Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 52: There are also gaps between teachers (please follow up)


Chapter 52 There are also gaps between teachers (please follow up)

“It’s like this. Today I took an in-class practical test during class in the morning.” Mu Yue told Tanimura Nianhiro what happened in class.

But Mu Yue slightly beautified the students’ complaints, otherwise they would be too offensive.

“I just wanted to inspire them and make them practice more seriously. I didn’t expect something like this to happen. I’m really sorry.” Mu Yue said with an apology.

“It’s my fault that my evaluation was too harsh. I should be more tolerant to them.” Mu Yue put all the blame on herself.

Although it was Tanimura Nianhiro’s own poor teaching skills that caused so much dissatisfaction among students, Mu Yue only ignited it.

But Mu Yue didn’t want any flaws in his character, so he chose to tell everything directly to Tanimura Nianhiro, admit his mistake to Tanimura Nianhiro, and said that he accidentally did bad things with good intentions.

In this way, no matter how clear the whole thing is, Mu Yue will not be identified as a person with ulterior motives.

After all, he told Nianhiro Tanimura everything as soon as it happened. How could he have any evil intentions when he cares so much about his colleagues.

“This…” Tanimura Nianhiro didn’t know what to say for a while.

He knew in his heart that those students were right. His teaching level was indeed not as good as that of Mu Yue, which was average.

But no one in the ninja school can compare with Mu Yue. A new teacher has become famous throughout the school after teaching for a month or two. He has been recognized by all the teachers and students in the school, and was even summoned by the third generation to praise him.

It is purely uncomfortable for an ordinary teacher like him to compete with Mu Yue.

“I have asked them not to criticize you, but after all, you are a child. If you agree on the surface, it is hard to say what will happen in reality.” Mu Yue sighed, looking at Tanimura Nianhiro with an apology in his eyes.

“It’s okay, I won’t care. After all, they are just six-year-old kids.” Nianhiro Tanimura said with a smile.

Even if the students complained to his face, Nianhiro Tanimura would not give up his position as the first-year class Taijutsu teacher.

Because the actual performance of the first grade class is very good, not only the actual performance of the grade is top two, but the average practical score of the class is also the first grade.

Although he knows that such results have nothing to do with his teaching, these are real results. There is no need to worry about performance, and the bonus will only be more.

“Teacher Hanyu, I know you. You must be thinking about your students.” Nianhiro Tanimura said that he knew Mu Yue’s good intentions.

Although such an accident happened, Nianhiro Tanimura still felt that Mu Yue was a good colleague who would apologize as soon as possible after something happened.

Originally, the morning was Tanimura Nianhiro’s physical arts class, but he had something to do in the morning, so he switched classes with Mu Yue, who was taking the afternoon class. Mu Yue immediately agreed.

He has also heard about Mu Yue taking over classes for other teachers. It is difficult for him to do this on his own. It can be done once or twice. Every week, teachers are looking for someone who can bear it.

The teaching level is high, his class scores lead the whole grade, he is praised by the third generation, and he is handsome and good-tempered. Tanihiro Tanimura can only say that it is not unreasonable for the female teachers in the office to discuss Muyue every day.

He knows his own family affairs well, and Tanimura Nianhiro knows that the root cause of this matter is that his teaching is really average, and he has been like this for so many years.

But it is impossible for Tanihiro Tanimura to voluntarily give up his position as a Taijutsu teacher for the annual class. Teaching in the ninja school is just to make money without danger. This is an opportunity to get a large bonus while lying down.

“Teacher Tanimura? Mystery? I feel relieved just thinking about it.” Mu Yue seemed to feel much more relaxed, showing a gentle smile.

“Haha, let’s go to an izakaya for a drink together when we have time.” Tanimura Nianhiro also said with a smile.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, chatting with Nianhiro Tanimura about some unproductive topics and then found an excuse to leave.

After Tanimura Nianhiro returned to the office, the female teacher next to him asked curiously:

“Mr. Tanimura, what does Mr. Hanyu want from you?”

“It’s nothing, just some minor things between students, but Mr. Hanyu really has nothing to say.” Nianhiro Tanimura sat down and said.

Of course he was embarrassed to say it out when his students criticized him for his poor teaching skills, but it was a good idea to use Mu Yuelai to find a topic with the female teacher.

After the school bell rang, Nianhiro Tanimura walked towards Class 1.

Walking into the classroom, Tanimura Nianhiro didn’t feel any different from before. As usual, he first taught some theoretical knowledge of physical skills, and then took people down for a run.

After finishing the run, Nianhiro Tanimura began to teach taijutsu routines. After teaching them once, he began to let the students practice freely.

“Teacher Tanimura, can you teach it a few more times? I didn’t quite understand it just now.” Anko asked.

“These are the most basic. If you don’t understand, it means you haven’t practiced enough. Just practice more.” Nianhiro Tanimura said.

“But Teacher Muyue demonstrates it many times every time she teaches us, and she breaks it down very carefully.” Hongdou retorted.

“How can Ninjutsu and Taijutsu be the same?” Nianhiro Tanimura explained.

“But there are also many practical skills and details in physical skills. Don’t we need to explain these in detail?” Gang Ziti asked.

Tanimura Nianhiro was speechless. He showed off how a chuunin teacher could come up with so many practical details and skills, and made a casual remark.

A large number of students then asked various questions and made various suggestions.

“Stop, stop, you guys train first, and I’ll say hello after the next class.” Being asked questions by dozens of people at the same time, Tanimura Nianhiro felt like his head was going to explode.

“Teacher Tanimura, how about we all take a step back, we don’t ask questions, and you don’t teach us anymore.” Kamizuki Izumo suggested.

Tanimura Nianhiro had a question mark on his face, wondering if the students were so popular now, so he just asked the teacher to stop teaching.

But the more aggressive ones are yet to come.

“Tanimura-sensei, I think you should retire early. I learned your shuriken throwing and never hit the bullseye once.”

“Tanimura-sensei, ever since I took your taijutsu class, the entire grade has praised our class for its good ninjutsu.”

Tanimura Nianhiro was a little stunned when he heard the students’ offensive language. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation after teaching for more than three years.

He thought that the class he taught before didn’t like him very much, but it wasn’t to this extent.

Tanimura Nianhiro was lucky to be reminded by Mu Yue in advance, otherwise he would have been confused and didn’t know what was going on.

“Ahem, everyone, be quiet. I’ll demonstrate it a few more times.” Nianhiro Tanimura coughed twice and said helplessly.

Then Tanimura Nianhiro discovered an interesting thing. The students were dissatisfied with him, but the training did not stop, and he even felt more serious than before.

He was a little confused. Logically speaking, if he hated him so much, why was he still cultivating so actively?

Tanimura Nianhiro felt that Mu Yue’s words had an effect, causing the students to not slack off in their cultivation even though they were dissatisfied with him.

Tanimura Nianhiro was a little lucky and envious of Mu Yue’s control over the class.

“Let’s get through this year first.” Nianhiro Tanimura didn’t want to give up his position as a first-class taijutsu teacher, and he might still be able to find an excellent teacher.

If this was an ordinary class and students spoke to him like this, he would educate a few students on the spot to let them know what the strength of a chuunin is.

But this is a class every year, the class with the best grades in the school.

The more Nianhong Tanimura taught, the more the students discovered that this teacher was really not good enough, and they strengthened their determination to change teachers.

I felt a little dizzy when I wrote this chapter. If you have any questions, please ask them and I will revise them tomorrow


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