Overriding the Heaven Chapter 130: The heavy weapon of the country


After nearly seven or eight minutes, the two came out of the cave, glanced at the temple, and quickly left the place.

When they reached the foot of the mountain, the two separated, each leaving in one direction.

An hour later, the old man in the imperial capital received a call from Zhou Tian, ​​and after listening to Zhou Tian’s words, he immediately made deployment arrangements.

At this moment, Zhou Tian looked at a figure walking back and forth on a beach, and after roughly looking at it, he sneakily attacked one of the men in a suit.

After changing into his clothes, he also pretended to be patrolling, and then kept walking in the direction of the beach agreed with the old man, walking there.

Seeing the time passing by, when a motorcycle appeared on the sea, a line of samurai guards walked under the leadership of a **** servant.

When passing by the edge of Zhou Tian, ​​the divine servant suddenly said to Zhou Tian, ​​”What are you doing standing here?”

Zhou Tian thought about it for a while, and replied in Dongri Island language: “Patrol!”

“I don’t need you here, go and meet your people, here alone, are you waiting to be killed!”

When the servant finished speaking, the water motorcycle was already approaching, and the roar was heard by everyone.

The **** servant in front of Zhou Tian instinctively looked up to the sea, and suddenly shouted: “Give me that sea motorcycle!”

But at this moment, a cold light appeared, and the **** servant’s throat was directly broken, and he died before he understood what was going on.

This is also because he was too careless, and the surrounding guards didn’t respond.

The next second, Zhou Tian glanced at these guards, without thinking, he jumped, stepped on the water, his speed reached the limit, and he even ran wildly on the water.

When he was 100 meters away from the motorcycle, he plunged directly into the sea, and the people on the motorcycle over there saw Zhou Tian entering the sea and came towards Zhou Tian.

It was also when Zhou Tian got on the motorcycle. Several people by the sea were carrying bazooka and aimed at Zhou Tian and them.

The next second, the motorcycle started, bringing boundless air waves. With the three roars, Zhou Tian said the direction, and the motorcycle kept dodging.

The roar exploded on the water surface less than ten meters away from it. After dodging three rockets, countless speedboats immediately appeared on the sea.

At this time, the person who came to pick up Zhou Tian said, “Hold me tight!”

Zhou Tianxia consciously hugged him down, but when he held it up, he found that his hands were soft. When he carefully looked at the figure of the person who was picking him up, he realized that it was a woman. He quickly released his hand and said, “Yes, I’m sorry!”

“Don’t talk nonsense, hold on tight!”

Zhou Tian immediately hugged the woman’s waist again, following the speed and passion on the sea.

Countless speedboats appeared, bullets and gun barrels exploded on the sea surface. After the woman dodged for a while, she suddenly handed it to Zhou Tian and said, “You can use this!”

After Zhou Tian took it, he loaded his gun without saying a word, and started strafing at the surrounding two sides. A speedboat exploded directly, but the bullets also ran out.

“Anything big!”

The next second, Zhou Tian shouted, a rocket almost noticed his face passing, the burning sensation made his heart tremble, and after passing by, it exploded 100 meters away from him.

When the woman heard this, she said loudly, “Do you think my two little motorcycles can carry heavy weapons?”

When these words fell, Zhou Tian was stunned, and then asked: “What else is there!”

The woman wiped a pistol from the back of her waist and handed it to him. Zhou Tian looked at the pistol for a long time and almost didn’t scold his mother. It was also at this time that several bullets swiped, one of which swiped across his face, and blood spurted out instantly.

He didn’t think about it anymore, he loaded and shot directly at the driver of a speedboat that was close, but he couldn’t hit the other party if he was too far away.

According to this, their lives are in danger, and Zhou Tian immediately said: “Let me do it!”


Because the speed was so fast, the woman didn’t hear it at all.

The next second, Zhou Tian shouted: “Let me drive!”


