Pokémon Court Chapter 158: Meteor Falls


In fact, it was simply that Terrance was thinking too much. After being separated from his relatives for two years and reuniting, how could he care so much about the other party’s achievements.

Seeing that the little green bird at that time has grown up healthily to the current Tanabata blue bird, as a mother, Tanabata blue bird is very happy, although

I didn’t show it, but I was happy from the bottom of my heart.

When the two Tanabata blue birds and Terrance stay together, the atmosphere is indescribably awkward.

There is no topic. For a while, Terrance was speechless, and the three parties just stared at each other like this. At the end, Terrance had an inspiration, and then coughed dryly, and slowly evolved the green cotton bird into the Tanabata blue bird. In the past two years now, their experiences are described…

Then the speech was over, and the scene fell silent again.

Staying with an unfamiliar elf, Terrance couldn’t talk about the housework so normally, wiped the sweat from his forehead, the matter of the mysterious meteorite had to be put on the table in advance, otherwise he would be overwhelmed by the dignified atmosphere Suffocated.

When Terrance obtained this mysterious meteorite, he saw the Tanabata blue bird bring it out of its perch.

Ting Shu guessed that the place where Qixi Blue Bird obtained this meteorite should not be too far from Yantu Mountain, or it should be within Yantu Mountain.

But what made Terrance care about was that when he obtained this meteorite, it was an ugly duckling at all, without any special features, and it was even more pitted than ordinary meteorites, it was ugly to death.

The meteorite changed and gave off a faint halo. That was the next thing, so here comes the question, how did such a nondescript stone attract the attention of Tanabata Blue Bird, and even picked it up specially. In the end, it was given to Terrance and the others as a parting gift.

Looking at the mysterious meteorite that has undergone tremendous changes, the eyes of the “Qixi Blue Bird” radiated an indescribable brilliance, and it couldn’t help but let out a loud cry.

Afterwards, the cotton-like wings flapped slowly, flew up, glanced at Terrance, and slowly flew towards the distant direction.

“Let’s keep up.” Terrance also sat on the Tanabata blue bird, heeling close to each other, “It should take us to the place where the meteorite was discovered.”

Ting Shu is also very curious about the origin of this meteorite.

“This direction is the direction to Kanaz City…” During the flight, they followed the mountain of Yantu Mountain, and they flew towards the southwest. It only took a few minutes. Just stopped.

The road here looks very difficult and dangerous. If you want to climb it manually, it will take a lot of effort. It should be difficult for people without special training to travel here.

Looking down from a high altitude, Terrance discovered the particularity of this place.

From a geographical point of view, it looks like a big cave, with various mountains intersecting, and several inconspicuous small holes are exposed, which looks ancient and heavy.

“This big pit…” Terrance opened his mouth slightly, remembering something.

Not long after he came to Qiuye Town, he heard about such a place, a special place on the edge of Yantu Mountain.

It was rumored that on a certain night, a huge fireball fell from the sky. The body of the fireball was actually a huge meteorite, which hit Yantu Mountain straight from space.

At that time, all the residents of Qiuye Town and Kanaz City felt the terrible movement, and even caused a small-scale earthquake.

So this matter was still a very topical matter for the small and almost closed Qiuye Town back then.

Various versions of legends were passed down as stories told by the older generation, and became one of the magical stories there to coax children.

But with the continuous improvement of cognition, the place where the meteorite fell was given a name.

Meteor craters.

Then as some elves began to return there, they used it as a habitat, especially the center where the meteorite fell, because it has a strong outer space energy, and is also loved by some elves, the environment there happened again Change, slowly evolved into a cave.

What Terrance doesn’t know is that some people want to develop the Meteor Crater in the near future, but there are already quite a large number of elves living in it, and there are even strange elves with super powers, so the development is temporarily suspended .

But as this place was classified as a place that can be developed and has a high resource value, it was also given a new name by the alliance.

Because of the characteristic environment derived from it, the waterfall is a legally meaningful title.

Meteor Falls.

“It turns out that the meteorite was picked up by the ‘Qixi Blue Bird’ in this meteor crater.”

Ting Shu was slightly surprised, and then he ordered the Tanabata blue bird to land down and observe the environment here.

Ting Shu wanted to try and see if he could pick up another meteorite of the same kind~Soverse.com~but he gave up right away, looking around in a barren area, although there were many strange rocks, there were almost no meteorite traces that caught the eye.

And the ruggedness of the road is not just a matter of lip service. The deeper you go into the cave, the darker the environment and the bumpy terrain will give Terrance a more intuitive feeling.

Combined with the constant sound of running water coming from his ears, Terrance directly concluded that this place is not a good place, if he stays for a few days, he will not know how he died.

“That’s much clearer. This meteorite fell together with the huge meteorite that fell that year.” Ting Shu secretly said.

“However, the particularity of this meteorite is still a big problem.”

“Based on the information I know, it is estimated that I can’t draw any conclusions.”

After a few glances, Terrance thought of Dawu. The other party seemed to have an impression of this meteorite, and the other party left in a hurry just to investigate the truth about this meteorite.

“Dawu Zifuqi, the heir of Devon Manufacturing Co., Ltd.”

Ting Shu has already learned about the identity of the other party and his amazing life experience. Originally, Terrance was still suspicious of Dawu, but after learning that the president of this company also has this virtue, and it is a well-known thing… …I don’t think it’s that exaggerated.

Strange hobby!

“He is rich and handsome again, no wonder he became friends with Mikoli, and judging from the matter of the Huoyan team, the strength of the opponent’s trainer should also be very strong.”

After all, he can be summoned by the police as a trump card, so there is no need to doubt Dawu’s strength.

“Yes, the Quartz Alliance has Du, the Fangyuan Alliance has Dawu and Mikoli, and the Sinnoh Alliance has Sirona. This is really…”

Ting Shu shook his head, feeling a lot of pressure. Although he didn’t need to compare with people of that level, people always have the desire to compare.

If you have a heart for comparison, you will be self-motivated.


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