Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 465: Naruto candidate


Chapter 465 Hokage Candidate

Obito got up early today because he has become a jounin. According to Kakashi’s experience, Mu Yue will give him a jounin gift.

Obito is looking forward to this very much, and he also wants to have a psychic beast with great potential.

At the same time, Obito is a little worried. Muyue said before that he does not have ninja eggs on his hands for the time being, which means that Obito’s Jonin gift may not be a ninja egg, but may also be other gifts.

Although Obito would be happy as long as it was a gift from Mozuki, if Kakashi had something that he didn’t have, Obito would still feel a little uncomfortable.

Watching Mu Yue approaching, Obito cast an expectant look.

When Obito watched Mu Yue walk up to him with empty hands, Obito felt a little uneasy.

Looking left and right, he looked at Mu Yue and it didn’t look like there were Ninja Beast eggs hidden on Mu Yue’s body. After all, the Ninja Beast eggs Mu Yue sent out were quite big, so it was quite difficult to hide them on her body.

Seeing that Obito seemed a little disappointed, Mu Yue took out the ninja beast egg from the system backpack with a thought, and a big egg appeared out of thin air in Mu Yue’s hand.

“Obito, congratulations on becoming a Jonin.” Mu Yue showed a warm smile and handed the Pokémon egg that only Obito could hatch to Obito.

The expression of disappointment on Obito’s face faded, replaced by an expression of indescribable joy.

“Teacher Muyue, thank you for your gift. I will definitely hatch the ninja beast and train him into the strongest psychic beast!” Obito said excitedly, clenching his fists.

Although he said “nothing more than that” and “I don’t like psychic beasts very much” before, these were just words made out of anger and were not Obito’s true thoughts.

The protagonist of ninja novels usually has a fierce and handsome psychic beast, usually a tiger or a lion or a flying dragon. Obito also wanted to have a handsome and fierce psychic beast like the protagonist of the novel.

“Yes, I believe it.” Mu Yue smiled and nodded.

[You gave your disciple a Pokémon egg, and because the disciple was very grateful for the big critical hit, you received the reward—Water Release and Sky Cry (Mastery Level)]

As the reward information popped up, a large number of training experiences related to Tianqi appeared in Mu Yue’s mind.

Actually, Tianqi Muyue has encountered it before in class, but only twice, so the proficiency is still at the beginning. Now I have mastered it directly, which is not bad.

Different from water escape ninjutsu like Water Dragon Bullet, Tianqi is a water escape technique that uses point-breaking surface. Its main focus is fast speed and high penetrating power, and it is difficult to detect because of its body shape like a thin needle.

Holding the hard-earned ninja beast egg in his arms, Obito couldn’t help but smile. He was imagining how tall and powerful the ninja beast would be when his ninja beast egg hatched.

Until Kakashi Shisui and the others arrived, Obito was still holding the ninja egg happily.

Kakashi walked past Obito with an indifferent expression. He obtained the ninja beast eggs earlier than Obito, and the ninja beasts hatched out.

“Kakashi, how did you know that I was promoted to Jonin?” Obito couldn’t help but said after seeing Kakashi.


Who asked you?

“It’s not unusual to be promoted to Jonin. Look at Shisui, he became a Jonin at the age of eight. This is something worth mentioning.” Kakashi said unceremoniously.

Because the Wu Xiang sword was too difficult, Kakashi never made any progress. Originally, he wanted to concentrate on practicing and ignore other things. Since Obito wanted to make himself miserable, Kakashi would not be polite.

“Uh, Shisui…” Obito was speechless, and for a moment he didn’t know how to refute.

It stands to reason that he is the youngest person in Konoha to become a Jonin at the age of ten, but it is indeed a little less interesting than Shisui’s eight-year-old.

“If you are too idle, practice more, otherwise you will not be able to advance to the second round of the next civil war. Shisui has also mastered the Breath of Fire Chakra mode.” After Kakashi said this, he entered the state and started practicing.

He didn’t say this just for Qi Obito. Shisui’s breakthrough did put a lot of pressure on him.

Kakashi believes that if the civil war among his disciples begins immediately, he is not 100% sure of defeating any one of them.

Metkai is an opponent that he will definitely not be able to defeat, and Kakashi is not very sure about Shisui and Obito as his opponents.

Kakashi felt that he would have a better chance of winning against Obito than against Shisui.

Obito was speechless while holding the egg. Kakashi had finished telling him both good and bad things, and he couldn’t even refute anything.

“Then now Shisui knows one more weapon color than me.” Obito held the egg in his right hand and scratched his head with his left hand.

Although Obito’s Breath of Fire is still stronger, it is not strong enough to make up for the gap of an armed color secret technique.