When the motorcycle slowed down, the two quickly changed positions. Zhou Tian handed the pistol to the woman and said, “Wait a while, you will kill their driver!”

When the voice fell, the woman was stunned and looked at Zhou Tiandao: “You still want to kill them? Once the encirclement is formed, it will be impossible for us to go out!”

“I am a dignified general protecting the country, if you are chased and killed by these guys like this, and you won’t give these people a gift in return, how can you go back to see my group of brothers, according to what I said, I will definitely take you out safely. Yes!”

After Zhou Tian finished speaking, the woman didn’t say any more. She also received this mission on a temporary basis. She only knew that she was here to pick up an important person. , The woman was stunned.

Admiral Protector?

Just this guy?

Thinking about it, Zhou Tian started his motorcycle and jumped out quickly. Instead of fleeing, he ran towards one of the submarines. The bullets kept whistling, and Zhou Tian kept swinging. Sharp turns are elegant.

When the waves splashed, Zhou Tian hugged the woman’s waist and pulled her into the sea.

When countless bullets fell, the woman regained her senses and saw that Zhou Tian made a few sneak attack gestures at him. After the woman understood it, Zhou Tian rushed out of the water like a dragon and quickly swam to the sea.

When it jumped out, one of the guns was just above its head, but before the other party could shoot, Zhou Tian dragged it into the water, and the bullet hit the water, hitting the waterway, Zhou Tian instantly After twisting the opponent’s neck, grabbing the gun, he showed his head and shot at several people on the submarine.

No bullets were fired, four shots were fired, and four figures fell.

At this time, the pilot was also shot in the forehead, and the woman quickly boarded the boat.

No nonsense. After Zhou Tian got on the submarine, he looked around and four or five submarines were chasing after him.

After Zhou Tian glanced at it, he said to the woman, “Go on a speedboat!”

The next second, the speedboat was launched and hurried towards the direction of China, while Zhou Tian picked up a bazooka on the speedboat, aimed at the speedboat chasing behind, and said in his mouth: “Forty-five degrees east, turn a corner. !”

After the woman did the same, the three speedboats behind him suddenly lined up. Zhou Tian smiled slightly and pulled the trigger directly.

With a bang, a speedboat exploded, affecting the other two speedboats. The woman was a little surprised when she turned back, but she didn’t say much, and still quickly fled,

The next way, because of the distance, the two were relatively stable, Zhou Tian leaned on the speedboat, looked at the woman and said, “Thank you!”

“Are you really the Protector General?”

The woman asked while speaking.

“What? It’s not like that!”

Zhou Tian said with a smile, but the scene just now was still in his mind. To be honest, even if it was him, it was very thrilling just now.

Seeing Zhou Tian say this, the woman said, “This is the first time I heard that the Protector General will act alone. Our sea area is ahead, but the other party will definitely send someone to guard it. Since yours Identity is so important, if you can’t get out, I may kill you first!”

After speaking, Zhou Tian looked at the woman, nodded and said, “You are very dedicated, are you an agent?”

The woman nodded and said, “Don’t talk nonsense, I’m about to enter the cross sea area, I have already seen the other party’s helicopter!”

Looking over, three armed helicopters hovered above the cross sea area, Zhou Tian opened his mouth and said, “Go straight over!”


“I told you to rush over and listen to me!”

Zhou Tian spoke again, the woman glanced at him, finally gritted her teeth hard, accelerated again, and passed towards the three armed helicopters over there.

It was also at this time that three Wuzhi shells bombarded the speedboat, one after another exploded on the surface of the water, Zhou Tian picked up a micro and rushed towards one of Wuzhi and shot him for cover.

But that’s it, the aftermath of the shells still hit the speedboat, and the speed slowed down significantly, and in front of them was a Chinese warship, only five hundred meters away!

The next second, Zhou Tian shouted: “You go into the water, I will attract their attention!”

“No, my mission is to bring you back, not myself!”

