Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 480: Shisui Pokémon hatches


Chapter 480: The Shisui Pokémon hatches

“So Mu Yue has discovered this Flying Thunder God Kunai a long time ago. What a terrifying insight.” The battlefield suddenly changed again, catching Sarutobi Hiruzen off guard.

He thought Minato’s plan was going to succeed, but he didn’t expect that Mu Yue was actually fishing by taking advantage of his scheme.

“I have to comfort Minato at Mu Yue’s celebration banquet.” Seeing that the battle was completely over, Kushina was already thinking about what to eat at the celebration banquet.

“Sure enough, Teacher Muyue is stronger.” Obito breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly recited several lines in his mind that Muyue Sage is omnipotent to atone for his sins.

He almost thought that the invincible Immortal Mu Yue was going to overturn just now, which was really a sin.

“Muzuki-sensei is so versatile, Minato-sensei is still a little behind.” Kakashi sighed.

He felt that sometimes not knowing the information was a kind of happiness. If Mu Yue’s opponents knew Mu Yue’s information, it would be difficult for them to think of fighting against them.

Feeling something **** his chest, Namikaze Minato, who was holding the chakra ball, looked surprised.

After learning to fly Thunder God, this was the first time he encountered this situation.

The rhythm of the entire battle was entirely controlled by Mu Yue, and even what he thought was his hope of victory was just Mu Yue’s trap.

“Mu Yue, you are so strong.” Namikaze Minato dispersed his chakra and said with a sincere expression.

After becoming proficient in using Flying Thunder God, he rarely felt pressure from ninjas, but today he felt pressure from Mu Yue.

No matter what moves Minato Namikaze used, they did not cause damage to Muyue, but Muyue could always see through his thoughts and actions.

Before the battle, Namikaze Minato didn’t think it was important for the Konoha ninjas to say that they were the strongest new generation. After the battle, Namikaze Minato just wanted to tell them not to take him with them, because Mu Yue was stronger than him.

Namikaze Minato was really confused by the rumors. Before the fight, he didn’t expect that he would be so suppressed. He was suppressed and beaten almost from the beginning to the end.

“Minato, your Flying Thunder God is really fast. I can’t beat you so easily in actual combat.” Mu Yue took back the kunai and said with a smile.

After a real battle with Namikaze Minato, Mu Yue found that Namikaze Minato was indeed difficult to deal with.

Unless Mu Yue directly uses the Thunder Breath Chakra mode at the beginning, then opens the Transparent World and uses the Byakugan, and then cooperates with the Flying Thunder God Technique, Mu Yue may not be able to win Namikaze Minato.

After all, Namikaze Minato is not stupid. After a while, if the situation is not going well, he will definitely use the Flying Thunder God to escape.

Namikaze Minato’s set is very simple, it is a high-proficiency flying thunder **** plus god-level reactions, but it is also really practical.

People who are weaker than Namikaze Minato are easily killed by Namikaze Minato, especially if they don’t know the information.

It would be difficult for someone stronger than Namikaze Minato to kill Namikaze Minato, unless he is stronger than a certain limit.

Minato’s only shortcoming is the lack of effective means of high attack output.

Even if the Rasengan is successfully developed, Minato will basically not be able to impress the Third Raikage, a ninja who is harder than a turtle shell, unless it is fully developed and changes in chakra properties are added.

“The battle is over.” Metkai scratched his head, feeling lonely.

Except for the initial Ninjutsu battle between Mu Yue and Namikaze Minato, which he knew clearly, the rest was basically just a quick dodge between the two and the winner would be decided.

“There is still a long way to go to become stronger, and we need to continue to work hard.” After watching the battle, Shisui prepared to return to the southern forest to practice.

Even Namikaze Minato, who was defeated by Mu Yue, had the strength to kill him instantly. If he wanted to change the future of Uchiha and Mu Yue, he had to continue to become stronger, and as fast as possible. To become stronger, no one knows when the battle that will lead to Mu Yue’s death will come.

The other disciples did not waste time and soon began their own training.

Mu Yue asked the shadow clone to teach the disciples how to practice, and then the main body used Palm Senjutsu to treat Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato then discovered that Mu Yue’s medical ninjutsu seemed to be very good. If he remembered correctly, Mu Yue seemed to have learned the medical ninjutsu two years ago. At that time, Jiraiya introduced Mu Yue to Tsunade’s.

“You really can’t relax. You must seize the time to practice in your free time outside of tasks.” Namikaze Minato thought to himself.

