Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 655: Take off the disguise


Chapter 655 Taking off the disguise

“No, even if the effect is the same, the value cannot be the same. The necklace I gave you was made by my grandfather.

My grandfather is the founder of Konoha, the first Hokage, and the God of Ninja. I don’t know how much these names alone are worth. “Tsunade said with a serious face.

“Then you don’t want this?” Mu Yue tried to give up.

Tsunade’s quick eyes and quick hands took away the light green crystal on Mu Yue’s palm.

“Although yours is not as valuable as my grandfather’s, it can still pay off some debts.” Tsunade looked at the crystal carefully for a few times and then raised her head and said.

From an objective point of view, the necklaces made by Mu Yue have great room for appreciation. They may not be much worse than the necklaces of Senju Hashirama in the future, if Mu Yue does not make more necklaces with the same functions.

“So how many meals do we owe now?” Mu Yue asked curiously.

Tsunade touched her snow-white chin and looked thoughtful.

“Just calculate it on a daily basis. It’s easier. Add in the interest on borrowing the necklace, and you’ll be fine for one thousand four hundred and sixty-one days.” Tsunade thought for a while and replied.

The first ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine days were just what Tsunade said casually. She couldn’t live that long herself, so how could she ask Mu Yue to cook for her for so long.

One thousand four hundred and sixty-one days is almost four years, Tsunade thinks it should be a number that Mu Yue can accept.

“It’s such a long number.” Mu Yue sighed with emotion.

“I’ve already broken a bone, and if I haggle over the price, the fracture may not necessarily be a number.” Tsunade thought Mu Yue was haggling, and threatened while rubbing her white fists.

Actually, this number is not even close to Tsunade’s bottom line, but with this rare opportunity, Tsunade will definitely not give in easily, unless Mu Yue really makes sense.

“Then one thousand four hundred and sixty-one days.” Mu Yue said with a faint smile.

Tsunade’s face instantly brightened, she unclenched her clenched fists, smiled and patted Mu Yue on the back, looking like a good buddy.

“Tsunade-sama, you change your attitude so quickly.” Shizune complained.

“What do you know, you little brat? Adults are like this.” Tsunade put her hands on her waist, raised her chest, and said confidently.

Face is nothing, it’s worth a few meals.

After noon, Mu Yue went home. She had been reading at home and saw that it was almost time to meet with Hiruzen Sarutobi.

At four o’clock, Mu Yue went to the Hokage’s office on time and knocked on the wooden door of the Hokage’s office.

“Come in.” Sarutobi Hiruzen’s voice came from the office.

After receiving permission, Mu Yue pushed the door open and walked in, greeting Sarutobi Hiruzen: “Sandaime-sama.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen responded with a smile and put down the document in his hand.

Mu Yue closed the door and stepped forward.

“In view of your outstanding performance, Muyue, the consultant elders and I all believe that you have the ability to serve as the Hokage’s assistant.” Sarutobi Hiruzen said straight to the point.

Mu Yue smiled politely and nodded.

Under normal circumstances Mu Yue should show just the right amount of surprise and joy, but Mu Yue is too lazy to act that much.

The reason he acted before was because he wanted to gain favor with Hiruzen Sarutobi and establish the character of a genius ninja who understands the will of fire, so as to better rationalize his own strength.

It’s no longer necessary. When your strength reaches a certain level, it doesn’t matter whether it’s reasonable or not. What’s important is that you have the strength.

When he was weak, he was in various needs and needed to act to maintain his life.

If he still acts when he is strong, then wouldn’t all his strength be in vain?

“The formal notice of appointment will be announced at the Jonin meeting in one week.” Although Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that Mu Yue’s performance was a bit mediocre, he continued.

After all, Mu Yue is a key figure in Konoha’s invincibility in the ninja world in the next few decades. No matter what Mu Yue’s expression is, Sarutobi Hiruzen can automatically help Mu Yue think about it.

“With Mu Yue’s intelligence, it is normal to guess what I am thinking.” Hiruzen Sarutobi quickly found a reason for Mu Yue.

“Thank you and other senior executives for your trust.” Mu Yue thanked him.

If nothing else, Sarutobi Hiruzen really trusts him now.

“The main reason is that you are so good that it’s hard not to believe you,” Hiruzen Sarutobi stroked his mustache and smiled.

“By the way, Muyue, please report to me in detail the battle in the Land of Grass where you encountered a suspected Uchiha Madara.” Sarutobi Hiruzen changed his voice and started talking about Uchiha Madara.

Although Mu Yue had given a paper report before, Hiruzen Sarutobi felt that listening to Mu Yue’s report in detail might yield new results.

