Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 483: The truth comes out and Danzo is exposed?


Chapter 483 The truth comes out and Danzo is exposed?

The Country of Rain, Rain Ninja Village.

Huangtu led several Iwagakure jounin into the rain ninja’s office building and walked towards the leader’s office.

On the way closer to the leader’s office, Huang Tu discovered many rain ninjas hiding in the dark. The guard strength was completely different from the last time he came.

“Worried? Add a medical bed? Implement a decapitation tactic. It seems that that battle completely shattered his pride as a demigod.” Huang Tu shook his head secretly in his heart.

Even if he is so cautious in his own Ninja Village, it is no wonder that Hanzo has never stepped out of the Rain Ninja Village after losing to “Gaiyi Lu”.

“Only Your Excellency Huang Tu can go in alone.”

When Huang Tu wanted to take his subordinates into the office of the leader of the rain ninja, the rain ninja ANBU who was guarding the door of the leader’s office spoke to intercept him.

Magic Leech, Huo Guang and others who followed Huang Tu frowned. The Ninja Village who was beaten violently by a ninja organization still had such a bad temper.

“You guys wait here for a moment.” Huangtu waved his hand to tell Iwagakure to wait where they were, and walked into the leader’s office alone.

Hanzo had no reason to attack him, and it was impossible for the frightened Hanzo to dare to attack him.

“Loess, although I feel sorry for the ninjas in your village who died at the hands of the ninja sect, the current situation in the ninja world does not allow me to use all the strength of the ninja village to fight against the ninja sect to the end. Please ask me for revenge. Let your village handle it yourself.

If the Iwagakure troops reach the border of Rain Country, there will definitely be no rain ninjas to stop them. “Hanzo said directly.

He thought Iwagakure wanted to make a fuss about the Iwagakure ninja who had died at the hands of the ninja sect.

Do you want Hanzo to deal with the Ninja sect again? Do you want to increase the number of medical personnel? If Iwagakure wants to do it himself, Hanzo will raise his hands to agree.

“Hanzo-sama, after our investigation, we found that this matter was actually a misunderstanding. Our Iwagakure ninjas were not killed by Ninja ninjas, but by Konoha ninjas.” Huang Tu shook his head and explained.

Iwagakure did investigate, but failed to find any useful information. He said that Konoha just wanted to draw some hatred to Konoha, and at the same time give himself a step down.

For Iwagakure, it no longer matters which force or ninja village killed the Iwagakure team who died in the Land of Rain. What matters is how to cause trouble for the powerful Konoha.

Iwagakure wants to provoke the confrontation between the Ninja Sect and even the Rain Ninja Village and Konoha, so the current situation in the Country of Rain is very inconsistent with Iwagakure’s interests, because the Rain Ninja Village and the Ninja Sect are checking and balancing each other, and the entire Rain Country All countries are engaged in internal strife.

There are a large number of ninjas in the Rain Ninja Village, and the Ninja Sect is elite enough. There are many ninjas in the village, and the two sides are afraid of each other and cannot use their fists.

So Ohnoki’s idea is to stop the tit-for-tat confrontation between the Ninja Sect and the Rain Ninja Village, and let everyone go to Konoha together.

“Misunderstanding?” Hanzo’s face darkened.

In order to deal with the Ninja Sect, Yu Ninja Village lost dozens of elite ninjas, and even his own reputation was greatly affected. As a result, Iwagakure suddenly misunderstood, and Hanzo’s blood pressure suddenly went up.

Although Hanzo had many reasons for taking action against the Ninja Sect, Iwagakure definitely had a lot of responsibility.

“In order to express our apology, Iwagakure is willing to compensate Yu Nin for certain losses and help repair the relationship between Yu Ninja Village and the Ninja Sect.” Huang Tu’s face remained unchanged as he continued.

As long as it can cause trouble for Konoha, Onoki doesn’t mind doubling the money he extorted from the rain ninja last time and hire mercenaries.

On the surface, Hanzo looked calm and thoughtful, but in fact, his heart suddenly moved.

If Iwagakure was really not killed by a Ninja ninja, there might not necessarily be a conflict between him and the Ninja sect.

Hanzo took action against the Ninja Sect because he wanted to provoke a war and threatened his power in the Land of Rain.

If there is really a misunderstanding, the first contradiction will disappear immediately. According to the expressions of the Ninja ninjas during the meeting, the second one may not happen. The Ninja ninjas seem to really want to cooperate with him.

“But it’s too late now.” Hanzo sighed slightly in his heart.

Now it doesn’t matter whether the Iwagakure ninjas were killed by Ninja ninjas or not. The Rain Ninja Village and the Ninja sect have a more direct hatred.

The conflict between Yu Ninja Village and the Ninja Sect can no longer be eliminated, and the hatred of siege will not disappear just because the misunderstanding is resolved.

“What are you going to do?” Hanzo asked calmly.

“I can take the overall situation into consideration and not take action against the Ninja Sect, but the group of ninjas from the Ninja Sect may not necessarily accept our kindness.”

