Pokémon Court Chapter 15: Miccoli


Obviously, this score shocked Terrance and Xiaochun, 98 points, which is already close to a full score, I’m afraid it was just lost because of minor flaws in the argumentation question, so small that it can almost be ignored.

In particular, after the two of them saw each other’s age, a green-haired boy in a sailor suit, about fifteen or sixteen years old, was elegantly putting one hand behind his back, smiling towards everyone bow.

At the same time, he said: “It’s a great honor——”

“Mikoli is that him…” Looking at Mikoli, who is also young, Terrance’s thoughts surged, and he felt that the other person looked familiar, and seemed to be a very important character in the original book, but he had some I can’t remember clearly, and Xiaochun next to me is a little lost.

“Hahaha, don’t worry, when you reach that age, you may even become intermediate breeders.” Rubbing Xiaochun’s head, Sheng Zong didn’t care.

In his opinion, Xiaochun and Terrance’s talent will not lose value because of the gap with the first place.

“And that boy is not simple.” Looking at the bowing boy, Master Shengzong was thoughtful.

“Teacher, do you know him?” Xiaochun raised his head.

“Barely know each other, Mikoli, he is the gym trainer of Liuli Gym, the official gymnasium of Liuli City. He just took over from his master Adam. He is a very remarkable boy. His master Adam specializes in water and is also an excellent coordinator, so Mikri has excellent talents in coordinators and water elves, and he is also known as a newcomer who is ‘close to the king of heaven’.” Recalling , Shengzong introduced to the two children.

“Is he a gym trainer or a coordinator? In this way, cultivator is not his main occupation?!” Sheng Zong’s words made Terrance stunned for a while, with a strange expression on his face.

“I’m still a coordinator, interesting…” Looking at Mikri’s gorgeous figure, Terrance was surprised, but he didn’t feel like looking up.

Whether it is at the level of a breeder or a coordination trainer, Mikri in front of him makes him feel interesting, and seems to be a very good target to catch up with.

“Are you under pressure?” Master Shengzong said with a laugh.

“Are you close to the Heavenly King? It’s amazing.” Xiao Chun focused on this sentence, she knew very well what the Heavenly King represented.

The so-called Heavenly Kings, also known as the Four Heavenly Kings, are the four strongest trainers in the Pokmon League in various places. In theory, their strength is only second to the league champion, but in fact, there are many trainers who are not weaker than the Four Heavenly Kings. , but the Four Heavenly Kings stationed in various local alliances must have their own uniqueness.

Every heavenly king is regarded as a high-level combat power of the Pokémon Alliance, a celebrity, and it is easy for a heavenly king to even support a town, let alone a small orphanage like Qingguya.

As for Mikri, who was fifteen or sixteen years old, he was considered to be close to the king of heaven. His talent is self-evident. Perhaps the breeder is just a foil for the other party.

“He is very strong, if you want to surpass him, you have to work hard.” Xiaochun was born in a big family, and he knows a lot more about the definition of a king than Terrance.

“That’s natural.” Terrance smiled, and he had a hunch that this Mikri would become a strong enemy, even the biggest threat, in his dominance contest.

Especially the other party is very likely to be a big character in the original work, so he has to pay attention to it.

Ting Shu felt a little regretful, why didn’t he take the time to relive the childhood classics, so that many plots were completely forgotten.

“Look, the questions for the second assessment have been announced.” Someone pointed to the screen, and after the ranking was announced, the questions for the second assessment also appeared.

According to the usual practice, the content of the second assessment is usually practice. There is only one question, and it is also a percentage system.

Those who can pass the first written test will not be too low in the second test, but if they want to formally pass the assessment of junior cultivators, they need to achieve an excellent score of 85 in the second test.

Subject: Emergency Rescue!

“Are you going to wait here, or?” Master Shengzong asked. The second assessment time is one hour later. For emergency rescue, it may be even shorter.

“Just wait here.” Terrance said, he has nothing to prepare for the second assessment, what can he do in such a short time, and he doesn’t think emergency rescue will be difficult for him.

Xiao Chun also nodded.

“In that case, I’ll go back and wait for your good news.” Master Shengzong smiled, bid farewell to the two, turned his head and went back to wait.

The results of the assessment will be announced immediately after the second test is over, so the assessment of the Junior Cultivator is completed within one day.

“Look quickly, the passers-by have already gone that way.” Pulling the courtyard tree, Xiao Chun pointed to the crowd over there.

“Then let’s go there too.” Terrance heard the words.

Then, the two also passed through the crowd ~Soverse.com~ and came to the side of the passers. Obviously this is the place where they got the news of the second assessment for the first time, so most of the passers gathered here .

At this time, the passers all surrounded Mi Keli and expressed their praise to him. The almost full score of 98 points is simply amazing. There are very few people who have scored 90 points in the assessments over the years.

“Just a coincidence.”

Unhurriedly answering people’s praise, Mikri seemed to be able to handle it with ease.

“This person’s behavior seems a bit strange.” Someone commented.

However, he was immediately refuted by others: “What do you know, Mr. Mikri is the star of hope known as the coordinator, a genius coordinator, gorgeous and elegant!”

Some people knew the details of Mi Keli, and broke the news one after another.

“His popularity is very high.” Seeing this scene, Xiao Chun was not too surprised.

“En.” Echoed, Terrance suddenly found that Mikri seemed to be looking at them, and then walked towards them.



“You are Ms. Qiao Yichun and Mr. Terrance.” Mikri asked with a smile after bowing politely.

Mikoli’s sudden greeting stunned Terrance and the two of them, and then politely replied, Xiaochun’s characteristics are still very obvious, and the two of them are the youngest here, so it’s not difficult recognize.

Miccoli obviously had some investigations into them.

“I’ve heard that there are two young examiners this time, but I didn’t expect it to be true…” Looking at the two teenagers in amazement, Mi Keli was also very surprised by their results.

Even with many halos surrounding Mi Keli, it cannot be denied that ten years old, a junior breeder, seems to be a miracle.


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