“What happened is this. We encountered an ambush while chasing an Iwagakure team. During the battle, a man in black robes suddenly rushed out…”

Mu Yue recounted the battle from beginning to end, hiding some of the details of the battle, such as his own Izanagi’s resurrection.

“The eighty-meter-plus Susanoo, the powerful chakra, the terrifying large-scale fire escape…” Sarutobi Hiruzen fell into deep thought.

It has to be said that when these factors were added up, he could only think of Uchiha Madara.

Since the days of Ninja Village, among the Uchiha ninjas he knew, except Uchiha Madara, no Uchiha ninja could achieve the strength described by Mu Yue.

“It’s a pity that there is no physical information about Uchiha Madara in the village, otherwise it would be easy to confirm his identity.” Sarutobi Hiruzen rubbed his brow.

The ninja suspected of being Uchiha Madara is dead, but whether the body is Uchiha Madara is still important.

If it is Uchiha Madara, then everything will be fine, and maybe he can get his old and strong secret skills from Uchiha Madara’s body. It is quite outrageous that he can still fight at such an old age.

If it wasn’t Uchiha Madara, then there would be a big problem.

They don’t have any information about such a powerful Uchiha ninja. Is the “Uchiha Madara” who cooperated with Shimura Danzo this person? Is the real Uchiha Madara still alive? What about Konoha’s Uchiha? What’s going on?

“We can look for the sealed information. Maybe the teacher has studied it secretly?” Hiruzen Sarutobi had an idea.

Senju Tobirama is very wary of Uchiha, and may be secretly studying Uchiha Madara.

“I’m fine here. Mu Yue, go back and have a good rest. You are the hardest this time.” Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Mu Yue who was still standing in the office and smiled.

Mu Yue first defeated the Kirigakure ninja troops and captured a large number of Kirigakure, and then killed Uchiha Madara on the battlefield of Grass Country, which attracted three major ninja villages to besiege and kill them. After two months, ordinary ninjas would never be able to do it in a lifetime. big event.

After leaving the Hokage Building, Mu Yue returned home.

This time he did not read a book to study breathing techniques or improve the Yang seal, but took out pen, ink, paper and inkstone to practice calligraphy.

Calligraphy was Mu Yue’s hobby in her previous life.

However, after traveling to the world of Naruto, Mu Yue had much less time to practice.

It was okay when I first started at the ninja school. I could take a break from my busy schedule and write something at noon.

After I left the ninja school, I had much less time to write calligraphy.

Mu Yue doesn’t feel it’s a pity, because hobbies are just hobbies, and he can’t affect the improvement of his strength just for a hobby.


The third day after Mu Yue returned to the village.

Mu Yue did not go to Tsunade’s house to cook today because there were guests at his house today.

“Hey, Mu Yue, didn’t you expect that I, Kushina, am back again.” Kushina greeted Mu Yue enthusiastically.

“Muyue, excuse me.” Namikaze Minato said with a gentle smile.

After hearing the knock on the door and opening the door, Mu Yue was stunned for a moment when she saw Kushina, then she smiled and welcomed the two into the house.

The Ninja World War has ended, and it is normal for Kushina’s training to end temporarily.

In fact, he visited Kushina on the first day he came back, but at that time Kushina was still restricted from moving.

“I just came back today. When I was reporting on the mission, I heard the Sandaime-sama say that Kushina’s training could be ended, so I went to pick up Kushina first,” Namikaze Minato said.

Mu Yue nodded, it was almost as he imagined, Orochimaru should have returned to Konoha by now.

“It still feels the same as before.”

Kushina looked curiously at the living room of Muyue’s house and found that there had been no change at all in the past three years. The layout and furnishings were exactly the same as the Muyue’s house in her memory.

“Kushina, you haven’t been here for more than three years, and it’s not like you haven’t been here for thirty years. Do you think there will be any changes.” Mu Yue brought the tea set to make tea for the two of them and said with a smile.

Actually, it was mainly because Mu Yue didn’t care about any of this. Before he killed Uchiha Madara, he always felt that there was a Sword of Damocles hanging above his head. Every day, he was either trying to get stronger or finding ways to kill him. Uchiha Madara, how can he have time to care about this.

“More than three years is a long time. We have only known each other for a total of more than four years.” Kushina held the opposite opinion.

“Although the house has not changed, Muyue, you have changed a lot compared to before. When I first met you, you were still a chuunin teacher, and now your deeds are being discussed everywhere in Konoha.”

Recalling Mu Yue’s past, Kushina was very emotional.

