Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 482: World Line Convergence


Chapter 482 The world line ends

When Mu Yue arrived at the training ground, Yamato was already standing at the training ground waiting.

It was exactly half past six, and the sky was dyed a light orange-red by the sunset. The sun was slowly sinking to the end of the horizon, leaving a golden afterglow.

The breeze blows on the trees at the training ground, causing the layers of leaves to sway gently in the wind, making a rustling sound, as if nature is whispering.

Yamato stood alone at the edge of the training ground, his figure stretched diagonally and reflected on the soil covered with fallen leaves.

“When did you come?” Mu Yue stepped forward with a gentle smile and asked.

“Ten past six.” Yamato answered honestly.

“Isn’t the agreed time six forty? Why did you come so early?”

“I had nothing to do in that room, and I thought I couldn’t let Master Muyue wait for me, so I came here in advance.” Yamato explained.

Although he and Mu Yue only met once, Yamato did have a lot of affection for Mu Yue.

On the one hand, Mu Yue is the perfect ninja in Shimura Danzo’s words and is the direction he strives for. On the other hand, Mu Yue’s own temperament makes him feel very comfortable.

“Let’s get to know each other formally. I am Hanyu Muyue. You don’t need to call me Muyue-sama. You can call me Muyue teacher, or you can just call me teacher.” Muyue said with a warm smile.

“I am A.” Yamato looked at Mu Yue quietly.

The warm and dazzling feeling gave Yamato the illusion that the sun was sinking into the horizon and rising again.

“A is just your codename at the root, not your name.” Mu Yue shook her head and said.

Yamato’s expression became confused, “But I only have the code name given to me by Danzo-sama.”

He is a person without a past. For him, what Danzo Shimura gave him is everything.

“How about Yamato? It’s called Miyohana, not a code name.” Mu Yue looked thoughtful and then said.

Mu Yue didn’t want to take the opportunity to gain favor, but simply thought it would be a bit strange not to have a name.

“If you want to choose your own name, or think the name doesn’t sound good, that’s okay, because the name is your own, and the most important thing is your own idea.”

Yamato quickly shook his head, “No, I think this name is very good.”

Mu Yue gave him a name out of good intentions, so how could Yamato mind. Besides, he really thought the name was good, and he had a feeling that it should be like this.

“If Danzo asks you, just say that I gave you a name so that you can function normally in Konoha.” Muyue thought for a while and reminded.

It’s not that Mu Yue is making a fuss, but Danzo Shimura is so sensitive.

At this time, Shimura Danzo still had the dream of becoming a super strong as long as the Wooden ninja grew up normally, so he attached great importance to Yamato and regarded Yamato as his secret weapon.

The secret weapon suddenly had a name. God knows what plot the sensitive Danzo Shimura would come up with, so Mu Yue helped Yamato come up with a reason that was very logical and realistic.

Yamato nodded and wrote down Mu Yue’s words.

“Next, you first climb a tree and then tread water. I want to test your chakra control level.” Mu Yue began to formally teach Yamato how to practice.

Mu Yue’s Wood Style cannot be exposed for the time being, so Mu Yue’s short-term training plan is to first improve Yamato’s chakra control level, and then teach Yamato Water Style and Earth Style.

Yamato walked up a big tree step by step according to Mu Yue’s instructions, then looked around and finally looked at Mu Yue.

Because he found that there seemed to be no water nearby for him to step on.

“Earth Escape·Earthquake Core!”

Mu Yue quickly formed seals to gather a large amount of chakra and control the ground in front of him to drop three meters.

“Water Escape: Great Waterfall Technique!”

Then Mu Yue spit out a huge amount of water to fill the sunken ground.

In one minute, a huge swimming pool appeared on the training ground.

Yamato opened his mouth slightly. This was the first time he saw a ninja use a large-scale ninjutsu to change the terrain.

“As long as you practice seriously, you will be able to do it soon.” Mu Yue patted Yamato on the shoulder and smiled.

Because of Hashirama’s cells, Yamato has a unique advantage in chakra. As long as his proficiency in nature-changing ninjutsu increases, his strength will not be bad.

