Overriding the Heaven Chapter 129: Problem Wu Sheng


The other end, Imperial City!

In a huge conference room, the old man looked at the other four old people. These four old people looked very ordinary, but the old man looked at them with respect.

The next second, the old man said, “Thank you to the four of you for taking action this time!”

“It is our duty to protect the family and the country, and we are bound to do so at any time. However, that apprentice of yours will not be able to join the Dragon Group. We old fellows can wait to retire! “

One of the old men spoke, and the old man smiled bitterly: “As you all know, my apprentice, my strength has reached the peak of Martial Saint at a young age. I have never mentioned the matter of the Dragon Group to him. When he comes back this time, I will ask Ask him!”

“You old boy, this character is still the same, we know you are precious, your apprentice, didn’t you hear that he resigned, then you can just come to our dragon group, I can tell you, this matter is not discussed, we are so After years of observation, this kid is just a seedling. He has offended so many masters and powers, and he will soon come into contact with masters at our level. Although you are also powerful, you are still at our level. He leads the way, I believe, he will become a new generation of dragon masters!”

When the words fell, the old man didn’t agree immediately, he just called haha.

After chatting with a few old people, the old people left one after another.

After they left, an old man in a Zhongshan suit walked in, looked at the old man and said, “It’s good for Xiaotian to be able to join the dragon group, why don’t you agree for Xiaotian, the dragon group has been in the group for decades. There is no dragon master, that position, although not a real power title, but the power is real, don’t forget, you also came from there!”

“You don’t understand, if Xiaotian is greedy for this kind of thing, he won’t resign. This kid has too many burdens. Eight years, since he entered the Supreme Realm, look at how many injuries he has suffered. , One point of ability, one point of responsibility, the word “Zhongzhu” seems to be infinitely beautiful, but there are many blood and tears behind it!”

“I don’t hide it from you. If this child is willing, I will bring him into the Dragon Group. If he is not willing, he will take care of himself!”

After the old man finished speaking, the old man in Zhongshan suit shook his head: “Your statement is wrong, I know a little bit about this kid Xiaotian. When he comes back this time, you ask him to come to see me first, and I will talk to him about it. Sometimes, you’re just too indecisive!”

Hearing this, the old man sighed and said, “Let’s forget about this now. This time Dongri Island has dispatched the servants, which shows that Xiaotian really hurt them, and now I can’t get in touch with them. This child, wait for him to come back, let’s find his child first!”

“Well, I am also arranging for someone to look for it here. Don’t worry, as long as the child is not out of the imperial capital and is still alive, no one can take the child away!”


The next night, the Torishima Shrine and Temple.

Zhou Tian and Ghost Face were crawling on the mountain behind the shrine. The two came in the afternoon and observed here for nearly six hours.

It was just the two of them, and they didn’t feel tired at all. Looking at the ghost face, he held a big pig’s hoof in his hand and said while nibbling, “You’ve been watching this all afternoon, do you see any tricks? “

“It’s probably clear, I didn’t expect that the strongest force on Dongri Island would be the servants of the gods in these temples. If it hadn’t been seen on a secret document once, we would have been surrounded yesterday! “

Zhou Tian said, Ghost Mian didn’t take it seriously: “It’s not surprising, the strength of the two of us has far surpassed the peak of some ordinary Martial Saints, so there must be a powerful existence above us. Although there are few immortals, it doesn’t mean there are none!”

“Actually, looking back on it, in the eyes of ordinary people, isn’t it impossible for us to exist? It’s just different from one level to the next. Although this island country of East Japan is small, its martial arts are all passed down from China. Yes, how many masters have appeared in the past dynasties of China, and it is not surprising that there are so many masters here!”

Listening to what I said, there is indeed some truth to it, Zhou Tian immediately said: “It makes sense, then I will tell you about my plan. From what I just observed, there are people walking back and forth in the temple complex. , are not the servants we met that day. I guess such existences are generally not really in temples. Look at those guards, I guess they are all above the supreme. Now they are looking for me like crazy, I It doesn’t feel like they would have thought we would dare to be here!”

“Then what are you waiting for, it’s getting dark at the moment, the moon is dark and the scenery kills the night, just go in and leave!”

Ghost face answered, Zhou Tian smiled and said: “That’s what I thought, but is this all my guess? We also have to deal with emergencies. Once a servant of gods appears, remember not to fight, we have to leave quickly, It will be very troublesome if you are entangled!”

“Okay, do as you say!”

After seeing the ghost face’s agreement, Zhou Tian also felt relieved. What he was most afraid of was the fighting spirit of the ghost face, and he didn’t care about the fight.

Immediately, the two shuttled through the woods and quickly came under the temple wall. With one jump, the two turned inside.

After entering, they groped and walked over to several guards, killing nearly five guards one after another. When they reached the sixth, a beam of infrared rays suddenly landed on Zhou Tian, ​​and they saw the guard two meters away. Turn around suddenly.

