Ninja School Teacher, I Can Become Stronger by Teaching Chapter 464: Obito’s rewards for being promoted to Jonin


Chapter 464 Reward for Obito’s Promotion to Jonin

[Disciple Uchiha Obito worked hard to accumulate merit and was promoted to Jonin, and received rewards: Chakra +2400, item extraction scroll, unknown Pokémon eggs (only Uchiha Obito can hatch)]

On the way home, Mu Yue passed by a clear river and washed her hands in the river, then clicked to draw.

[The item extraction scroll has been used, and the reward was obtained – Unknown Pokémon Egg]

Mu Yue was slightly stunned when he saw the extraction information. He did not expect that Obito actually contributed two Pokémon eggs to a mission, and the ones he drew were not locked like system rewards.

Mu Yue thought she would draw items related to Obito’s abilities.

“Then let’s give it to Xiao Lin when she is promoted to a formal Jonin.” Mu Yue thought to herself.

Other disciples have it, but Nohara Lin doesn’t, which is really embarrassing.

If the system does not reward, Mu Yue has nothing to do. After all, it is impossible for him to conjure a Pokémon egg out of thin air and give it to Nohara Lin as a gift.

Since the system gave two, Mu Yue must give one to Nohara Lin.

Although Nohara Lin can sign a contract with Shigulin to summon slugs, there can never be too many good psychic beasts, and ninjas can sign contracts with multiple psychic beasts.

And compared to slugs, Pokémon basically have strong combat abilities, which can make up for some of Nohara Rin’s weaknesses in combat abilities.

The only one who suffered was Obito, and the reward became Nohara Rin’s.

However, Mu Yue guessed that Obito would be quite happy if he knew everything. After all, Nohara Rin’s safety would be more guaranteed this way.

When Mu Yue returned home, she found a letter in the mailbox from Minato Namikaze.

Mu Yue sat in the living room and opened the envelope to look at it.

“In this early winter, I am very excited after hearing about Mu Yue’s deeds on the battlefield on the east coast. The enemies who invaded our country were finally driven out of the country. With the blessing of this warm blood, the cold winter wind hit the The heat in the body cannot be subsided.”

Mu Yue nodded slightly. This was exactly the effect Hiruzen Sarutobi wanted to achieve through publicity, which was to boost the morale of other Konoha ninjas on the battlefield.

“Since Loulan parted ways, roughly calculating the time, we haven’t seen each other for more than half a year. A few months ago, I returned to Konoha to rest for a while, but it was a pity that you, Muyue, were on the battlefield on the east coast at that time. ”

The last six months have been a difficult period for Konoha since the war began. Kirigakure landed and invaded the mainland, and the Fire Country daimyo put pressure on them. It was difficult for the more powerful ninjas to be idle.

“Probably because of the intense fighting between Kumogakure and Sunagakure, there haven’t been many wars in the battlefield of Yuno Country where I am now. Maybe I will go back to Konoha in two or three months. I hope that we will all be there by then. Don’t be too busy and have a chance to meet.”

Namikaze Minato then briefly talked about his current situation and some things that happened on the battlefield in Yuno Country.

“If Muyue returns to Konoha and has time, please help take care of Kushina. She likes your cooking so much. She hasn’t tasted your cooking, Muyue for so long. I’m afraid it’s time. To the point where I will miss you in my dreams.”

Seeing Mu Yue’s subtle expression at the end, Namikaze Minato really loved Kushina deeply, even though he was still worried about Kushina’s daily life on the battlefield.

After Mu Yue put away the letter, she tidied up the house, then went out and opened her eyes to see if she could run into Kushina on the street.

Mu Yue cannot take the initiative to contact Kushina. In the past, Kushina would pass information to Mu Yue through the ANBU.

But Mu Yue couldn’t be sure whether Kushina would know the news of his return to Konoha immediately, so Mu Yue chose to meet her on the street first.

Because of the Kyuubi, there is not much room for Kushina to move around. With Mu Yue’s ability to roll his eyes, Mu Yue can encounter Kushina by chance as long as she is walking outside.

If Kushina happened to not come out on this day, then Mu Yue could only go to Hiruzen Sarutobi and ask Sarutobi Hiruzen if he had any news about the “missing” Kushina.

Although it’s a bit convoluted, there’s nothing you can do about it, because Mo Yue doesn’t know the identity of Kushina’s Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

Mu Yue was lucky. Kushina went shopping today. Judging from the shape of her mouth, she seemed to be humming a tune while shopping. She seemed to be in a good mood.

Mo Yue thought for a moment and slowly approached Kushina as if he were wandering around. It was reasonable for a ninja who had just come off the battlefield to go shopping and relax.