In the past, she was worried that this good friend was too weak and would accidentally die in a corner, so she tried her best to teach Mu Yue the sealing technique.

As a result, in just four years, Mu Yue not only surpassed Namikaze Minato, but even surpassed the Sannin.

The exaggerated speed is enough to put the protagonists of some ninja novels to shame.

“Fortunately, Muyue, you are wearing glasses, otherwise Minato would be too embarrassed to go out.” Kushina remembered what happened on the road just now and couldn’t help laughing.

When they were walking along Konoha Street just now, a Konoha resident shouted “Mugetsu-sama” to Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato is well-known in Konoha, and ninjas rarely admit mistakes, but some unfamiliar residents are still easily confused.

Namikaze Minato couldn’t help but scratch his hair. He didn’t expect that he would have such a day.

However, Namikaze Minato can understand that Mu Yue has done a lot of credit this time, and Konoha has vigorously promoted it, so it should be normal after a while.

Mu Yue’s expression was subtle.

It was somewhat of a rebellion against Tiangang, and he recognized Namikaze Minato as a time traveler.

“Damn third-generation old man, you have bored me for so long, isn’t it completely useless?” Kushina then angrily scolded Hiruzen Sarutobi.

It is acceptable for Kushina to train to control the power of the Nine-Tails, because it is her responsibility as the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki.

However, after three years of hard work and three years of boredom, nothing worked, which made Kushina feel that her efforts were meaningless.

For the sake of cultivation, she has not eaten at Mu Yue’s house for more than three years.

Namikaze Minato shook his head, his expression became a little serious, “This is a good thing, Kushina, you should thank Mu Yue for ending the war.”

Namikaze Minato has faced jinchūriki who can completely transform into tailed beasts, has also fought against well-known strong men in hostile ninja villages, and has also been assassinated by the enemy’s elite team. He knows the dangers of war, and it is best not to go to the battlefield. But things.

“I definitely know this, but one code is the same, and the third generation old man is hateful!” Kushina stood firm.

That is to say, Mu Yue is still willing to pack Kushina’s food. If it were three years without Mu Yue’s food, Kushina would have to go to his grave to steal tributes to satisfy her hatred after Hiruzen Sarutobi died.

“What do you want to eat today?” Mu Yue was in a good mood after gathering with her friends and was ready to cook a big meal.

He met Kushina a lot, and Minato Namikaze also met frequently, but it was a long time ago that the three of them sat together and chatted.

“Pork with pickled vegetables, squirrel mandarin fish, mapo tofu…” Kushina quickly named the names of the dishes.


Namikaze Minato covered Kushina’s mouth and looked at Mu Yue with an apologetic look.

Mu Yue had just come down from the battlefield after being so busy. Namikaze Minato had no nerve to trouble Mu Yue. If his cooking wasn’t much worse than Mu Yue’s, he would have wanted to be responsible for Mu Yue’s three meals for a while.

“It’s okay, no trouble. The next period of time should be relatively leisurely. A meal of ten dishes will take its turn.” Mu Yue said with a faint smile.

“Okay!” Kushina cheered as she moved Namikaze Minato’s hand away.

Since there was still some time before dinner, Kushina proposed to check the sealing technique training of Mugetsu and Namikaze Minato.

“Hmph, let Mr. Kushina come and see if you are studying seriously.” Kushina showed a proud expression.

She is not as good as Mu Yue and Namikaze Minato in other areas, but she has absolute confidence in the sealing technique.

“It just so happened that I encountered some difficulties with a sealing technique under development.”

Mu Yue told Kushina about the difficulties she encountered in developing the Yang Seal.

Kushina’s expression gradually changed from “I am the first person in Konoha’s sealing technique” to “This question is a bit difficult” and then to “Who am I and where am I?”

“Ahem, Muyue, my teacher announced that you can leave the army.” Kushina said with a serious face.

Namikaze Minato took a curious look, analyzed it, and found that there was no way to start.

Although she gave up, Kushina still kept a thinking expression and did not even examine Namikaze Minato.

“You guys sit down for a while, I’ll go cook.” Seeing that the shadow clone had bought the vegetables, Mu Yue got up and left the living room.

“Let me help.” Namikaze Minato stood up and followed Mu Yue to the kitchen.

He can help Mu Yue handle the ingredients, reducing Mu Yue’s burden and speeding up the process.

“You can give this to Kushina when you get back.”

When Minato walked into the kitchen, Mu Yue stuffed the prepared chakra necklace into Namikaze Minato’s hand and explained the function of the necklace.

Although he has a good relationship with Kushina, it would be better for Minato Namikaze to give a gift like a necklace.



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