Yamato’s performance in treading water is not bad either, and he has no problem running fast on the water.

Mu Yue was not surprised by this. After all, he was the only wood escape ninja after Hashirama. Danzo Shimura must have put in the effort to teach him, and his foundation would definitely not be bad.

“Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!”

The Muyue Seal summoned a water dragon to wreak havoc on the huge swimming pool. The originally calm water suddenly became choppy, and Yamato was no longer as calm as before.

Mu Yue taught Yamato just like he taught Obito and the others before, training Yamato’s chakra control ability and positioning.

An hour later, Mu Yue began to teach the water escape technique. Yamato himself had mastered several water escape techniques, so Mu Yue directly taught Yamato the waterfall technique.

Although the Great Waterfall Jutsu cannot directly increase the power of Ninjutsu like Great Sunny Day, it can also create a favorable environment for Water Release Ninjas. It can be regarded as a very good auxiliary Water Release Ninjutsu.

When the total teaching time reached two and a half hours, Mu Yue announced that the first day of teaching was over.

After hearing Mu Yue say that he could go home after practicing, Yamato was in a daze.

He looked up at the sky and found that the sky was unknowingly occupied by a deep dark blue, dotted with shimmering stars, shining with weak but firm light.

It is already nine o’clock in the evening, which is a bit late from a time perspective.

This training was a bit special for Yamato. Although he did not reject training in the past and even looked forward to Shimura Danzo’s teachings, he still lost track of time during his first training.

“Teacher Muyue, thank you for your teaching, goodbye.” Although he was a little reluctant, Yamato said goodbye to Muyue with respect.

A ninja like Mu Yue must have a lot to do, and it is not easy to find time to teach him.

After Mu Yue and Yamato returned to their respective homes, the root ninja who had been watching them also returned to the root and returned to Shimura Danzo, reporting the entire process of Mu Yue’s teaching.

“A very solid training program, but it can’t be said to be special. Is it a matter of ability?” Danzo Shimura fell into thinking.

He was not worried that Mu Yue would not teach seriously. Danzo Shimura was just curious about how Mu Yue would teach.

He had paid attention to what Mu Yue did to train ANBU ninjas, but he had not paid much attention to how Mu Yue trained his disciples.

According to the report content of the root ninja, Shimura Danzo can only say that he is quite satisfactory.

“Test A’s strength in a month. If it doesn’t work, let Muyue change the training plan.” Danzo Shimura thought, he felt that Muyue’s training was a bit too gentle.

In view of Mu Yue’s past teaching achievements, Shimura Danzo chose to believe first and then question.

This is the privilege of the strong. If it were a root ninja, Shimura Danzo would question it first and then question it.

After letting the root ninja monitor him for five days, Shimura Danzo removed the root’s surveillance of Yamato.

There are many roots undergoing training, and the roots are already short of manpower. Danzo Shimura has no spare energy to use the strength of the roots on such meaningless things.


It was another Sunday. Because of the holiday, Mu Yue changed Yamato’s practice time to daytime.

At the same time, Mu Yue also notified other disciples to go to the training ground where he usually teaches Yamato.

“Today is daytime. I wonder if Teacher Muyue will teach for a little longer.” Yamato, who arrived at the training ground early, looked at the rising sun in the sky with some expectation.

The thing that Yamato looks forward to most every day is practicing, to be precise, practicing under Mu Yue’s guidance.

This was the first time that he received Mu Yue’s teachings during the day. The first six days started at half past six and usually ended at half past nine at the latest.

“It would be nice if today was a whole morning.” This is what Yamato hopes to happen most now.

Suddenly, Yamato noticed a figure walking slowly towards the training ground.

Yamato’s expression did not change, because it was definitely not Mu Yue, and that figure was a little taller than him, and in the end it was only a few years older than him.

After the figure got closer, Yamato was even more sure, because the figure’s hair was white.

When the white-haired ninja approached Yamato, he didn’t pay attention. He felt that he might be a Konoha ninja passing by.

Yamato doesn’t care about Kakashi, but Kakashi cares a little about Yamato.

For some reason, he felt that the ninja with long hair and a face protector in front of him looked familiar.

