Pokémon Court Chapter 12: Young examiner


Cultivator Headquarters, Building 1, 2nd Floor, Room 303——

This is the place where Terrance and the others assessed.

At this time, Terrance and the others had rested in the hotel for another night, and their spirits were recovering fairly well.

And there is also a big meal pre-booked by Master Shengzong, Terrance has some light, and it is the first time since he came out that he ate such a good meal.

The assessment time is eight o’clock in the morning, and it’s still half an hour away, and people have already entered the venue one after another.

Most of the people who came to assess the junior trainers were teenagers, and of course it was not absolute. If you walked a few more rooms, you might even see people who were a little older coming to the assessment.

It’s not that the other party’s understanding is poor, but that they each start to learn the relevant knowledge at different times.

Ting Shu has a lot of advantages, he has a mature thinking, and he has also been in contact with the knowledge of cultivators since he was a child, so he has the upper hand.

However, it is really difficult to master all these boring and cumbersome knowledge with children’s thinking ability and understanding ability.

This is why it is easier for adults to comprehend some things than children.

Ting Shu’s situation is difficult to replicate. Even Xiao Chun, who is taught by a famous teacher and has a good background, is only at the same age as Terrance to participate in the assessment.


Looking up at the house number, Terrance and Xiaochun walked in with the assessment information.

Only examiners are allowed to enter here, so after Master Shengzong sent Terrance and the others downstairs, he went back and waited alone. However, he was naturally fully confident that Terrance and the others passed the assessment. What is worth looking forward to is how their grades will rank among the examiners of the same period.

At this time, many people were already sitting in the classroom, probably in their early ten years. After a calm glance, Terrance and Xiaochun found their seats and sat on them.

As time went by, the number of assessors in the room gradually increased. Until the last ten minutes before the assessment, every seat was probably occupied.

On the podium, a woman who looks like she is in her early twenties is writing the assessment time “8:00~9:30” on the blackboard. She is the supervisor of this assessment point.

“My name is Qiao Yiling, and I’m your invigilator.”

Ting Shu was a little surprised. He didn’t expect that the invigilator turned out to be Joey, Xiaochun’s fellow clan. However, the Joey family is also widely distributed, so there may not be any relationship between them.

Using the last ten minutes, Qiao Yiling quieted down the classroom and explained the rules of the assessment to them in detail.

These regulations are very common, and the people who come to the assessment more or less understand it.

Because it is an assessment for junior cultivators, compared to the difficulty and process, it is still very simple.

Now this is the first assessment, the written test.

As soon as the assessment time came, the test papers were handed out. When he picked it up and looked at it, Terrance felt a little childish. These things couldn’t help him.

Three pages of test questions, a total of three big questions, multiple choice, fill in the blank, and argument.

The total score of the test paper is 100 points. The multiple choice questions accounted for 30 points, a total of 10 questions, and the fill-in questions also accounted for 30 points, a total of 10 questions. As for the argumentation questions, there were only two questions, each with 20 points.

In the first assessment, as long as you reach 60 points, you can continue to the next assessment. As for those who score less than 60 points, it will be considered a failure in the assessment.

“Just the basics.”

After carefully browsing the test paper this time, Terrance began to answer the questions.

For example, the first question is about elves like coyotes.

This question assesses the temperament of coyotes. Small”.

Without hesitation, Terrance chose A very simply.

These four options are reasonable, but the most suitable one here is option A.

Elfs like coyote dogs often show their sharp teeth to intimidate each other fiercely, but at the same time, when they are counterattacked, they will run away with their tails between their legs. What’s more, they also have a very keen sense of smell. If you have a deep understanding, the examiner is likely to get confused on the first question.

Actually, the most important temperament of Coyotes is stubbornness.

They will bite immediately when they see something that moves, and they will keep chasing until the prey is exhausted, and they will also stubbornly chase after the fleeing opponent. until the other side is exhausted.

Compared with other temperaments, this point is quite obvious. If you want to answer the first question correctly, you must not only have a comprehensive understanding of coyote dogs, but also be able to distinguish their temperament and characteristics from primary to secondary.

Second question [with attached picture]: What is the second attribute of Gyarados?

A: “Water”, B: “Dragon”, C: “Evil” D: “Flying”



Very fast, almost without the slightest pause, Terrance finished answering the multiple choice questions.

At this time, Qiao Yiling, who was in charge of the exam, was also looking around. After seeing the information about Terrance and Xiao Chun, she was also very surprised~ Soverse.com~ It seems that there is another ten-year-old examiner who is of the same family , is really amazing.

Therefore, she decided to pay more attention to these two young examiners in terms of the results after the assessment.

On the other side, Terrance immediately set his sights on the fill-in-the-blank questions. If the multiple-choice questions can be answered correctly, then the fill-in-the-blank questions will test his own knowledge reserves even more.

Question 1: Iron dumbbells mainly rely on (——) to control actions.

At first glance, this may be considered a very simple topic. Maybe at this time, some people will be lucky and write “slam” or “super power” smartly, but basically, this kind of superficial The answers are often imprecise or wrong.

The Iron Dumbbell’s body is magnetized, and it uses magnetism to move, communicate, and control its attacks. It is said to be related to Magneto, but Iron Dumbbell’s magnetism is mainly focused on Psychic-type moves rather than Steel-type moves. Iron Dumbbell’s ability in battle is very limited, it can only use slam when it is not using move teaching.

Perhaps someone has seen rare iron dumbbells and carefully observed their combat methods. It is not difficult to find that they can only use the unique trick of “slamming”. Naturally, they will confidently fill in this question “slam”.

Or another way of thinking, starting from the attributes of iron dumbbells, steel and superpowers, steel attributes are difficult to explain, but superpowers are naturally thought of as the basic means to control their own actions.

Therefore, there are very few people who can correctly answer “Magnetism”. These questions are just to screen out the examiners who are ready to fish in troubled waters.

After writing the word “magnetism”, Terrance continued to answer the question——

One question, two questions, three questions… The daily accumulation is now fully reflected in the assessment. Terrance answered very quickly and easily.


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