Paladin of Asgard Chapter 633: 【Postscript】Next


Stark Industries Building.

In the middle of the night, Tony Stark was still busy in front of the computer’s holographic projection, with two dark circles under his eyes and tiredness written all over his face.

Ms. Pepper came in from the outside with their young daughter Morgan in her arms, and she blamed: “Aren’t you resting yet?”

“I can’t sleep.” Stark sighed, “I have to bring Vision back, he is Jarvis and Wanda’s lover.”

The return of Thanos and the appearance of Nemesis are like a dream, but they still left some painful traces in this world.

The Soul Gem was taken away, and the Vision died naturally, which caused the Scarlet Witch Wanda a lot of pain, and Stark’s heart was also heavy.

After all, Vision is largely Jarvis, his assistant and friend for many years, and he feels guilty for the Wanda brothers and sisters, so after Vision’s death, he has been trying to resurrect Vision with technical means .

This is obviously very difficult. Vision is between living things and machines, and has established a complicated connection with the Mind Stone. Now without the Mind Stone, it is undoubtedly difficult to move forward with his technology alone.

“By the way, Pepper, do you feel Wanda…” Stark hesitated to speak.

“What’s wrong?”

Stark said after a while: “I feel that after the death of Vision, her spirit is a little abnormal. I am really worried that she will do something terrible.”

His voice was a little lower, and he was talking to himself: “The power in her seems to be stronger than all of us imagined…”

“Dad.” At this moment, little Morgan said vaguely.

Stark hesitated for a moment, then waved his hand to turn off the projection, turned around and said, “Okay, it’s time to rest.”

There is a cross in front of the simple earthen grave. The cross is tilted and looks like an “X”.

Wolverine’s Tomb.

But Logan’s body was not among them, but was taken out of the tomb. This once ferocious dusk wolf seemed to have just closed its eyes, and the pale beard was covered with unfaded wind and frost.

The light in Rowe’s palm flickered, but he imprinted the soul mark of the ghost wolf Lo’Gosh on Logan’s body.

After the radiance of lay on hands flashed, the revived Wolverine suddenly opened his eyes, as if waking up from a nightmare.

Logan got up from the ground and looked at his body: “I…resurrected?”

“Yes.” Luo Wei smiled, “You have been reborn after the disaster, Logan.”

Logosh and Logan’s souls have a good fit, and the ghost wolf brought Wolverine back to this world after a life-and-death battle.

New Asgard, which has been built, stands in the Pacific Ocean. Its buildings are still resplendent and magnificent, with a magnificent style that is completely different from the buildings on Earth. The Asgardians continue their life in the realm of the gods here.

Human beings have gradually adapted to the existence of the Gods of the Earth, and they can even be seen on the island from time to time. Thor’s lover Jane Foster is a long-term visitor here, and human members of the Knights of the Silver Hand often appear it’s here.

On the balcony of the palace.

Luo Wei and Hela leaned together and looked at the sea, talking in their ears.

“Now you are performing the duties of protecting Asgard and the Nine Realms. You are more suitable to be a king than me… How about I be a queen in the future?” Hela looked up at her husband and said, she didn’t want to do it again The queen is gone, and she seems to want to experience the feeling of a housewife.

Rowe has never been interested in the position of king, so he said casually: “I have no experience as a king, so I’d better continue to be the prince of Asgard, and you will continue to be my queen.”

After a pause, he said again: “Besides, it’s not the Nine Realms now, it’s the Eight Realms.”

Hella was taken aback for a moment: “What happened to the Eight Realms?”

“Well… I don’t like the title ‘Lord of the Eight Realms’ very much, it sounds weird.” Luo Wei said.

Hela was silent for two seconds, and then said leisurely: “But… I don’t know how to balance the king and the new identity I will get soon, are you really unwilling to be the king for me, my Husband?”

“New identity?” Luo Wei asked.

“Mother.” Hila put her hand on her lower abdomen and said softly.

“What?” Luo Wei was taken aback, but didn’t react.

At this moment, there was a sudden exclamation from outside, especially Thor’s voice, which spread throughout Asgard.

“My God!”


Luo Wei and Hela thought that something had happened, hurriedly followed the sound, and came to El’s medicine garden.

“What happened, sister?” Luo Wei looked at the suddenly bustling medicine garden, and the usually quiet medicine garden attracted a large crowd of onlookers.

“Shilut…” El was about to say something with a dumbfounding expression on his face.

“I’m Shilute!” A voice buzzing like a stone drum sounded, and it was the voice of Shilute who had been thought to be unable to speak.

Hearing Shilut speak, Luo Wei was also shocked.

“I’m Groot!” Groot and Shiroot faced each other **** for tat, as if arguing, staring at the stone man who was ten times taller than him without giving in.

“I’m Shilute!” Shilute continued. I’m Groot! “

“I am Shilut!”

“I’m Groot…”

Looking at the two repeaters who were arguing, Luo Wei blinked and couldn’t help asking: “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know.” El shook his head helplessly, “Shroot and Groot became like this after getting along for a while.”

“I am Shilut!”

“I’m Groot!”


“Haha!” People watched Shiroot and Groot, laughing and talking, and the medicine garden was full of joy.

Ro Wei also laughed for a while, but soon remembered an important matter, and quickly looked at his wife Hela beside him: “What did you just say?”


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