Pokémon Court Chapter 154: Giant metal monster vs7 evening blue bird


“Not in Yantu Mountain?” There was silence over there.

If the “Red Orb” was not in Yantu Mountain, then their actions would have been wasted.

“Huocun and Hokage are still holding on, facing the police’s siege, they are not feeling well.”

“Hmm, heh, speaking of it, that fellow Benoy really has two hands. He actually sneaked into the police and provided us with a lot of information.”

The leader of the Huoyan team, Chi Yansong, was silent for a long time. Although most of the members of the Huoyan team were dispersed, in order to ensure that the “red orb” can be obtained successfully,

He and the three top cadres stayed on.

As well as a subordinate who has superb cross-dressing ability and is known as the Man of Thousand Faces, Bannai.

Five people, just five people, under the pursuit of many policemen, they exploded one place after another that might hide the “Red Orb”, but no matter what, the exact location of the “Red Orb” was still not detected.

“What do you think we should do, campfire?” Chi Yansong said.

“Please change the world, leader Chi Yansong.” With a sickly laugh, Chi Yansong made his decision.

“Contact Hokage, Huomura, and Bannai, we have retreated.”

Somewhere in Yantu Mountain, a fat man who was hiding changed his expression after receiving the news.

“Chief Red Flame Pine!”



Not only him, but also the cadres of the Huoyan team scattered in other places were also shocked. Cold sweat instantly slipped from between the brows and eyes to the bridge of the nose, “Mission…failed?”

If the search for the “Red Orb” failed, then this operation would be a blow to the meaning of their Huoyan team’s existence.

However, out of trust in the leader, they gritted their teeth and tried to evacuate safely.

Chi Yansong was also very unwilling to give the order to retreat, but if it drags on, not only will the chance of Bannai being exposed increase,

Once they are really surrounded by the police, they will definitely not be able to successfully break through.

A few hours later.

At the top of Yantu Mountain, a young man with short silver-blue hair and silver-blue pupils appeared here driving a giant golden monster.

He looked calm, but his eyes were very focused. He scanned the surroundings carefully and took out a walkie-talkie.

“Just now, my giant gold monster and I circled the entire Yantu Mountain, and except for the signs of life of the elves, we didn’t find any human beings.”

After saying this, Dawu’s expression became a little helpless, obviously before he came, those thugs had frequently appeared in the sight of the police.

After he arrived, he immediately controlled the Metagross, moving continuously through the air, allowing the supercomputer-like brain of the Metagross to display a force field and observe every plant and tree in Yantu Mountain.

The conclusion reached is that there are no signs of human habitation.

Apart from the police forces, there are no other suspicious persons.

“Unfortunate trip.” Dawu sighed, the task entrusted to him by the old man in the family seems to have not been completed well.

“Exploring…the entire Yantu Mountain?!” The liaison officer who received Dawu’s message said in surprise.

Even if they are the best investigators of the police, and the elves who cooperate with each other, whether it is flying, super powers, ghosts… It is absolutely impossible to completely detect the entire appearance of such a large Yantu Mountain .

This Dawu, with only one giant gold monster, went around a few times and asserted that there is no one…

Is it reliable…

Great doubts filled the liaison officer’s heart in an instant, it was too absurd.

This kind of perfunctory support instantly made Dawu’s words have no credibility in his heart.

Everyone ran away… Doesn’t that mean that after such a long trip, their work was wasted in the end?

The villain who caused such a bad incident, or was he escaped? !

This… this… this is a slap in the face of the police.

“Such a tight encirclement, how can the other party escape.” Ten thousand people in the liaison officer did not believe it. Report to the higher authorities.

The liaison officer took an ambiguous attitude towards the information conveyed by Dawu, even though the other party had obtained a higher authority.

“Hmm…why is there no sound?” Dawu shook the phone in his hand and tapped again, “It’s off?”

Dawu looked puzzled, always felt that this was an unpleasant trip, and he was also extremely upset for letting the thugs escape.

