Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 553: Teaching Green Flame, Riolu Evolution


Chapter 553 Teaching Qingyan, Riolu evolves

After a brief explanation, Mu Yue began to demonstrate.

A large amount of chakra condensed on Mu Yue’s palm, and then a green flame appeared above Mu Yue’s palm.

When the cyan flame on Muyue’s palm reached the size of a fist, both Shisui and Obito could clearly feel the heat emitted by the flame.

“This flame is so hot.” Zhisui reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead and thought to himself.

The green flame released by Mu Yue looks only the size of a fist, but the energy contained inside it is amazing.

“What a handsome flame!” Obito liked the flame on Muyue’s hand more and more.

Ordinary fire escapes are all red, and just by looking at the color of the green flame, Obito knew that this fire escape was not simple.

Then Mu Yue threw Qing Yan onto a rock.

Under the surprised gazes of Obito and Shisui, the rock melted rapidly and turned into lava, while the green flames were still burning, and the fire had a tendency to spread to the surrounding areas.

“The compressed green flame has an extremely high temperature and can easily melt metal and rocks.” Mu Yue said and called Yamato over.

“Yamato, use water escape with all your strength and see if you can extinguish the green flames.”

Yamato nodded and began to form seals to condense chakra.

Obito felt a little excited in his heart. Could it be that this flame is still a flame that is not afraid of water escape?

Teacher Muyue no longer has to worry about me being restrained!

Obito felt that he had wrongly blamed Fire Release before. It was not that Fire Release Ninjutsu was incompetent, but that he had not yet learned the truly powerful Fire Release Ninjutsu.

“Fire Escape, you are the best escape technique.” Obito confessed silently in his heart.

“Water Escape: Great Waterfall Technique!”

Since he wanted to extinguish the fire, Yamato used a large-scale water escape with enough water.

The huge water ball was spit out by Yamato and hit the burning blue flames on the ground.


A large amount of water was evaporated, and white mist spread and quickly dissipated.

“Teacher Muyue, is this flame immortal?” Obito asked with excitement as he looked at the green flame that was still burning fiercely.

If it is a fire escape that cannot be extinguished, it is a sure-kill move. As long as it hits, the opponent will either be burned to death or the hit part will be cut off immediately.

“It’s not truly immortal, but most water escape ninjas in the ninja world don’t have the ability to extinguish it.”

With that said, Mu Yue used water escape ninjutsu to extinguish the green flames.

“That’s it.” Obito was a little disappointed, he thought it was a flame that was not afraid of water at all.

“Is Hanzo capable of destroying Qingyan?” Obito asked after thinking for a while.

Although he has never interacted with Hanzo, Hanzo is someone Obito wants to challenge.

There are two main reasons. The first is that after defeating Hanzo, you can show off in front of Jiraiya, because the young Jiraiya lost to Hanzo and lost together with his teammates.

The second is that after defeating Hanzo, you may get a handsome title.

“Probably not.” Mu Yue replied.

Obito’s eyes lit up. At least Qing Yan was regarded as the immortal flame when dealing with Hanzo.

“Teacher Mu Yue is so humble. Even Hanzo can’t use water escape to extinguish the green flames. There are not more than three people in the ninja world who can use water escape to extinguish the green flames.” Shisui thought in his mind.

Zhisui felt that even with Mu Yue who had just shown off her water escape, three might be a bit too much.

Because Hanzo is already a very well-known top water escape ninja in the ninja world. Since Hanzo can’t do it, Shisui estimates that only the third generation Mizukage has some hope.

The reason for estimating three is that there may be a reclusive water escape expert.

“In addition to this method of compressing the flame to increase the temperature and burning power, the green flame can also be released like ordinary fire escape.”

After saying that, Mu Yue condensed chakra at her throat and spit out a pillar of blue fire.

Every place swept by the pillar of fire was burned.

“If you control Qingyan to a certain extent, you can even perform more operations.”

“Fire Escape, Green Flame, Fire Ball!”

Mu Yue formed a Yin Seal in her hand and spit out a large green flame to form a fireball.

Boom! !

The cyan fireball hit the ground, erupting with terrifying power far beyond ordinary fireballs.

When the smoke from the explosion dissipated, Obito Shisui looked around and saw a large crater on the ground, and everything around him turned into black ash.

“It seems that the control is very free. If the level is sufficient, the form changes can be strengthened.” Shisui thought in his mind.