Mu Yue and he are the same age, but Mu Yue can develop in many aspects while ensuring that every ability is mastered. Namikaze Minato thinks that Mu Yue must have been studying hard since he became a ninja until now, so Only then did Mu Yue become what she is today.

Namikaze Minato decided to devote more time to training in the future. People who are better than him have to work harder than him, so what reason does he have for not working hard.

“I originally thought I could give Mu Yue Mi Huan Tai joy, but I didn’t expect Mu Yue that you have almost completed the development of ninjutsu.” Minato brought the topic to the chakra ball Muji ninjutsu.

During the battle, they all used Chakra Ball Muyin Ninjutsu, but Mu Yue was obviously more complete and more powerful.

“It can be considered roughly completed. However, this technique has great potential. It can only be said to be a semi-finished product at the moment. It can also add properties changes.” Mu Yue thought for a while and replied.

If Namikaze Minato can develop a change in the nature of the Rasengan, with Namikaze Minato’s fighting style, it can be said that the upper limit will be increased to a great extent.

“I have had this idea too, but because it hasn’t been completed yet, it’s not as much as you think, Muyue.” Namikaze Minato nodded.

At this stage of development, Minato Namikaze has already thought about the future development process.

Namikaze Minato currently has four types of chakra property changes, among which the Yin attribute is a special chakra property change. Namikaze Minato is not considering developing the Rasengan to the Yin attribute for the time being.

He mainly considered the three properties of wind, fire and thunder.

“For a chakra ball to be stable and powerful, the two most important points are compression and the direction of chakra flow. Enough compression of chakra can increase the penetration, while running chakra in different directions will It can improve the stability of the Rasengan.” Muyue and Namikaze Minato said the core points of the Rasengan.

After speaking, Mu Yue stretched out her right hand and began to condense chakra in the palm of her right hand.

The chakras rotated rapidly in different directions on Mu Yue’s hands to form a chakra ball as big as a head, and then compressed into a chakra ball slightly larger than a palm under Mu Yue’s control.

After listening to Mu Yue’s explanation, Minato stretched out his hand thoughtfully, and soon a chakra ball as big as a head appeared on his palm, and then continued to shrink.

Finally, Minato Namikaze hit the ground, and with a loud bang, a big crater appeared under Minato Namikaze.

“Thank you, Mu Yue.” Minato Namikaze thanked Mu Yue seriously.

Muji Ninjutsu like Rasengan, which is quick to use, is very important to him. Without Muyue, he doesn’t know how long it will take to complete the development.

“Muzuki, what name did you give this ninjutsu?” Namikaze Minato couldn’t help but ask.

He was the first to come up with the idea of ​​this ninjutsu, but in the end it was Mu Yue who completed it first, so Minato Namikaze believed that Mu Yue also had the right to choose the name.

“Minato, what do you think is a good name?” Mu Yue shook her head to express that she had not chosen a name and then asked.

He was a little curious about what weird names Namikaze Minato could think of.

Namikaze Minato put his fist against his chin and looked thoughtful, then his eyes lit up as if he had a wonderful inspiration, and he said confidently:

“Mu Yue inspired to smash the ground and test explosive pills!”

The corner of Mu Yue’s mouth twitched uncontrollably, but it was still as abstract as ever.

“How about you go back and ask Kushina if she has any good ideas?” Mu Yue said tactfully.

He thought it would be better not to let Namikaze Minato choose the name, otherwise it would be too miserable for a good ninjutsu to be looked down upon because of his name.

“Mu Yue, do you think this name is bad?” Namikaze Minato asked unwillingly.

He thinks his name is quite good, it can explain his origin, and he is quite handsome.

“It’s not very good. I can refer to everyone’s ideas.” Seeing Minato Namikaze so confident, Mu Yue couldn’t bear to say it too harshly.

In the end, Namikaze Minato had to go back to find Kushina in disappointment.

But he is still a little unwilling to give up.

“Kushina, I just developed a ninjutsu. Can you help me with my name?” Minato asked tentatively.

“Minato, are you going to choose a name? I think it will definitely be too long and rotten.” Kushina said unceremoniously.

Namikaze Minato’s taste in naming was inversely proportional to Namikaze Minato’s appearance. Kushina was speechless. How could anyone give a ninjutsu a name with such unclear meaning as Spiral Flash Super Ronbu Shōsan Style?

But Bo Feng Shuimen still feels good about himself and can’t stop him.

“This time is different, I feel very good, both in terms of handsomeness and deep meaning.” Namikaze Minato explained quickly.