But no matter how Kakashi recalled the faces of familiar ninjas in his mind, he could not find any information related to the ninja in front of him.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Kakashi’s mind, and a figure that did not belong to this time overlapped with the strange ninja in front of him.

Kakashi touched his head and narrowed his eyes slightly, his gaze becoming a little dangerous.

A certain hateful guy took the opportunity to hit his head three times, each time with considerable force.

In order to avoid mistaking the good guy, Kakashi first looked at the long-haired ninja carefully and determined that the long-haired ninja in front of him had many similarities with the Yamato he saw in Loulan.

“Hello, what is your name?” Kakashi asked politely and friendly.

Because Kakashi has a very good attitude and Yamato is good-natured, he answered Kakashi’s question directly.

“I am Yamato.” Yamato replied with a smile on his face.

He always remembers Mu Yue’s words. A is just his code name at the root, and Yamato is his name, which Mu Yue helped him choose.

“I found you.” The kind smile on Kakashi’s face became more intense.

If Obito saw this scene, he would definitely take a few steps back subconsciously. Kakashi usually doesn’t smile, and smiling will definitely do no good.

Yamato is a little confused. He doesn’t know Kakashi. Could it be that he is a ninja that Mu Yue knows?

“What is your relationship with Teacher Muyue now?” Kakashi did not retaliate immediately, but first asked about the relationship between Yamato and Muyue.

He felt that Yamato’s appearance at this training ground was certainly not accidental, and it was very likely that Mu Yue had called him here.

“Teacher Muyue is responsible for guiding me in my cultivation.” Yamato first answered Kakashi’s question, and then asked:

“Are you also a ninja who trained with Teacher Muyue?”

He noticed that Kakashi also called Muyue teacher.

“I am a disciple of Teacher Muyue.” Kakashi did not hide anything and informed Yamato of his relationship with Muyue.

“You just started practicing with Teacher Mu Yue recently, right? I have been practicing with Teacher Mu Yue for more than two years, so I am considered your senior.”

Yamato looked at Kakashi with envy. He didn’t know if his relationship with Mu Yue was considered master and apprentice, and he didn’t know how long he could continue to practice with Mu Yue.

“Kakashi-senpai.” Yamato shouted politely.

Kakashi is older than him and received Muyue’s teachings earlier than him. He is indeed his senior.

The smile on Kakashi’s face became stronger, “Yamato, you know, Teacher Muyue likes diligent students the most. We will start practicing now. Teacher Muyue will definitely be very happy to see that. ”

“So that’s it.” Yamato showed an eager expression.

Mu Yue was so kind to him, Yamato wanted to make Mu Yue happy.

Yamato looked at Kakashi with gratitude, there are still many good people in the world.

“As a senior, let me give you some guidance on your practice.” Kakashi continued.

“Will this trouble you, senior?” Yamato was a little flattered.

“No trouble, no trouble. The disciples living in harmony and helping each other is also a scene that Teacher Muyue is happy to see.” Kakashi waved his hand.

“Then what to do next?” Yamato agreed directly after hearing that it would make Mu Yue happy.

The smile on Kakashi’s face gradually evolved from kind to kind, “It’s very simple. Next, you attack me with all your strength and leave the rest to me.”

The practice battle can not only take revenge, but also find out Yamato’s current strength. It is a win-win situation. He wins twice by himself.

Hearing Kakashi’s words, Yamato couldn’t help but sigh in his heart: “As expected of Teacher Muyue’s disciple, it’s great.”

Although Kakashi asked him to use his full strength, Yamato didn’t know Kakashi’s strength. He was worried that he would hurt Kakashi, so Yamato made a tentative attack first.

After fighting for a few times, Yamato discovered that Kakashi was so strong that he couldn’t even touch the corners of Kakashi’s clothes.


After dodging Yamato’s fist, Kakashi hit Yamato’s head with a knife.

“Punch too slowly, how can you hit someone?” Kakashi pointed out seriously.

Yamato silently kept Kakashi’s words in mind, then feinted with his left fist and threw out his right leg at high speed.

But how could Yamato’s immature physical skills hide from Kakashi’s transparent world? He saw through all Yamato’s movements.

