Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 53: Friends should come and go (please read more)


Chapter 53 There should be back and forth between friends (please follow up)

At noon on Thursday, Nianhiro Tanimura approached Muyue.

“Ms. Hanyu, the students in Class 1 are so shameless. They are disturbing me so much that I can’t attend class normally.” Nianhiro Tanimura complained.

He admitted that he underestimated the students in the first year class when he said he didn’t care before.

I had a whole afternoon of classes yesterday that made everyone numb. I just wanted to get out of school early and end it early.

He doesn’t have the annual class on Thursday, but there is one on Friday morning.

In order to prevent the tragic experience on Wednesday afternoon from happening again on Friday, Nianhiro Tanimura found Mu Yue in advance, hoping to use Mu Yue’s influence among students to help him.

“Oh, these children obviously promised me.” Mu Yue sighed, defending Tanimura Nianhiro.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Tanimura, I will definitely talk to them this afternoon and tell them not to go against you.”

Hearing Mu Yue’s words, Tanimura Nianhiro was slightly relieved, but still a little worried and said:

“Ms. Hanyu, can you come over and hang out when I have class on Friday? I’m afraid they won’t listen? No!?br/>

If the first-year classes for the next whole year were as torturous as Wednesday, he didn’t know if he would be able to persist until the bonus was paid.

You can pretend you didn’t hear it if you were denied by one or two students. It’s really a bit unbearable to be denied by a whole class.

“No problem.” Mu Yue nodded and agreed.

“I feel relieved with your guarantee, Mr. Hanyu.” Nianhiro Tanimura said with a grateful smile.

After finishing the matter, Nianhiro Tanimura turned around and returned to his office.

Looking at the departing figure of Tanimura Nianhiro, Mu Yue thought that Tanimura Nianhiro had taught for nothing in the past three years. He really couldn’t grasp the students’ psychology at all.

If he goes to Mu Yue to forcefully suppress the students like this, the students will not hate Mu Yue, but will only hate Tanimura Nianhiro even more.

Because from the perspective of a student, Mu Yue is helping a novice colleague, there is no problem and she can even be said to be very kind.

But Tanimura Nianhiro is ignorant and has no self-awareness at all, and he tries to use the class teacher to suppress them.

Mu Yue thought about it carefully and realized that she might have wrongly blamed Tanimura Nianhiro.

Because this is a ninja school, the situation is different from his previous life. If it weren’t for the excellent grades in Class 1, Tanimura Nianhiro would not be in this situation.

Shaking her head, Mu Yue stopped thinking about these irrelevant things and walked towards his office.

Since it was Tanimura Nianhiro who requested it, what else could he do, refuse and then be called stingy? No, of course he should agree and do it. After all, he is recognized as a perfect colleague Hanyu Mozuki.

Mu Yue returned to the office and continued to practice calligraphy.

“Hey, Teacher Mu Yue, you changed the pen.” Aya Ueda noticed that the pen Mu Yue was holding was not the same pen as before.

“Yes, it was given by a student.” Mu Yue smiled and nodded.

“That’s great. I have been teaching for several years and I have never received a gift from a student.” Aya Ueda said enviously.

When Ikegaya heard what Aya Ueda said, he finally found an opportunity to attack and said:

“Ueda, don’t think about what teacher Muyue’s teaching level is and how popular he is among students. Compared with him, you are a bit ignorant.”

Aya Ueda was speechless for a while. Lies don’t hurt people, but the truth is the sharpest knife.

Seeing Aya Ueda’s depressed look, Ikeda Isamu felt instantly refreshed.

“It should be that Mr. Ueda’s students are more introverted. They want to send gifts but dare not.” Mu Yue said.

“Teacher Muyue, you still know how to speak.” Aya Ueda smiled. Although she knew they were words of comfort, who doesn’t like good words.

Looking at this scene, Kimura Shiren felt that it was not unreasonable for Ikeya Isamu to remain single.

When it was almost time for class, Mu Yue left the office and arrived at the classroom.

He did not rush to class, but first settled the matters assigned by Nianhiro Tanimura.

“Didn’t I say something bad about Teacher Tanimura in person? Don’t interfere with Teacher Tanimura’s class during class.” Mu Yue said with a sad look on her face.

“Teacher Mu Yue, did the physical arts teacher sue you?” Gang Ziti was speechless. This was the first time he heard about a teacher suing a student, and he was adding fuel to the fire.

“We didn’t interfere with him when he was teaching. He always persuaded him after he stopped.” Shenyue Izumo felt that they had been wronged.

They did not interfere with the class. Although the teaching was indeed not good, no one criticized Tanimura Nianhong when he was teaching. They were all watching and studying seriously, and the training was completed very seriously.

Everyone wants to get good grades in the final practical assessment, so they will definitely not resist training.

“You must not interfere with Teacher Tanimura’s class, and don’t speak ill of him.” Mu Yue warned, without answering Gang Zitie’s question directly.

The effect he wanted to achieve was that he did not say that it was Nianhiro Tanimura who complained, but everyone knew that it was Nianhiro Tanimura who caused Muyue to preach.

“We understand.” The students nodded, not knowing what to do then.

Mu Yue nodded, smiled, and then began to lecture.

【Lecture completed】

[Evaluation: A]

[Reward: Earth Escape・Earth Dragon Bullet]

After school, Mu Yue trained her disciples every day, and returned to her home in the main city in the evening.

This time it was not Mu Yue who was being cheated on, it was Mu Yue’s turn to go to Minato’s house to be cheated on.

“We’ve eaten at your house so many times. I’m sorry. Today, Mu Yue, you can take a day off and try our cooking.” Minato said, and then brought Mu Yue to his house.

Minato and Kushina went into battle together, and each of them cooked two dishes.

Minato and Kushina let Muyue taste it first. Muyue originally wanted to say that everyone should eat together, but looking at the expectant looks in their eyes, he knew what to do next.

Mu Yue first tasted the grilled fish made by Shuimen.

To be honest, this grilled fish is not the same thing as the grilled fish in Mu Yue’s impression. It is not even a whole fish. It is just a palm-sized fish marinated and grilled directly with some salt.

“It retains the original taste of the food very well and is very delicious.” Mu Yue praised.

But Mu Yue didn’t just praise it, he also pointed out some shortcomings, such as not grasping the time when baking.

Mu Yue’s evaluation of the next four dishes was similar, but some dishes were praised more than others, and some dishes were not praised enough.

“Hey, our food isn’t bad either.” Kushina said with a happy smile.

Kushina was very happy that the dishes she cooked by herself were recognized by a cooking master like Mu Yue.

“Minato and I are already practicing how to make braised pork. When the time comes, Muyue, you must come and try it.” Kushina said.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, saying in a joking tone that she must try it to check the learning results of their two students.

Then they chatted while eating.

Minato also told Muyue that he had recently heard talk about Muyue from other jounin, saying that the children complained that his teaching was not as good as the chuunin teacher in school.

Speaking of this topic, Kushina affirmed Mu Yue’s teaching level. Although she had not seen Mu Yue in class at the Ninja School, she had seen Mu Yue explain how to cook.

At this stage, Mu Yue was not overly modest, but praised Minato Kushina, saying that if Minato became a teacher, he would definitely be a popular and good teacher, and Kushina would also…

In such a good atmosphere, everyone spent the dinner happily and achieved their respective goals.

Book recommendation: The magnetic field rotates but Naruto

The cool version of Naruto is a bit cool, you can take a look if you are interested


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