The principle of the ninjutsu Mu Yue just performed was not to fuse the ninjutsu together and release it, but to use the green flame as the base and use the method of a huge fire ball to release the green flame.

“This is equivalent to all the fire escapes I learned before can be upgraded!” Obito became even more excited.

Learning Qingyan’s fire escape is equivalent to pulling other fire escape from the bottom.

Because the movement was louder this time, it attracted the attention of other training disciples and Pokémon.

“Blue flame.” Kakashi immediately noticed the unique characteristics of Qingyan.

“Ouch!” The fire-breathing dragon made a worried cry.

If Obito learns such a powerful fire escape, then it will be dangerous if it beats Obito, oh no, and helps Obito train.

Thinking of this, the fire-breathing dragon has to be trained more seriously. It must be stronger than Obito, otherwise the great situation that was finally achieved may become Obito to suffer for it.

“Then, it can also be like this.”

Mu Yue changed her breathing to the breath of fire, and then concentrated her breath into the breath of fire chakra mode.

“Fire Release, Green Flame, Fire Fist!”

Mu Yue condensed a large amount of chakra on her palm, then compressed it and finally changed its properties, and waved a fist shrouded in blue flames.

Boom! !

Another dark pit appeared on the ground hit by Mu Yue’s fist.

“Fire Escape, Green Flame, Flame Crash!”

The next moment, Mu Yue condensed the chakra all over her body, and the blue flames rose rapidly from her body, making Mu Yue look like a burning man.

Obito’s eyes widened, this was much more handsome than the ordinary Flame Crash.

Mu Yue’s demonstration made Obito’s motivation to learn Qingyan reach new heights.

Strong and handsome, you must learn this. He is no better than the Emperor Yan.

“First of all, it must be made clear that your current ability to change the properties of fire chakra is not enough to learn how to use Qing Yan.” Mu Yue reminded.

As a first-level god-exclusive skill, the localized Qing Yan has extraordinary power and also has very high requirements.

Obito said nothing and listened silently to Mu Yue’s continued words.

After all, Mu Yue has just completed a series of demonstrations. It is impossible to say that he will suddenly stop teaching. There must be a turning point.

“But fortunately, you have mastered the Breath of Fire Chakra Mode. The Breath of Fire Chakra Mode can improve your ability to change properties, allowing you to barely meet the requirements.” Mu Yue continued.

“In other words, in your future studies, you may often have to use the Flame Breathing Chakra mode, which will be very hard, so be prepared.”

To learn theory, you can just listen to lectures, but ninjutsu not only has theory, but also requires long-term practice and trial.

The breathing method chakra mode is currently the trump card of the disciples. Using it consumes a lot of chakra and physical strength. Taking the breathing method chakra mode as a normal practice is not an exaggeration to describe it as hard work.

“Teacher Muyue, I can bear this hard work. Is there any other Fire Release that is as strong? I can even bear a little more hard work.” Obito said with a smile.

Obito has always held on to the idea that no matter how hard and tiring the training is, as long as he can defeat Kakashi and make Nohara Rin look admired and happy, it will be okay.


“Let’s wait until you can skillfully use Qing Yan.” Mu Yue said with her index finger and **** together, hitting Obito’s head accurately.

He himself doesn’t have a fire escape as strong as Qingyan.

“The key point of Qing Yan is the concentration of changes in the nature of fire chakra…” Mu Yue officially started Qing Yan’s teaching.

The moment the lecture began, Mu Yue enlightened both Shisui and Obito.

The cooldown time for enlightenment is one week and the duration is two days, so Mu Yue usually gives the enlightenment buff to his disciples depending on the situation.

If there is any new content or skills to teach, use it immediately.

If not, wait until the last two days to use it.

Let the enlightenment buff play a greater role as much as possible.

“If you have any doubts, don’t keep them in your heart, just ask them directly.” Mu Yue said during the break.

He also has a puzzle-solving skill. If Obito and the others have doubts in their hearts and ask for advice, that is the superposition of the three skills of teaching, enlightenment and puzzle-solving.

However, even with triple superposition, it is not easy for Obito and Shisui to learn due to the difficulty of Qingyan itself.

It wasn’t until the afternoon practice was almost over that Obito’s Qingyan proficiency was only a little bit mediocre.

Shisui reached one point at the beginning of his afternoon practice, but it was still one point at the end of the afternoon and did not break through to two points.

Obviously, learning such a powerful skill as Qingyan is not a simple matter, it is a protracted battle.