When they looked at each other, the guard suddenly shouted in Tori Island, but before he could finish speaking, the Zhou Tian dagger slid across his neck.

It was also at this time that the sound of intensive gunfire sounded, Zhou Tian’s body was as light as a swallow, and he evaded in an instant, and a dense bullet hole appeared in his original position.

Immediately, the entire temple complex sounded the alarm, and the sound of rapid footsteps came, and Zhou Tian and the ghost face immediately dispersed, because from the gunshots just now, it could be judged that there were firearms here.

People are not immortals, and no matter how high their martial arts skills are, they are afraid of kitchen knives, let alone bullets.

Looking at it, rows of figures in samurai armor appeared. When it was confirmed that these people were not using firearms, Zhou Tian and Ghost Face moved and attacked and killed these people from two directions.

At first, I thought that these people were at most supreme, and there were at most a few martial sages among them, but after a dozen of them, they immediately knew why they didn’t use firearms. All of them were middle and peak martial sages, and the firearms were right. For them, it may still be a burden.

The more I fight, the more frightened, after killing three or five guards, Ghost Face and Zhou Tian leaned together, looking at the warrior guards who surrounded them, Ghost Face said: “What’s going on, why are there so many? Martial Saint Peak, what the **** is this place!”

“I don’t know either, go all out, how much you can kill, don’t hold back, if you let them hold off until the **** servant came over last time, we’ll probably be planted here tonight!”

After Zhou Tian answered, the two attacked again. After knowing the strength of these people, Zhou Tian and Ghost Face showed their abilities.

Though the guards were strong, they couldn’t hold back the two men’s mad attack, and the formation was soon broken.

It was also at this time that Zhou Tian was fighting with several warrior guards. He discovered a strange phenomenon. Although the strength of these guards reached the peak of Martial Saint, their speed was very slow.

At first, he thought it was because of the armor, but soon he felt that this was not the case. The real power of these guards seemed to be inferior to the early days of Martial Saint.

In doubt, he beheaded seven or eight more people. After standing firm, he looked at the ghost face, and the ghost face took the lead: “These people are weird, and their strength seems to be unstable, retreat, or continue to kill?”

Zhou Tian listened and stared at the warrior guards who were also gathered on the opposite side. At this time, these warrior guards suddenly took out a test tube-like thing from his arms, opened it, and poured it directly into his mouth.

Following, one after another roars began to sound like crazy, which blinded Zhou Tian.

It was also at this time that one of the guards stepped down and rushed towards Zhou Tian, ​​which was more than twice as fast as before.


Fist and palm met, Zhou Tian took a step back, feeling the mighty force, and looked at the warrior guard on the opposite side. The guard was wearing a mask, and his eyes seemed to be mocking. Sunday.

Immediately, Zhou Tian no longer hesitated and shouted: “Withdraw, there is something wrong with what these guys drink. It should have stimulated the potential in their bodies, let’s go!”

Kicked a guard on the forehead and jumped directly to the roof of the temple complex. After the ghost face arrived, the two left the temple complex and rushed to the mountains and forests.

Those samurai guards watched Zhou Tian and Ghost Face leave, and instead of pursuing them, they dispersed immediately and continued to guard the temple complex.

A few minutes later, a few divine servants dressed in black arrived, and after seeing dozens of dead samurai guards, they said with a grim expression: “No matter what the cost, you must catch these two for me. , dare to attack the temple club, I will smash their bones to ashes!”

This night, all the masters of Dongri Island are doomed to sleepless.

Everyone didn’t expect that they were looking for Zhou Tian and Ghost Face outside, and the two went to attack the temple complex.

All the masters gathered at the entrances and exits of Dongri Island, and the temple club dispatched nearly ten servants to lead the team. This is to block Zhou Tian and the ghost face in Dongri Island and behead them!

At this moment, the two of them were squatting in a cave behind the mountain behind the temple. When the temple servants led people to search, they were only a few meters away from them, but they were not found.

At this moment, the search in the back mountain has ended, Zhou Tian lay on the ground, recalling everything just now, and said to the ghost: “This temple has a big secret, those warriors should not be the real peak of martial arts, there are It may not even be a Martial Saint, but he possesses the power of the peak of Martial Saint. Later, after taking that strange test-tube medicine, he burst into a strength comparable to ours, and the news of this matter must be sent back to China!”

After Zhou Tian finished speaking, the ghost nodded: “These little dwarfs, I don’t know what bad things are going on, it seems that we can’t continue fighting this time, and we have to withdraw as soon as possible!”

“Well, brother, you don’t have anything to do. You can go back to your residence later. After the wind has passed for a while, you can go out again. I can go out on my own!”

After Zhou Tian finished speaking, Ghost Face nodded and said nothing.


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