The only thing that makes Obito happy is that they have limited chakra now. If Shisui uses the Breath of Fire chakra mode in battle, it will be difficult to retain chakra to use the weapon color.

If Shisui uses the weapon color first, the fire escape that can be released in the Breath of Fire Chakra mode will be less.

Obito could only reluctantly put the ninja egg in a safe place and start training.

It is really painful to be at the bottom of the civil war. Not only is it a matter of face, the punishment is also hard for Obito to accept.

The practice lasted until 5:30 in the afternoon.

At six o’clock in the afternoon, when Mu Yue was preparing to eat, there was a knock on his door.

Mu Yue did not open the door directly. He opened his eyes and looked at the door, and found that the person knocking on the door was actually Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Mo Yue then walked to the door at a normal speed and opened the door. When she saw Sarutobi Hiruzen, she made a surprised expression, as if she was surprised why the third-generation Hokage, who had everything to do with everything, appeared at his door.

“Sandaime-sama, please come in.” Mu Yue reacted and quickly invited Sarutobi Hiruzen in.

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw the steaming dishes on the meal and smiled apologetically and said, “I’m so sorry. It seems that I disturbed Mu Yue while you enjoyed your dinner.”

“No problem, Sandaime-sama, have you eaten?” Mu Yue played the classic starting card.

“Not yet. There are a lot of things that need to be dealt with recently. I just left the Hokage Building.” Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head.

“If I had time, I would have called Mu Yue, the great hero of the East Coast battlefield, to the Hokage Building to have a chat.” Sarutobi Hiruzen used a joke to point out his importance to Mu Yue.

“Nowhere, Master Orochimaru is the real hero on the east coast battlefield.” Mu Yue said seriously.

Sarutobi Hiruzen’s words sounded nice, but he couldn’t accept them all. The one who deserved the most credit must be the commander with the highest position.

“Sandaime-sama, if you don’t mind, would you like to have dinner with me? I know a thing or two about cooking.”

“Then I’ll have to look forward to your craftsmanship, Mu Yue.” Sarutobi Hiruzen agreed with a smile.

There were many reasons why he chose to come to Muyue’s house in person, one of which was to make Muyue feel better about him.

In the past, Sarutobi Hiruzen’s image to Mu Yue was more of a good Hokage and a good teacher. Today, he is going to let go of his identity and become Mu Yue’s ordinary elder. Having dinner together is a good start.

Of course Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn’t agree to eat just because Mu Yue knew a thing or two about cooking. He was the Hokage of the Five Ninja Villages and had never tasted any delicacies.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was indeed very busy during the war, but even the ninja world did not fight wars every year. During peacetime, Hokage’s life was very nourishing.

The unfazed Sarutobi Hiruzen’s expression changed after he took the first bite of fried meat.

With Sarutobi Hiruzen’s rich vocabulary, he didn’t even know what words to use to describe such delicious food. In a trance, he seemed to be a wild beast running on the prairie, and a sense of unfettered freedom surrounded his heart.

When he came back to his senses, the way Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Mu Yue changed.

Had it not been for his extremely terrifying ninjutsu skills, Sarutobi Hiruzen would have thought that he had been possessed by a genjutsu.

But he knew very well that he had not been hit by any ninjutsu just now, and the immersive feeling was entirely an illusion caused by the food being too delicious.

“Muyue, you should change your shortcomings. This is not just a matter of knowledge, but it is unparalleled in the world.” Hiruzen Sarutobi sighed after recalling the indescribable deliciousness just now.

He retracted his preamble, Sarutobi Hiruzen had never tasted such delicacies before, a dish could actually have such a magical effect.

“Sandaime-sama, you are ridiculous. The ninja world is so big. The term “unparalleled” is too exaggerated.” Muyue said modestly.

“You, it would be nice if Jiraiya could reconcile with you.” Hiruzen Sarutobi showed a helpless smile, and then unconsciously moved his hands to the dishes on another plate.

Next, Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to have entered the world of gourmet food, and did not bring up any topics other than cooking before finishing the meal.

After eating, Hiruzen Sarutobi remembered his purpose.

“It’s good to chat in this kind of environment. If it were in the Hokage’s office, there wouldn’t even be a place for you to sit, Muyue.” Sarutobi Hiruzen said jokingly.

“Mu Yue, please relax. I’m not discussing any big things with you. Just treat me as an ordinary elder in the family. Let’s have a casual chat.”

The expression on Mu Yue’s face softened a lot, and she seemed to be moved by Sarutobi Hiruzen’s words.

“Asma has been practicing pretty hard recently, and has learned a lot of wind and fire escapes…”

Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to really just want to chat with Mu Yue about some domestic matters, and talked about Asuma’s training.