“Muyue, long time no see, I actually bumped into you.” When Muyue was more than ten meters away from Kushina, Kushina saw the familiar blond figure and immediately smiled and waved.

“Long time no see.” Mu Yue responded with just the right amount of surprise, and then walked in the direction of Kushina.

Kushina trotted up to Mu Yue, patted Mu Yue on the shoulder and said proudly:

“A few days ago, I read the newspapers promoting your military exploits, and I guessed that you would go back to Konoha. I thought I might bump into you while walking around, but I actually did.”

“I’m awesome, if it were Minato, he might not have thought of this.” Kushina put her hands on her hips and smiled triumphantly.

“Awesome.” Mu Yue nodded in praise. Kushina could imagine that this step was indeed not easy.

“Mu Yue, you are quite powerful. I didn’t expect you to be so strong. You actually killed a Jinchuuriki, which scared me.” Kushina gave Mu Yue a thumbs up.

As a Nine-Tailed Jinchuriki, Kushina is well aware of the terror of tailed beasts. Even becoming a Jinchuriki is not easy for her. It must be extremely dangerous to fight a complete tailed beast.

In the past, Mu Yue had three main impressions on Kushina.

First, he teaches very well and is recognized by Hiruzen Sarutobi as having made great contributions in the field of education.

The second is a good friend with a gentle personality, and he is an excellent cook.

The third is a disciple who is very talented in sealing arts, and can compare with her in terms of talent in sealing arts.

Kushina was once worried that Mu Yue would lose her life in this chaotic situation. She was very serious every time she taught Mu Yue the sealing technique, hoping to improve Mu Yue’s ability to deal with crises.

But in recent times, Mu Yue has created a new impression on Kushina, a strong ninja who can kill everyone on the battlefield.

“Recently, your prestige has even surpassed that of Minato. If I hadn’t read the newspaper bought by the ANBU, I would have thought there was a ninja with the same name as you but with the surname Lieyang. Nowadays, many people in Konoha often discuss what The blazing sun shines on the moon,” Kushina complained.

Maybe Lieyang Muyue wants to hear it more smoothly. Generally, few people call Muyue by her full name, so they just add the title without the surname.

Mu Yue and Kushina were chatting and walking, and finally walked to the restaurant where he had cooked for Kushina unknowingly.

“This store is still open.” Kushina looked at the store’s sign and some memories came to her mind.

She had just become the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki not long ago, and she met Mu Yue while wandering around. Finally, Mu Yue chose a restaurant that was not doing well and borrowed the kitchen to cook for her.

Kushina remembers it very clearly, because the Nine-Tails chakra made her irritable at that time, and Minato went out to perform tasks again, which made Kushina even more irritated. It was the extremely delicious food that made her temporarily forget her troubles.

“And the business seems to be very good.” Mu Yue looked at it and said.

Compared with the deserted place before, the restaurant now looks very lively and the seats are full of people.

Kushina turned around and wanted to leave. If the business was so good, she wouldn’t borrow the kitchen, and Kushina didn’t want to disturb the other party’s business.

“Lord Mu Yue!” When the boss saw Mu Yue, his eyes lit up and he shouted.

When the restaurant owner called the restaurant like this, everyone in the restaurant looked at Mu Yue. Now Mu Yue’s reputation in Konoha is very big. Even ordinary people know his deeds and know that there is a ninja in Konoha. A strong man named Hanyu Mozuki.

The ninjas in the restaurant all called out to Master Muyue with respect on their faces.

Mu Yue played a huge role in the battlefield on the east coast. Their ability to stay at the rear with peace of mind was the result of the efforts of ninjas like Mu Yue, so they respected strong men like Mu Yue from the bottom of their hearts.

Mu Yue responded with a smile one by one.

The restaurant owner ran to Mu Yue and said gratefully:

“Thank you so much. If I hadn’t felt the secret of cooking from your cooking, I’m afraid my restaurant would have closed down due to poor business.”

The restaurant owner once tasted Mu Yue’s cooking and in exchange for the temporary use of the kitchen, the restaurant owner still cannot forget the taste.

Although many people now praise his cooking skills, the restaurant owner still believes that he has not reached one percent of Mu Yue’s level.

“No need to thank you, these are your own efforts.” Mu Yue shook her head and replied.

Chef skills cannot help people who eat food improve their cooking skills. The main thing is that the restaurant owner has developed something himself.

“You are too modest.” The restaurant owner looked at Kushina who was silent next to him, and then took the initiative to ask:

“Do you still want to borrow the kitchen? I can borrow it at any time.”