“Then tell me.” Kushina chose to believe Namikaze Minato for the time being.

Minato condensed chakra on his palm, and a chakra ball quickly formed in Namikaze Minato’s palm.

“Hey, why does this ninjutsu look a bit like a tailed beast jade?” As a nine-tailed jinchuriki, Kushina instantly felt that the ninjutsu used by Namikaze Minato was a bit unusual.

“My initial inspiration for developing this ninjutsu was the jinchuriki’s tailed beast jade.” Namikaze Minato briefly talked about his battle on the Iwagakure battlefield.

“Mu Yue inspired to smash the ground and test explosive pills!”

After the explanation, Namikaze Minato shouted out the name of the ninjutsu with confidence and momentum.

Kushina couldn’t hold it any longer, she even included Mu Yue’s name.

“It’s so long, and so earthy.” Kushina complained with a speechless expression.

Namikaze Minato looked frustrated, wondering why such a good name could not be recognized by Mu Yue and Kushina.


Afternoon, Southern Forest.

After Kakashi practiced swordsmanship for two hours, he sat down to rest and called the rock dog running around.

“Rock! Rock!”

The rock dog was very excited when he heard Kakashi’s call, wagging his big tail and kept circling around Kakashi, looking full of energy.

Kakashi couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth and touched the rock dog’s head.

But then Kakashi discovered a problem. The rock dog’s feet were actually stained with sand.

“Strange, where did the sand from the southern forest come from? Did it go to the park to play?” Kakashi fell into thinking.

Then Kakashi shook his head. They were deep in the southern forest, and the nearest park was far away. If the rock dog obeyed his words, he would definitely not run so far away.

“Maneyan, where did the sand on your feet come from?” Kakashi chose to ask Iwagou directly.

The rock dog showed a high IQ and could understand what he said, but he couldn’t speak it.


After hearing Kakashi’s words, Iwagou condensed his chakra and changed its properties. He put his paw into the ground and pushed. The mud and rocks were transformed into sand under the influence of the change in the properties of earth-attribute chakra, and Iwagou threw it at him. ahead.

Kakashi was shocked, what the hell, just a few days after his birth, the rock dog actually mastered the changes in the properties of earth attribute chakra.

Kakashi knows that Iwago uses chakra, because sometimes when Obito is hit by Iwago, Iwago will use chakra to protect himself.

But Kakashi didn’t expect that the rock dog could even comprehend the changes in nature on its own.

This gave Kakashi a feeling that humans were inferior to dogs. Some ninjas did not start practicing nature changes until they were twelve years old, but Iwa Dog realized the nature changes of earth chakra on his own less than a month after he was born.

After performing Sand Splash, the rock dog looked at Kakashi as if he was begging for praise.

“It’s amazing. I feel like it will help me in battle soon.” Kakashi praised without hesitation.


The rock dog showed a happy expression and rubbed his head against Kakashi’s leg.

“Tch, if you just throw some sand, my ninja beast will definitely be stronger by then.” Obito, who was also resting, secretly complained in his heart while holding his own eggs.

As for why it is unclear, it is of course because the inherently evil rock dog will definitely throw sand at him after hearing it, and then his clothes will be dirty.

Obito wiped the Pokémon egg with his clothes, “You must be a tall, mighty and powerful ninja beast, and then join me in beating up all the nasty white-haired people.”

Just when Obito was imagining whether the egg contained a flying dragon or a tiger, a dazzling white light appeared.

Obito stared expressionlessly at the place where the white light appeared.

If his Pokémon egg hatched, it would not see white light, but would be enveloped in white light.

Obito doesn’t need to think about who it is, because there are only two people whose Pokémon eggs have not hatched yet, one is him and the other is Shisui, and Nohara Lin has not yet become a jounin and has not received the eggs.

The dazzling white light of hatching Pokémon eggs attracted everyone’s attention, and the disciples who were practicing also stopped practicing and looked in the direction of Shisui.

“Another one has hatched. What will it be this time, or will it be a dog?” Kakashi touched the rock dog’s head and looked curiously at the center of the white light.

He is curious about what can be hatched from Pokémon eggs.

As the white light gradually faded, everyone finally saw clearly the appearance of the Pokémon in Shisui’s water.

“Fox…” A strange look flashed across Kakashi’s face. Foxes are also mammals.

But Kakashi soon stopped worrying about this. Ninja beasts are unusual and a bit normal, and if they didn’t hatch out a sword, then Kakashi’s outlook on life would really collapse.

Cavan is a little late, sorry.

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