“It’s so difficult, it is indeed the strongest fire escape!” Qingyan’s difficulty did not dampen Obito’s interest. Instead, he looked forward to his improvement in strength after he successfully learned it.

After seeing the power of Qingyan, Obito unilaterally declared that Qingyan was the strongest fire escape, and Fire Dragon Flurry was the second most powerful.

Taking a long breath, Obito looked at the other disciples.

Kakashi is still running with the Mane Rock Werewolf to practice combined attacks, Yamato is working hard to practice breathing techniques, Nohara Lin is practicing water escape with Menas, and Metkai is wiping sweat from the panting Riolu.

“It’s been another fulfilling day. When my injury is completely healed, we can do high-intensity exercise together.” Metkai encouraged.

Because the injury has not fully recovered, Metkai does not train much now.

However, Metkai did not just watch from the side. He would wipe Riolu’s sweat and give him water, and then use words of encouragement to give him the strength to continue exercising.

“Leo.” Riolu relaxed his body and showed a happy smile.

Although most of his daily routine with Metky consists of various exercises, Leo is having a great time passing by.

The next moment, dazzling white light bloomed on Riolu.

The sudden appearance of white light attracted the attention of everyone present and Pokémon.

“Akai’s psychic beast has also evolved.” Obito stared at the white light with curious eyes, curious about Riolu’s appearance after evolution.

Is it the transformation of Menas, who almost transformed from a cocoon into a butterfly, or the rapid development of the Mane Rock Werewolf, who can vaguely see some of the characteristics of the Rock Dog?

At the same time, Obito is also a little regretful that the idea of ​​learning the Green Flame and fighting the Charizard to defeat Metkai cannot be realized after all.

“I don’t know what abilities Riolu will master after evolving.” Kakashi is also very concerned about Riolu’s evolution.

Although I don’t know the reason, what is certain is that every Pokémon can master some ninjutsu and taijutsu after evolving.

Among them, Menas is the most numerous. From not knowing a single ninjutsu to mastering numerous water escapes, he also mastered medical ninjutsu.

Although the improvement of Charizard and Mane Werewolf is not as good as that of Menas, it is still very obvious.

Thinking of this, Kakashi glanced at Soraya next to Shisui.

In fact, Kakashi is looking forward to Soraya’s evolution.

Because Zoroa’s illusion ability is really special. If it is strong enough, it can definitely play a big role in battle.

But I don’t know why, Shisui’s Zoroa hatched not too late, but has not evolved yet.

Originally there was a Riolu accompanying Zoroa, but now Riolu has also evolved, and now only Zoroa has not evolved.

Noticing Kakashi’s gaze, Soraya looked back with wide eyes, “What are you looking at?”

Kakashi silently turned his gaze and continued to look at the evolving Riolu.

Soroa proudly raised his head and chest, he won.


Shisui tapped the raised hair on Zoroa’s head with his finger, why was he still so proud?

When the white light dissipated, the majestic Lucario appeared in everyone’s sight.

Compared to the cute Riolu, Lucario has a cold and handsome look.

In the Riolu period, the round lumps on the backs of his claws turned into sharp bone spurs, and a slightly smaller bone spur also grew on his chest.

In addition, the changes in Lucario are more of growth, and you can see many shadows of Riolu.

“It doesn’t look like a big change.” Obito commented.

Compared with the evolution of other Pokémon, Lucario and Riolu have not changed much. It feels like Riolu has grown up.

Kakashi nodded, Obito was indeed right.

The rock dog evolved into the maned rock werewolf. Although it did not grow wings like the fire-breathing dragon, the hair on its body has changed a lot, and Riolu and Lucario still have the same color scheme.

“You’ve become stronger all of a sudden.” Metkai gave Lucario a thumbs up with a happy face, feeling happy for Lucario.

Had it not been for the injury, Metkai would have wanted to test Lucario’s strength in battle.

With examples such as Menus, Charizard, and Mane Rock Werewolf, all disciples know that the strength of Pokémon will be greatly improved after evolving.

“Lucario!” Lucario also used his paws to imitate Metkai and gave him a thumbs up.

Now it feels very strong.

After evolving, it not only learned a lot of skills, but its waveguide power also increased a lot.

“Want to test your strength and have a battle with Mane Rock?” Kakashi looked at Metkai and Lucario.


Embarrassing, I just finished talking yesterday about keeping updated and got 4k today.

It’s a bit stuck. The detailed outline I wrote some time ago has been exhausted, and I haven’t had time to add new ones.



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