Kakashi dodged it with ease, then punched Yamato in the head with his backhand.

Feeling the touch from his fist, Kakashi felt extremely happy, just like taking a sip of cold soda on a hot summer day, and his whole body was soaring.

Kakashi understands Future Yamato a little bit. It turns out that hitting annoying people on the head is so satisfying. No wonder Future Yamato wants to hit him three times.

“The pace is loose and the foot is weak!” Kakashi continued to comment.

Yamato touched his head with one hand. He felt that Kakashi-senpai’s care was a bit heavy and made him uncomfortable.

At this time, Obito and Shisui, who rarely got up early, arrived at the training ground together.

Looking at Yamato and Kakashi fighting, oh no, it was Yamato being beaten by Kakashi, Obito felt familiar.

“Isn’t this Captain Yamato? How come he hasn’t become so small for several months?” Obito recognized that this was Captain Yamato, the ANBU captain who traveled with Uzumaki Naruto.

“It should be the Yamato of the time we are in, not the Yamato of the future.” Shisui thought for a while and said.

Shisui did not go when he was performing the Dragon Pulse mission and had never seen Yamato. He concluded based on normal logic that the Yamato who was beaten up by Kakashi could not be the Yamato of the ANBU.

“Hey, definitely not. If traveling through time was that simple, Teacher Muyue would definitely be able to take us to the future when we were in Loulan.” Obito chuckled, he just made a casual complaint.

Seeing the arrival of the other disciples, Kakashi stopped fighting. When Muyue arrived at the latest, it was already time to hit him. It would be disrespectful to beat him again.

Just as Kakashi thought, Mu Yue suddenly appeared in front of them at the right time.

“Teacher Mu Yue.” Everyone shouted to Mu Yue with respect.

“Good morning.” Mu Yue smiled and nodded in response.

Metkai temporarily returned to Teacher Chen’s team. Nohara Lin was training with Tsunade, and all the disciples who could come were here.

Then Mu Yue called Yamato to the side and faced the other three disciples.

“He is Yamato, and he will practice with you today.” Mu Yue briefly introduced herself to Yamato, and then winked at the three of them.

Kakashi nodded. He must not talk nonsense about the future ninjas. Even if Muyue didn’t remind Kakashi, he would remind Obito not to tell Yamato about the future.

“I am Uchiha Shisui, please take care of me.” Shisui took the initiative to introduce himself.

“I am Obito Uchiha, follow me and I promise that Kakashi will not be able to bully you again in the future.” Obito patted his chest and said.

Yamato looked at Obito in surprise. Was he being bullied by Kakashi-senpai just now?

Kakashi said nothing, but silently took out a photo of Obito from the Civil War from his ninja bag and raised it to Obito.

Obito looked at Kakashi with angry eyes, but he had to shut his mouth and stop talking. Kakashi’s meaning was obvious. If he continued, he would fill up the main city of Konoha with copies of his photos.

“I am Kakashi Hatake. Don’t listen to that guy Obito’s nonsense. Anyone who knows me knows that I am the most reliable.”

Kakashi touched Yamato’s head with a friendly expression, and then apologized sincerely: “I’m sorry, does it hurt? I may have accidentally used a little force just now.”

“It’s okay, the pain is gone. Kakashi-senpai, you are just giving me guidance.” Yamato thought that he might have mistaken Kakashi-senpai.

After all, Kakashi-senpai also looks very gentle, although not as gentle as Teacher Muyue.

Kakashi looked at Yamato with a smile on his lips. There was still a long time to come, and he would slowly take back those three punches with profit.

“Ahem, since we already know each other, let’s start practicing.” Mu Yue coughed twice.

PS: Recently I have been thinking about whether to write part of the story of Naruto in Another World as a side story in advance.

The plot of Dragon Vein is not completely over, and Naruto will come again in the future, but at that time, Naruto will be close to the four battles in the original work, and there will be many interesting plots.

But that Naruto has been changed by the protagonist after all. I think if I briefly write down the changes in the plot of Naruto with Breath of the Sun, the plot will be smoother and less abrupt.

Also, please give me a monthly pass

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