Pokémon Court Chapter 159: Great Contest in Green Shade Town


Ting Shu did not get a definite answer as to why the Qixi blue bird could find this meteorite.

Fuzzy induction…

This statement really blinded Terrance, and it has no value to delve into.

It’s not like dragons are born to like shiny things!

What’s more, this meteorite doesn’t shine at first.

But after careful consideration, the Qixi blue bird seems to be really a “dragon” in a sense.

Although this dragon has a lot of water, it still cannot change the fact that the meteorite will not emit light at the beginning.

Ting Shu contacted Dawu and told him the origin of the meteorite. He was still on his way there. After Dawu got the information about the meteorite, he was very excited.

After that, Dawu told Terrance that he must keep the meteorite well, and he would investigate the truth of the meteorite as soon as possible.

Ting Shu shrugged his shoulders. In fact, he doesn’t care much about the truth about the meteorite. It’s just a gift from the blue bird of Qixi Festival. It doesn’t matter whether it is precious or not.

However, Terrance couldn’t refuse Dawu’s gradual enthusiasm.

By the way, Terrance thinks that through this incident, the friendship between Xia and Dawu can also be enhanced. In Terracotta’s view, the love for stones shown by the other party… should not be fake. If it is a disguise, then Dawu What a showman.

Interpersonal relationships are very important, no matter where they are, Terrance was obsessed with nurturing elves because he was just starting out, and ignored many interpersonal relationships.

But now, it should be picked up a little bit.

Even though Terrance is a quiet person, these things are indispensable.

At Yantu Mountain, Terrance stayed for a while, one was to give the Tanabata Jade Birds more time to spend with them, and the other was to miss the intermediate breeder assessment, but there was still some time before the nearest gorgeous competition.

Third, it was also because of the recent incident that the Huoyan team created a series of sensations in Yantu Mountain.

Fortunately, during the days when Terrance stayed in Yantu Mountain, nothing happened, otherwise he would really leave without worrying.

The Huoyan team should be the villain organization in the Fangyuan area. In Terrance’s mind, it is almost in the same position as the Rocket team.

But Terrance also understands that this is no longer an animation. A large organization that can be active under the eyes of the alliance must have its own management system and a comprehensive team.

This is not something he can deal with personally. It is the alliance’s power to deal with the frontline personnel of these organizations.

With this incident at Yantu Mountain, in order to prevent the opponent from returning to Yantu Mountain, the alliance will definitely strengthen the security here. As long as the leader of the Huoyan team is not a fool, he should not be unwise to return here.

“The security forces in Autumn Leaf Town are too weak.”

Ting Shu shook his head.

The town of green shade.

A Kalu Tunnel project that was born out of nothing made this already famous town develop rapidly again.

“Fire pheasant, attack with a peck!”


“Bamboo hat mushroom—Sonic Fist!”

“horse mushroom~~~”

Following an order, the plates flying in the sky were instantly opened by tricks one after another.

There are not only frisbees, bubbles, balloons, ribbons, all kinds of things occupy the whole sky.

This is the training ground outside the gorgeous competition venue in Greenshade Town.

Right now, the coordinators who are about to participate in the gorgeous competition are doing pre-match training.

Many coordinators came here a week or even half a month before the competition to recharge their batteries and intensify their training before the competition to strive for a good result.

“In a sense, it is not necessarily easier to challenge the gorgeous competition than the gym.” Terrance looked at the coordinators who were doing temporary special training, and expressed his feelings.

As far as the eye can see, there are dozens of coordinators in the training ground. Compared with the magnificent competition he participated in at Sinnoh, the number has increased greatly.

“A champion is selected from about a hundred contestants, and this champion needs to win the same four championships before he can participate in the grand celebration.”

“But in other words, it is not difficult to win the championship once. The frequency of the gorgeous competition is almost calculated on a monthly basis.”

“And the average of the contestants…”

Ting Shu just took a casual look with his eyes, and found out the strength of 90% of the contestants. Even his own elf couldn’t be cultivated well, so participating in the gorgeous competition can only be a process of showing his face.

He suspects that a trainer who has the ability to collect eight badges and is recognized by the gym owner to participate in the gorgeous competition is better than most coordinators.

“There are still too few truly competent coordinators, compared to trainers.” Terrance sighed in his heart.

When he was a child, being a coordinator was almost the profession he yearned for. It was sacred and gorgeous, and the performance process was always exciting and surprising.

However, after getting started, I realized that it was not as beautiful as it appeared on the surface. Compared with trainers, coordinators were still too weak.

What Terrance doesn’t know is that ~Soverse.com~ more than half of the coordinators are on the road of traditional trainers. On the way to challenge the gym, they are discouraged by the blow, disgusted with the battle, and Happened to discover such an event as the Gorgeous Contest, and then changed jobs.

Although there are battles in the gorgeous contest, the main factor of the battle is mostly the concept of “skill points”. Compared with the traditional battle, this style of battle is slower and easier to accept.

That’s why the level of most coordinators is inferior to that of trainers.

There are not many people who really love and understand the profession of coordinator, recognize this profession and work hard for it.

“Hunting swallowtails, use the silver whirlwind!”

Ting Shu, who had just finished registering, was attracted by a voice.

I have to say that Kaka signed up on the last day, and there are not many strange things like Terrance.

But wasting half a month for special training in this kind of place, Terrance also thinks it’s not worth it.

Frisbee training, throwing stone training, who came up with it!

What attracted Terrance was a voice ordering to hunt swallowtails. If it wasn’t for hunting swallowtails, Terrance would not have been attracted.

This time, the contestant that Courtyard Tree will play in the Green Shade Conference is still Hunting Swallowtail.

So for the contestants who also have hunting swallowtails, Terrance subconsciously paid attention to them.

“Well…” Terrance was startled, he was a newcomer.

This is a sweet-looking, fair-skinned girl with long straight cream-colored hair and a white dress.

A black rabbit doll is hung on the waist as a decoration, and two black bows are tied on the head.

You are very young, even if you are not a rookie trainer, judging from your temperament, you can only travel for more than a year, and you are too weak.

And this hunting swallowtail…Ting Shu frowned slightly.


Sure enough, with an exclamation, an accident happened.


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