“You should be very busy here, so we won’t disturb you.” Mu Yue declined the restaurant owner’s kindness.

It is the peak dining period in the restaurant now. His borrowing will take a lot of time. I am afraid that some customers will be dissatisfied. Konoha is not the only place where cooking can be done. Mu Yue feels that it is unnecessary.

“Don’t bother me. I have a small kitchen here that I don’t use much. I usually only use it when I study cooking. Today I just put a batch of fresh ingredients in it.” The restaurant owner explained.

Mu Yue glanced at Kushina with her peripheral vision. Kushina hesitated to speak and finally closed her mouth.

“Then I’ll trouble you.” Mu Yue saw that the restaurant owner had mentioned this and nodded in agreement.

Since it will not affect the restaurant business, Mu Yue has no reason to refuse the restaurant owner’s kindness, and Kushina seems to be in a hurry to eat.

The restaurant owner took Mu Yue and Kushina into the small kitchen and left. Mu Yue glanced at the ingredients and quickly thought of what to cook.

Kushina was not too embarrassed to be a freeloader, so she took the initiative to help Mu Yue.

Kushina could hardly help but shed tears as she watched the ingredients gradually turn into delicacies with full color, fragrance and flavor under Mu Yue’s treatment.

“Boiled pork, squirrel mandarin fish…” Kushina looked at the completed dishes with longing eyes.

She also dreamed of eating the braised pork with pickled vegetables made by Mu Yue yesterday.

Muyue didn’t let Kushina wait for too long. She stopped when she felt it was almost done, and started cooking with Kushina in the small kitchen.

“I’m starting.” Although the environment was not an ordinary dining environment, Kushina still said it with a sense of ceremony.

When Kushina picked up a piece of meat and put it into her mouth to chew, Kushina couldn’t help but reveal a happy smile on her face.

In a trance, Kushina seemed to have gone to a world of freedom, and an extremely happy feeling came to her heart.

At this moment Kushina just wanted to say “I’m back, I’m all back”.

Kushina then picked up a chopstick for each dish and savored the taste carefully. Then she showed her true cooking skills and quickly destroyed the food in front of her like a wind and a lingering cloud.

“Uh-huh, it’s so delicious. Compared with Muyue’s cooking, the rice Anbu bought for me is simply inedible.” Kushina almost shed tears of emotion.

Sometimes Kushina wonders why there is no long-distance teleportation ninjutsu so that she can get Muyue’s food on the battlefield.

But Kushina just thought about how she could bother Mu Yue to spend her energy cooking for her in an environment like the battlefield.

“It’s a pity that Minato isn’t here, and he hasn’t had any of your food, Mozuki, for a long time.” Kushina thought of Minato Namikaze who was far away in the Country of Yu.

Although she is very happy now, Kushina thinks that the happiest time is when the three of them eat and chat together.

“You guys are in tune with each other.” Mu Yue said teasingly.

“Minato sent me a letter. In the letter, he asked me to cook you a meal if I return to Konoha. He said that if you haven’t eaten for so long, you must have wanted to eat it until you dream about it.”

“What? Why do I seem to be a person who only thinks about eating? I think Minato is dreaming about it.” Kushina said in a panic with a slightly red cheek.

Kushina was a little panicked because she really dreamed about it yesterday.

Kushina now feels as embarrassed as a child’s secret fantasies being exposed.

“Maybe.” Mu Yue smiled and did not continue to extend the topic.

“Let’s go for a walk. We need to digest after eating. By the way, I’ll test whether you have studied sealing techniques seriously recently.” Kushina quickly changed the subject.

Mu Yue nodded in agreement, and then the two of them walked to the park pavilion. Kushina asked several questions about Mu Yue’s more advanced sealing technique knowledge.

Mu Yue’s performance exceeded Kushina’s expectations. Mu Yue answered all Kushina’s questions calmly, completely unlike a ninja who had only learned the sealing technique for more than two years.

“Mu Yue, you must be very tired at ordinary times. You have to exercise and spend a lot of time learning sealing techniques.” Kushina thought Mu Yue was the result of spending a lot of time studying hard.

“It’s okay.” Mu Yue replied.

He did spend a lot of time on the sealing technique, but other aspects of training were actually not what Kushina thought. Most of them were directly added by the system.

Kushina then taught Mu Yue some knowledge of sealing techniques. She had a feeling that maybe she wouldn’t be able to teach Mu Yue before long. Mu Yue was really talented and hardworking.

When they finally parted, Mu Yue asked Kushina to go directly to the ninja to inform him if she wanted to have a hot meal.

The next morning, Mu Yue went to the southern forest and saw Obito standing there expectantly.



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