After the woman finished speaking, Zhou Tian glared, raised his hand and pushed it down. He took the helm and turned a corner, and bullets fell on its side.

Immediately, Zhou Tian looked at the three Wuzhi vehicles with a provocative expression in his eyes: “You little dwarf, come!”

Three Wu Zhi opened fire, Zhou Tian launched the speedboat to keep evading, but how could the damaged speedboat resist Wu Zhi.

After just a few minutes, Zhou Tian’s speedboat was already on fire.

I saw Zhou Tian’s eyes resolute. When he saw the figure behind Wu Zhi, his eyes became sharp, his direction suddenly turned, and he rushed straight towards Wu Zhi.

At this moment, a general of Dongri Island in Wu Zhinei sneered: “Bombed him for me!”


Six shells bombarded, and the speedboat exploded directly.

The woman who entered the waters of Huaguo heard the explosion, her eyes turned red, but at this moment, a figure rushed out of the fire, and the height made her eyes widen.

The next second, Zhou Tian jumped directly into Wu Zhinei with the hatch open.

There was still a burning sensation on his buttocks, but he didn’t hesitate at all. As soon as he entered, he raised his hand and wiped off their necks without waiting for the other general and soldiers to react.

The driver drew a gun, but before he could fire, the dagger pierced his arm.

This Wu Zhi was about to fall, and Zhou Tian took a step and jumped towards the sea on the other side.

After diving into the sea, he quickly dived to the deepest depth he could go into the water.

It was also at this time that two artillery shells slid past him, and he didn’t even think about it before heading upstream to the sea.

Immediately following the impact of a huge water wave, he felt his internal organs tumbling, and the person was directly pushed out a few hundred meters. When his head roared, a solemn voice came.

“This is the waters of China. If the two armed helicopters in front dare to take a step closer, we will fight back!”

When the voice fell, Zhou Tian smiled and watched the two Wu Zhi turn around and leave.

Soon, someone pulled him up, but when he was pulled up, there were many people guarding him and the woman.

Seeing this, the woman said, “Aren’t you Admiral Protector? What’s going on? They don’t seem to know you.”

Listening to the words, Zhou Tian leaned on the deck, suppressing the wound in his body and wanted to speak, but in the end he couldn’t help but vomited out a mouthful of blood.

It was also at this time that hurried footsteps came, and two middle-aged men carrying generals appeared in front of Zhou Tian. When they saw Zhou Tian, ​​the two of them straightened up and said at the same time, “Zhongzhu! “

“Cough cough, stop talking nonsense, you continue to cruise, send someone to take me ashore, remember, you haven’t seen us!”

After Zhou Tian finished speaking, one of them said, “It’s your injury!”

“It’s okay, send me away!”

Zhou Tian spoke again. After the two looked at each other, they also knew what Zhou Tian meant. The other party dispatched Wu Zhi to intercept them, so it was not a simple personal problem.

Fortunately, the people who went up Wu Zhi just now didn’t see Zhou Tian and the woman getting on the boat, so it’s up to them to say what to do next.

About a few minutes later, the woman drove a speedboat to China quickly. Two middle-aged men watched them leave. One of the colonels asked, “General, who is that person!”

“Admiral protect the country, the country’s most important weapon!”

One of them spoke, and after listening to the surrounding generals, he suddenly thought of a person, looking at the speedboat that went away, his eyes were full of reverence!

At this moment, Zhou Tian on the speedboat kept coughing up blood. The woman saw Zhou Tian vomiting blood, and she was anxious: “Don’t die, you are dead, how can I explain it to the top!”

At this moment, the woman has confirmed Zhou Tian’s identity.

Admiral Protector, what kind of identity is that, the most important weapon of the country.

This guy must never be allowed to die like this, otherwise he has no face to see his boss, she can die, and this person must not die!

Listening to the words, Zhou Tian smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I haven’t seen my son yet, I won’t die, hurry up!”


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