Just when Dawu was hesitating whether to break away from the police and go to pursue him, the giant golden monster under him suddenly let out a loud cry.

“Kang Jin——”

“Giant metal monster, Comet Fist——”

At the moment when the cry came out, Dawu seemed to be a different person in an instant, with a more focused and calm expression, and his eyes were like torches, and he quickly looked towards the top of Yantu Mountain.

Dawu’s position is already extremely close to the highest position of Yantu Mountain, but at a higher place, there is only a light blue icy light that brings a huge cold air shuttles down.


Extremely freezing light, Tanabata blue bird!

In a face-to-face effort, the second after the comet punch shattered the freezing light, Dawu fully devoted himself to the battle.

This is a Tanabata blue bird from the highest peak of Yantu Mountain, the strongest elf in Yantu Mountain, attracted by the unscrupulous scanning of Dawu and the giant golden monster.


The extremely freezing light was pierced by the comet fist, and the Tanabata blue bird let out an angry cry.

This human has already entered its territory. As the overlord of Yantu Mountain, Qixi Blue Bird has been staying at the highest point of Yantu Mountain, and rarely goes out.

Most of the elves in Yantu Mountain also know that this is its territory. Besides, there are only a handful of elves who can adapt to the living environment here, so this place is almost the home of the Qixi blue bird forbidden land, Dawu and the giant golden monster. This move directly annoyed it.

It doesn’t matter if it flies up, and it sweeps across its habitat without hesitation. For the proud Qixi blue bird, this is no less than a provocation.

So, that freezing light is a greeting ceremony.

“It’s troublesome…” Dawu groaned in his heart, he didn’t expect that there was an elf in Yantu Mountain who could feel the strange power of giant gold, so he made a mistake.

But Dawu didn’t worry at all, he wouldn’t be afraid of fighting, in other words, he didn’t think the giant golden monster would lose to this Tanabata blue bird.


Following a loud and high-pitched long cry, the sound almost spread throughout the entire Yantu Mountain. Many elves and police officers raised their heads and looked in the direction of the top of Yantu Mountain, looking for the person who made the cry. Owner.

The lofty voice of the Qixi blue bird, even Dawu was taken aback, surprised by the penetrating power of the voice.

It seems that a battle is inevitable.

Dawu scratched his head, since this is the case, he will not back down, if he wants to fight, he will fight.

“Kang Jin——” the giant metal monster roared not to be outdone, and a strong spark was instantly rubbed between the Tanabata blue bird and the giant metal monster, and the fighting spirit instantly ignited, and the scene heated up for a while!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

One trick and one trick are constantly clashing. Although they seem to be evenly matched, Qixi Blue Bird’s mood is extremely dignified.

Although they are evenly matched at the moment, the Qixi Blue Bird is obviously about to fall into a disadvantage. What’s more frightening is that Dawu has been staying on the giant golden monster, showing no signs of going down.

This huge, four-legged tank-like elf, with its red eyes open and its crossed fangs fighting it, unexpectedly went out of its way to protect that human ~Soverse.com~! !

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!

It didn’t take long, and the Tanabata blue bird was the first to be hit accidentally, screamed in pain, and waved its pure white feathers again.

It’s dangerous. The golden monster’s unique move is very powerful, and it caused a lot of damage to the Tanabata blue bird.

“It’s just a misunderstanding… But I think, maybe I can’t explain it clearly.” Dawu watched the Qixi blue bird fly up, not to be outdone, and shook his head helplessly, “In this case, I can only let you go first. I lost my strength.”

“The giant golden monster takes advantage of the victory and pursues it!!”

Take advantage of the Tanabata blue bird to ease the impact just now, and start to order to continue to suppress! !

Dawu’s eyes were piercing, but the next moment, he was stunned for a moment, because… it seemed that he was caught in a pincer attack.

This Tanabata blue bird, and foreign aid?

“Qixi blue bird, the wave of the dragon!!”


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