Ninth in The World Chapter 8: Wangchuan Temple


(Thanks to Devin1 for making millions of dollars in succession for making the Silver League!)

Di Jiu’s memory of his previous life was incomplete, but he felt that he didn’t seem to have gone to college in this life on Earth. Hearing Fang Xue’s question, he hesitated before saying, “I followed a man named Xue Xue. Tuo’s herbalist learned it, but never went to medical school.”

Xue Tuo was the top physician in Jiguo, and at this moment, Di Jiu said that he was a herbalist.

“Xiao Mu…” An excited and surprised voice came, followed by a middle-aged man with four or five firefighters in camouflage uniforms.

From the dew on several people’s bodies and the tired look on their faces, it can be guessed that these people spent the night searching outside.

“Dad.” Yu Mu was about to run over excitedly, but just after she took a step, she fell to the ground.

The middle-aged man rushed over to support Yu Mu, and Di Jiu was relieved. Although he could see the building of Wangchuan Temple, it was definitely not close. Now that someone has come here, at least he doesn’t need to continue carrying Yu Mu on his back.

“Dad, it was Brother Di Jiu who saved me and carried me all the way here.” Yu Mu immediately thought of Di Jiu who saved her.

The middle-aged man obviously loved his daughter very much. He immediately came to Di Jiu, held Di Jiu’s hand with both hands, and said, “Thank you, thank you, thank you for saving my daughter.”

From his excited expression, Di Jiu could see that he was sincerely thanking him.

“Dad, Brother Di also studied medicine. Brother Di rescued me from being bitten by a poisonous snake.” Yu Mu added on the side.

Hearing his daughter’s words, the man was even more delighted, “My name is Yu Jianfu, the director of Aibo Hospital in Linchuan City. If student Di wants to work in the hospital, you can go to my hospital.”

While speaking, Yu Jianfu had already taken out a business card and wrote a few words on it, and then handed the business card to Ninth, “Student Di, you can take this business card to Aibo Hospital at any time. Go to work.”

He didn’t say what to do with Di Jiu. Aibo Hospital has a lot of workstations, so it’s okay to arrange a Di Jiu. If Di Jiu was able to detoxify under such conditions, it meant that his medical skills were okay.

“Thank you, Dean Yu.” Di Jiu accepted the business card politely. He just came here. If he can’t find a place in the future, it would be good to have such a job.

With someone to lead the way, Di Jiu naturally wouldn’t continue to rest. The group walked on the mountain road for a long time. When it was close to evening, they came to a road around the mountain.

Yu Jianfu asked Di Jiu a lot along the way, but Di Jiu’s answers were vague. Regarding the matter of saving Yu Mu, Di Jiu only said that he happened to have seen the detoxification method of this kind of snake.

Yu Jianfu didn’t know that Di Jiu was not very clear about his past. He thought that Di Jiu didn’t want to talk too much, so he didn’t continue to ask.

A minibus was already waiting by the side of the road, and Di Jiu went to sleep after getting on the bus. The CMB was tossing and turning on the mountain road, turning left and right and driving for more than eight hours before stopping outside a temple.

As soon as the car stopped, Di Jiu woke up, but Fang Xue and Yu Mu were still sleeping.

Yu Jianfu was worried about his daughter’s health. He asked Di Jiu to go to Linchuan with him. After Di Jiu refused, he didn’t say any more. .

After Yu Jianfu and others left, Di Jiu left the parking lot and stood in front of a huge temple. Outside the temple are engraved three golden characters, Wangchuan Temple.

In the early hours of the morning, there was no one there, and the three golden characters of Wangchuan Temple had an indescribable mysterious aura under the moonlight.

Di Jiu was sitting in front of a stone statue outside the temple and leaned down. In a short time, he fell asleep again.

I don’t know how long it took before Di Jiu was woken up by a loud noise. Di Jiu opened his eyes, only to realize that there were already people coming and going here.

Wangchuan Temple seems to be deep in the Wangchuan Mountains, and its popularity is really not built. Crowds of tourists or believers came to burn incense. Some kind-hearted tourists saw Di Jiu with disheveled hair and a cloth bag in tattered clothes. They also brought some bread and water.

“Di Zimo…” A surprised voice interrupted Di Jiu, who was eating. Di Jiu looked up and saw a girl in a dress with a tight waist. She was carrying a cartoon backpack and was afraid to Look at yourself with confidence.

Behind the girl, there is another boy who seems to be younger. He was carrying a large travel bag and was wearing a black tracksuit.

Although Di Jiu had obtained some memories of her previous life because of the gray stone, her memories were not very complete. At least he didn’t know any of the man and woman in front of him.

“Di Zimo, you don’t know me anymore? I’m Liang Qian, your high school classmate…” Liang Qian didn’t go on, she felt that Di Zimo must have been mentally stimulated, and now she is a little confused confused. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have come to such a remote place as the Wangchuan Mountains is so sloppy. She sighed inwardly, she couldn’t help with such a thing.

“There’s a thousand dollars here. You can use it. I can’t help you any more.” Liang Qian took out her wallet, counted ten bills from it and handed it to Di Jiu.

“I also have a few hundred here.” The young man who followed Liang Qian quickly took out a few hundred quick money and handed it to Di Jiu.

Di Jiu shoved the last piece of bread into her mouth, stood up and waved her hand, “Thank you Liang Qian, I don’t need money for the time being, but I need your help with some things.”

“Ah…” Liang Qian let out a sigh, and then said with a sigh of relief, “Liang Zimo, I thought you had a mental problem because of your relationship with Ziyu.”

Even though she said that, Liang Qian was still a little puzzled. In her eyes, Di Zimo’s eyes seemed to have something indescribable, which she had never seen in Di Zimo’s eyes before.

Di Jiu knew the name Ziyu, the woman who divorced him in his previous life, called Shen Ziyu.

Di Jiu is not in the mood to care who this Ziyu is. In a few days, he has completely figured it out. If he wants to live here, he must rely on his identity in his previous life.

And the memory of his past life was incomplete, so he met a person who was familiar with his past life and wanted to ask something.

“Tell me, as long as I can help…” Liang Qian paused when she said this, and said with a little hesitation, “Di Zimo, if it’s about Zi Yu, I’ll really help Not busy, and, besides…”

Di Jiu smiled, “I used to be really brooding about He Ziyu, but after a lot of experiences, this matter has long since passed, and what I want to ask you for is another matter. “

(The third update is at 21:00)


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