Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 51: Mu Yue’s shortcoming is that she is too nice (please read it)


Chapter 51 Mu Yue’s shortcoming is that she is too nice (please read it)

Mu Yue asked everyone to draw lots to determine the contestants according to the rules of the actual combat examination, and then gave comments after each group of battles.

“The transformation technique was used at the wrong time and did not play its intended role. The physical skills were sparse and the punching speed was too slow.”

“How can you confuse the enemy by creating a clone like this?”

“Your boxing skills are not good, your kicks are weak, your steps are loose, and your reactions are slow. How can you defeat the enemy with such physical skills?”

Mu Yue showed no mercy, and could even be said to be strict.

But Mu Yue didn’t talk nonsense. What he talked about were all real problems. The students who were pointed out by Mu Yue all lowered their heads in shame.

“I know that your scores in the monthly exams are very good. Both theoretical and practical scores are higher than other classes, but you can’t slack off in your practice because of this.

My words may be a bit harsh when I comment. The teacher should correct me first? br/>

But I am actually doing it for your own good. Both physical skills and ninjutsu are very important. If you don’t practice physical skills well now, you will regret it when fighting the enemy in the future. “After reviewing everyone’s reviews, Mu Yue sighed and said.

“Teacher Muyue, I really haven’t slacked off. I spent the same time on taijutsu and ninjutsu. It’s just that the taijutsu teacher can’t teach him as well as you can, so that’s why.” Hongdou was a little bit He said aggrievedly.

“Yes, I am studying seriously, but the physical arts teacher’s teachings are very difficult to understand.” Gang Zitie also complained.

When Mu Yue first commented on Gang Zi Tie, he felt a little unhappy. He felt Mu Yue was too strict and they were only in the first grade.

After listening to Mu Yue’s apology later, Gang Ziti felt that he was really not a human being. Teacher Mu Yue was thinking about them like this. How could he think that Teacher Mu Yue was wrong?

The teacher and the students apologized. Gangzitie had never heard of such a thing, not to mention that Muyue didn’t do anything to them. It was the teacher’s responsibility.

The words of Gangzitie and Hongdou resonated with the students in Class 1, and they started to complain.

“Teacher Muyue, can you replace the physical arts teacher? He really doesn’t know how to teach, and the class is boring and difficult to understand.”

“Yes, the physical arts teacher is like this. I feel like I can be a physical arts teacher. Isn’t it just asking people to run on the playground? Who can’t do that?”

“How can you say that to Teacher Tanimura? He has been your teacher for two months after all. As a teacher, doesn’t he want you to be stronger?” Mu Yue began to speak for the Taijutsu teacher.

The Taijutsu teacher of their class is called Tanimura Nianhiro. Unlike Mu Yue, a newcomer, Tanimura Nianhiro has been teaching at the Ninja School for three years.

Although he has been teaching for three years, Nianhiro Tanimura’s teaching level is beyond words.

As a teacher in the same class, Mu Yue has of course come into contact with Tanimura Nianhiro. It can only be said that they are the poorest among chuunin teachers.

And as students in Class 1, the teacher they had the most contact with was Mu Yue. Comparing Mu Yue and Tanimura Nianhiro, Tanimura Nianhiro was completely blown away in all aspects.

“Teacher Muyue, we don’t think there is a problem with his teaching attitude, we just think he is incompetent.” Shenyue Izumo explained.

“Yes, everyone in the next class is saying that we are good at Ninjutsu, but no one has ever said that we are good at Taijutsu.” Someone gave an example.

Normally I don’t think it’s a big problem, I just think the physical arts teacher’s teaching is a bit poor and boring.

But when they gathered together to discuss like this, the students in Class 1 felt something was wrong. This was no longer a boring question, but related to the foundation of ninjas-strength.

Students in the actual combat assessment will not fight each other, and the teacher will take action if an accident occurs, but they will not hold back on the enemies they encounter on missions and on the battlefield.

“This…” Mu Yue looked embarrassed, and finally sighed and said:

“Don’t say these things in front of Teacher Tanimura, and then practice more Taijutsu on weekdays. If you really don’t understand, just find time to ask me.”

Students’ dissatisfaction with Tanimura Nianhiro’s teaching level is like a pile of gunpowder. He only needs to act as a fuse.

Seeing that Mu Yue was still speaking for the Taijutsu teacher, the students in Class 1 felt unworthy of Mu Yue. They felt that Mu Yue had a too good temper.

“We are all colleagues. Teacher Muyue doesn’t want Teacher Tanimura to be embarrassed.” Shisui Kage thought in his mind after seeing the scene.

Shisui also felt that the level of Taijutsu teachers was very poor, far behind Uchiha’s first teachers, let alone Mu Yue.

After class, before leaving, Mu Yue warned the students again not to say anything bad about the physical arts teacher in person, but to be more considerate.

The students all nodded and said yes. After Mu Yue left, Hong Dou led the class to discuss how to change the Taijutsu teacher.

“Isn’t it said that as long as the grades are poor, the teacher will be changed? How about we deliberately fail in the exam?” Some students suggested.

“But there is no separate physical examination. Do you want to deliberately fail in the actual combat examination? Then Mu Yue, the teacher who teaches ninjutsu, will also be affected.” Gang Ziti shook his head and said.

“That won’t work. Teacher Mu Yue is so good, I think he will teach me until I graduate.” After hearing that it would be unfavorable to Mu Yuehui, Hongdou directly rejected this proposal completely.

Hongdou’s words were recognized by everyone.

“Then let’s all tell him the fact that his teaching ability is not good and let him go on his own?” There were many people with broad ideas, and soon another one came up with a suggestion.

“This is not good. Doesn’t Teacher Muyue not let us do this?”

“This is good for Teacher Mu Yue. Why not do it? Teacher Mu Yue is our class teacher. Only when we are strong will he have face.” Gang Zitie felt that this was feasible.

After changing the physical arts teacher, they are stronger, which is also good for Mu Yue.

“I think the proposal is okay. It’s our problem if we force the teacher to leave, and it won’t affect Teacher Muyue.” Shenyue Izumo also nodded.

“And if he insists on not leaving, I have a good idea.” Shenyue Izumo thought of a clever plan.

“There is only more than a month left before the final exam. We will exaggerate the learning results of ninjutsu and taijutsu in the practical exam to let the school know that the taijutsu teacher is indeed not good at teaching.”

“But the overall results must be good, so that the school can notice us.” Kamizuki Izumo reminded.

Gang Zitie put his arm around Shenyue Izumo’s shoulders and smiled: “It has to be you, Izumo.”

Everyone nodded in approval and felt that they should practice harder next time, get good grades in the final exam, and find a new Taijutsu teacher.


After lunch, Mu Yue did not return to her office, but went to the office next door, where Tanihiro Tanimura was located.

“Teacher Hanyu.” As soon as Mu Yue entered the office, many teachers greeted him.

Mu Yue responded with a smile one by one, then walked up to Tanimura Nianhiro, and called Tanimura Nianhiro out on the pretext of having something to do and took him to an uninhabited place.

“Teacher Tanimura, I’m sorry.” Mu Yue apologized to Nianhiro Tanimura.

“Hanyu-sensei, what happened? Why did it happen suddenly?” Nianhiro Tanimura was a little confused and didn’t understand what happened.


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