“Of course we are honest with each other. I believe that the ninjas of the Ninja Sect will understand your difficulty, Hanzo-sama, before there is a big deal.” Huang Tu replied with a simple face.

“Don’t worry, Hanzo-sama, as long as you follow our Iwagakure’s steps, the Land of Rain will be at peace again.”

“When you have finished seeing each other, I will add a doctor and a firewood to this direct descendant. I will be humble and humble.

“We will bring the good news back soon.” Huang Tu was not angry at Hanzo’s words and said with a confident smile.

In order to increase the probability of Huang Tu persuading the Ninja Sect, Hanzo told Huang Tu about Shimura Danzo’s initiative to come to cooperate with him to eliminate the Ninja Sect, but only concealed some of the details.

Hanzo doesn’t know who is lying to him, Loess or Danzo Shimura. He just wants to go back to before and doesn’t ask for more.

Hearing that Danzo Shimura, Konoha’s second-in-command, was also involved, Huangtu instantly felt that the success rate of their Iwagakure plan had greatly increased.

Next, Huangtu led Iwagakure and rushed to the Ninja sect’s stronghold without stopping.

He may have to go to the Country of Grass to solve the matter in the Country of Rain. Now Iwagakure is operating on multiple fronts to cause trouble for Konoha.

In addition to Loess causing trouble in the Country of Rain, there is also Iwagakure in the Country of Grass who encourages the radical forces of the Grass Ninja Village to participate in the war and kill the Konoha ninjas on the battlefield of the Country of Grass.

The sudden arrival of the Iwagakure ninjas put the Ninja ninjas on the defensive and surrounded Huang Tu and others.

“We are not your enemies. I am looking for you to talk with me.” Huang Tu raised his hands slightly to show that he had no hostility.

The ninjas of the Ninja Sect looked at each other in disbelief, and did not believe Huang Tu’s words. After the incident of Hanzo’s fake cooperation, the ninjas of the Ninja Sect were very vigilant.

At this moment, the clone of Mu Yueying, who had been notified, rushed over with Nagato Yahiko and others.

Although the main body is in Konoha, Mu Yue has been supplementing the Yang Seal Shadow Clone that can last longer, so that he will not disappear immediately after accepting a disciple.

“Iwagakure ninja, is it because of that encounter at the border?” Yahiko felt something bad after seeing the forehead protector on Loess.

Because Shimura Danzo handled the traces very well, until now Yahiko still thought they killed the Iwagakure ninja that day.

“If you have something to say, just tell me.” Mu Yueying’s clone thought for a while and said.

Although I still don’t know what happened to Iwagakure, Mu Yue believes that it must not be a good thing, even if there is no problem on the surface.

Because Iwagakure was really a troublemaker during the Third Ninja War. If Iwagakure suddenly came to him at this time, it would definitely be up to no good.

Huang Tu didn’t care about the scene. It wasn’t anything confidential anyway, so he just spoke directly.

“I am here to clarify the misunderstanding with the Ninja Sect on behalf of the Rain Ninja Village. The Ninja Sect and the Rain Ninja Village should not be enemies.”

All the surrounding ninja ninjas showed angry expressions, and some even took out kunai directly from their ninja tool bags. As long as Huang Tu and others showed the slightest sign of something wrong, they would take action immediately.

Although the Hanzo fake cooperation incident did not cause actual losses to the Ninja Sect leadership, it was based on the strength of Mu Yue and others.

Had Mu Yue not been strong enough, the founder of the Ninja Sect they respected would have died in the siege, and other elites would not have been able to escape.

“Misunderstanding? It didn’t look like a misunderstanding when Hanzo took action.” Yahiko lost his usual playful smile and said with a straight face.

How much Yahiko once admired Hanzo, now Yahiko distrusts Hanzo.

He could never forget that day.

They went to find Hanzo with great expectations, thinking that they would usher in a dreamlike alliance, and the two parties would work together to maintain peace in the Land of Rain.

What awaited them was all kinds of traps and sieges. The scene where Hanzo threw kunai with a cold look on Mu Yue’s face and made Mu Yue commit suicide is still unforgettable to Yahiko.

“Is it a misunderstanding that you have to come forward at this time?” Chi Chang also thought this was another conspiracy.

Although the Rain Ninja Village is now powerful, their Ninja Sect has more powerful people. If it continues to develop, the Ninja Sect will definitely defeat the Rain Ninja Village.

The Ninjas of the Ninja Sect were all expressing their dissatisfaction with the Rain Ninja Village.

Mu Yue pressed her palms to signal everyone to keep quiet.

The originally noisy environment suddenly became quiet. Mu Yue looked at Huang Tu and said:

“Since we want to clarify, let’s talk about the misunderstanding first.”

Mu Yue must first know what Iwagakure wants to do before she can think of countermeasures.

“In fact, Hanzo-sama really wanted to cooperate with the Ninja Sect to build a peaceful rain country. However, there were traitors in Konoha who interfered with it. This led to Hanzo-sama taking wrong actions against the Ninja Sect.” Huang Tu carried it on his back. The lines prepared by Iwagakure.

