Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 54: You must practice physical skills well (seeking for further reading)


Chapter 54: Physical skills must be practiced well (please follow up)

Friday morning, Class 1 classroom at Ninja School.

Students are discussing how to take physical arts classes.

“Should we wait like last class?” a student asked.

“Not today. According to what Teacher Mu Yue said yesterday, the Taijutsu teacher must have told Teacher Mu Yue about our actions in the Taijutsu class.” Shenyue Izumo deduced.

“With Teacher Muyue’s character, she might help others to the end and come over to inspect during the physical arts class.”

“I am also a taijutsu teacher, and this is the first time I heard that a teacher reported a student.” Gang Zitie complained.

It’s even more speechless to just file a report and bring private goods.

“Today, everyone should show respect to Teacher Muyue and not try to persuade him to withdraw.” Shenyue Izumo said.

The students felt that what Shenyue Izumo said made sense, and decided to take the physical arts class as Muyue’s class.

“This Taijutsu teacher is really annoying.” Anko said with a depressed look on her face.

She was criticized by Mu Yue for not being able to teach physical skills well, and even reported to Teacher Mu Yue to say bad things about her.

The students in Class 1 nodded in agreement. The success of Nianhiro Tanimura’s operation made their impression of Nianhiro Tanimura fall to the bottom.

After the class bell rang, Nianhiro Tanimura came to the classroom.

Seeing the students sitting quietly in their seats without talking, Tanimura Nianhiro breathed a sigh of relief.

But he did not let down his guard, because the students in the last class were not so aggressive at the beginning.

“Let’s go run three laps on the playground to warm up first.” Nianhiro Tanimura said with a low cough.

The students all followed Tanimura’s instructions and went downstairs to the playground and started running. No one discussed Tanimura.

After finishing the run, Nianhiro Tanimura began to teach taijutsu routines. After teaching them twice, he let the students practice freely.

During this period, no student said anything wrong with Tanimura Nianhiro. Tanimura calmly felt that this class was not the same group of students as the last class.

“I really need to treat Mr. Hanyu to a drink.” Nianhiro Tanimura thanked Mu Yue in his heart.

He knew what all these changes were. Mu Yue must have taken action, otherwise the performance of the students would not have been so different.

At this moment, Mu Yue passed by the playground as requested by Tanimura Nianhiro.

Mu Yue and Tanimura Nianhiro said hello and stayed in the playground for a short time.

At the end of class, Shenyue Izumo said proudly: “I was right, Teacher Muyue will definitely come over.”

“Then you won’t take any action in the future?” Some students said unwillingly.

The more Mu Yue helps Tanimura Nianhiro like this, the more annoyed they become.

“Of course not, Teacher Muyue is not so free every day, we can continue the action in the next class.” Shenyue Izumo said.


Class 4, Class 2, Nohara Lin looked at Obito scratching his head and doing questions and asked worriedly:

“Obito, what’s wrong with you recently? You feel so diligent. You study whenever you have time every day.”

Although it is a good thing to study so seriously, Obito suddenly loves theory so much, which makes Nohara Rin a little worried.

Hearing Nohara Rin’s words, Obito’s writing paused, and he felt the urge to cry.

Is this because he is diligent and loves learning? No, this is the result of not practicing physical skills well!

There is a cost to doing the questions in installments. For example, if there are ten questions originally, they may become eleven after being divided into installments.

This means that although Obito does not need to do a lot in one day, he still needs to do questions every day.

What’s even more terrible is that training takes place every day, which means that he is accumulating new questions every day and then dividing them into periods.

But if he were asked to do it all in one go, he couldn’t do it. It would be very painful and would affect his practice.

“Because everyone’s grades are improving, I can’t fall behind.” Obito said with a stiff smile on his face.

He would definitely not say the embarrassing reason of being punished for doing questions due to poor physical skills.

“It’s great that you have such an idea. I feel like I’ve grown up a lot all of a sudden.” Nohara Lin said with a pleased smile.

From the time she was late for school, Nohara Rin has always taken care of Obito as her own younger brother.

Nohara Rin was really happy to see that Obito was now at the top of his grade in actual combat and was beginning to pass in theory.

“Haha, is that so?” When Obito heard Nohara Rin’s praise, his originally stiff smile was like withered vegetation being nourished by water, and it soon became natural again.

With the blessing of Nohara Rin’s praise, Obito’s speed in solving the questions has accelerated a bit, and he even feels like he can pay off tomorrow’s installment in advance.

“It’s a holiday again, Obito, what are you going to do on the weekend?” Nohara Lin asked.

“Wait, is today already Friday?” Cold sweat broke out on Obito’s forehead. He had lost his sense of time due to the physical training and various problems in the past few days.

“That’s right, we’ll have a holiday after class, Obito? Maung Hwansaki Temple Junbiba? Lin asked with a smile.

After receiving Nohara Rin’s affirmative answer, Obito couldn’t help but feel his eyes go dark.

From Monday to Friday, they only need to practice from the afternoon after school to before the sun goes down.

But it’s different on weekends. On weekends, we practice from morning until the sun goes down.

A lot of training time means more battles with Metkai, and more battles means more problems.

Obito seemed to be able to see questions and papers coming towards him one after another, overwhelming him.

“Obito, what’s wrong with you? Your face seems a little ugly. Do you want me to take you to the infirmary?” Nohara Rin asked after seeing Obito’s ugly expression.

“It’s okay, I’m just so happy about the holiday.” Obito said with a forced smile.

“Yes, I’m very happy. After practicing for so long during the vacation, my strength has improved greatly. When the time comes, I will be ranked first in the school and gain Lin’s admiration.” Obito has already begun to hypnotize himself in his heart.

“Promise me, Lin, you must practice your physical skills well.” Obito couldn’t help but said.

“Well, I know, physical skills are very important.” Nohara Lin nodded, not realizing the pain in Obito’s words.

After school, Obito went to the training ground in the southern forest.

Metkai was one step ahead of Obito and had already started exercising.

The two looked at each other and saw the desire to win in each other’s eyes.

The two knew exactly what the weekend meant to them.

This is no joke. If you are not careful, you will face countless problems.

“If you have the Sharingan, you can definitely do it!” Obito was so eager to open the blood line of the Uchiha clan for the first time.

The Sharingan has powerful dynamic vision and can easily see through the enemy’s movements.

He had a hunch that maybe after this weekend, the questions he had to do could be spread directly to the end of the semester.

“We must not let this happen!” Obito punched the wooden stake man.

On the other side, Metkai was also silently lifting boulders and performing squats to exercise his thigh muscles.

Not only did he not want to do the questions in installments, he also wanted to get first in his grade.

Mu Yue looked at both of them exercising with great motivation and showed a satisfied smile.

Keep training like this, and after a month, Hyuga Kamon will be no match for them.

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