listening carefully. Compared with newly comprehending a new trick, Grace of Nature is undoubtedly a better choice for Qingmianniao now.

The advantage of this trick is that it can be used easily if you basically understand the principle, and there is no problem of proficiency. The core of the trick depends entirely on the fruit itself. As for the power, although it is closely related to the strength of the elves, compared with other unique moves, the growth rate of natural grace is still relatively low, but, relatively speaking, the foundation of this unique move is relatively high among most of the unique moves .

Elfs use the power obtained from the berries to attack, and the berries they carry have different attributes and powers.

The attribute is easy to say, it represents the nature of the berry, the power partly depends on the year of the berry, partly depends on the degree of processing by the trainer, which is the so-called energy utilization rate, and the power of a certain trick of the elf The three aspects of the carrier.

The cocoa fruit contains the energy core of the fire attribute. After being processed by the garden tree, the green Mianniao can store the energy in it at one time, and when it is necessary, it will burst out at one time to form a new trick. , which is the so-called bounty of nature.

Cocoa fruit can endow a carrier with unique fire attributes, while other fruits picked by the garden tree, such as passion fruit, green mume fruit, and guava fruit. They can respectively bring effects of water attribute, flight attribute and dragon attribute.

Being able to find these, Terrance is already very satisfied.

It took about half an hour for Terrance to process a core of cocoa fruit. At this moment, the core can already be directly used by the green cotton bird to use the energy in it.

After processing a berry, Terrance didn’t take the green cotton bird to practice immediately, but continued to process other berries.

The key to the cocoa fruit lies in the core. Some of the other fruits are the same, and some are different. Terrance is preparing one by one according to the principles. With the first experience, his next treatment is also considered It went well.

During this period, Terrance had already dismissed the green bird and let it do basic training again.

Time passed quickly, and when Tingshu came back to his senses from the production, the green bird was flying, attacking the feather dance he created with pecking tricks.

Cotton-like feathers are scattered in the air, and the blue cotton bird seems to be shuttling through the sea of ​​clouds at this moment. Finally, the feathers fall, bit by bit, and the feathers that have been pecked to pieces dance, falling like cotton rain, which is too beautiful to behold. . ~Soverse.com~ Let’s take a break, shall we? “Ting Shu laughed.

The training that Qingmianniao is doing at this moment is the coordination direction of the trick, and it can be regarded as the basis of the gorgeous competition. From the very beginning, Terrance prepared to make Qingmianniao pay attention to these things. Terran believes that even if it is a gorgeous competition, There must also be a reason for its existence. The coordination and connection between the elf’s unique moves can also play a vital role in battle. The purpose of the show is to examine whether the little elves can use the gorgeous tricks in the performance in actual combat and make them effective, instead of just watching them empty-handed.

So, this is why coordinators are also called coordination trainers.

However, not everyone agrees with this point of view. Most coordinators attach great importance to the performance of the elf’s tricks, but ignore the battle. However, due to the rules of the conference, they can’t complain.

In fact, not everyone is keen on elf battles.

The regulation of the last level of the gorgeous contest restricts many excellent players who love the gorgeous performances of elf tricks but don’t like fighting.

But these have nothing to do with Terrance. Although he respects those trainers who are keen on performing, such as little Linai, he doesn’t like fighting between elves, but this does not mean that he will also reject it. As far as Terrance is concerned, everything is fine. In terms of subjective emotions, it has rarely affected him. Terracotta naturally does not have the mentality of repelling fighting.

After all, elf battles, as well as the most traditional trainers, are the mainstream of this world.

Maybe after a long period of development, there will be a large-scale event in the future that focuses on pure performances between elves and trainers, but these are not what Terrance is concerned about…


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