It was difficult for him to think of these words, but it was not a problem to memorize them roughly.

Then Huang Tu briefly talked about the development of the events compiled by Iwagakure.

The evil Konoha ninjas led by Shimura Danzo, Konoha’s second-largest figure, killed the Iwagakure ninjas and then framed the blame on the Ninja ninjas, which made both Hanzo and Iwagakure displeased with the Ninja sect, eventually leading to false cooperation. event occurs.

In the incident described by Huang Tu, the Rain Ninja Village was not the perpetrator, but was deceived by Shimura Danzo of Konoha, while Iwagakure and Ninja were both victims and were injured by Konoha ninjas.

In short, it is one thing, it is all bad things done by Konoha ninjas.

“It turns out that the one we killed that day was not the Iwagakure ninja.” Yahiko connected everything he experienced according to Huang Tu’s description, and found that there was nothing unexplainable, as if what Huang Tu said was the real truth.

Yahiko was a little confused for a moment, not knowing what kind of attitude he should have when facing the Rain Ninja Village and Hanzo.

If that was really the case, then there seemed to be nothing wrong with Hanzo taking action against them at that time.

“Konoha Ninja…” Nagato looked at Muyue subconsciously.

He is the only person in the Ninja Sect who knows Mu Yue’s true identity.

Although it is hard to believe, the most famous ninja master in the ninja world, the powerful Lieyang Muyue, is the same person.

“What evidence do you have to prove that what you said is true?” Nagato quickly turned his attention to Huangtu and asked.

Even if Konoha ninjas were really involved in the whole incident, Nagato felt that it was impossible to have anything to do with Mu Yue. After all, Mu Yue was desperately protecting them that time.

“Of course there is evidence. If you want it, we have a lot here. We Iwagakure will never allow anyone to use the death of our companions to complete the conspiracy.” Huang Tu continued to recite.

Since Iwagakure dared to take action, he must have prepared everything. After all, the trigger was the death of the ninja of their village, so it was not difficult for them to give false evidence.

As he spoke, Huang Tu asked his men to bring out the prepared false evidence.

“Nowadays, the situation in the ninja world is chaotic, and the five major countries are attacking each other. In this chaotic situation, the Rain Ninja Village and the Ninja Sect are both ninjas from the Land of Rain. They should cooperate with the outside world.” Huang Tu took the opportunity to continue to persuade.

Mu Yue probably knows what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd in Yanyin Village.

If he guessed correctly, Iwagakure wanted to turn the internal conflicts of the Rain Ninja Village into external conflicts against Konoha, and let the Ninja Sect and the Rain Ninja Village create obstacles for Konoha.

Mu Yue can only say that Onomu’s abacus was really good.

If Ohnoki really succeeds, Konoha will not be able to solve the problem of the Rain Ninja Village without mobilizing a thousand-level ninja force.

After all, if the Ninja Sect unites with the Rain Ninja Village, it will be a combination of a ninja master and a demigod, which is really not weak in terms of top-level combat power.

However, no matter how cunning Onoki was, he could not imagine that the leader of the Ninja Sect would be a Konoha ninja.

“I need to discuss with my companions before I can give a reply.” Mu Yue neither refused nor agreed.

Huang Tu was not in a hurry and stayed nearby, waiting for Mu Yue’s reply.

Next, Mu Yue convened a meeting of Ninja Ninjas. Hundreds of Ninja Ninjas expressed their opinions and discussed whether to put aside their hatred and cooperate with Yu Ninja Village.

“Hanzo is certainly hateful, but what the Iwagakure ninja said makes sense. If we continue to fight with the rain ninja, the country of rain may be the one who gets hurt in the end.”

“The most important thing is Konoha, the culprit. The current split in the power of the Rain Country may be a development that Konoha is happy to see.”

Loess’s words did not succeed in eliminating the resentment and hatred of Hanzo among the Ninja ninjas, but they succeeded in making the Ninja ninjas hate Konoha.

“Don’t think on the basis that everything Iwagakure ninja said is true. Although there is evidence, it may not be the complete truth.” There are also ninjas who remain skeptical like Chi Chang.

“Ninjas are all unprofitable. Iwagakure will not care about the peace of the Rain Country with nothing to do. Think carefully about the benefits they can gain from it.” Kakuzu said with his arms crossed.

As a complete old-timer, Kakuzu is very clear about the virtues of the people in the Ninja Village.

No one is allowed to use the death of their companions to complete their conspiracy. As long as there are enough benefits, they will even take the initiative to sacrifice the ninjas of their own ninja village to achieve their goals.

In the end, everyone looked at Mu Yue, who had been silent.

PS: There will be a 4k chapter later, so the time should be about the same.

As for the Naruto extra chapter mentioned in the previous chapter, please rest assured that if it is written, it will not occupy the normal update word count, and will only appear in the form of a burst update.



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