“Asuma, that kid, has always worked hard. Although Asuma usually seems a bit rebellious and disrespectful of you, Sandaime-sama, in fact, he always wants your recognition in his heart.”

Mu Yue followed Sarutobi Hiruzen’s words and helped them adjust the relationship between father and son.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed slightly. He has been the Hokage for so many years. Can’t he still see his son’s thoughts? But sometimes Sarutobi Hiruzen is worried that Asuma will be complacent and then treat Lower your own expectations.

Next, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Mu Yue talked about a lot, ranging from Asuma and the work of the ninja school to the situation on the battlefield and the situation in the ninja world.

“Muyue, which ninja do you think is the most qualified to become the Fourth Hokage?” Hiruzen Sarutobi suddenly asked.

After all, Mu Yue is a ninja born at the root. Although Mu Yue should prefer the life of a ninja school teacher and an ordinary ninja based on Sarutobi Hiruzen’s observation, he knows a little about the training that a ninja at the root has undergone.

Sarutobi Hiruzen cannot rule out that Shimura Danzo used this to let Mu Yue support Orochimaru to become Hokage.

Before Mu Yue went to the east coast battlefield, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not worry about this, but now Mu Yue has become the second Namikaze Minato. Not only is he powerful, but he also has considerable influence in Konoha.

Coupled with the power of Shimura Danzo and Orochimaru themselves, Sarutobi Hiruzen is worried that continued development will lead to things he does not want to see happen when the fourth generation Hokage is elected.

Mu Yue looked thoughtful, as if she was carefully choosing the candidate in her mind.

“I think Lord Orochimaru, Lord Jiraiya, and Lord Tsunade are all qualified to become the fourth generation.” Mu Yue seemed to be having trouble making a choice.

In fact, the best answer to this kind of thing is to say that the matter is serious and does not deserve to be evaluated. However, Sarutobi Hiruzen had already said to chat casually before, so Mu Yue would not be able to politely refuse like this.

Sarutobi Hiruzen almost laughed when he heard Mu Yue’s words. He asked which ninja, but Mu Yue said three in one breath, referring to all three of his disciples.

However, Hiruzen Sarutobi has achieved his goal. Since Mu Yue has this political wisdom, he should not be deceived by Danzo Shimura into supporting Orochimaru.

“Then what qualities do they have that make Mu Yue think they are qualified to become the fourth generation.” Sarutobi Hiruzen continued to ask.

As long as Mu Yue doesn’t talk nonsense, Sarutobi Hiruzen can feel a little bit of Mu Yue’s specific bias from Mu Yue’s mouth.

“Jiraiya-sama is very powerful, he has made great achievements for Konoha on the battlefield, and he is kind…” Mu Yue praised all the three ninjas without changing her expression.

Mu Yue doesn’t want to get involved in the war of Hokage. Let whoever Sarutobi Hiruzen wants to be the leader should be the leader. Mu Yue just wants to get more rewards to increase her strength.

Who becomes the Hokage does not make much difference to Mu Yue, because Mu Yue has a good relationship with them.

Tsunade and Mugetsu are both teachers and friends. Jiraiya sees Mugetsu as an excellent ninja similar to Namikaze Minato. Orochimaru is optimistic about Mugetsu and wants to train him as a confidant. Namikaze Minato is Mugetsu’s best friend. .

No matter who becomes Hokage, it will not have a negative impact on Mu Yue.

Even if Shimura Danzo becomes Hokage, it will only be beneficial to Mu Yue, because from Shimura Danzo’s perspective, Mu Yue is still his capable subordinate.

“They have the advantages you mentioned, but they also have a lot of shortcomings.” Sarutobi Hiruzen didn’t know whether Mu Yue had no bias or was worried about offending others by saying the wrong thing. He didn’t feel that Mu Yue would be biased towards someone at all.

Mu Yue did not answer this sentence. As a teacher, Hiruzen Sarutobi had nothing wrong with him. How could he, a rising star, follow his predecessors who had become famous in the ninja world during World War II.

Next, Sarutobi Hiruzen stopped talking about Naruto, and instead chatted with Mu Yue about his training, and explained his experience in practicing combined ninjutsu.

“Muyue, if you are free, please take some time to give Asuma some advice. This child will recognize you.” Sarutobi Hiruzen said before leaving.

“Tomorrow I will go over to test his cultivation results.” Mu Yue nodded and replied.

Although there is no reward, Asma can be regarded as half a disciple of Mu Yue, and Mu Yue will teach her as much as possible when she has time.

But what Mu Yue didn’t expect was that not long after Sarutobi Hiruzen left, the root information came.



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